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Which companion would you ditch?


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I'd get rid of Lorkin. Man I just don't trust that dude by any means. Dude would sacrifice his own kin for the sake of research.


I don't feel this way about Lorkin. On the "Agent Trust Scale", It's Vector - Temple - Lorkin - Kaliyo - SCORPIO.

Lorkin is pretty straightforward with you for you journey together. He

tells you he is a Rakghoul or can turn into one

, he warns you about potential overtrusting of other crew members, he's remarkably open about his hideouts and so on. I mean, am I going to give him the keys to my house? Likely not, but I would feel safer with Lorking than with Kaliyo or definetely SCORPIO.

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I'm surprised by the Ashara hate. Maybe it is how her conversations play out. She did start out kinda whiny but in the end saw how it all works. Heck she won me over when she sang Vaders theme music :cool: Never heard her do that before.


Skadge. omg Skadge I'll put out an airlock if given the choice. Hate getting stuck with companions I never wanted.

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I'm surprised by the Ashara hate. Maybe it is how her conversations play out. She did start out kinda whiny but in the end saw how it all works. Heck she won me over when she sang Vaders theme music :cool: Never heard her do that before.


Skadge. omg Skadge I'll put out an airlock if given the choice. Hate getting stuck with companions I never wanted.


Ashara is only annoying to me when she says that "Don't make me go against my teachings" which makes literally no sense because the simple act of being with a Sith let alone falling in love with one is already going against those teachings.

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It's not that I hate her, it's that she doesn't fit well with the Imperial Agent at all. She's a double-crossing, sadistic mercenary who wouldn't know the meaning of covert if it kicked her in the nose. She's also a compulsive liar. Anyway, she's a fun character, she just doesn't fit with the agent. Maybe she'd fit better with the Smuggler or Bounty Hunter, but she doesn't work well with spy-type stuff.


I think Kaliyo works well with a very certain type of Agent. The type of Agent who, rather than learn from whatever academy, decided to base their actions on spy-action films, who joined up for the action and credits, who ****s the rules, who probably turns around and walks away while an explosion happens in the background. I don't think she'd work perfectly with anyone else but the Agent, and is something of a foil to everyone else (joining a government agency/secret police, let's team you up with the anarchist). Plus, there's the whole trust/mystery angle.


Unfortunately, she's also the only companion 'til Alderaan. And she doesn't fit with half the possible played Agents, which can grow very, very grating.


...And that's probably why on my main, she'd probably be the person I'd leave behind. No real problem with the character, my second Agent would probably love to have her. But my main Agent was loyal to the Empire, and loyal even to the Sith. Kaliyo and her were a match made in Hell.

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I think Kaliyo works well with a very certain type of Agent. The type of Agent who, rather than learn from whatever academy, decided to base their actions on spy-action films, who joined up for the action and credits, who ****s the rules, who probably turns around and walks away while an explosion happens in the background. I don't think she'd work perfectly with anyone else but the Agent, and is something of a foil to everyone else (joining a government agency/secret police, let's team you up with the anarchist). Plus, there's the whole trust/mystery angle.


Unfortunately, she's also the only companion 'til Alderaan. And she doesn't fit with half the possible played Agents, which can grow very, very grating.


...And that's probably why on my main, she'd probably be the person I'd leave behind. No real problem with the character, my second Agent would probably love to have her. But my main Agent was loyal to the Empire, and loyal even to the Sith. Kaliyo and her were a match made in Hell.


The thing is with me that you just can't trust Kaliyo. She's in it for herself, plain and simple. During the Fallen Empire campaign, you're basically going to be going up against a bigger super power than you've ever faced before, and you won't have any backup whatsoever because both the Empire and the Republic are about to go kaput. At that point, you (the you here being the hero) aren't going to want someone who you can't trust at your back, and who doesn't have the ultimate same goal that you do.


You can't trust Kaliyo because her first, foremost, and only goal, is to look out for herself. Yes, it would be fun to watch her blow things up and listen to her witty banter, but there's a possibility she'd blow things up that you don't really want her to, and that she'd spill your secrets for cash. Again.


Plus (and this is just me) she could have at least had the decency to sleep with a random guy NOT on my Agent's ship. I mean really, show SOME respect at least. At least he didn't bring women back to the ship to get his freak on, he took them elsewhere! Boundaries!

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There are a number of reasons I can forgive Quinn, but not Kaliyo.


1. Quinn was forced by a man that would have killed him if he acted otherwise. Kaliyo acted voluntarily for money.

2. Quinn believed he was acting in the best interest of the Empire. Kaliyo was just greedy.

3. Quinn was very remorseful when you proved him wrong. Kaliyo doesn't accept what she did was wrong, and is surly if you think otherwise.

4. Quinn tries to redeem himself and re-earn your trust. Kaliyo makes it clear she will undoubtedly betray you again if the opportunity arises.


And as a bonus compare their romances:


5 Quinn isn't jealous even if you sleep with Pierce, but is 100% faithful to you. Kaliyo gives you negative affection every time you flirt, but brings back one night stands to flaunt in your face. (That and the whole "let's hunt down and murder all of my ex-boyfriends & girlfriend" is just beyond creepy.)


Exactly, I was just too lazy to think and type before, but yeah, definitely all those reasons, for sure. I didn't sleep with Pierce so I didn't know that part. Well, I did on like my 5th SW, but she doesn't count. I had to see what I was missing, and it wasn't much lol.

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I am kinda surprised by the overall dislike for Kaliyo. I have noticed it for quite a while. Now I do not particularly like or dislike her as I have never really used her (My sniper had HK with he most of the game)


So what was it about Kaliyo that people hate so much?


Kaliyo is the anarchist to my Agent's Type-A personality. She's the messy chaos to his controlling organization. I icked out following behind her as she hunted down her past lovers and outright humiliated or even destroyed them, yuck. She's the one companion character that I so literally RP, that my darkside Agent deliberately set out to make her fall for him just so he could break her heart in the end. When she finally betrayed my guy, he wasn't even surprised. And he's so been planning ways to take her out ever since.

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So I just hit the point in my Consular's story where I got Tharan Cedrax on my crew.


I think I understand everyone now who doesn't like the guy. Makes me glad that I'm a Sage not a Shadow on that character, gives me more reason not to use him in my active party. He will also go. Though I'd let him down nicely before leaving him. Maybe upgrade him from Nar Shaddaa to Coruscant.


My Sage is just like that.

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I'm surprised by the Ashara hate. Maybe it is how her conversations play out. She did start out kinda whiny but in the end saw how it all works. Heck she won me over when she sang Vaders theme music :cool: Never heard her do that before.


The Ashara hate is based on superficial readings of her. She's a lot more of a natural Sith than she lets on, you just have to be paying attention. It's subtly written, which is confusing and missed because of how on-the-nose a lot of the rest of Inquisitor is.


She'll never get as Dark as a really Dark Inquisitor but that guy/girl is insane anyway so she has a point in wanting them to do something more productive.




Quinn's only redeeming trait for what he does was his personal bravery.



Confidence or not, going into that room with the Wrath is really putting his life on the line. The Wrath can and does casually kill people while they're talking half as much as Quinn does. And Quinn - unlike various Jedi and Sith who talk smack - has zero defense against the worst things Sith do. He even tries to keep fighting personally after the droids go down although he has to know it won't work. He doesn't beg like a dog either, which is more than can be said for a lot of Sith.


As much as he prides himself on analytic info, that was sheer guts.


Problem is that all logic in the game is that he should have died for it.


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Ones I'd definitely ditch and not pick up on any other character either:


Kaliyo -- one of the very few characters I'd actually kill, as a service to the galaxy!

Skadge -- another of those few I'd kill

Kira -- she has "not for you" written all over her and really rubs me the wrong way. Go hang out with Satele!

Khem -- too evil for my LS Inquisitor to want around. Loses out to Xalek for being the uglier of the two.


If not for the fact that I wouldn't want to have so few companions on a character, though, there are some classes where it is more a matter of who I wouldn't ditch. :p Trooper, Agent, and Inquisitor, I'm looking at you!


As for the Quinn hate vs. Kaliyo hate: it is easy to overlook that Kaliyo is a psychopath because her worst is revealed in companion quests (which are optional), not in your class quests. Also, Kaliyo is very personable and charming in general, while Quinn is more reserved and standoffish and generally only charms the ladies.

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So I just hit the point in my Consular's story where I got Tharan Cedrax on my crew.


I think I understand everyone now who doesn't like the guy. Makes me glad that I'm a Sage not a Shadow on that character, gives me more reason not to use him in my active party. He will also go. Though I'd let him down nicely before leaving him. Maybe upgrade him from Nar Shaddaa to Coruscant.


My Sage is just like that.


where as I'd toss his *** into the nearest black hole and forget about him.

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Light side jedi: rusk and zenith. both are liabilities.

Dark side jedi: t1-07 and Irreso. both are far too loyal to the republicto be useful.

Light pub ranged: Vik and Spar. former is a liability and the latter is too commited to mandolorian tradition.

Dark side pub ranged: Elara and Riggs. the former is because she is a traitor and too loyal to the republic and the latter because hes a liability.


Light side sith: Broonmark and Revel. the former because hes a serial killer and the latter because hes a liability.

Dark side sith: Vette and Ashara. both are liabilities.

Light side imp ranged: Skadge and Scorpio. both are liabilities.

dark side imp ranged: Mako and Vector. former is a liability and the latter is too loyal to the imperials.

Edited by Celise
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Kira Carsen is going out the airlock...grating personality and a little liar worth no redemption....I would give up my entire lightside reputation on every character to ditch this punk


Skadge because why give a free ride to a jerk


Guss because hes aggravating



I enjoy Lokin, Kaliyo, Mako, and T7

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Gault, worst companion ever.


His cowardice gets annoying.


You're with me now. You don't have to be afraid. They can't beat us. Have you not seen me kicking *** everywhere I go?


Quite frankly it's insulting that he thinks every random grunt is a threat worth caving too.

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Kira Carsen is going out the airlock...grating personality and a little liar worth no redemption....I would give up my entire lightside reputation on every character to ditch this punk




I had maxed out affection with her (as a male who romanced her). What are you talking about exactly?

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Interesting, we are delving into spoilers now, but I wonder what triggers said betrayal.


In my sniper playthrough she never betrays me ... the Empire betrays her and locks her up, I recall that, and she partially blamed me. She was then gone from my game until she mysteriously showed up again, rescued and happy, in the end. I remember finding it odd that I did not rescue her, and any hard feelings she had toward me were gone.


Did they perhaps change her storyline late game?


You haven't gotten to it yet because you don't have the necessary affection. I haven't gotten that far, but even the conversations where I can see something fishy is going on (where Lokin is keeping an eye on her) didn't occur for me until after Chapter 3.

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The thing is with me that you just can't trust Kaliyo. She's in it for herself, plain and simple. During the Fallen Empire campaign, you're basically going to be going up against a bigger super power than you've ever faced before, and you won't have any backup whatsoever because both the Empire and the Republic are about to go kaput. At that point, you (the you here being the hero) aren't going to want someone who you can't trust at your back, and who doesn't have the ultimate same goal that you do.


You can't trust Kaliyo because her first, foremost, and only goal, is to look out for herself. Yes, it would be fun to watch her blow things up and listen to her witty banter, but there's a possibility she'd blow things up that you don't really want her to, and that she'd spill your secrets for cash. Again.


Plus (and this is just me) she could have at least had the decency to sleep with a random guy NOT on my Agent's ship. I mean really, show SOME respect at least. At least he didn't bring women back to the ship to get his freak on, he took them elsewhere! Boundaries!


Right, yeah, Kaliyo isn't someone I'd really want to rely on to watch my back in big major events. But I'm just disputing she doesn't fit with the Agent -- she does, as a foil and/or a demonstration of one way of playing the Agent, and I don't think she'd work as well with anyone else.


The trust thing really ties in with that. The Agent's plot is a ambiguous spy-y type plot, where no one can be entirely trusted. Kaliyo's probably the biggest example, but it goes for a lot of the companions. Lokin's past is a mystery, but you know he's probably done a lot of really, really sketchy things and you can't really take him at his word for his intentions. SCORPIO outright announces she wants to kill you. Vector and Temple are pretty trustworthy, but Vector's partially melded into a bug hive mind -- which if nothing else should put your edge at first -- and Temple you recruit on basically false premises and at first are programmed to kill her if she leaves your oversight.


Kaliyo is probably the most overtly distrustworthy of anyone, however.

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Hmm... well, I could maybe get over Mal's betrayal, but not Kaliyo's.


For me, it has more to do with the Agent story than anything.


The Agent's assemblage of companions complements the spy story perfectly. As odd as some of those companions are, in the end you really have the makings of a great espionage team there with all the facets covered. And also a very clear set of unwritten rules. There aren't many either, but the foremost is to not betray the Agent.


In that world, you can't give betrayers a second chance, not if they are a part of your crew. So light or dark doesn't matter, Kaliyo has to pay with her life for the good of the team. In fact, I suspect, that Kaliyo would even accept that telling you that it is about time and that it is good to know you hadn't gone soft.

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Woah... I like most of the companions in this game. So this'll be a toughie Let's see...


JK: I like everyone here. If I absolutely had to choose, probably either Rusk or Scourge. It would depend on whether I'm using OOC thinking or IC thinking. OOC, Scourge is more interesting, while Rusk is a bit boring. IC, Scourge is a pure-blooded Sith who might betray me when threats to both Republic and Empire stop showing up, while Rusk will serve loyally even aside from method differences.


JC: Zenith. At best, the guy is boring. At worst, he's a scumbag who's just as evil as the Imperials he hates so much. Which wouldn't be TOO bad... but he has this delusional belief that he's somehow the good guy. I hate him. He has the same problems as Rusk, and more.


Trooper: Vik. Again, Garza, why couldn't I have Fuse? Vik is blatantly out for himself, and doesn't fit in with this band of soldiers. He might've worked with the Smuggler or Bounty Hunter, but with the Trooper, no.


Smuggler: Oh boy. This is THE toughest call among the Republic classes. Ugh... I guess if had absolutely no choice whatsoever but to get rid of someone, then I guess Akaavi. She's hard for my LS Smuggler to get along with, and doesn't have quite the charm of the others.


SW: Pierce. He's kind of a dumb brute, and not in an appealing way, and he very disrespectful. I prefer Quinn because he's smart.


SI: Toughest call among the Imperial classes. The candidates are Andronikus and Ashara, and as with the JK, based on OOC vs. IC. OOC, I like Ashara more and think Andronikus is boring. IC, Andronikus reminds my SI of the life of freedom he dreamed of while in slavery, while Ashara is a naive fool whose ideals will get herself killed one day.


BH: You've heard it a million times, and now you'll hear it once again. Skadge, Skadge, SKADGE! Complete moronic brute, repulsive personality, completely impossible for my LS Hunter to get along with, and openly insults the other crewmates. That "Skinny Broad" has been with my Hunter since day one and is a very talented hacker, the "Little Twerp Trying to Walk Tall" is my Hunter's boyfriend and could probably wipe the floor with you, the "Squeaky Thing" is very clever and knowledgeable with tech, and that "Belly-achin Dandy" is smart and good for a laugh. You, Skadge, provide absolutely nothing worthwhile to my crew. Even with the other companions I say I would ditch, I would hesitate to some extent. You are the one companion who I would have absolutely NO reserves about stuffing through the airlock. If the expansion lets us off you, then good-bye and good riddance!


IA: Probably Temple. This is mostly just disinterest talking though. I don't hate her, but she's just kinda... there. Everyone else has something going for them.

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Just looked over this old thread recently. it's so funny. Thought I might give it an update so....


Theron Shan: I am just sick of seeing you every time I turn my head. Last I checked this is not The Theron Shan show, and change that silly jacket already!


Koth: self righteous traitor and overall buffoon. You have to go! You took my precious gravestone so I will give you a gravestone of your own = )


T7-01: last thing I need is an overly sensitive droid with a conscience. bye bye buddy


Tora: You are so lucky the plot saved you after asking if you can have my stuff.


Reformed Arcann: Thanks for the help with your evil daddy, but after the 5 years in carbonite stunt you pulled I don't think I really wanna see you around me every day. God forbid I have a bad mood swing you will sure be the first one to feel my wrath. It's probably safer for you in exile then with me.


Aric Jorgan: Catman seemed to have a problem with just about everything I did. He was rude and spoke up to me a little too much for a subordinate. I have a feeling just like Koth the second you disagree with me on a major decision I would be sold up the river so fast my head would spin. Oh wait you did go against my orders! Donald Trump would fire this douchebag, but my outlander took a more theatrical approach lol


Nico Okar: I thought you might be a cool guy to party with , but you are boring and you never talk to me = (


Torian Cardera: I never bought you as a mandalorian and you are annoying when you talk. Also you look like some boy band reject. I don't want you in my Alliance so I'll let my good friend Valyin take you under her wing, and you will be in good hands.


2V=R8: Wow you are one ungrateful sh*t talking little punk of a droid aren't you? I was such a nice master to you. After years of you stinking up my ship with Alderanian nectar I didn't turn you into scrap metal, and this is how you repay me?


Xalek: I am so pleased I finally got to have some fun with you. You would've done the same with me eventually, but probably while I was sleeping


Senya: I kinda like you Senya, but if you betrayed me once you might very well do it again. I should kill both you and your son, but since you helped me I'll be nice and just exile you both to Dagobah the rest of your lives where you can work on your tans


Lana Beniko: We've had a fun little romance, and I have really fallen hard for you, however the other day I had a disturbing vision through the force that our romance has reached it's peak, and you are going to ignore me the next couple years if not forever. I just can't afford to have my heart broken again, so you have to go darling = (

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Theron Shan: I am just sick of seeing you every time I turn my head. Last I checked this is not The Theron Shan show, and change that silly jacket already!


*Hunts down Darthosirus!*


Anyone who speaks against Theron, someone my sniper has been waiting 5 long years for must die!!!!!

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