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    Vancouver, Canada.
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    Computer, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Dirtbiking.
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  1. Not at the top of the list, as i agree with almost everything said before me, but Space Battles would be nice. Even a PvP free flight space battle with objectives (such as in Star Wars Battlefront 2). As long as im on the space theme, Guild vs. Guild, or Faction vs. Faction epic space battles with giant destroyers, along with a variety of other ships, would be an intense option. Making PvP battles fair for all is a cool idea, so lvl 10's and 50's can play together, but there should be a separate PvP queue for lvl caps with your own gear applied, doesnt make much sense giving up the ability to have the best stats in the game at lvl 10, but it gives people at the end of the lvl caps a sense of accomplishment for working for their own gear to win with. More PvP gear would be appreciated aswell, its great to get a full gear setup for lvl 20, but wheres the stuff inbetween 50? Some i know, but still. Also, i may just be speaking for myself here but the End game PvP gear could look a little more... epic. i feel silly with the helmets supplied, just not what i imagined. End game content is probably the most important part of the game, sounds stupid i know, but why are we all playing this game? To hit lvl 50 and get our gear. Raid Flashpoints with a 10man group etc to get it done, great idea right there. At the beginning of Flashpoints, Heroics, etc, could/should have summoning droids to forgo the quite possibly LONG wait for team members to travel the distance. ______________ |CHAT BUBBLES } ----------------------v -------------------- This represents a person talking -> ( o.o ) Also needed. Item stacking has been mentioned a lot, agreement in full by myself. Thanks
  2. I was checking up on my account eagerly, as if it would change the time i received my email, and i noticed something about the need of a Reoccurring Subscription Fee. Im curious if i just misread something, or this is going to be true, and if it is true how much will it be?
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