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EA E3 press release is talking about an expansion called Knights of the Fallen Empire


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This is actually very encouraging. That looks just like the planet Jakku in the background.


The DICE guys were given access to new movie material and content to integrate into their game to align with the Episode VII release. In fact, Battlefront will have a Battle for Jakku map where players can battle on the planet one month before release of the movie.


It's a good sign that Bee-Dubya is being included in the mix as well. Looks to me like Disney/EA wants to keep the SWTOR doors open and operating.


Imagine if they tie in TOR's next expansion with the next set of movies, hmm?


Relics, perhaps even a certain defeated Emperor could make himself known in the future...

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The dollars go to one or the other. Their amount is fixed. His point stands.


Not really, marketing budget doesn't necessarily affect development budget. The cash for something like this is small change for EA. It's likely that the budget for this was specifically allocated for marketing as a push to get more exposure in the wake of the excitement for Episode 7.

Edited by MillionsKNives
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I'm hyped and I don't want to be. Hype just leads to disappointment, in most cases. However I'd not be disappointed, if;


- More companions + old companions (they stand on your ship like melons, offering nothing after you reach the affection cap, I'd like more conversations, etc.)

- More class specific missions (having a load of alts and doing the same thing over and over on 10+ characters, can be pretty boring.)

- Longer content (no more five levels, give us a full ten levels with a level cap of seventy.)


That's pretty much it. That would make me more than happy and I'd totally pay for that. The game itself has been improving slowly and an epic expansion would blow my mind. Fingers crossed.

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The dollars go to one or the other. Their amount is fixed. His point stands.


Unless they got more dollars to spend. With bigger investments comes a bigger marketing budget. This doesn't realy need explaining though, does it?

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I'm hyped and I don't want to be. Hype just leads to disappointment, in most cases. However I'd not be disappointed, if;


- More companions + old companions (they stand on your ship like melons, offering nothing after you reach the affection cap, I'd like more conversations, etc.)

- More class specific missions (having a load of alts and doing the same thing over and over on 10+ characters, can be pretty boring.)

- Longer content (no more five levels, give us a full ten levels with a level cap of seventy.)


That's pretty much it. That would make me more than happy and I'd totally pay for that. The game itself has been improving slowly and an epic expansion would blow my mind. Fingers crossed.

10 new levels of class story would deinitely be fully satisfactionary amount of content for a whole.

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Not really, marketing budget doesn't necessarily affect development budget. The cash for something like this is small change for EA. It's likely that the budget for this was specifically allocated for marketing as a push to get more exposure in the wake of the excitement for Episode 7.


Yes really. It could be limited to BW Austin's entire budget. We have no idea how their cost centers are structured. We do know there is budget. Only so much toothpaste to squeeze. :)

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I'm hyped and I don't want to be. Hype just leads to disappointment, in most cases. However I'd not be disappointed, if;


- More companions + old companions (they stand on your ship like melons, offering nothing after you reach the affection cap, I'd like more conversations, etc.)

- More class specific missions (having a load of alts and doing the same thing over and over on 10+ characters, can be pretty boring.)

- Longer content (no more five levels, give us a full ten levels with a level cap of seventy.)


That's pretty much it. That would make me more than happy and I'd totally pay for that. The game itself has been improving slowly and an epic expansion would blow my mind. Fingers crossed.


I'm not a fan of level cap increases, especially not this early after an expansion. Additionally, previous lvlcap dailies/FPs/Ops lose whatever challenge they had and with the "doubling down on story content" I doubt we'll see much endgame content in the forseeable future.

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I might actually resub if there is any truth to this. I really like this game but the repetitiveness was killing me. I leveled like 19 toons to L60 before the 12X. after the 12X I did not have it in me to do more. Maybe Ill get my wife to resub too. :)
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Wow, I must admit that I never thought I'd see the day that we'd get new companions.

Of course part of me thinks that it's just creative wording, and that Theron, Lana and Jakarro are being counted as those companions because they "join" us on our adventures (without actually joining). :p


I can't wait to hear more! :D

Sounds like Swtor's big year may turn out very impressive indeed!


If that was the case, it wouldn't be 'new; companions. So either it's new ACTUAL companions, or maybe new main characters that will help you from time to time.

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Unless they got more dollars to spend. With bigger investments comes a bigger marketing budget. This doesn't realy need explaining though, does it?


Lord Artemis used to post quarterly earnings of SWTOR (usually a bit out of date for business reasons or something). Before s/he left the forums.


Those, IIRC, often showed that SWTOR was bringing in large numbers of USD, but when we see the content output of the next few quarters, we sit and wonder "where is my/our money going?"


I swear, EA uses most of SWTOR's earnings to make one-off games that fail, or as cushion budgeting for the FIFA or Madden NFL games.

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it is not, actually there is topics with a past year rumors. Its the final-ending of swtor and a new era for something different, swtor 2 maybe. Or a fully revamp swtor game, but it will act like a new game, in a different era


Here is the rumors topic http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=772595


So wait. Are people actually saying that this rumor is coming to be?

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Lord Artemis used to post quarterly earnings of SWTOR (usually a bit out of date for business reasons or something). Before s/he left the forums.


Those, IIRC, often showed that SWTOR was bringing in large numbers of USD, but when we see the content output of the next few quarters, we sit and wonder "where is my/our money going?"


I swear, EA uses most of SWTOR's earnings to make one-off games that fail, or as cushion budgeting for the FIFA or Madden NFL games.


They might've had some debts to pay off after a bad first year.


But really, doesn't it look like EA has reinvested more into this game with the new SW hype around Ep VII. More budget more development and more marketing. You don't just want to make more content, you want more players as well. So marketing has to be part of the equation.

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They might've had some debts to pay off after a bad first year.


But really, doesn't it look like EA has reinvested more into this game with the new SW hype around Ep VII. More budget more development and more marketing. You don't just want to make more content, you want more players as well. So marketing has to be part of the equation.




There is more to a business than its product. Money has to be spent in many areas: Product, NPI, R & D, Marketing...everyone gets a piece in order to make money for the company as a whole. You can't just dump every dime into the product and expect it to succeed...though with the internet, word of mouth takes on a whole new level...but you have to have marketing to create a buzz for people to talk about and CGI trailers are the go to for games.

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There is more to a business than its product. Money has to be spent in many areas: Product, NPI, R & D, Marketing...everyone gets a piece in order to make money for the company as a whole. You can't just dump every dime into the product and expect it to succeed...though with the internet, word of mouth takes on a whole new level...but you have to have marketing to create a buzz for people to talk about and CGI trailers are the go to for games.


I never said I didn't want a nice CGI trailer, I was just agreeing with the sentiment that the trailer shouldn't be the only nice thing that shows a great deal of effort.


Yavin, Ziost, and Rishi have great landscapes (well, Ziost Before, After is very tiny), but the stories are a little rushed feeling (Imp romances were ignored in the SoR intros while Pubside acknowledges them). And bugs (Meat Tree, remember?)


So I personally want more of the budget to go into making sure KotFE is fully playable without requiring Instance Switching. Or into working as is properly designed to work.

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Those notes could have been copy and pasted from 3.0's notes, with the addition of "companions". There's nothing unexpected in those...nothing.


There's no need for such pessimism TUXs. I know it's hard sometimes, but great things ARE coming to this game! We are going to get something big.


Don't be so down buddy :) It's alright!

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Please just no new level cap; that gets old real fast. Not mentioned but that does not necessarily mean it isn't happening.


I'll get a little excited about things if there is no new level cap. If there is, it kind of just puts me off . Too soon for a new cap for my taste.

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I would enjoy another level cap increase, but wouldn't mind either way if we got one.


Dynamic story telling to me means each class has their own unique story, even if it ultimately is basically all the same outcome (like RotHC and SoR), but is actually way more specific to the 8 unique toons. I seriously am tired of doing the SAME exact story on 8 different classes. Sure, faster and cheaper in the long run, I suppose, but boring as hell overall.


Basically, if they want me to get all bouncy and excited for an upcoming expansion, even if similar to GSF or GSH, it better be something actually new and shiny. With replayability. Lots of replayability. And truth be told, I DO NOT want another brand new companion. Seriously, NO MORE NEW COMPANIONS. I want NEW things with my CURRENT companions.


The only reason I even have Treek or HK is because I wanted them for Crew Skills. I still use my original companions. Bioware, NO MORE NEW COMPANIONS. Give us more on our CURRENT companions. I don't want Lana or Theron or another damn wookie on board. I don't use Bowdarr as it is. Can't stand Wookies 'talking'.


Otherwise, meh, until I know for sure it's actually something that I consider woohoo.

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I don't want Lana or Theron or another damn wookie on board. I don't use Bowdarr as it is. Can't stand Wookies 'talking'.

No worries. D4 will do all the talking, he comes free of charge with Jakarro :rak_01:



I can't wait to see the video. I'm glad that it looks like they're devoting more to the game's budget. Between a new CGI trailer and a full expansion so soon after the last. I can't imagine them putting this much effort into just another GSF sized expansion.

I don't think they would want to add anymore new game systems anyway. There's enough themes in this park as it is, better to iterate, expand and add to the existing ones. GSF and Strongholds were big additions anyway. Although I still wish for PVE space revamp GSF-style :(

Edited by Pietrastor
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I dunno, another level cap raise so soon would be disheartening I think. The gear treadmill is exactly that but if you need to run faster it might take the fun out of it.


Gonna wait and see what Monday brings. All in all though, I am pretty excited about all of this. :)

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We all kinda assumed it'd be an expansion...right?! This isn't really shocking to anyone is it?


TUX, u should know a Lot of ppl don't have a high Intelligence. Look at the idiots that thought that 12X ending in the Fall thought Fall begins in August, and how many morons asked the same dammed 12X questions over and over when Eric Musco answered all the questions.


TUX, I hate to say it, but most ppl have a pebble for a brain.


Fact is this IS an Expansion, like u said, and more importantly EA said it. EA also said this is the Biggest Expansion, which as you and I know, with any Expansion we have had, we have had to Pay Money for it or Bioware doesn't get money to do another 1 lol :p


As you and Most other ppl know i hope, that with an Expansion comes another Character lvl increase, so i would expect the same with this, as you do. :)


Also that's why we have had 12X xp, for an easier transition to a higher lvl Cap if there is to be 1.



I WANT MY LANA..........

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