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The dream is dead. (R.I.P. 2014-2015)


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Factions will not be able to play together in group content, as it is now.




Looks like the changes coming in 3.3 are the only solution BioWare has to queue times. I'm glad that they're doing anything at all, but simply lowering the cost of gear is like putting a band-aid onto a severed limb.


Cross-faction queues aren't the same as cross-server queues, but cross-faction queues would have done a lot of good for the PVP community.

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Well, how big of a band aid are we talking about?


It is sad. I really thought that they were going to have a way to make cross faction work. I am disappoint. :(


It's probably not much of a band-aid. Cheaper PVP gear will allow people to get to 2,018 expertise faster, but it won't change the fact that most of those people will probably not queue up for ranked again after the first time they're yelled at because they didn't drop millions of credits on augments. It probably won't help the overall health of the ranked community to fill the solo queue with people who jumped to level 60 and don't know their classes. After 3.3, solo ranked will probably be decided based on how many newbies you have on your team who have been playing their specs for a week. That's kind of a problem now, but I've found it to be a rare one. We'll see if that changes with the next patch.

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Looks like the changes coming in 3.3 are the only solution BioWare has to queue times. I'm glad that they're doing anything at all, but simply lowering the cost of gear is like putting a band-aid onto a severed limb.


Cross-faction queues aren't the same as cross-server queues, but cross-faction queues would have done a lot of good for the PVP community.


Yea, downer. X-faction is needed for pvp because:


It limits q-syncing and win trading a lot. I can't go into details without writing a how-to.


It kills faction dominance. Some (probably all) servers have most of the best players playing one side. Take The Bastion, when I checked it (a month ago maybe) the average character in solos had ~10 wins if you were a pub. If you were an Imp it was less than 3. And there was a large ratings disparity as well - it wasn't just that one side q'd less, they lost a lot more often. And that was the busiest server in the US for ranked at the time. Harbinger had a similar disparity that favored Imps. Regs has similar but less extreme disparities as well. Particularly on lighter servers, i know that q'ing for regs is going to be painful and unfun if specific premades are running around. With x-faction maybe I won't end up against them every game?


If any yellow poster needs a full, detailed list with explanations to make a case for this I can provide one. I'm of the opinion that even with merges, x-faction is mandatory for serious and fair pvp in this game. And it shouldn't require too many expensive technical changes to implement.

Edited by Savej
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This is a loss. Ita was chance to make the story more plausible.


A third faction coming out of nothing to threat the only 2 dominant in the galaxy, for all that was known for centuries after the 1 Hyperspace War.


It was so logical, that in times like these, survival would become the only concern. If Revan and 1 Emperor alone, made the factions united the inteligence, why not now, that all temples and worlds seemed to be raided? This time gouping should be allowed. Nothing makes sense now.

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Yea but they really shot themselves in the foot with the level cap increase. Right now it's looking like the reduction in cost was because of the expansion announcement and level cap increase.


Who's to say that this cost reduction will apply to the new armor.


And are they gonna let us keep comms when the expansion goes live, or are they gonna take them from us as they have in the past?


And what is the point now of grinding out (while at a reduced rate) a set of gear that will be obsolete in 3 months from when 3.3 goes live?

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Yea but they really shot themselves in the foot with the level cap increase. Right now it's looking like the reduction in cost was because of the expansion announcement and level cap increase.


Who's to say that this cost reduction will apply to the new armor.


And are they gonna let us keep comms when the expansion goes live, or are they gonna take them from us as they have in the past?


And what is the point now of grinding out (while at a reduced rate) a set of gear that will be obsolete in 3 months from when 3.3 goes live?


You voice my concerns as well. I think the PVP changes coming next patch were nothing more than a giveaway due to the fact that no new PVP content is coming this year, maybe next, but definitely not before Jan 1st 2016. Right now, I don't even feel like logging in and doing anything. Grind gear? For what? PVP? For what? Max companion affection? For what?

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PVP'ers who stay subbed are like battered women who refuse to leave their abusive husbands. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, we really want to believe that the devs truly care about us. Every now and then the devs will do something nice for us to reaffirm that belief; but in reality, nothing is going to get better.


Get out while you can.

Edited by Jimmajamma
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PVP'ers who stay subbed are like battered women who refuse to leave their abusive husbands. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, we really want to believe that the devs truly care about us. Every now and then the devs will do something nice for us to reaffirm that belief; but in reality, nothing is going to get better.


Get out while you can.


Or perhaps some of us actually enjoy this game.

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Or perhaps some of us actually enjoy this game.




I still love playing pvp in this game. Cross server won't be needed if we get a lot of new players coming into the player base with the launch of this new expansion. I am really happy with the changes to pvp coming in 3.3 (hopefully they don't change the function of aoe's interupting caps), and the cost reduction in the ranked gear + getting rid of ranked coms will lead to more participation in ranked in the long run. It is frustrating to get to lvl 60 and then not be able to compete as well because we could only afford so much ranked pvp gear. Now with our warzone limit being 200k, i don't t see the transition of getting into ranked play to be as difficult.

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If this change would happen this would help Rep side and not everyone would re-roll Imp eventually.


Cross realm if it ever comes will help the game but the issue is that best pvpers outside of Bastion are on Imp and even if cross realms comes Rep will suck mostly in WZ and prob Ranked.


I exclusively play Rep only, it's my preference and i am hardcore pvper. I am afraid that soon if something doesn't happen Bastion dies and on other servers it will suck in Ranked and WZ being rep.


I personally will quit the game at that point i just don't like Imps.

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Agreed. It bums me out. And it's such an obvious and huge QoL boost for PvP.

A matter of opinions, IF you want the pvp population to diminish further then, by all means go for the cross faction, the increase would last a couple of months, then some Illusions of PvP Grandeur will be crushed and by a swift move we will have lost 1/3 of our already small population after those couple of months.

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A matter of opinions, IF you want the pvp population to diminish further then, by all means go for the cross faction, the increase would last a couple of months, then some Illusions of PvP Grandeur will be crushed and by a swift move we will have lost 1/3 of our already small population after those couple of months.



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I had a feeling this would be the case: the Zakuul Empire is an interlude, not the finale. Once they're dealt with the Empire and Republic are going to go right back to trying to kill each other. However, as a cross faction advocate, I can't be the only one who's a little relieved that their system isn't just, "Ok, factions are dead now. Everything's friends. Everyone's fun." There's a better way to do it (secondary neutral avatars) and I'm willing to wait for it.
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It would be great to even have some feed back on the comments made last year about "better than cross server"... Since that comment there has no information on what it is or when it might be implemented...

Even if they said, " you know, we looked at it and it isnt viable" or "it's taking longer than we anticipated"... Etc... But no news is driving us crazy with speculation and disappointment...

Eric, please clear this up once and for all even if it is no

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If this change would happen this would help Rep side and not everyone would re-roll Imp eventually.


Cross realm if it ever comes will help the game but the issue is that best pvpers outside of Bastion are on Imp and even if cross realms comes Rep will suck mostly in WZ and prob Ranked.


I exclusively play Rep only, it's my preference and i am hardcore pvper. I am afraid that soon if something doesn't happen Bastion dies and on other servers it will suck in Ranked and WZ being rep.


I personally will quit the game at that point i just don't like Imps.


My thoughts exactly, the good rep players on The Red Eclipse seem to have all but disappeared lately and I refuse to jump ship and go imp side, never liked imps, don't like imps, never will like imps.

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The title of the thread was confusing enough without any1 seriously believing Bioware would take a minigame like PvP into being a primary interest of their new content development.

Not sure if any new wzs or arenas are planned but ppl really need to wake up and realize PvP is server restricted and that is all we got, so take it or leave it.

I would love to move all my toons from TRE to a specific server if most PvPers would do the same, if nothing else but for the population and diversity.

TRE is turning into an empire cesspool of premades, altough i respect alot of imps on TRE but its killing the will of any new rep players to even give it a try.

Playing low/mid brackets is like turning the overall speed of the game to 50%, not too mention its not the same as 60s PvP...or maybe its just me,it does seem alot slower than elder PvP.

Too early to tell, too many emotion based expectations on PvP, lets w8 it out and see....

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