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Marauders more capable


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So much stupid in this thread.

Mara is awesome if you are a good player and it fits your play-style. If you aren't its not for you. Overwhelming majority of PvPers in this game are bad, thus anything is viable in regs. If you cannot take any class and perform in them well then the problem lies with you.

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So much stupid in this thread.

Mara is awesome if you are a good player and it fits your play-style. If you aren't its not for you. Overwhelming majority of PvPers in this game are bad, thus anything is viable in regs. If you cannot take any class and perform in them well then the problem lies with you.


^this. I and a very, very, very reduced bunch of players of my guild are extremely good pvpers. The other 99.9% are all bads.

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I appreciate that there are good and bad players with every class. And if you know what you are doing and they don't you can be this class is great and if you don't know what you are doing and they do you can be this class sucks!


I don't know how you are doing in the ranked play but I will be keen to follow your rise and see what worked and what didn't.


My own experience was just in PvP (in fact was reading this thread waiting for a game to pop ((too damn few matches)) playing my Sorc. Now I played Marauder since early access, PvPed a bit long long ago and I still consider him my main. But my experience in PvP my Sorc is just so much better I'm healing spec so job is to stay alive and keep my team alive means no silly mad runs into the enemy. Along with healing I have some fair 30m damage attacks that I can assist when healing isn't required not a perfect rotation on them but I don't need to use basic attacks to build resource don't have to be witn 4m and while I'm healing throwing some damage in makes the cool downs less of a problem.


Reason for all this last game they had a sent on their side, he may have been the best player he may have been the worst I don't know how he views himself. And we destroyed him, I dotted him (he can't cleanse less he has spent the heroic), I can hit him at 30m with lightning, knock back, snare, stun, meanwhile I have a bubble, healing and worst case god bubble while I wait for my skills to regen. And I'm a healing spec so killing him was just a bit of fun while bubbling my team and keeping healing up.


Now maybe for 18 seconds while he has defensive cool downs he might be decent but any half decent healer can heal through that time or stun or route or snare or force speed away etc etc While having to stay within 4 meters makes tactical play more difficult cause to kill people you may have to chase them down and that can put you in a bad place where as ranged dps can stick with the pack and still dps long as you with 30m. Which also makes getting out very difficult as you have to cover 31 meters for them to stop dpsing you.

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So much stupid in this thread.

Mara is awesome if you are a good player and it fits your play-style. If you aren't its not for you. Overwhelming majority of PvPers in this game are bad, thus anything is viable in regs. If you cannot take any class and perform in them well then the problem lies with you.


Agree, so much stupid in this thread and you have a very big chance to win no.1 spot in this category, IMO.

Nobody said mara/sents are trash but to say there are awesome.... :confused: I have to ask you one thing:


I mean I feel a HUGE difference between playing my hatred sin/madness sorc or when I hop on my anni mara/IO merc.

You along with Icykill are claiming complete opposite....

Oh mighty Darth Arunas maybe you could be the one to post a video of this awesomeness?


P.S. I'm still waiting on Icykill's video of him destroying everything and....

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Scoundrel dps is not an easy class to master; using roll at the wrong time and you'll get wrecked by any class.

To know when to roll you have to have excellent knowledge about all dps specs.

No other dps spec is so dependent on knowing other classes while using defensive CD's.


That definitely helps, but you can also use visual and audio ques for most of them. Like IO burst you can tell by the grenade beep going faster or if you're close enough to a sniper/leth Op you can hear their gun kind of charge up (or that annoying af click.....clickclickclickclickclick.....click.....clickclickclickclickclick of lethality >.>)

Edited by jedcjedcjedc
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You have some points, but you make it sound like Berserk is useless. Your leaning too far to one side of things, in my opinion. From a team stand point sure, ill back ya on the Predation, but you should only maybe pop Predation one time during a ranked arena. If we are talking about a warzone, then Bloodthirst > Predation.

I find, when playing against maras -- even in 1v1 -- that those who keep predation up are the ones who give me difficulty.


but while playing on the mara, I feel as if berserk is written into the rotational meta. not using it (in lieu of pred) feels like not using priming shot with arsenal or retractable blades with AP.

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I too am finding Marauder to be ridiculously powerful. I haven't hit 60 yet but I have, as another stated, been destroying people since level 11. If I have 0 support I can be corralled. If I have support.....psh, it makes all the complaints a joke. This class absolutely destroys.

I roll fury on Marauder and Ataru on Sentinel. Both are great. Heck, I rolled one spec in wrong stance for an entire night and never even noticed until was ready to log lol. So much DPS...

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I find, when playing against maras -- even in 1v1 -- that those who keep predation up are the ones who give me difficulty.


but while playing on the mara, I feel as if berserk is written into the rotational meta. not using it (in lieu of pred) feels like not using priming shot with arsenal or retractable blades with AP.


Yep if your talking 1v1 vs a none back pedaling mercenary that knows how to play, and especially knows your class/spec you could find yourself using predation but you don't want to use it ever ideally in a 1v1. Its the "oh **** I have no choice, I'll haft to maximize my battering assaults, massacre, gore and devestatibg blast together with predation".


Anyone playing carnage will haft to learn when to setup for berserk ravage combos, especially in 4.0, Ravage just got a buff.

Edited by SVTCarnage
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The major issue with marauders is the lack of self sufficiency and ''oh ****'' abilities. Meaning you have to be extra focused and utilize your class skillfully a little more than the rest.

The total lack of self healing and the above mentioned emergency abilities means you are prone to be burned down very easily and just die, even when not focused.

... Obviously if you have a pocket healer marauders are a force of nature. Well , not really THAT awesome, but you get the point.


All in all the little more damage you do as a pure dps class doesn't compensate the lack of survivability. Either the damage has to be a lot more or the surviveability has to be on par with other classes. As it is now, the class is just outdated and gimped. Fun, but still gimped.


If you think you are some pro that rek every1 with mara, switch to another classes and compare. You win cus of being skilled in general, not cus of tha mara or cus you are a pro mara.

Edited by Kaedusz
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Sorry I made my post shorter on you after you replied but that is exactly right Kaedusz, total agreement.


Edit: you edited your post on me as well, another reason why I don't like forums. I still agree, except marauders have gotten better since 2.5, when last I played before recently coming back. I wouldn't say they are gimped, or outdated compared to any other class in the game. I do understand your over all point and you are mostly correct. A good example of what your talking about is a Frost Death Knight vs a Rogue or Fire Mage in WoW.


You are either good or not good as a rogue or Fire Mage in WoW, their is not a between. However, with a Frost DK, their is a between, you can not be that great and do alright as a Frost DK. I recently leveled my Frost DK to 100, and got 2k in 3v3's running Arthas Cleave within 3 hours on a undergeared Frost DK. My teammates were geared, but if you are a good player in general, your going to utterly wreck on a class that is considered good to the general public, definitely.

Edited by SVTCarnage
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I find, when playing against maras -- even in 1v1 -- that those who keep predation up are the ones who give me difficulty.


but while playing on the mara, I feel as if berserk is written into the rotational meta. not using it (in lieu of pred) feels like not using priming shot with arsenal or retractable blades with AP.


Just quoting, not really replying directly but generally.


No way am I a master sent/mara, it took me 3 yrs to finally level one. I always mained a guardian/jugg in PvP but recently switched to maining a sent/mara. Here's my take on trans/pred vs zen/berserk. At first I did take the utility ardor/relentless that puts trans/pred on 30 second CD but as I did solo ranked I found that waiting 20 seconds was too long for another speed boost, especially with all the sorcs in solo ranked. ardor/relentless restricts my performance, especially while spec'd Watchmen/Annihilation as it's intended to be very versatile, situational spec. I want to be able to use trans/pred whenever I want and use zen/berserk when I need it, like every sent/mara should.


Always activate rebuke/cloak of Pain and trans/pred before initiating combat with any class, only a fool doesn't for it has to many situational benefits not to. When you leap onto a ranged target, what do they do? Knockback, so already having trans/pred up allows you to close the gap guickly. Unlike Zen/Berserk that hinder your centering/fury building until you consume all the charges, you go back to building centering/fury as soon as you utilize trans/pred. I pred 3Xs as much as the average sent/mara who has the ardor/relentless utility. After being knockback, because you have Stoic/Brazen (like you should) all the damage the ranged does (including their DoTs) have been building your centering/fury for zen/berserk while trans/pred is still up. Now that you've closed the gap and they've used their knockback, THEN use zen/berserk. You know they have about 20 more secs until they can use their knockback again. I usually burn my all my zen/bersek charges and almost have the centering/fury built by the time they can use their knock-back again, even if the ranged spec'd into a utility where direct damage lowers their knock-back's CD, all in 20 seconds instead of 30 seconds. Nothing sucks worse than being knocked back with a full stack of centering/fury, everything's lit up on your quickbar, and you can't trans/pred because it still has 15-20 seconds left on it's CD :p


When it comes to dealing with guardian/juggs & VG/PT when they pop their defensives, don't try to burn through them, when you see they've activated them, just stealth out and LoS until it wears off (If possible) they leap back in. This is what works for me while strictly being spec'd Watchmen/Annihilation and I consistently out-perform the other 2 sent/mara specs and even all the other classes. (scoundrel/operative, sage/sorc, shadow/assassins, & FOTMs included)


P.S Leg Slash/Crippling slash is a sent/mara's friend (especially when burning down healer's and building centering/fury)



Edited by RayGonJinn
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Yep if your talking 1v1 vs a none back pedaling mercenary that knows how to play, and especially knows your class/spec you could find yourself using predation but you don't want to use it ever ideally in a 1v1. Its the "oh **** I have no choice, I'll haft to maximize my battering assaults, massacre, gore and devestatibg blast together with predation".


Anyone playing carnage will haft to learn when to setup for berserk ravage combos, especially in 4.0, Ravage just got a buff.


Or you could, ya know, be smart and take the utility that takes predation off the fury system like every other good mara does.

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Or you could, ya know, be smart and take the utility that takes predation off the fury system like every other good mara does.


that's a terrible thing to do in WZs. if you're only playing arenas, I think it makes sense. I have definitely thought about doing that. but I can't rationalize sacrificing all those preds in WZs just to feed my individual output.

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Look it up yourself. If you're not taking that utility for pvp you're just gimping yourself.


I never said one way or the other about that utility, just fyi, I very well could use it but I haft to wait until 4.0 to push a ranked and I have been asking around for current carnage marauder ranked gameplay or if it's warzones, then highlights. Reading my question it did come off like I was questioning the choice of picking the utility, but in irl it wouldn't have came across like that, I forget I am on a forum.


It's too early especially for me to say anything about utilities specifically right now, but I have played enough of this current patch ranked or not, to know what is up. I did play back in 2.5, and I know what a good sorcerer, mercenary, assassin and operative can do. Dueled, lost and won to them all the time as Carnage in 2.5. Carnage is in a really good spot now, and especially coming 4.0 they will be in a even better spot.

Edited by SVTCarnage
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LoL... Continue with your rubbishing of me... Keep misquoting me out of context... It just shows you don't know what you are talking about and that yes, you are one of those people as you put it that "Hey, but maybe I'm just an assh..... who likes to contradict people on internet. "

I especially like the misquote where you think skill vs skill is a joke... Really... LMAO... That alone shows you have no idea... It's always skill vs skill first... Not class vs class... Why you would think that's a joke is mind boggling.. I'd love hear your reason behind that :rolleyes:


...skill vs skill is a joke if we're discussing how good and class/spec performs when compared to others.

Skill in this case should be taken out of the equation (you have to use players of the same skill if you want to compare different classes/specs).

I'm am not rubbishing(?) you. I am just in disagreement with your claims.

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that's a terrible thing to do in WZs. if you're only playing arenas, I think it makes sense. I have definitely thought about doing that. but I can't rationalize sacrificing all those preds in WZs just to feed my individual output.


Its not a terrible thing to do...The other masterful utilities are complete tossups. There's literally no reason not to be taking the utility to gives pred a CD. Yes "technically" you can do pred every 22s on the fury system but you're giving up berserk to do so. There is practically no reason not to take the utility as your uptime for pred will be way better because you don't have to choose between pred and berserk. Its stupid NOT to take that utility, especially since a heroic utility gives it a root break which mara's need desperately.

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Its not a terrible thing to do...The other masterful utilities are complete tossups. There's literally no reason not to be taking the utility to gives pred a CD. Yes "technically" you can do pred every 22s on the fury system but you're giving up berserk to do so. There is practically no reason not to take the utility as your uptime for pred will be way better because you don't have to choose between pred and berserk. Its stupid NOT to take that utility, especially since a heroic utility gives it a root break which mara's need desperately.


You seriously need to stop promoting ardor/relentless. At the 2:15 mark of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgeqPqYJ8X0 I popped trans/pred and was able to get another full stack centering/fury for another trans/pred or zen/berserk in 10 seconds. Where did you get that you can do trans/pred every 22 seconds on the centering/fury system? It's stupid to take the ardor/relentless. I have a sent/mara on BC & Shadowlands whenever you wish to test your sent/mara knowledge.

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...skill vs skill is a joke if we're discussing how good and class/spec performs when compared to others.

Skill in this case should be taken out of the equation (you have to use players of the same skill if you want to compare different classes/specs).

I'm am not rubbishing(?) you. I am just in disagreement with your claims.


There are never 2 players of exactly the same skill... So skill is always a factor... I've seen people destroying others while playing some of the most underperforming classes and others are playing FOTM... Those FOTM guys weren't bads either... Some do really well in ranked... But some people are just so OP in skill level they can play anything and just about win... My point is in a game like this you will never have 2 people of exactly the same skill... This does contribute to the balancing issues... How many times have you seen people call for nerfs or buffs and complain that something is OP or UP when others have no issue... We have these threads created on nearly a weekly basis.. It's nearly always a L2P issue...

I was not trying to mislead anyone with this thread... And the thread was certainly not directed at newbies... It has always been to point out that Maras are no longer the paper canon they were and are much more viable now...

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You seriously need to stop promoting ardor/relentless. At the 2:15 mark of https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QgeqPqYJ8X0 I popped trans/pred and was able to get another full stack centering/fury for another trans/pred or zen/berserk in 10 seconds. Where did you get that you can do trans/pred every 22 seconds on the centering/fury system? It's stupid to take the ardor/relentless. I have a sent/mara on BC & Shadowlands whenever you wish to test your sent/mara knowledge.


Its stupid not to take it. The other utilities aside from defensive roll are complete toss ups and you're wasting your zen on trans by leaving it on the centering system, especially in your video as watchman, you're losing your crit on dots. By all means, keep wasting your stacks though. But hey its regs, who cares no ones good in regs.

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There are never 2 players of exactly the same skill... So skill is always a factor... I've seen people destroying others while playing some of the most underperforming classes and others are playing FOTM... Those FOTM guys weren't bads either... Some do really well in ranked... But some people are just so OP in skill level they can play anything and just about win... My point is in a game like this you will never have 2 people of exactly the same skill... This does contribute to the balancing issues... How many times have you seen people call for nerfs or buffs and complain that something is OP or UP when others have no issue... We have these threads created on nearly a weekly basis.. It's nearly always a L2P issue...

I was not trying to mislead anyone with this thread... And the thread was certainly not directed at newbies... It has always been to point out that Maras are no longer the paper canon they were and are much more viable now...


I know players that are definitely better than me but cannot beat me on my operative. Skill only goes so far in a game designed around counter classes, especially in a 1v1 scenario. Don't care how good you are, you're not beating an op.

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I know players that are definitely better than me but cannot beat me on my operative. Skill only goes so far in a game designed around counter classes, especially in a 1v1 scenario. Don't care how good you are, you're not beating an op.


I am with yea on the Relentless Raansu, I don't know how they are now since I just came back and trying to jump into this season late, which is a horrible idea, but they were tough back in 2.5, definitely.

Edited by SVTCarnage
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I know players that are definitely better than me but cannot beat me on my operative. Skill only goes so far in a game designed around counter classes, especially in a 1v1 scenario. Don't care how good you are, you're not beating an op.


LoL... Nerf ops

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