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August Livestream Wrap-up


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No. As has always been the case, you can pick the dialogue option you want, then boost Influence with companion gifts (assuming they still exist).


oh i hope this still exists. if not its going to be like im laid off of my job lol.. no income for me. :eek:

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I'm glad you finally gave us a solid example of how "choice will matter", since many people don't consider 'slightly different dialog' as meaningful impact. After all, we've had that since launch. What we need most is to know that you're following through on your promises for KotFE. Remember, we were promised meaningful choice in the beginning. We were promised a lot of things which really didn't happen in the way they should have (or in some cases, at all).


The biggest thing you can do right now is, instead of telling us that choice matters in KotFE, showing us how it matters. And, in the quoted text, you've taken a great first step. I don't want to sound greedy or unappreciative so I won't say "we need more", I'll just say.... more of this detailed information would be terrific :)


I'll second that.

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I know this is a silly question, but will the in-combat dialogue for our companions change depending on the role they're in? Having Kira stand behind me while healing and saying "Eat lightsaber jerk" would be like P-Diddy standing behind Notorious B.I.G while saying "Take that! Take that!". It's just annoying.


L O L! :p

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well I for one want to thank right here and now -- thanks Eric and all the others --- the stream had a hiccup or two, but loved it all -- have seen it more than once - and listened to it (wasn't always easy to do, I'm from the South and we talk slower LOL ) but it was a great job -- thanks for being patient with us ( unlike some of the players on the thread who are not ) ---

I intend to play like Michael suggested "just jump in and play" --- well, may have to see a few spoilers on Youtube -- sorry, I'm hooked -- but basically, yea, jump in and see where the story goes ...... ease up folks, we have to hang tight and wait, we're all anxious to see and play, but part of the joy is the anticipation ....

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I'm glad you finally gave us a solid example of how "choice will matter", since many people don't consider 'slightly different dialog' as meaningful impact. After all, we've had that since launch. What we need most is to know that you're following through on your promises for KotFE. Remember, we were promised meaningful choice in the beginning. We were promised a lot of things which really didn't happen in the way they should have (or in some cases, at all).


The biggest thing you can do right now is, instead of telling us that choice matters in KotFE, showing us how it matters. And, in the quoted text, you've taken a great first step. I don't want to sound greedy or unappreciative so I won't say "we need more", I'll just say.... more of this detailed information would be terrific :)


I dont see how that is any different to now. Currently I make meaningless choices in conversation and my companions affection changes which in tern effects their crafting ability. This means I am either required to play may companions story making choices they agree with to get affection or playing my story annoying them and then bribing them with gifts to make them as an effective crafter as they can be.


If this is the only difference in the outcome of choices its no different from the game we have now the game they are saying that they accept choice doesn't matter.


Equally from the live stream we see a choice to go left or go right (not to spoil it) and this changed affection. Very similar to the black talon/. Now at this stage all we know it will work the same as the black talon Vette/Lana's affection will change,we will go left or right resulting in about the same amount of combat (not a problem combat + prizes), complete the flashpoint and nobody cares what choices you made. There is a point to report what happened but you don't even report on your choice just the ability of the republic troops which can affect the influence (affection) of your companion.


There is still some hope that the final reveal may have had some real meaning she stays and dies she flees and lives. Or will it be she stays and you wont see her again for at least the next 9 chapters she leaves and you wont see her again for at least the next 9 chapters. Much like everyone in the current game you have a choice of killing or saving, either choice they wont come back.


Less than 2 months to go and there seems to be so very little information about anything with anything to do with the story shielded by we don't want to spoil it and a reluctance to talk about gameplay probably cause this is not so much an expansion as mini game striping away a lot of the MMO aspect of the game.

Edited by Costello
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ease up folks, we have to hang tight and wait, we're all anxious to see and play, but part of the joy is the anticipation ....


Yeah, we wait. The only questions I would like to know in advance are those that are regards to preparations before the expansion. Like the one regarding how affection/influence works, now we know a bit more about that :tran_smile:

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With the Companion Armor being reduced to cosmetics:

  1. What will happen to the Yavin Weekly that dropped such items, will it be removed (and maybe put in a Store on Yavin)? If so what, if anything, will be added in their place? Will similar things happen to the pieces that are earned troughout the game?
  2. Will there be a Penalty if i walk my Companions in their Underwear only? (I hope so)
  3. If not, do companions still need to carry Main/Offhand to be effective or will they just make a Generic Weapon appear?


My first impression from the game is that it will be a more linear, solo Flashpoint-ish approach to stortelling (I am not assigning a value to this statement). Will there also be new Open-World Content, maybe on a new World?

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No they will not. Now all Companions will simply just be better at Crew Skills the higher their Influence is.


Wait, what? That answer was really unexpected. (Personally I wouldn't have even thought to ask the question.) So crew skill bonuses are disappearing completely then? Or is every companion just switching over to the same generic bonuses like Treek and HK?


I suppose I can see the reason though. I know that passive generic bonuses based on affection have always been a thing and that every 2000 affection (if not just being a constant gradual buildup for every point of affection) is a little bit more efficiency and crit for that companion on everything (up to +15 eff and +5 crit at 10k affection, if I'm not mistaken). Can we assume that the cap on influence will be much higher than the cap on affection (which translates into even higher bonuses) and the steamroller over the old bonuses is so that this new baseline in generic bonuses brings everybody up to around the same level as what specific companions currently get up to with the right skills without allowing those specific companions to spike up to an even higher level on those skills?


What effect will this have on the ship droid's bonuses from the sensors sold on that vendor droid that we can get on our ships through legacy? (Not to mention the subject of droid parts in general, with there being nothing visual about them and gear not being used for companion stats anymore.) Are those going away / being replaced with a standardized generic bonus too?

Edited by Muljo_Stpho
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How can anyone be happy with these changes to companions. I don't know, but I get some people like them.


To the person who made this decision. Really this is the best you could come up with.

Why come up with a system that's going to piss off half your customers.


Companions are something that should be expanded upon on, not reduced. With the changes to them, they will now

be less customizable than a chest piece or a lightsaber.


Here is what they should of done.

First they should of developed a default armor/weapon set along with implants and ear pieces. This is the set you get when the companion first joins your crew. This armor set then scales with your level. The stats on this armor set are equal to green quality. Then add a quest at about level 30-40 that gives you a set equal to blue quality. Now every companion has a basic set of stats that can be used all the way to max level.


The basic armor set then can be augmented for some basic customization of stats. This allows any player to use any companion when they want without have to gear up each one(basicly what the new system is).


Because the companions retain all their gear slots. People at max level can tweak their gear all they want.

Personally, I always thought they should of added artifact slots to companions to. These artifacts could only be equipped by your companion and would have different procs like a HoT or DD proc.


They system that was developed is... just laziness.

The only excuse for this system is if A) Total lack of a budget. B) Lack of imagination and skill.

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Companions are something that should be expanded upon on, not reduced. With the changes to them, they will now be less customizable than a chest piece or a lightsaber.


Erm... What?


How exactly do you figure that this makes companions less customizable? Because they no longer need to be geared up? If anything, that's only making them MORE customizable, as it allows us to dress our companions as we like without having to worry about stats and the like.


Not to mention the ability for all companions to play any role, which adds even more customization because it lifts the restriction of only being able to use x companion because they're a tank and you're a healer, etc.


I understand if you don't necessarily like the changes, and feel that it's "lazy" - but saying it makes companions LESS customizable simply isn't true.

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I have a question regarding current and future affection/influence: Say I have 2 warriors, 1 jug and 1 marauder. One I made as my first warrior and the other I didn't make until later when I wanted to try out the second advanced class. The first one I have all my companions at max affection while the second I didn't bother. Will I be missing out on some story content/dialogue if I don't go through all the convos on that second character?


If that is the case then atleast make it easier to max out a companion's affection if a player has already done it once for that particular class. Maxing out even 1 companions affection can be an expensive venture depending on your budget(especially for preferred or free to play) and in the case of actually running missions to get companion gifts unnecessarily time consuming (it's not like you get to choose what kind of gift drops after all) . Companions like Ashara for example are especially annoying to do this for if you don't romance her.

Edited by Darth_Xyphos
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How can anyone be happy with these changes to companions. I don't know, but I get some people like them.


To the person who made this decision. Really this is the best you could come up with.

Why come up with a system that's going to piss off half your customers.


Companions are something that should be expanded upon on, not reduced. With the changes to them, they will now

be less customizable than a chest piece or a lightsaber.


Here is what they should of done.

First they should of developed a default armor/weapon set along with implants and ear pieces. This is the set you get when the companion first joins your crew. This armor set then scales with your level. The stats on this armor set are equal to green quality. Then add a quest at about level 30-40 that gives you a set equal to blue quality. Now every companion has a basic set of stats that can be used all the way to max level.


The basic armor set then can be augmented for some basic customization of stats. This allows any player to use any companion when they want without have to gear up each one(basicly what the new system is).


Because the companions retain all their gear slots. People at max level can tweak their gear all they want.

Personally, I always thought they should of added artifact slots to companions to. These artifacts could only be equipped by your companion and would have different procs like a HoT or DD proc.


They system that was developed is... just laziness.

The only excuse for this system is if A) Total lack of a budget. B) Lack of imagination and skill.


So, you want companions to have gear that levels up with the player but at the same time lets you customize their stats.


So, you want what they adding and what they are taking away at the same time.

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How can anyone be happy with these changes to companions.


Hmm, lets see....


We do not get any ninjalooters that take gear for their companions, now nobody have to gear them up.


We can use any armor we like to make them look good.


Companions will be equal, no need to use any companion over another. Now I can use one that does not annoy me with oneliners or loud chatter.


Three good reasons why I like this change

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Erm... What?


How exactly do you figure that this makes companions less customizable? Because they no longer need to be geared up? If anything, that's only making them MORE customizable, as it allows us to dress our companions as we like without having to worry about stats and the like.


I'd choose keeping stat customization over a minor increase in appearance customization 100 out of 100 times.

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I am very happy with the changes to companions! I've played since launch, leveled every advanced career to 60, and have many companions who have never left the ship. Now I can make them look the way I want them to, AND use them in whatever role is helpful to me! Guss Tuno can tank! T7 can heal! Broonmark can DPS! Quinn can... burn in the heart of a star forever, the wretch!


This is an excellent and very welcome change. My question is, will we be able to equip whatever weapons we want our companions to have (limited by their proficiencies, of course)? Being able to give them cosmetic weapons will be even better!

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What kind of content will you be doing that requires your companion to have specific stats?


Obviously not operations.


Or Hard Mode Flashpoints, or regular flashpoints either for that matter.


The only time I've got companions out and need them is doing weeklies.


Now, not having to go through the hassle of gearing them or being able to switch the role of a companion I like to better fit my character? That's Flexibility.

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Obviously not operations.


Soloing heroics at or above level of PC... makes it much less dicey, or at least easier, depending on the exact heroic in question, to have companions that don't die at the drop of a hat, can actually hold agro if tanks, do more damage or healing, whatever.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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