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Ashe/Lady Insanity just posted a new video with new KotFE info.

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that's the thing though. in real life it works. in a video game.... where are they setting the flag of extracurricular "yes relationship" vs "no relationship" is it at fade to black? is it at a first flirt? second? certain number of flirts? I have a feeling that given that they are speaking of about an hour of story per chapter terms... and no class specific quests... that they may go with easy way out. you flirted even once? counts as cheating. I would love to be proven wrong. I don't think I will be.


I'm not worried. I think in all actuality I flirted maybe once on like one person and it was during the first part of Forged Alliances.

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Cheating would depend on how you view it.


A simple flirt I would not consider cheating as long as your partner knows that it is a simple flirt and that is as far as it went.


A kiss? In my book that is cheating whether or not it went further than that.


Most my companions I flirted with once but considering Corso and the rest of the guys wind up saying the same thing over and over to every lady that has that particular class, just made me not really want to continue the relationship. If they had a few different lines, then maybe but saying the same thing again that they said to you, thank you but no thank you.


Anyways that is just my opinion on it. I can deal with losing my companions and I actually like the idea that my choices will matter even on my companions and I really don't need to know what is going to happen down the line.


My 2 cents.

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Unless you married the Female Mandalorian in your crew. Yeah.... Mandalorian Females don't take rejection/cheating likely. My Smuggler is going to be burned....


Oh I'm sure Akaavi won't be going, "This is a new experience. A man has been chosen over me." I'm sure she'll be screaming violently and trying to rip my Slinger's throat out with her bare hands. I'm really hoping cheated companions will stay in the party, I'd hate to lose Akaavi.


I think my Jugg is safe since he did pursue the Lana romance in FA and SOR, but broke it off at the end of Yavin. I didn't take any flirty options with Lana or Theron in Ziost, so at most he'll probably get a stern talking to by Vette. My Vanguard, Sniper, and Mercenary, on the other hand, are definitely safe since they're married to their work.


In all seriousness, though the most we got was a kiss. It was never fade to black right?


Actually there is a fade to black at the end of SOR if you pursued a romance. So either it's off-screen kissing ala KOTOR or it was more along the lines of DA2. I'm leaning more towards DA2.

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With my male smuggler, Risha knew what she was getting into when she got involved with him. If she's going to be Miss Fussybritches about it, well there are, to paraphrase Rhett Butler, "Plenty of other beds and most have women in them."


My Female Inquisitor romanced Theron, and until I was reading this thread I had completely forgotten that she got involved with Andronikos. So...not a big deal seeing as I can barely remember what his romance was even like.


The only, ONLY person I'm worried about is my IA. She didn't romance Theron (did everything she could to piss in his cheerios as a matter of fact-she was not a fan of anyone from the SIS). However, during a Bounty Hunting week my mouse got stuck (I'm a clicker) and she accidentally flirted with her "Contact." Once. Now obviously Vector, most likely, wouldn't mind seeing as the Hive doesn't understand the concept of ownership or jealousy (and he even made a joke about my agent's "questionable taste in men" when she had to marry that Voss guy-who she left in perpetual puberty because she didn't sleep with him). But if Bioware DOES do the "You cheated, you get flagged, to hell with the type of character you LI is," I'm gonna be really sad. I love Vector and I don't want to lose him over some stupid, accidental flirt :(

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incidentally, that worries me too. you see, my agent that did romance him? they didn't get married becasue of the nature of her job, but still stayed in relationship. and he was very understanding about it. that she may need to sleep with other people for the job, even while they are in a committed relationship.


it was for me, part of the appeal of that particular romance in that particular story. what worries me is whether they are going to account for that particular understanding or if they are going to go with ye olde "you cheated!" route. and what about flirting but not following through?


So...sleeping with Lana/Theron was "part of the job"? :p

Good luck explaining that! :D

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TOS and RAV HM last me HOURS per week...how the hell is one hour worth of story telling content, per month, "solid"? How little do you actually play that 1-hour is "solid" content to you?


Yes, but its every month. SOR was a few hours for almost a year (til October)

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Cheating would depend on how you view it.


A simple flirt I would not consider cheating as long as your partner knows that it is a simple flirt and that is as far as it went.


A kiss? In my book that is cheating whether or not it went further than that.


Most my companions I flirted with once but considering Corso and the rest of the guys wind up saying the same thing over and over to every lady that has that particular class, just made me not really want to continue the relationship. If they had a few different lines, then maybe but saying the same thing again that they said to you, thank you but no thank you.


Anyways that is just my opinion on it. I can deal with losing my companions and I actually like the idea that my choices will matter even on my companions and I really don't need to know what is going to happen down the line.


My 2 cents.


Well it does go that way for all the romances though :p Theron/Lana are no different than the class LIs. They all say the same thing to everyone else who plays the class/story.

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See! I TOLD you he'd be along to defend it...


Is he not right, though?


It does depend on your playstyle and the choices you make.




In the chapter 3 demo, there was a choice where you could either save the solar generator (or whatever) or just leave. Saving it meant playing through more content, leaving meant skipping to the end. How does that not translate into playtime depending on your playstyle?



But just to be clear here, are you saying that 1-hour (minimum) of cutscenes per month is too little?

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I'm not looking forward to the romance consequences on my bounty hunter. I married Mako but kinda cheated with Lana thinking there would be no effect. If i knew this was gonna happen in the future I wouldnt have cheated on Mako...sigh. I wouldnt mind if Bioware gave us a chance to reverse the damage. Ironically my darkside sorcerer will have an easier time since i never did his romance.
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As far as the "1 hour of story content" goes, Lady Insanity clarified in the comments that "story content" specifically means stuff like cutscenes and dialogue. My recordings of all the Ziost cutscenes and dialogue adds up to ~40 minutes (and that's being generous, I was rounding up). So if that information is accurate, I would expect each chapter to at least have as much story content as Ziost. That seems pretty decent to me for a monthly release schedule.


Aye, this is what she posted on reddit about it:


To add on this, which I'll get into during the new series with MD, by story content I meant story content. From the way the devs explained this to us, I understood "story content" as all cutscenes/choice wheel/FMVs. I was hoping the way I stressed this fact in the video would take, but alas, nope lol. That's my bad.


How much content we will get will depend heavily on how much combat and exploration there will be. Will we finally be able to explore some serious planet the size of Hoth or Tatooine again? Will new chapters post launch come with new areas? How large and hard are the missions going to be? So basically, nothing can be said yet about the size of the chapters. At least an hour's worth of dialog and cutscenes per chapter doesn't sound too bad.

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"Companions that you romanced on your character will KNOW that you cheated on them on either Theron or Lana if you romanced them in Shadow of Revan..." Well... my arse is screwed when Kira realizes I romanced Lana.... :w_embarrass:



ow crap, I only chose the Lana romance options as there were no consequences (at the time anyway) as I have only completed SOR on 2 characters in total (Guardian and sage) and wanted to hear the dialogue, I don't care about by sage but that's really annoying for my Guardian, I do have some partly leveled 60's that have not completed SOR and I can't remember if I chose any flirt options with her or not.


I guess I know what new alt I am levelling when I get home :D

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@ the people saying 1 hour minimum length is too little: I don't think you understand just how much 1 hour story cutscenes is.


I recorded Korriban on my SI a while ago, and I just checked what my total there is and it's 31.6 minutes. Now, at one point shadow play messed up and didn't record sound, so I'm missing maybe.... 3 minutes of cutscenes. So, let's say the SI story on Korriban is a total of 35 minutes... and even the shortest chapter in KotFE has nearly double that.


The SI story on Dromund Kaas + the entire Revanite questline + a bunch of sidequests? 67.22 minutes. Barely over our one chapter minimum of KotFE... where it's only for the story. If it's really 1 hour of cutscenes, that is freaking huge.


Edit: In the interest of full disclosure, the non Revanite sidequests were 7 -- the one in Kaas city with the murderous acolytes, the one with the slave cult, the kubaz quest, the one where you recover artefacts for a lord, the one where you check on the slave expedition, the lord pharshol quest and the one where you seal the doors in the temple. And I also put the first Khem convo as well as the intro of 2V and space missions intro into that folder.


Also re: "but operations give hours of content!" That... is only a convincing argument for those that, you know, do ops. I don't. I play pretty much only the solo quests cause being told I could play through the story on my own is what made me give SWTOR a chance in the first place -- maybe one day I'll start doing operations or flashpoints, but as it is right now? Those add exactly 0 hours of content to the game for *me*. I *do* feel bad for the people who do raid and do FPs regularly! But I won't feel duped for... getting more of the content I'm actually interested in and play through, every month, for the same money I would spend on the game anyway. (And as said, one hour of cutscenes is pretty big anyway :p)


(And pffft, as far as romances go? I'm safe. My SI has forever been faithful to his beloved Ashara, I already changed my plans and am gonna smooch Theron on my Agent instead so Vette won't be mad at me -- and when I smooched Cytharat we hadn't locked in the relationship, so... hopefully the flag there isn't messed up lol. And I don't care about Kaliyo breaking up with me considering that I never wanted to romance her, the game just randomly locked me in and wouldn't let me break up no matter how often I rejected her <.< creepy...)

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Okay, this might sound petty, but Ashe's voice in the video annoys the living **** out of me! It is ****'ing irritating to sit through, just for relevant information. I think what gets me is the combo of feigned emotional excitement, intentional mysterious tone, and fear (as in not fully confident in speaking in the video). There are few moments when her real voice and tone come out, and those parts are good, but the rest just makes me want to punch babies.


Okay, rant off.

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"At least 1-hour of story content per month"


Geezus lol. That's pathetic...




I knew they would just give us the ziost treatment, lol. But no, everyone was blinded by ignorance. 1 hour of content per month, THAT IS REALLY gonna keep people playing, lol.

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I knew they would just give us the ziost treatment, lol. But no, everyone was blinded by ignorance. 1 hour of content per month, THAT IS REALLY gonna keep people playing, lol.


Read the second post above yours.


Read it, seriously.

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I only romanced Theron with my Consular and Sith Warrior. My Consular is fine, she never married Iresso because she has a thing for Cedrax, but my Warrior and Quinn are going to have a frank discussion about the state of their marriage... Such as it is.
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There have been people who were complaining about their being no consequences for flirting with npcs infront of their love interest. This is their solution to it.



The point being, make NEW flirting cause a problem, rather than making things done in the past under a different 'system' not matter.


When you change the rules on people, it needs to be a 'from this point forward...' sort of thing, not punishment for things done in the past.

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