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August Livestream Wrap-up


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Pretty, pretty please do so, because without it, KOTFE will only be 1/3 of the fun it could be, since we will see only 1 of 3 answers or play in permanent fear of the start of the fade out. I’m wishing so badly for this, I even would be glad if it would return /come as option I have to buy from the cartel market.

You want to see the rest of options, replay KotFE with another character. The only reason to replay one common story is to see different outcomes with other characters. If you check out every dialogue option with your first character, there is no element of surprise when you play another toon


That's cheating in a certain sense and missing the point of the expansion, you know? It's like replaying matches in FIFA. Seriously, your choices and story don't matter once you change your decisions because you want to have a perfect ending instead of choosing what your character would do in a particular situation and dealing with the consequences. It's the whole point of RPG to take choices in accordance with the character's personality and to face the unexpected.

Edited by PavSalco
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You want to see the rest of options, replay KotFE with another character.


I'm not sure how much of an "replay" might be possible, since KOTFE is - as far as I understood this - scheduled to have a span over LOTS of chapters ... And each one is said - as far as I understood it - to be published in a "few months" cycle ...

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2. Will our companions be wearing the armor we gave them when we meet them again, or will it be default clothing you guys decided on?

from what i can tell, the gear and stuff is mailed to you, though they have said you can still summon old companions, So the gear might still be on your old companions for summoning but not on the new one.
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I'm very curious what's going to happen with Vette, Jaesa, and Khem, in this story, because if your warrior has been gone several years, then the Vette that was...



...freed, helped, and reunited with her friends and sister should react much more differently to your return than the one that was left collared, enslaved, and abused. I really hope Bioware jumps on that storytelling possibility. Same with LS and DS Jaesa and whoever is in Khem's body.


Edited by ZanyaCross
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Check post #233 for where the answer to the first question was yes.


I saw the post where the question was asked " Will be able to meet and/or recruit ..." that is two separate questions and the only answer given was "yes". It could be taken two different ways. I was looking for something more definitive.


Does that mean " Yes you will meet them? My guess is this, as T7 is written into that particular scene.


Does that mean " Yes you may recruit them? Could be, but nothing has been specifically stated to lead me in this direction.


Perhaps it is both... I guess we'll find out in October.

Edited by Jerqa
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translation of bioware's marketingspeek: we dont have the money to make 8 different stories for different classes anymore (vanilla), we dont have the money to make 2 different tories for the 2 factions anymore (roh). we dont have the money to make different variations of the same story depending on different companions anymore. so what you get is ONE story, no variation, everyone plays the story with the same companion. you have in story no choice anymore wich companion you use. but outside you have all your old companions (but not all of the new story-companions...) , regardless if that breaks the story, because we have faar that you cry too much when we take away an old companion so we changed that lately but now we havent the time/money/interest to give your old companions new dialogues.
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You want to see the rest of options, replay KotFE with another character. The only reason to replay one common story is to see different outcomes with other characters. If you check out every dialogue option with your first character, there is no element of surprise when you play another toon


That's cheating in a certain sense and missing the point of the expansion, you know? It's like replaying matches in FIFA. Seriously, your choices and story don't matter once you change your decisions because you want to have a perfect ending instead of choosing what your character would do in a particular situation and dealing with the consequences. It's the whole point of RPG to take choices in accordance with the character's personality and to face the unexpected.


No, it isn't. Because it is limited on the mission itself. And the way you log one mission in influences further missions.

I have 4 mostly light side female consulars at the moment - please tell me how much more should I make, to try everything?

Guess I even would make more, if they would let us buy more than those 22 character slots. (I have 100% of every armor form all cartel packs until now, a huge amount of it bought free, so that every character could use it. I pretty sure will not create a second account to have more character slots.)


I will try to make it clearer, what I mean with three examples:


A) A decision, you logged in at lvl 10, made a change at lvl 45. Than at lvl 45 I want to see all possible options, without having to replay this class with exactly this decision at lvl 10 again.


B) At one point you have two people, that you can either kill or let survive (sometimes it is not even a dark or light side decision, which leads to that) - so you need already 4 characters, to try every possibility. Some missions later someone talks to you: either they both, if you let both survive, only the one you didn't kill or some third person, because you killed both. I really don't like to replay a class more than 4 times, but I want to see all dialog options then. They put so much effort in all those stories with their videos, text lines and voice recording - it would just be a pity if we can't see them all.


c) And for me the most important reason: companion romances. In the worst case, the wrong answer is leading to a break up I really didn't want to happen. At youtube you can see, that nobody risks trying those answers. For some it is possible to find some very old videos from the time, when 'ESC' still worked as intended, but not for all and also I want to experience it myself right in the game and don't want to have to look it up on youtube. And at some points they have really nice things programmed there. (E.g.: Just tried out one possible break up line at open PTS (I would never dare to try it at "real" server) and it finally leads to a kiss instead. Should have made a video, because all existing videos always choose the sure answers.

This is why I play computer games: to have the possibility to try things out. Unavoidable consequence I have enough in real life.

And also: at the moment you can reset nearly everything in the class quests, because they almost never end with the part in which you have to make the "major decision".



You can even take light side Jaesa on your ship and do some of her companion missions with her and then reset and pick dark side Jaesa.


Why should answers in companion dialogs be more terminal than in the main mission? Because companion dialogs are the parts which suffer most form not being able to ‘Esc’ape: they are just so short, that mostly after one or two answers fade out starts.

And if in KOTFE companions will really be “super important” and "the choices you made involving them might have something to do with where their lives headed after you disappeared", it even “hurts” more than jet.

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Where did you see that we will be able to use companions that are not a part of our character's main story? ( T7 on a Imperial to use your example ). I watched the live stream and did not hear that mentioned at all, only that all companions will be able to fill the three roles of dps, tank and healer.


I'm pretty sure somewhere in this thread someone asked about getting companions from other classes and Eric answered. Let me find a quote...

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I'm pretty sure somewhere in this thread someone asked about getting companions from other classes


This will be fun, I have two characters I look foward to make a entirely new team with. I will however keep some of the old companions (if we can do that) with already maxed out affection to not have to grind it up again entirely from scratch.

Edited by Icestar
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I may have missed this and anyone can answer if they know the answer.


Eric, those characters we have yet to level up their companions affection, will we still be able to level that up to 1000 after the expansion? Is this system changing?


Also the main cast of companion all currently have bonuses for leveling up their affection. Will other companions like Treek, HK or any new ones from the expansion be added to the list of bonuses? I separated this one since it may be more spoiler related than the first question.

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Well, they did tuck a destroyed droid that had a full set of gear for T7 inside the instance, easy to miss if you werent looking.


But what was worse, when I did my Jedi Knight playthrough... I made him a tank, and T7 is a tank.... things took forever to die....


What's even worse is if you have a nearly full inventory, the items that don't fit just disappear. Poor guy died a lot and it took a while, but I eventually made it..

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1. Can influence only be raised by dialogue choices or is it also affected by gifts, like affection was?


2. If companion armor is now purely cosmetic, what about weapons, offhand items, earpieces and implants? Do they have an impact on the companion's stats?


Thank you in advance :)

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No they will not. Now all Companions will simply just be better at Crew Skills the higher their Influence is.

This.. will significantly reduce the effectiveness of some companions, unless you're changing the base mechanics behind affection/influence. The system (as it is now/was before) has been fully explained in the past, as regards to the level of favor you have with them and how it relates to critical success, and the odds of it based on task difficulty.


Are those changing as well?

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Lets say I'm trying to get a few of my companions to 10,000 affection, but I"m on my ship, so I can't give out companion gifts, in KotFE will I be able to select my companion and then just give them the gift instead of having to go down to whatever planet I happen to be on, which is tedious and annoying.
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So the Knight demo shows that you meet up with Kira and T7 early on (I haven't watched, not sure if I want the spoilers, but that seems to be the talk I've seen). If you're a different class, it's other companions instead? Like if you're a BH, it's say Mako and Blizz for example? I'll be very disappointed in Bioware and this new story if that's not the case.
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Well, they did tuck a destroyed droid that had a full set of gear for T7 inside the instance, easy to miss if you werent looking.


But what was worse, when I did my Jedi Knight playthrough... I made him a tank, and T7 is a tank.... things took forever to die....

That was actually a revision done later for people who didn't use their heads, so a little helpful spoonfeeding to get them through. At launch, it wasn't a destroyed droid you looted for parts, you had to arrange the floor hologram symbol to that of the Imperial logo, which would then unlock a sarcophagus full of the goods.


Much more obvious that there was something to be done, but I hear a lot of people never made the mental leap to solve the puzzle. I kinda miss the old way, just for the visuals.

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Hey folks!


As mentioned before, he is a quick wrap-up of what was discussed on the livestream earlier this evening. First off, you can watch the archived version of the stream yourself, right here (part 1) (part 2).


We opened by showing the intro to Chapter 3, along with playing through portions of it to highlight some key choices that can be made, new environments, etc. After that we took on some of the more commonly asked questions around Companions in Knights of the Fallen Empire. Here they are:


What happens to my existing Companions in KotFE?

When Fallen Empire launches, all of your existing Companions remain accessible to you outside of the story Chapters. In the KotFE story there is a specific cast of characters that is a part of that ongoing storyline.


Is there more combat customization for Companions?

Absolutely, in fact every Companion can now choose any role you choose at any time; healer, tank, or DPS.


How does gear come into play here?

Starting in KotFE your Companion's power and stats scale with your level, regardless of the gear they are wearing. However, you can still use gear to determine exactly how your Companions will look. (note: this is not a part of Appearance Designer)


What about all of that Affection I farmed for my Companions?

We haven't forgotten the relationships you've built; the affection you earned will not be lost and the relationships you built will continue to be relevant.


If you have more Companion questions, feel free to ask them in this thread. We will work to answer them throughout the rest of the week. Keep in mind of course that we will not answer spoilery questions. Finally, we ended the stream with a video clip from Chapter 1 of Fallen Empire which shows an important decision made around one of the character's Companions. Sparing any spoilers, check out the archive for the clip.





Can you give any reply to this?


I have 3 questions.


A: If I am a Jedi sage and I romanced the female from RoTHC (can't remember her name) and Lana Beniko Before Edit: After (my bad) I married Nadia Grell, would that impact anything in KoTFE?


B: If we make a new level 60, how will they be geared?


C: Will we get a set of 198 gear at the start of KoTFE? (or what ever rating gear).


Thank you for taking the time to read my post.

Edited by TomBane
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Lets say I'm trying to get a few of my companions to 10,000 affection, but I"m on my ship, so I can't give out companion gifts, in KotFE will I be able to select my companion and then just give them the gift instead of having to go down to whatever planet I happen to be on, which is tedious and annoying.


Yeah, I would like to be able to give out companion gifts on my ship, for example, just by targeting them or dropping them in their window of the on ship companion window. I keep all my companion gifts in my Legacy Storage and zoning back and forth and back and forth is very annoying.

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Yeah, I would like to be able to give out companion gifts on my ship, for example, just by targeting them or dropping them in their window of the on ship companion window. I keep all my companion gifts in my Legacy Storage and zoning back and forth and back and forth is very annoying.


But to access your legacy Storage you have to be at your stronghold. You can hand it to your companion right there, without any zoning.

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Currently, it is my impression that Affection is a tiered bonus (0-1999, 2000-3999, 4000-5999, 6000-7999, 8000+) with 5 tiers. Inside each, the companion bonus is the same regardless of the exact number. [Note: My impression may be wrong, as I don't know where I got this impression.]


Will Influence be the same way? Or, will it be a smoother scale where every few points of Influence gives you a bit of a bonus?

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Seems pretty good odds on the next expansion giving us another level increase in 6 months or so?


Well, given that they are changing how they are doing expansions it may not be 6 months, but we will likely get another level cap increase


And even if they didn't, it should be an easy fix to change the variables that scale companion stats to account for the "more difficult" content, if such even shows up (IMO, comps are perfectly fine even in something like 140s for story content, assuming people have decent Presence (which should everybody have, I mean, who hasn't played Human to 50?)

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Will we have more legacy tabs in the legacy bank? I hope they will add more especially for the materials since there will probably be one more tier of crafting materials.


I'd rather they just increase the stack count for materials personally.

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