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How are you preparing your toons for KotFE?


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With the expansion still 3 1/2 months away, we have plenty of time to prepare for 5 more levels and more story! What are some ways you might get ready for the new expansion?


Are you making credits? Stocking up on WZ comms? Crafting all your saved up mats? Or relentlessly rolling new toons while the 12 xp is going on?


One thing I like to do the week before an expansion drops is fill up my quest log with dailies. I'll do them but not turn them in until the expac opening day in hopes of getting a nice chunk of exp. Pick up cheap Major Experience Boosts when you see them, too. Their price will definitely rise with the expac for a few weeks.


Also, I've stopped PvPing on my completely undergeared toons. I'm using my dark reaver mains to farm comms so that when 4.0 hits, I can buy my half exhumed/half 162 toons a full set of 4.0 tier gear. I don't even think I'll splurge for dark reaver before 4.0 on my less-played alts; I'd rather just wait.


With the 12 xp, I will be rolling a mara just to have one. Once I have my mara at 60, I'll have one of each AC at 60, ready to go for the expac.


So how about all of you? What are your long-term plans to prepare yourself and your toons for the expansion?

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New alts, leveling old ones, trying to write down each major choice to see what combo does what later (in case Dulfy, Emperor Forbid, missed a few), stocking on mats, kill count achieves, affection farming, achieves hunting, from hunting, dailies, FP running to finish those off as best I can, decorating...


Alts mostly. And reading the forum's speculation. Setting up empty don't care about shells to give to comps before I start KotFE sequences so that I don't lose stuff (just in case).

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I'm playing through the Inquisitor storyline again, this time as an assassin. I'm playing as 'me' instead of "mwhahaHAAA lightning for eveyone!!!" There were also a couple things I regretted on my Sorcerer that I mean to correct (helping Zash take over Khem being the most memorable, I really should have just let them fight it out).


Darth Occlus the Outlander's backstory is now being written :)

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I rewatched the Smuggler class story on YouTube (it's been 3 years since I played it). I no longer remember half of my choices so I hope KotFE won't bring up any of those. LOL

Other than that, I plan on finishing the remaining class stories (mainly on Imperial side) so that I have every toon at level 60 but I don't rush it.


I hope that we'll get the operations blog post soon so that I know which raids are getting scaled up and I can prepare my raid group accordingly. Until then, we are kind of without aim - finishing some DF/DP achievements, getting our 204 mainhand but we cannot really prepare for the new expansion.

Outside of my raid group, I am farming the flashpoint and planetary achievements. I want to get all the level 60 flashpoints to 100% because no one will run them anymore when KotFE hits.


Once KotFE hits, I plan to create a duplicate level 60 of my main character. I'd never play through the whole class story again but I really want to have an alt for double lockouts, so I'll just use the opportunity to create a toon with the same appearance and then move the mods from my current gear into legacy gear.


And of course I am farming credits right now but those are mostly intended for the Yavin 4 stronghold; I have plenty of credits left for any credit sinks they put into KotFE.

Edited by Jerba
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Gathering credits, selling off my tons and tons of backstock of cartel market items, getting as many planets "100%" done as I can stomach, as well as trying to push some of the OP's and FP cheevs.


I'm actually looking at my giant clan of ALTs and kind of wishing I didn't have so dang many, lol. I think I'll really only be taking a few of them with me through the next expansion, primarily my mains and a couple of alts that I am just really fond of. The rest I think I'll level to class completion and then left collect dust until I need/want them again.


Beyond that, I'm actually not spending as much time in game as I normally would....trying to give myself just enough time to stay interested but give myself a little bit of a break to build up excitement for the new content. I'll roll a new toon for it and start the expansion as if I was a noob before I take my beloved mains through though, which I think is a bit counterintuitive to what most folks are doing.

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Considering the story is not class based I am really only preparing 2 characters, the rest will do it when they do it. I was hoping for more options in the expansion, but from what I have seen in sneak peaks, it is even more black and white than what we had up until now.
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trying to get 1 pub and 1 imp to 55 on all severs, though was doing this before the new expansion was mentioned taking advantage of the 12x XP Giving it a rest this week as I don't play other than starting planets while the raq event is on

. In real terms I don't really see that any preparation needs doing. We don't know enough about it yet.

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I'm trying to distribute basic comms to my alts so they can at least have something to spend when the new gear becomes available. For my main, I'm hoarding elite and ultimate comms and running dailies for extra money. I've been parceling out a piece of each day's earnings to my alts so they won't have to mooch off my main for crafting and gearing.
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I'm trying to distribute basic comms to my alts so they can at least have something to spend when the new gear becomes available. For my main, I'm hoarding elite and ultimate comms and running dailies for extra money. I've been parceling out a piece of each day's earnings to my alts so they won't have to mooch off my main for crafting and gearing.


How do you send basic comms to alts?

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How do you send basic comms to alts?


If you buy Bind on Equip stuff with basic comms, it adds a two-hour bind timer. If you sell it back within that time, you get your comms refunded. This also applies to alts, so you can put the item in your legacy bank and if an alt sells it back before the bind timer expires, you'll get refunded the basic comms.

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Waiting to learn more about companions. Some of my characters, I am not too concerned with which companion they run with. Not an issue on those toons.


I have a few though, I will probably stop playing as I like only 1 or 2 companions and have zero desire to play them with others. Just probably not going to play through this with companions I dislike on these few toons.


Been playing a lot less actually, as this has dampened my enthusiasm. The story looks fun, but I dislike the companion business Just not my taste. So as of now, been playing just a little bit and waiting to see what (and if) we learn anything I am curious about.

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By playing the game and having fun doing just that and not fretting about the expansion because it's just a game.


Well you can go ahead and play the game instead of provoking people and whining about other people "fretting" on the forums.

Edited by Vallerine
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Considering the story is not class based I am really only preparing 2 characters, the rest will do it when they do it. I was hoping for more options in the expansion, but from what I have seen in sneak peaks, it is even more black and white than what we had up until now.


Why two then? I'm quite sure 90% of story is entirely the same for Rep and Imp alike. Different intro and outro at most.

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With the expansion still 3 1/2 months away, we have plenty of time to prepare for 5 more levels and more story! What are some ways you might get ready for the new expansion?


I do not do anything, the comms will be there anyway since there is not that much to spend them on. We do not even know if we can gear with old comms in the expansion yet.


I guess when we know more we can prepare but for now I just chill and enjoy the summer

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