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Bugs especially the ability delay- but that's more than a 'bug'. I want a proper LFG tool because with all the sharding it feels 'dead'. I want it to feel like an MMO. But I will wait a year if need be for that if they will focus on the ability delay and unresponsiveness first and bugs. THhose are too important long term.
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Love all these ideas! Especially


* More huttball arena's

* Cross faction for huttball thought that was a great idea and would totally balance stuff out

* Space combat pvp

* Customization ship/ui

* Barber shop

* Guild ship

* More community stuffs guild lvling, bank, guild challenges, and so forth

* LFG tool to queue with random people for flashpoints

* More cantina music and the ability for the music to follow you throughout lvling to have the cantina music change your game music basically, and cut in and out for voice vids.

* Power Aura's

* Random space missions between planet flights like ship getting over run by pirates or finding a alien ship or something random with a 1/10 chance of happening between flights

* More Rares - pet drops, mounts, enemies, datacrons, acheives, titles, seems like there arent any rare's in game or they are soo rare i havent seen any or heard of any!

* An achievement window with a tracker the more ach the better gives people more to do at 50 go back and get all the ach and titles as well as pets, mounts, rp gear, and so on.



lots of great idea i'd like to see the dev's take notice of and try and bring to life.

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- being able to name your ship


so that everyone sees this name when they hover the mouse over it during flight or otherwise(if and when pvp ship battles happen) and also so-





- holo communications between ships



connecting to another ai and players ship ship via holo cam, and having either serious or funny pointless options to do like ''dance'' or '' leap in the air''





- option to change your allys name to anything

Edited by ekosdarid
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Fix auto-follow. It doesn't work for squat.


If you follow someone; the follower will often 'lag out' and begin running in place. It's a pain in the *** when your friend says "I'm on follow, brb to get a drink!' - and he lags out in the middle of a ton of wandering mobs....

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- being able to name your ship


so that everyone sees this name when they hover the mouse over it during flight or otherwise(if and when pvp ship battles happen) and also so-

What game are you playing? Where do you ever see a ship fly by?

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Don´t put the "mount training" on class trainers.

I accidentally bought rank 2, now don't have credits for my spells, since was lvling all the professions possible and already bought aditional bag space. Already tried call for help opening a ticket but nothing yet.

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Guild UI:


Would like to invite and whisper from within the guild UI. Guild Description that displays the full message (currently we see a truncated version of this, at least in OUR guild UI).


Guild Log/Activity.


Wish List:

Go a step Beyond WoW - let us schedule Guild Message of the Days, or have a few different ones rotate through.


Allow Guild Members to use their Guild rank as their title and/or have Guild related titles.

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I would like to see the following things fixed or added to the game :


* Smoother character / mount movement when turning corners. It all looks a bit... chunky. not smooth.

* Increased draw distance. people with high end rigs have their computers idling , I can see grass pop up in front of me that I last saw in games 10 years ago.


* There is still no difference between medium texture quality and high. I have tested this. after patch I switched my setting from high to low, got a loading screen, and saw difference. then i switched from low to medium. loading screen again, and improved visuals.. then I switched to high , and nothing. No loading screen , and no difference.


* Add decent Anti-aliasing support!

* Engine tweaks to optimize framerate in high-population areas

* Sometime voice acting bugs up and the characters in a conversation won't move their lips

* Occasional graphical glitches on latest drivers. ranging from texture errors to bright colors flashing on the ground

* Release UI controls. we need more customizable frames and actionbars.

* Dungeon finder anyone?

* Release auction house controls.. Why do I have to set catagory and item slot BEFORE i can search the auction house? Why would I want to do that if I just want a price check on a item that I want to sell?

* Game feels dead in some areas. you see npc's around but when you mouse-over them you can't select them. they dont talk, just stand there like statues. give them something to do.. it adds SO much ambience.

* NPC's in social hubs or space stations that stand in doorways - make them usable, let them give directions.. something. it's eerie that they just stand there doing nothing.

* For the love of pete... what's with all the running? for example.. if you have finished the Black Talon flashpoint , you have to run *all the way* back.. or you can use your stone, bu that has a seriously long cooldown.. perhaps something in between?

* You can only add someone to your friends list if they are online. really? this needs adressing badly...


Otherwise, i'd like to compliment Bioware on a excellent game and a strong foothold in the MMO universe. you guys did a fantastic job , the game is awesome to play. and I would like to thank the topic starter for all his trouble.

Edited by fredspekvet
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So many greens so little time with the AH only having a 50 item max im filling my bags and bank with greens make them so we can disassemble all not just some or something i feel bad for vendoring so many greens cause i dont have space and they arent selling
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I know this should be towards the back of the list of things to add/change but I would like to see it nonetheless...


I just watched a handful of the Star Wars movies and I noticed just how much there is a current lack in variety to the Personal Vehicles/Mounts in the game. There's only Hoverbikes, Speederbikes, and Landspeeders. Yet in the movies, old and new, there are all kinds of different mech constructs, vehicles, and even beast mounts they ride around on.


I am aware of what Damion Schuber, Lead Systems Designer on SWTOR said at E3, "Gamespot: We also understand that the team is ready to talk about personal mounts. What kind of mounts will players be able to commission? Any iconic Star Wars animal mounts, such as tauntauns or banthas? Any iconic vehicles like the speeder bikes we've already seen used for fast travel? Give us some specific examples. What purpose will mounts serve other than looking cool and helping players travel more quickly? Will some mounts have combat applications or provide specific bonuses, for instance?


Damion Schubert: Initially, we're just going with vehicles instead of animal mounts, although we definitely hope to get to the animals post-launch. We felt that, given a choice between the two, being on a vehicle felt more like Star Wars. The vehicles tend to be reminiscent of vehicles you've seen in the films, although it's a balancing act. As a designer, you want to be sure that the vehicles graduate in speed but also that the vehicles look appropriate for the speed at which they're travelling. "


I understand why they did it these way, at least at launch, but not including some of these iconic beasts/vehicles that we've all seen from the movies is a mistake. There's so much more in the Star Wars universe that they could have included, but instead just stale plain speeder bikes. Boring... Though he did say they likely will see them brought in post launch so maybe it's there plan to include them in an expansion?


Anyhow, I don't really care for the speeder bikes-only approach because they A) All pretty much look the same. B) They already use them for the transport service taxi routes and C) To me your personal mount is not just about going faster. It's about customization and style while doing so. More about what looks cool to the player. I'de gladly take a walking mech or beast and travel slower (80% movement speed instead of 100%+ with the bikes) just because it would be unique looking and cooler IMO. I do think they are missing out on the coolness factor with their mounts.


My suggestion: They could bring in some new mounts, both beast and vehicle alike, and require you to do quests and earn commendations to buy them or just have them be rare drops off bosses in flashpoints.


They could also even make some planet specific. Maybe they could allow you to rent a temporary mount on specific planets for a set fee. You pay the credits and you have the mount as long as you stay on the planet but if you leave it's automatically taken from you. This would be a very cool idea for a planet like Hoth with the Tauntauns. If they added in Utapau they could bring in the Varactyl in this manner as well. The Varactyl mounts could even keep the movement speed bonus that speeder bikes have because they can apparently keep up with vehicles from when we saw Obi-Wan Kenobi used a particularly swift and loyal varactyl named Boga to chase down General Grievous in his wheel bike. Besides they just look cool as a beast mount.


Lastly I would like to see some different vehicles brought in. Specifically some Walkers (Mechs). The Walkers like the AT-RT a smaller version of the popular [:csw_atst:]AT-ST looking ones would be a perfect addition.


You've seen these in Revenge of the Sith towards the end of the movie (after the Order 66 scenes) there's a short scene with Clones in modified one-man AT-ST's called AT-RT's or one man walker transport mechs that would be perfect addition for SWTOR. Being smaller one man machines means they and weren't as bulky and more nimble means they could move faster. They would be perfect for personal vehicle mounts in SWTOR. Don't even need to make them have slower movement speeds than current speeder bikes either. Just something different and something cool looking.


I also think adding in a rare vehicle mount like the wheel bike General Grievous rides around on in the same movie would also be pretty cool. They could make it so that it's a very rare drop on some boss or cost an extreme amount of commendations but the price should be for a reason, they should make it the fastest mount in the game or something so it's something to work towards.


They also need multiple player mount options like the mammoths from WoW, yes I know I tried not mentioning it in my post but it's the best example. Even if it's just two player Swoop Bikes it would be awesome to be able to have a friendly board your bike with you and travel around.


So hopefully when they come out with expansion(s) they will include some new mounts.

Edited by xCipher
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Social Skills/Ideas!!!!


The game needs more reasons to socialize. This MMO is too focused on Combat and sometimes people need to unwind. When you reach level 50 got all that epic loot and PvP gear whats there to do? Well, socialize. Give reasons to put people in Cantinas, give reasons to gather for events. Here are some ideas.




Put this game in!!!! Nolstalgia city! And make it deep enough to encourage continuous play including rare cards and gambling!!!



Dance/Musican skills


Im an SWG vet and I think this was one of the coolest classes in that game. Of course it can be converted into a simpler skill seperate from Crafting, but it should be deep enough and open enough for creativity. To encourage it, watching musican and dancers should give you unique buffs depending on dances and songs playing. Grouping encourages more specific buffs.


Create Dance/Musican missions to perform in cantinas via Guitar Hero/Dance Dance Revolution style (But on a keyboard of course). In SWG, this was the ultimate way to get Casuals and Hardcores to depend on eachother.


Cutomize and Race Swoop Bikes!!


Im disappointed in the fact that Swoops and Speeders are reduced to simple mount/Travel Powers. I would like to see Vehicles become something more, something you can customize, personalize. Not just the color but the speed, shields, maybe even weapons. the possibilities are endless. This would open up a new social gathering. Swoop Racing!!! Being able to attack from swoops would make things interesting (Star Wars Episode VI Return of the jedi, Endor scene?) And dont' make it static like your poor Star Fox rip off please.


I have a lot of other ideas i'd like to share based on my experience so far i'll brign up later on.

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Social Skills/Ideas!!!!


The game needs more reasons to socialize. This MMO is too focused on Combat and sometimes people need to unwind. When you reach level 50 got all that epic loot and PvP gear whats there to do? Well, socialize. Give reasons to put people in Cantinas, give reasons to gather for events. Here are some ideas.




Put this game in!!!! Nolstalgia city! And make it deep enough to encourage continuous play including rare cards and gambling!!!



I would love that... I spent so much time on Fallout New Vegas and Red Dead Redemption just foolin around playing the card games. It would be a cool little game you could do with others in Cantinas for sure.

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A few suggestions and fixes:


Personal Ship Fix- Enviromental: Fury class ship


Bacta Tank Bubbles rise beyond the container, up to, and through the ceiling of the ship in the medical section of the ship. Not a highly important fix but the mechanics of this might also be found else where in the game. Which I have not noticed yet.


Suggestions: Cantina upgrade: add social activities such as mini games to be enjoyed solo or with other players with little to no cost to player.


Cantina Fix: I've noticed that not all Jukebox's will accept tokens purchased from vendors. Such as the one on Korriban. As my first Jukebox experience and getting ripped off I felt no need to ever visit a cantina again and so no further use for it since it's jukebox was the only enteraining appeal to it.


Comment: I love the pve aspect of the game. Taking my time and slowly experiencing it all that is offered for my class. I also dabled with pvp and was instantly hooked and now feel the internal struggle to balance between pve experience and pvp experience. Good job.


Developement Suggestion: Don't be quick to water down the gaming experience with nerf's and conveniences. I read a comment to put mail box's on ships. It might be convenient but it is not practical.. next they'll want to scrap ships all together and have instant teleportation between worlds. Always start with how each suggestion or idea might impact the overall intended experience of the game. It's a form of tough love some times to have players work towards something so that the player will appreciate it that much more when they accomplished their personal goal with in the game. I understand their is a balance and coffer to fill at the end of each month but there are a lot of whimps out there that want to stay in a noobish mental state without the challenge to mature into a better experienced and civil player.


Always start with the big picture and ask yourself how this (alleged change) will affect the totality of gaming experience for the player and other experiences in the game.


As far as mailbox's on ships go... reading mail on your ship might be fine but seems illogical to have items delivered to you in space. Force the player to work for that delivered item and land on a station or planet. This is the ultimate Star Wars experience after all. (sorry Galaxies, nice try.)


One final suggestion: Add a land/dock ship option in the galaxy menu or on another interactive place on the bridge. Clicking on the ships airlock door or escape pod then viewing a landing sequence always leaves me wondering who is landing my ship if my avatar is trying to bail through the airlock in mid-space. It's a confusing experience that I'm forced to repeat every time I land on a planet or dock at a station.


My suggested experience is... player chooses destination to fly to.. views hyperspace travel. Player chooses to dock/land (never forced to.... Player freedom is highly valued) Player views landing/docking sequence. Player is still on the ship but now on planet/station, then clicks on door to exit ship then views planet loading screen and voila.... out of ship and on planet/station and back in action. :D

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Crew missions should let you know what their refresh is. It would really help with planning out a rotation. It would also let players know that not all missions refresh.


Color crystals should be a separate slot and cosmetic. It's tedious as an artificer having to craft/reverse engineer four versions of the exact same item just for a different color preference. It's expensive to have buy all those recipes and send out companions on missions just because you don't always get the right colors.Those many different crystals also take up entirely too much room in my bank. It's also frustrating to have to give up the cool look of the yellow-black crystal on a blaster, because it quickly gets surpassed by other colors in stats.


A much bigger complaint and hope for a change is in regards to healing. While effective, it feels like a throwback to the late 90's- early 2000's. You play a Rift Chloromancer, then play any of the healers in this game and, at least for me, the healing in this game is far too active. Instead of the heal tree adding an AE heal effect to Force Storm or some such, you just get active heals that put you in the old tired role of primarily healing and watching health bars. Obviously you can still contribute in other ways but the bulk of your healing and group contribution will be active cast heals. It gets tiring and with the current lack of alternate specs, it reduces the likelihood of heal capable classes just speccing into heals. By contrast, tank classes like Assassin/Shadow get skills and abilities that make tanking specs viable and enticing as just run around specs when you don't have a group. Why not add a skill or two that adds Kolto Missiles to the Death from Above volley? Or some healing shots to Carbine Burst?

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i agree with the mail part, about not putting it on the ship. although, an auction machine in your ship wouldnt hurt much, as the auction machine is hard to find in the first place because its so little put in areas like mail boxes are alot in reverse.






- customizing the stap to the fullest, being able to change its color and add things like headlights that shine bright beams or dim depending on your choice, adding signatures and logos to it and options like flames, the republic or empire logo, and neon lights of any color.

another seat in the back of the stap any player can sit on- but only if the driver allows them to so it will be totally up to them. able to kick the player off at any time. blue/red/and orange flames for asthetic looks, rear view mirrors thats go on the handles, option for a hood to fold over you and the top of the vehicle, making you sealed in you disengage from stap or the option.





- could my avatar grip some kind of control yoke when the ship takes off, or while your sitting at least be able to click on one in front of you instead of the avatar just sitting there staring off into space in his/her pilot seat while hyper space 'idly' goes by.





- a customizable notice board in the ship you can write things down on you can review and erase after





- allowing players of your own profession (like your a sith sorcerer, and so another sith sorcerer or two or four can do this) to follow you onto your ship like other players-yes, it can be done- can.






- fully interchangeable and custom ship options ( im going to keep saying it : ) )






- regular 'zoom in/zoom out' function on the camera you get from the digital deluxe version, as well as a video recording option






- more adult content-like things(which i will name to you in pm only)

i had to say it but there it is. perhaps only those over 18 get these options *shrugs* but id like to see this happen for us. im not suggesting anything too over the top.





- lightwhips, tri sabers, quad sabers and more lightsaber attacks for sorcerers

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Social Skills/Ideas!!!!


The game needs more reasons to socialize. This MMO is too focused on Combat and sometimes people need to unwind. When you reach level 50 got all that epic loot and PvP gear whats there to do? Well, socialize. Give reasons to put people in Cantinas, give reasons to gather for events. Here are some ideas.


I liked alot of your ideas cards with rares and maybe special cards hidden throughout the galaxy and card drops on bosses.


Swoop racing would be fun too like a lil racing circuit there was on in one of the previous Star wars that was nice copy paste it and just add new tracks later this can have a ranking like pvp arena does.


pvp free flight space battles i'm seeing a huge trend here lots more social stuff not just fighting too cards, swoop racing, space pvp, more huttball arenas, i think there are so many suggestions because there are soo many possibilities!!


oh and the idea on the mini guitar hero game would be awesome be able to play like in a 4 person band like this was an awesome idea for the cantina's. Maybe have a bracketed 1v1 2v2 4v4 playoff every weekend with a nice title and/or item. it's an easy add i think and would be amazing.

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- someone from ea or bioware to comment on all of these comments so we can get an idea of what YOU the creators think of what were saying, whether its being considered or if the idea is a no show, so that we know whether to keep asking for it or not and move on.









- pod racing


not sure when it started exaclty, but playing that pod racing game for the playstation when it came out was a thrill and would be even better here in my opinion

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Yeah a dev comment or sticky would be wonderful.


But yeah more social aspects the fact you have an active cantina cards in one area, pod racing in another where you can queue and watch maybe make bets on pvp races, and a rock band type of area for musical entertainment would love to see the old star wars songs played rock band style. these things would make this game the ultimate mmo. most think MMO's are just about raiding well thats half of it cause most people dont raid everyday these social aspects would bring people together in the cantina's especially if the pod racing and rock band aspects were ranked like arena style.


I know these thing take time and it wont be any time in the near future if you decide to take these suggestion. cause developing things take time but i sincerely hope you take some of these awesome ideas and run with them.


Really looking forward to the guild star ship by the way! Just cause.

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Alright i made two ideas. one a thread that died fast. I will try to make it short



1. Artifact transferer. SO it makes you able to transfer armour like greenz and all that stuff into artifact so you can upgrade it BUT due so you wont overuse the shop it will cost ALOT of money. SO you must think wisely if its is worth using the money for that gier piece.


2. Force illusion this is a bit like the first one just that this time its EXACTLY like wow transmog You talk to the jedi/sith mike and it will open a window that is exactly like when you open the character where you see your alignement and gear but this time only your gear is viewable! Then you put the gear you look is cool on the same slot Helmet on helmet et etc


I just don't want this turn into Star wars the Clone world where nearly everyone has the same armour ingame. Because there are so many cool armour pieces i just don't want to think ''Oh well these WERE cool but i have no use fo them anymore''

Hope you will like those ideas because i spent alot of time trying to let people see the ideas on my threads but they keept dieing

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I'm someone who can't help but notice obvious areas for improvement in things-- so much so, that I develop the need to write them down to share with others. Hopefully this can be of some use to Bioware. =)


All of the following not withstanding, I truly love this game so far and can't wait to see it develop over time.



-Place quest items on the quest log on the right side of the screen for easy access.

-“Auto self-cast” option, much like other MMOs.

-When turning in a quest with remaining bonus missions, provide an optional warning: “Turning in this quest will abandon unfinished bonus missions”.

-UI issue: summoning a companion needlessly closes open windows, such as buying/selling. Other companion actions, such as them returning from a quest, also sometimes do this. The same applies to reverse engineering an item.

-When interacting with a commendations vendor, the # of commendations of that type you have should be visible on the sell window. Clicking to the currency tab can be annoying when you're trying to have your character or companion window up alongside the vendor.

-Companion customization vendors should default to only showing usable, to avoid spoilers for future characters and because it’s a better/simpler UI decision overall.

-Ability to sell back items purchased for commendations within an hour, for a return of commendations, not money.

-On the Quick Travel and Transport Service maps, icons for spaceports should be slightly different than the other icons—these represent a home base of sorts for each world. Some type of little starship icon would be nice. Ideally, a lot of the UI features which have a repeating generic icon would be replaced with a visually distinct icon for each place. In-game General chat is constantly filled with "Where is X" questions, and the answer is always "At this planet's spaceport".

-"Sell all Junk "option at vendors. I understand your companion can do this, but when you're actually at the vendor yourself, might as well be able to do it instantly.

-A "Looking For Group" tool.

-"Combine Like Items" button next to Reverse Engineering on your interface-- simpler fix than revising the whole way items are moved to and from your inventory in order to make stacking less annoying.

-Give us a way to hide UI elements, make the entire UI more transparant, etc. The UI is too obtrusive for some players atm.



-Cause NPCs to take fall damage. Very disappointing to knock someone off a huge cliff and have them run right back to you with full health.

-I'd really, really prefer it if companions kept a slightly greater distance from the player when not in combat-- it'd make their animations more fluid when they're darting about to follow you exactly, and keep them from being right at the edges of the players camera.


(The following section is limited to feedback on the 2 classes I have played so far.)

-Consular: Force Armor disappears when out of combat—and does not always appear when re-entering combat, which may confuse players. Should fix it so that it reappears when you enter combat, or just disable whatever feature makes it invisible in the first place.

-Class Quest “An Alliance of Opposites” doesn’t have any bonus quests—even though there appear to be tons of opportunities for them. Only mentioning it because it seems more like a mistake than something done purposefully.

-Sorcerer: Too much purple lightning, give the spells some variation. Make the lightning different colors, for example (blue, white, gold) or even use some different spell effects, such as lifted objects, like the consular.

-Jedi Knight: if you choose guardian, all the text that says “attacks with both weapons if dual-wielding” should disappear, as its superfluous; you are now playing a class that cannot ever dual-wield.


Obvious features:

-A console/config command to set a maximum framerate, like WoW and most other MMOs have.

-All GTNs should be combined, except for the cross-faction one. No need for planet specific auction houses—ever. Just creates confusion, and ends up dissuading low-level players from getting involved in the player economy.

-Dual specializations. Not saying you should be able to be both a Guardian and a Sentinel, but rather that you should be able to save a tanking spec for Guardian and a DPS spec for guardian, and switch between them. That being said, the ability to do a "New Game+" with the same character to unlock both specializations (and replay all of the content scaled to max level) would be a pretty unique and cool feature. Not really suggesting it though

-Barber. Perhaps super expensive cosmetic surgery (recustomization).


Community Concerns:

-Jedi Knight armor is ugly to many people.

-Would like a male body type in between 2 and 3.

-Sith/Republic Home bases are too similar.



-An option to always use cut-scene quality graphics.

-Need an in-game option for anti-aliasing

-Need a way to extend grass (and all other stuff) draw distance significantly.

-Need better quality shadows than currently exist in game, desperately. The ones currently in-game are atrocious—I almost imagine that the game was coded to not really have shadows beyond the current “low” and then these were hastily coded in late in development. Please improve them.

-Overall increased texture resolution, if this is something you can somehow provide.

-Game could stand to be more alt + tab friendly.

-An optional film grain effect, a la Mass Effect, would be nice for those of us who enjoy it.


Future Expansions/Feature Requests

-So much can be done to expand the already cool space combat. Let us go off the rails, buy custom ships—I could see it becoming a fairly fun Diablo style loot game—where you can get loot and upgrades from your ship as drops from kills, ability to play multiplayer, or against the enemy faction.

-Creature mounts. Tauntauns, that cute lizard from Episode III, Reeks—Star Wars lore is filled with people riding awesome creatures. Along the same line of thought—creature companions. Qyzen doesn’t count.

-The Republic needs to become cooler and less pathetic. I think if the Chancellor ends up being a pawn of the Sith, forcing the jedi to take control of the republic (a la Episode III), a lot of coolness would be added via Jedi Philosopher Kings. Especially if the intense actions necessary push some of the Republic-side Jedi more obliquely to the dark side.

-The Sith Empire should be less blatantly “the bad guys”. I can’t really see any way to do this following Star Wars canon. The closest I can imagine is something like (spoiler) Jacen Solo in the Star Wars expanded Universe, maybe (spoiler) the next Sith Emperor can be working to build such a powerful Empire in order to defeat another evil power, or for some long-term greater good (a la God Emperor of Dune). This, combined with my suggestion for the Republic, would make a great plotline for an expansion. *wink wink*


Thanks for reading! Feel free to post your own ideas and, more importantly, to insult mine!

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Most things I would like to see have been mentioned already, but I still have a few personal wishes that might be liked in the game.


Note: These are not fixes or anything that is really needed, but in a wide and versatile universe like Star Wars, it would be nice to see these things.


More playable races: Add races like Zeltron or Arkanian and Arkanian Offshoots, also add playable droids (there were plenty of droid bounty hunters/assassins).


Remove class restriction on races: Every class should have all races available, it's silly to restrict some races to be certain classes.


Make a neutral faction (Possible expansion pack?): It is silly to think that Bounty Hunters would only work for the Empire or Smugglers only for the Republic, adding a neutral story that is caught in between the two factions can be interesting, said neutral story could also possible flow into either the Empire or the Republic depending on player's choices.


Allow Bounty Hunters/Smugglers to use rifles and Agents/Troopers to use pistols: It is odd to see weapon restriction on these classes, there were plenty of bounty hunters using rifles and visa versa (Boba Fett for example.) It also looks pretty silly when you aim to be a Bounty Hunter Powertech, using the buffed/muscled male shape and have him use a small pistol.


Add toggle option for the Bounty Hunter's flamethrower/rocket launcher: It always had been depicted as odd to me that the left gauntlet/bracelet always magically appears when you use the flamethrower or launch a rocket, rather then having it randomly appear, add an option to toggle it permanently on or as it currently is right now.


Allow Force users ranged off-hand weaponry: We all know Jedi and Sith primarily fought with lightsabers, but they are able marksmen too. Allow dual wielders to not only to use lightsabers but give them the option to use blasters too.


That's about it for now, if I have anything else I'll be sure to mention them.

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