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Which Classes have excellent voice overs?


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Every class but the Jedi Consular has a great female voiceover. Jedi Consular's pretty bad, but tolerable.


I don't know if I'd go so far as to say GREAT, but yeah. Not sure why Nolan North gets so much flak with THAT as the female voice....

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The Sith voices are my personal favourite, because British are, of course, better than any other voice actors :p but, to me, they seem more professional than the Jedi VAs, and they (normally) say better things, Light Side or Dark. I truly find LS Female SW unbeatable, in terms of the best Voice Overs.


Republic-side, I like the Female Smuggler the most, because they're the voice actor of Phil and Lil from Rugrats, because it reminds me of my childhood. Though, it does reach a love-hate relationship sometimes.

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Male Trooper, Male BH and both Smugglers are my favorite PC voices.


Unlike most people I don't like the female Sith Inquisitor because she sounds like she's chewing gum to me, and SW because the VO is consistently louder than other voices in the game. I prefer the female BH to the female SW.


Overall, I like the male voices much better save for Male Consular. I actually never played a male consular because I did not like the voice, and deleted the female SI as well. I did play both Agent, but not a big fan of either voice-over.

Edited by DomiSotto
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The Sith voices are my personal favourite, because British are, of course, better than any other voice actors :p but, to me, they seem more professional than the Jedi VAs, and they (normally) say better things, Light Side or Dark. I truly find LS Female SW unbeatable, in terms of the best Voice Overs.]


Republic-side, I like the Female Smuggler the most, because they're the voice actor of Phil and Lil from Rugrats, because it reminds me of my childhood. Though, it does reach a love-hate relationship sometimes.


Yes! I love love love love my female light side warrior's voice. :wea_03:

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I love British accents, so most of the Imperials have an edge.


I like all of the voices but fem!consular. "There is no Emotion, there is Valium."


As DomiSoto mentioned, at times fem!warrior sounds like her lines were recorded in a different studio and not adjusted accordingly. I still really like her voice though.

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I would say voices are all top notch imp side. Rep side, consular kind of bottoms out, fem smuggler makes me feel like I'm playing Cubert Farnsworth. Jennifer hale seems to have two voices, Fem Shep and Bastilla, and you can't help but notice playing fem trooper.
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In order from best -> worst:


BotB voices:


Male Trooper

Male Warrior

Female Knight

Male BH

Female Smuggler

Female Agent


Good/OK voices:


Male Smuggler

Female Inquisitor

Male Knight

Female Trooper


Mediocre/Bad voices:


Female BH

Male Agent

Male Consular

Male Inquisitor

Female Consular


Voices that are a complete abomination:


Female Warrior


Reasons are here.

Edited by HandOfKane
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1. Imperial Agent (fits extremely well in her story and in the Empire in general, at least the way I played her)

2. Smuggler (attitude and snark, definitely the perfect female version of Han Solo-- perfectly similar, yet different)

3. Inquisitor (as someone mentioned, she does crazy very well)

4. Consular (I thought she was the perfect Jedi)

5. Bounty Hunter (Azula all the way)

6. Jedi Knight (Could have used a little more oomph)

7. Sith Warrior (too nasal for my tastes)

8. Trooper (ugh)




1. Sith Warrior (Hit the Vader archetype right on the nail, very intimidating and clever)

2. Bounty Hunter (True mercenary voice)

3. Imperial Agent (Cunning)

4. Inquisitor (I would have liked it a little bit lower in pitch, but it sounded good)

5. Smuggler (Han Solo copy)

6. I want to tie the rest of the male Republic classes in last place, they suck.


Overall, my favorite has got to be a tie between the male Sith Warrior and the female Imperial Agent. They're so good.

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It's Bastila, and I just can't get past it. I can't see her voice as anyone else.... At least not all the time.


Female trooper is the same VA as Bastila Shan (and Satele Shan), but her voice doesn't sound like Bastila; she sounds like Female Shepard from Mass Effect (same VA again).


People get butthurt over the female Trooper voice because Jennifer Hale used essentially the same voice for female Trooper and Shepard. "OH SHE SHOULD HAVE USED A DIFFERENT VOICE! IF I WANTED TO HEAR FEMSHEP I'D PLAY MASS EFFECT" Except voices aren't really attached to a specific character as much as they are an archetype; and the voice-coach wanted the same sort of voice for female Trooper as female Shepard because they're the same sort of character.


It's like Jim Cummings; he's a really prolific male VA too. He was Mr. Bumpy (for anyone old enough to remember that show), Tigger (after the original VA died), he's also not one but three different soldiers on Ord Mantell, a Hutt foreman on Hutta, half a dozen other NPC's in TOR, and even Lorewalker Cho from WoW. They all kind of sound similar because it's the same guy doing it.


Anyway, to answer the OP: I love all the female player-class voices except female smuggler. Her voice will be fine, and then suddenly she'll spend half the conversation sounding like she's fifteen.


Male voices are a little more hit and miss with me. Imperial voices I dislike - while the accents of the IA/SW are nice, they're all varying flavors of really gravelly, and the most egregious offender is the male BH. Dude doesn't use sandpaper, he just whispers sweet nothings to his woodwork. Republic voices (sans Consular) I like, though.

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I'm surprised at how little love the Male Smuggler has received! I've always found him hilarious and the acting very on-the-money.


Maury Sterling was terrific for the Vanilla release, but he sounded a bit bored during RotHC and subsequent content. It improved significantly yet again during SoR though.


Kath Soucie, the female Smuggler, on the other hand, felt a lot more constant.

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Maury Sterling was terrific for the Vanilla release, but he sounded a bit bored during RotHC and subsequent content. It improved significantly yet again during SoR though.


Kath Soucie, the female Smuggler, on the other hand, felt a lot more constant.


One of the things I like about him is that I don't hear his voice in a lot of other places. I hear the reuse of a lot of companions (Gault and Vette being the most egregious) and even the male Sith Warrior (who is also great), but I don't recall any NPCs voiced by the Male Smuggler.

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Personally, I love all of the player character voices, for the most part. The only ones that don't really stick to me are both the Consular voices. They're incredibly monotone and lack any sense of urgency, no matter what dialogue choice you choose. I assume it's not the fault of the actors, however, and something they were directed to do.


It also kinda bothers me that the male Inquisitor sounds like a dick, regardless of what he says, but it still sounds good. The female Inquisitor sounds nice and aristocratic, however.

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I'm surprised at how little love the Male Smuggler has received! I've always found him hilarious and the acting very on-the-money.


I agree he made the male smuggler hilarious, definitely one of my favorite story lines.

I also like the voices for the male and female warrior, inquisitor, and the bounty hunters.

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