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How many keybinds does everyone use?


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I'll share this again, just to annoy people with my non-WASD ways.


First thing to note: I don't use WASD. It's a weird throwback to dual-player-on-the-keyboard times, and the major reason why people use it is because it's what they've always used... with no further advantages. I normally use a modification of ESDF, specifically ESCF, with D reserved as a "default action" key (use, pick up, etc).


Second thing to note: For this game, I don't even use ESCF. I rarely find use for the strafing keys, so I use a mouse button as a Ctrl modifier and bind them as Ctrl-S and Ctrl-F.


The rest of the bindings:


Forward/Reverse = E,C


Major DoT: Q

Melee/Push: W

Quick Ranged: R

Strong Ranged: T

Slow Area: Y


Jump/Quick DoT: A

Stun: S

Strong Melee: F

Proc/Backstab: G

Slow Area: H


Medpack: Z

Free Action: X

Root: V

Slow DoT/Debuff: N

Area DoT: N


Shield: 1

Interrupt: 2

Energy/Ammo Recovery: 3

Defense: 4

Cleanse,Support: 5, 6


Quick Movement: Shift-R

Escape: Shift-T

Heal/Weaken: Shift-F, Shift-G


Autorun, Speeder: Mouse3, Mouse4

Regenerate Heal: = & Mouse 5

Class Utility: Shift-Mouse3, Shift-Mouse4

Stealth/Class Utility: Mouse7

Target Closest Enemy: Mouse6


Target Markers: Shift-[QWEASZ]


The result here is that 18 abilities are bound and available to one hand without even reaching for the number row. I can play most combat encounters without clicking a single ability, and I only rarely need to reach for numbers or the shift key.


And yes, my avoidance of WASD is one of the reasons this is possible. You can't really use WASD and easily make that reach for the T key while moving (unless you have a small keyboard or long fingers). With just EC and mouse turning, I can easily get both the T key and the Y key beyond it, giving me 3-6 more keys within reach.


It's certainly not required for good play... but it does make things a bit more fluid for me. This way, my mouse is used only for movement and target selection.

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After finally coming back to the game and advancing past 30, I'm realising that my traditional keybinds quickly became used up with just the core abilities of my rotation, excluding stuns, cooldowns, root breaks, snares and additional tools.


So I'm wondering, how many keybinds does everyone use? Be it from a PvP or PvE stance? Because there are a lot of abilities I just can't seem to fit on in a comfortable manner.


That being said, I should probably look up some Macros to simplify the keybinds.


I find this to be an issue with most MMO's: as you level your toon you wind up with a condition that I call Ability Bloat.


Some power players will have SIX 12-button quick bars + the companion quick bar open at 100% sizing. That can take up as much as 1/3rd of your screen real estate.


I HATE a cluttered UI and would love an option to limit ALL your offensive/defensive abilities/skills to TWO 12-button quick bars. But it's safe to say that I'd be in a tiny, tiny minority of MMO players, the majority of whom would love an infinite number of quick bars leaving a gaming screen about the size of a postage stamp.

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Officially I have 48 keybinds. In combat though I use 20-30 depending on character and boss fight. I use a G600.


Prime rotation uses 1-9. I'll add a shift modifier for aoe fights, or other utilities infrequently used. 0 is movement related. - and = are DCDs.


Then it's Q, E, R, T, G ,H and shift modifiers. Q = interrupt, shift-Q stun break. E and R are OCDs or eXtra DCDs if tanking. T is taunt or threat drop, shift-T is opposite when applicable. G and Shift-G are some other OCD/DCD, H is medpac. Shift -R is resource boost when applicable. Shift-E is hard stun.


Not all the stuff in the latter group gets used on every character. Some like Guardians just overwhelm with DCDs amd I forget what's where so I don't play that class...


Whatever you do go with a pattern that can be fairly easily applied to multiple characters.

Edited by bdatt
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I'm ambidextrous to a large extent, with greater muscle control in my left hand but faster reactions in my right, so I tend to use NUM 1-9, NUM 0, NUM +, NUM * for core rotational skills, since I can just keep my hand in the correct place and tap out what I need, then 1-= on the top bar for more situational abilities- stealth if I'm on a class with it, channelled stuff, any AOE that's going to need my right hand free to target it with the mouse, etc, and finally the F1-F12 bar for useful extras that aren't normally part of my combat cycle - quick travel, heroic moment and legacy abilities, etc. If I'm running something that can heal, I keep the F1-4 free to target companions or my partner or myself, as well.


All very scientifically worked out, then I get in a fight and just senselessly mash the keyboard anyway :-)

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I have probably around 25 - 30 depending on class, and the use of the class. for my Merc, I have the base 1 through = and like [, H, and F as extra keys ( [ and H are bound to my mouse) My mara has some numbpad keys and a BUNCH of other keybinds bound. He's a PvP toon, so the more things keybound, the better.
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Numberpad (numpad 1-9 with * and - for eleven and twelve and 0 for ten, from now on) for QB1, combat/dps rotation.

Ctrl modifier numpad for QB2, more combat stuff like buffs and attacks

QB3 is pure click (class buff, QT, vehicle, FP, stealth, maybe specie ability like Punish, field repair droid, Macrobinocular, Seekerdroid),

QB4 is numpad with Alt modifier (Heroic Moment and Heroic abilities with. Couple extras like Snipe for my Operative)

QB3 is number row with healings and taunts for Healer/tanks. Haven't played enough on my DPS rolled ones to decide what it'll be for them.


Wasd for movement, qe for strafing

F for cover, R for Focus Target, Alt R for focus target of target.


I have a touchscreen laptop, so I don't actually move my mouse much. Sometimes I just tap and hold on the screen to interact with stuff.

Mousewheel up/down for zoom in/out.

Space bar for jumping.


So um.. *counts* twelve, twenty-four, thirty-six, six more make forty-two, forty five, forty-eight... Forty-eight combinations and stuff to move around? Forty-nine when I include changing Enter from being Open Chat to \ being Open Chat.


Edit: wait, I forgot I use numpad + for targeting my comp, shiftnumpad+ for target next ally, numpad . for target next enemy, so changing final number to over 50.

Edited by LyraineAlei
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I bind everything, which usually take up somwhere between 3-4 quickbars depending on the class.


It's easier and faster to say what I DON'T bind, which is things like stances, energy cells, sprint, racial emote, etc... crap like that doesn't have anything to do with combat.

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12. Because I have a Razor Naga Elite mouse (which I love -- best mouse I've ever owned to be honest), the mouse has 12 programmable buttons so I bind my most valueable spells (loosely based on suggested rotation from duffy) to those 12 buttons. I click everything else.


BTW.... I know saying you click anything at all in a forum for a MMORPG usually will get at least once person who'll reply with a debate / dissertation on the evils of clicking and the nonsense of only "real players" keybind everything....noobs click...... yadda yadda.


So if you are reading and that was going through your mind -- save it....don't wanna hear it. Don't care what you think is proper or not...really truly don't.


Besides ....I don't raid......don't really do group content at all ....therefore doesn't matter half as much....now if I was a raider...then there would be more validity to the "don't click anything" argument.

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Somewhat funny to see all the setups and how we all developped some different habits..


1->5 (6) : basic damage skills

Alt + 1->5 (6) : more damage skills, AOE

Shift + 1->5 (6) : discipline specific skills, healing skills

~, shift + ~ : always 2 most used defensive cooldowns (shield probe, evasion)

Q : always interrupt

E : always stun

Shift + Q : always CC breaker

Shift + E : depends, another defensive CD

Z, X : CCs like whirlwind, slice droid...

R, F, Shift + R, Shift + F : depends, usually things that work together but specific to a class (like R leap, shift + R the jump to an ally and F force push, or like R stealth, shift + R cloaking screen)

T, shift + T : offensive CDs or Taunts or Purge

G, shift + G : more offensive CDs or guard

CTRL + ~ : preferred speeder


and the last, Shift + space : always, Throw the Huttball !!


so a bit more than 30, mouse is to look and move, the over use of my left hand probably comes from playing too much guitar...

Edited by Turshek
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I don't have a numpad on my laptop, so my keybinds are a bit different.


Numbers 1-9 stay where they are; I use them for offensive abilities (although I don't know that I actually use them all... they usually get added as I level up and I never move them because I'm used to where the other ones are already).

- and 0 are my CC's, and I leave = for recuperating.

F1-F12 are directly above the numbers on my keyboard, making them easy to press. F1 is my interrupt, the rest are either healing abilities if I'm on my healers, taunts/high threat abilities on my tank, or extra DPS stuff that's more comfortable to hit that way (like Followthrough and Takedown on my sniper).

` is my stun break, Pause is my speeder mount, Delete is stealth, got rid of the turning keys so A and D are strafe, and Q, E, R, F, T, G, V, B, Y, and sometimes H are other assorted abilities like buffs or extra heals that weren't as comfortable elsewhere. Up arrow is autorun, down arrow is walk/run toggle.

And PgDn is throw the huttball because I don't play nearly enough huttball matches to justify giving it a more comfortable keybind, but having to find and click it in the middle of a warzone is too much for my already terrible passing skills. Much easier to just remember that it's that button way over there... :p


All told, I probably have about 43 that I use (that includes things like Tab to next target, Shift+Tab to next friendly, and Ctrl+1 to make my comp attack, which were already bound). And the distance between the function keys and the rest of the keyboard on desktops (plus the seemingly random placement of keys like Pause and Delete) make for an interesting experience if I play on someone else's computer. :rolleyes:

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I am using a Logitech MMO Gaming mouse, and a Logitech G13, so I have an incredible amount of possible key binds that I can use. As soon as I make a new character though, pretty much since launch I have always opened up the key binds menu and bound the second, third and fourth toolbars using the 1-= keys on a keyboard, and a shift, ctrl, and alt modifier. This allows me to have 4 toolbars of key binds which are all easy to use due to my mouse choice, and a Razer Naga would work just as well. That gives me 48 key binds for abilities, and I use the rest of my G13 buttons for often used things such as my character sheet, inventory, map, and crew skills.
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My (humble) advice to anyone reading these posts who is thinking, "I'll never remember all of that...." I'd suggest trying one or keybinds at a time.


For example if you're still moving with the WA(S)D keys, then 1 and 2 and C and F are within easy reach and only a key away. - That's 4 things that you can add in from the start. . I'd suggest simple things like an interrupt or an adrenal - things that don't completely snarl up your rotation of you miss them or forget or miss-key them.


If you have a class with cover, you can keybind the same key to 2 different actions, such as cover / grenade.


And remember that most keys can have shift or control modifiers and most things can have 2 different keys to activate. -Though IIRC only the primary one is shown on the quickbar.


You can always practice on the fleet dummies or low-ish level planets, where you're not going to die horribly if you mess up. Try it and I can 99% guarantee you'll wish you had dome so before!

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I keybind everything except combat rez, sprint and cylinders/stances. I have no idea how people can play melee classes by clicking. :D


It's easy, seeing as it's how I've only ever played. lol

I don't see how the IDIOTS who are in a wz attacking me, spinning & running all around me can play well. Granted it makes them a harder target, understandable, but that'd be at a loss of dps also.


I've just recently started "trying" to keybind & work with it, but so far I'm not finding playing as much as fun.

Running with the mouse is quite hard & frustrating, plus trying to memorize each toon I have it on. Currently leveling a sniper & trying to start with keybinds on it, but I fall back on old school WASD style moving just because it's quicker & what I'm used to, in this game & FPS PC games.


Any tips?

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It's easy, seeing as it's how I've only ever played. lol

I don't see how the IDIOTS who are in a wz attacking me, spinning & running all around me can play well. Granted it makes them a harder target, understandable, but that'd be at a loss of dps also.


I've just recently started "trying" to keybind & work with it, but so far I'm not finding playing as much as fun.

Running with the mouse is quite hard & frustrating, plus trying to memorize each toon I have it on. Currently leveling a sniper & trying to start with keybinds on it, but I fall back on old school WASD style moving just because it's quicker & what I'm used to, in this game & FPS PC games.


Any tips?


Find something that isn't much of a challenge for you, equip a weak weapon, turn autorun on and attack it with your most basic, spammable melee attack (mapped to 1 or e). Don't stop the auto run, just keep attacking and turning with the mouse. You can start on a combat dummy. That's how I learned to stop keyboard turning in wow many years ago (after years spent learning to ignore the mouse in games like Doom, Descent, Duke Nuke 'em, EQ, etc).

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Any tips?

You can still use WASD, but set A and D to strafe left and strafe right. Bind similar abilities to the same key so that changing classes keeps the binds as similar as possible. Hard stun, interrupt, stun breaker, mezz, AOE attacks, defensive cooldowns, speed boost ability, basic attack, execute, leap - these can mostly be the same for any class. For example, force speed is the same as operative roll. Shadow/Sin tank pull is the same as PT/VG pull and sage/sorc pull. My execute is always f on classes that have an execute.


I use a Razer Naga. It was quite difficult for me to get used to strafing only and mouse turning in the beginning, AND using the Naga mouse buttons. I tried to force myself to do these things, then got frustrated and reverted, then tried again, then got frustrated and reverted. Eventually it got to the point where it wasn't as difficult, and started feeling easier and easier. Now I am to the point where if my Naga breaks, I'm getting a new one before I log in again.


I use all 12 side buttons, shift modifier, and ctrl modifier. That gives me 36 binds. I also use q, e, r, f, middle mouse button, shift + middle mouse, extra mouse button 1, and extra mouse button 2. That puts me up to 44 total. However, I don't use most of the ctrl modifier binds. So I actually only use about 34, depending on the class. I click mounts, class buff, and the out of combat health regen (having a brain lapse, can't remember the generic term) since those things are never used in combat.

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Any tips?


New char is a good idea. It'll be easier than trying to do your clicking habits while throwing in new binding ones.


Also you might have things on your UI bars in a layout that logically makes sense with your clicking, but would feel and look like a cluster with binds. So if you're not starting a new char to develop your key binding with, consider rearranging your ability layout if needed for better "bind logic" instead of "click logic".


Practice in easy environments like PVE dailies, lowbie random static mobs, or other places you know well and won't have unpredictable factors to interrupt you focusing on binding development.


Standardize where it makes sense. For examples: Mouse 3 is always my hard stun on tech chars, mouse 7 interrupt on all chars, Shift + mouse 12 Rocket Boots, game pad 6 stealth mezz, etc. They're always in the same spot on my bars too. I have 26 chars and can switch between them pretty easily without much UI review due to having a lot of cross-char consistencies.


For mouse turning just practice, practice, practice to break old habit and develop new. Overall this stuff is just an exercise in patience. If you get it down you'll probably be glad you did.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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