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Which Classes have excellent voice overs?


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Female Trooper is my favorite voice acting in the game, but a lot of people seem to disagree with me. It's fairly polarizing; people either completely love it or else completely hate it.
I started playing SWTOR after marathoning Mass Effect 1 + 2 as female Shepard. I was right at home playing fem trooper.


Personally, I love all of the player character voices, for the most part. The only ones that don't really stick to me are both the Consular voices. They're incredibly monotone and lack any sense of urgency, no matter what dialogue choice you choose. I assume it's not the fault of the actors, however, and something they were directed to do.

All the light side Jedi seem dead.

Male and female Bounty Hunter are on the low scale too.

I can't take male bounty hunter seriously after watching this video

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My two picks are: Female Sith Warrior and Male Imperial Agent.

The worst being: Male Jedi Consular and Female Smuggler (she could put at least half the effort her male counterpart did!).


Heh, it's interesting that I think female Smuggler is tons better than male smuggler, to the point of being my favorite. At least for the bratty dialog options I find her way more entertaining than male smuggler, who just seems to deadpan everything. (I've had similar discussions regarding femshep and male shep, so I think it's really down to personal perception and preference.)


I also love female warrior and inquisitor, although I suspect it's more the voice itself than the voice acting. :)


The female agent took me quite a while to get used to, but after I created a character that fit the voice, I loved it. Since then I always create characters to fit the voice and it makes it so much more enjoyable.

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Heh, it's interesting that I think female Smuggler is tons better than male smuggler, to the point of being my favorite. At least for the bratty dialog options I find her way more entertaining than male smuggler, who just seems to deadpan everything. (I've had similar discussions regarding femshep and male shep, so I think it's really down to personal perception and preference.)


That only proves the point that discussion about preferences are pointless I guess :p


It's great though - personal tastes, shaped by our different cultures, genders, expiriences makes it possible for everyone to find something pleasing here! :)


Still - male IA can read me bedtime stories enytime he wants to - Bertie Carvel did an amazing work here :o

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I thought female Consular was perfect for her role. She is so infuriatingly Jedi, and I love it. I also really enjoyed the male Agent, even though he doesn't believe in the use of punctuation in his sentences.
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Another shout out for the female Sith Inquisitor! Without doubt the best VA of all in SWTOR (if you exclude Jennifer Hale - because lets face it she is just awesome to another level :D )


Sadly the Female inquisitor's voice acting sucked in Shadow of Revan. It just suddenly tanked compared to previously. Dont know why :(


The female Jedi Knight and Smuggler are also really good for their roles!

Edited by BaronV
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ya female Jedi did her voice work very well.

Very Jedi like.


My fav are the female inquisitor and agent

Want to learn how to speak like the female inquisitor!



I thought female Consular was perfect for her role. She is so infuriatingly Jedi, and I love it. I also really enjoyed the male Agent, even though he doesn't believe in the use of punctuation in his sentences.
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I thought female Consular was perfect for her role. She is so infuriatingly Jedi, and I love it. I also really enjoyed the male Agent, even though he doesn't believe in the use of punctuation in his sentences.


This. I really love the female consular voice. Especially playing a light-sided consular. Fits too damn well.

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I started playing SWTOR after marathoning Mass Effect 1 + 2 as female Shepard. I was right at home playing fem trooper.



All the light side Jedi seem dead.

Male and female Bounty Hunter are on the low scale too.

I can't take male bounty hunter seriously after watching this video


For me it is the exact opposite. I simply can't play a female trooper because Jennifer Hale's voice acting is just identical to Commander Shepard. I always only play ME as femshep because I absolutely hate Mark Meer's horrible horrible voice acting...

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It's like Jim Cummings; he's a really prolific male VA too. He was Mr. Bumpy (for anyone old enough to remember that show), Tigger (after the original VA died), he's also not one but three different soldiers on Ord Mantell, a Hutt foreman on Hutta, half a dozen other NPC's in TOR, and even Lorewalker Cho from WoW. They all kind of sound similar because it's the same guy doing it.QUOTE]


I like him as Minsc.


'Villainy stand aside, hero coming through!'


My favorite was the female consular with female smuggler right below it. To each their own. Though the female inquisitor (at least light side) is always replying with a polite f/u.

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Male and Female Hunter.

Male Warrior.

Female Agent. (Ciri!)

Male Smuggler.



Female Inquisitor.

Male Agent.

Male and Female Trooper.

Male and Female Knight.

Male and Female Consular.

Female Smuggler.



Female Warrior.

Male Inquisitor. (his voice is a sad joke. Lisping much, huh?)

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Female Warrior.

Male Inquisitor. (his voice is a sad joke. Lisping much, huh?)


I wonder why female warrior gets so many negativity here, I thought her voice was perfect, very memorable. She has a dominating personality and that voice just goes so well with it - it commands respect! :)


Also about male inquisitor...if you want to play out your sith as a scary type of ****** than I guess it's not that great but I always thought about the whole story and it's main protagonist to be on the funny and completely mad side - for this it's amazing (still remember the male "yaaawn" line :D ).

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Well, I personally quite like Male Consular, but then, I like the entire class and its story a great deal, in contrast to popular opinion. I might be slightly biased, as it was the class I played first and since day 1, but I still don't see why all the hate.

IMO, Nolan North has an excellent delivery for somebody who is supposed to be "the" Paragon of Jedi Order.


Next up probably Fem!Quisitor, she sounds excellent for both Light and dark choices, and unlike her male counterpart, she doesn't seem to try so hard to sound "evil".


Jennifer Hale as Fem!Trooper is a must, of course. Yes, she sounds like a Shepard, but that is very likely done on purpose. And quite frankly, I do not mind, she is awesome.


Fem!Hunter is also pretty good, IMO, especially when played as "honorable" Mando, not as the psychotic killer.


Male!Warrior is a bit odd card. I think his voice sounds awesome when played as Pureblood, but awful when coming out of some other race.


I quite like Male!Agent, except when he is played as a Chiss, which just sounds weird, as no Chiss in game has such heavy accent (female VA works great there). And his switching to "American" accent during Chapter 2 is just great.

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Male Inquisitor. (his voice is a sad joke. Lisping much, huh?)

The lisp is one of the best things about this voice. Plus the actor delivers all lines perfectly, evil, neutral and light-sided. Altho I may be biased 'cause my Inquisitor is a Pureblood with 6 gold piercings in his lips so :p


Along with Inquisitor, male Trooper & male Agent are my favourite.


Next are male Smuggler, male Knight & male Warrior. All three did fine job too.


Consular & Bounty Hunter last. I enjoy Nolan North in pretty much every role but for some reason he sounds completly out of place here. Bounty Hunter just has too deep voice compared to rest IMO

Edited by Pietrastor
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Female Smuggler (she could put at least half the effort her male counterpart did!).
I'm the total opposite on this. Female Smuggler is by far my favorite in game voice. I have two slingers and two sawbones. I tried to level a male smuggler, but I found the same lines that made me LOL on the female smugglar just sound corney coming from a male.


1. Female Smuggler

2. Female Smuggler

3. Female Smuggler

4. Female Agent

5. Female Inquisitor

6. Female BH

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My favorites depend largely on whether I felt the voice "fit" with the character I was trying to portray. I haven't made both genders in every class, but here are my rankings:


1. Male inquisitor. Awesome. Just plain awesome.

2. Male agent. Once I got over the fact that he was British (I'm American, and he was my first toon, so I had this preconceived notion that got shattered the first time he opened his mouth :p), I loved his voice. He does seem to have some slight sinus problems during any RotHC-era voiceovers, however. Maybe he had a cold. :rolleyes:

3. Male warrior. Not as good as the inquisitor, in my opinion (and my agent has a special place in my heart), but he pulls it off very well.

4. Male trooper. Great voice for the part, I think.

5. Female knight. I wasn't overly impressed, but her voice fits nicely.

6. Male knight. Again, nothing particularly noteworthy, but it works well.

7. Male bounty hunter. I had to get used to the rough tone of his voice, but it's grown on me and I like it now.

8. Female agent. As a light side character, she has moments of brilliance, but many of her lines come off sounding cold (which is probably a good thing if you're playing dark).

9. Female bounty hunter. I'm normally a fan of Grey DeLisle, but there's just something about her hunter voice that I don't quite like.

10. Female smuggler. As the quintessential snarky smuggler, she's probably great, but I was playing an uber-lightside, super nice, "I love helping people even if they can't pay me, and Corso is the only man I've ever loved" character. So it didn't fit as well as I would've liked. :rolleyes:

11. Male consular. He seems too... pompous? Is that the word? Even the [Flirt] options just sound like he's sipping tea on the veranda or something. I dunno, I just don't like it.

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Female Agent: Just love the actor here, has that accent and delivers her lines just evilly.

Female Warrior: An excellent dose of haughty and imperiousness, as she should as a SIth!

Female Bounty Hunter: LOVE the snark. LOVE LOVE LOVE. Great acting here (mine is Light Side though).

Male Agent/Operative: Good voice, a little deadpan though but quite sly.

Male Trooper: Mine comes off as a jerk, but I am dark side. :D

Female Smuggler: She sounds good but she also sounds like a young woman/girl, a little too breathy.

Male Smuggler: Nice and snarky, bravo here.

Female COnsular: A little too monotone for me.

Male Consular: Same problem as female Consular, but it's bearable.

Female Inqusitior: Nice and smooth, no issues here, but prefer fem-Warrior.

Female Knight: Heroic and strong voice, enjoy.


Haven't done all of them male/female, but Agent and Warrior are at the top for myself.

Edited by NeuroniaSW
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Male trooper <3 Brian Bloom


Cool, another fan. Definitely one of the most underrated VAs ever.


I wonder why female warrior gets so many negativity here, I thought her voice was perfect, very memorable. She has a dominating personality and that voice just goes so well with it - it commands respect! :)


Probably because she's 1000x worse than Jennifer Hale at trying to "out-macho" her male counterpart and failing abysmally.


Also about male inquisitor...if you want to play out your sith as a scary type of ****** than I guess it's not that great but I always thought about the whole story and it's main protagonist to be on the funny and completely mad side - for this it's amazing (still remember the male "yaaawn" line :D ).


Meh, when you're constantly sounding like you have severe chronic bronchitis and need to see the nearest medcenter ASAP, the "I am Sith, fear me!!!!" effect is somewhat diminished.


But different strokes for different folks, I suppose.

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I've only played female toons, but I really enjoy all of them. Well... almost all of them.


I do like the FemConsular's voice, but it's so monotone it's difficult for me to really love it. I know that's how she was directed, so I can't get upset about it, but it does make the game more dull for me. And I very much like Jennifer Hale, but she's been in so many things... She was FemShep, she's the FemTrooper, she's in practically every BioWare game they've made. I feel like they should have let her be Satele Shan and found someone else to be the FemTrooper. It's going to be so weird when I play as my Trooper and I get to Yavin... eugh.


But all in all I love all the VA's. They did a really fantastic job with them.

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Cool, another fan. Definitely one of the most underrated VAs ever.


I bet some ppl dont even know who that is , more importantly , what other characters in other games he voiced . Such as Varric in the dragon age series , the guy is amazing

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