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Significant power shift @ the Harbinger


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Doesn't surprise me about SPC... They were renowned for doing the same thing on the old APAC server...

Wait... How is kick ball ranked now?... Are you saying you ran premades in Hutt ball... LoL... How is that ranked when it's regs...


Kickball rated is forming an Ops group, having captains pick players. Like one would for kickball in school. Hence "kickball rated". Gives people who don't normally do 4s a chance to try. Basically just 3 dps and 1 heals.

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Kickball rated is forming an Ops group, having captains pick players. Like one would for kickball in school. Hence "kickball rated". Gives people who don't normally do 4s a chance to try. Basically just 3 dps and 1 heals.


Fair enough... We don't have kick ball at school in my days... I thought you meant Hutt Ball

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Your right I don't know exactly just saw a couple of names. Listen spawn camping is tacky, I have never done it and never will. I don't heal people who stray too far from the objective unless its a choke point in a close match. You guys have 5 people in FOTM classes sitting there globalling players. Meanwhile what you don't see is half the team has already quit. So your punishing the players who stick it out but got stuck with a weak group. You guys get less overall stats, less playtime, your healer has nothing to do and you are creating a toxic atmosphere. I personally don't care its quick comms and I'm gearing this toon. But less people will que if you keep doing it and pop times for pubs start to get longer. All I'm saying is be considerate. Some of these players don't match up well, thats fine, but give them room to breathe at least. People are actually now checking to see if your guild is queing so they can leave the match before it even starts. That's not a good thing, because if the match starts with 5-6 players I'm going to leave as well.


As for spawn camping... All I can say is if people are stupid enough to be Lemmings or Sheep and keep jumping into the meat grinder, they deserve it...

I mean, how hard is it to go out the other respawn point?

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In a Void star on defense they are actually sitting right at the exit point for attackers, not one guy like 5 of them and just globalling people. I'm stealth so I can get out, but for say a sniper there is no escape you have to move at some point or get booted from the match. Remember this is a match where players are rotating in and out of the match because they keep leaving and new ones entering. If you have no cc protection they will yank you down and global you. Its the equivalent of a 60 in full pvp gear ganking a level 25, there's no chance to fight back. This rarely happened on pot5, very rare, on Harb it happens in every other match for pubs. Its legal and hey do it if you want, but don't complain when you can't get any competitive matches because no one wants to play against you.
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In a Void star on defense they are actually sitting right at the exit point for attackers, not one guy like 5 of them and just globalling people. I'm stealth so I can get out, but for say a sniper there is no escape you have to move at some point or get booted from the match. Remember this is a match where players are rotating in and out of the match because they keep leaving and new ones entering. If you have no cc protection they will yank you down and global you. Its the equivalent of a 60 in full pvp gear ganking a level 25, there's no chance to fight back. This rarely happened on pot5, very rare, on Harb it happens in every other match for pubs. Its legal and hey do it if you want, but don't complain when you can't get any competitive matches because no one wants to play against you.


Perhaps you and I never linked up on Pot5 but it was much more prevalent there than it is here. Coincidentally, the same people doing it there are also doing it here.. so there's that.

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Don't fall into hyperbole to make your point. There are some areas where the Imperial side seems to be favored, but it is not anywhere near as ubiquitous as you state. Just one example, remember that the whole story of the first three acts is the Republic kicking the Empire's butt.


hyperbole aside, I do think he has a point. faction balance does seem to be pretty heavily imp on every north american server that I know of. harbinger was the last of them that was pub dominated. I know JC used to be pub dominated. and it has a particularly suffocating effect in reg WZs.


the funny thing is that almost everyone worth a poop has mirror toons. but you rarely see them for w/e reason. I'm guilty of it too. I basically just get on the mando every day or two just for the daily and maybe pass some gear to a jugg or mara I never actually use. lol

Edited by foxmob
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Does anyone think this wasn't going on on Harby for years by one guild or another? It's nothing new just that it's now Imp side with an overwhelming advantage with the influx of the transfer. I'd say group up and fight back PUBS.
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Which is why you don't see Hustle that much... Like the other poster said... They just like to farms noobs in regs as they can't take on the challenge of ranked... Get Hustle players by themselves in regs and they only have a few stars... The rest are mediocre at best...


Doesn't this describe 99% fo the guilds that premade in regs?

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Doesn't this describe 99% fo the guilds that premade in regs?


no. and I know this is probably the wrong thread to mention this, but the best players in the game premade. caprica groups up in "premades" all the time. he's easily one of the best snipers/GSs in the game. he's done it in group ranked and in solo ranked. he's done it in arenas and in 8's. but please, tell me how bad ppl are who premade. I'm certain his is the rule, not the exception when it comes to grouping up. and he's definitely not "hiding" from big bad bobbafatter or krackerjack.

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no. and I know this is probably the wrong thread to mention this, but the best players in the game premade. caprica groups up in "premades" all the time. he's easily one of the best snipers/GSs in the game. he's done it in group ranked and in solo ranked. he's done it in arenas and in 8's. but please, tell me how bad ppl are who premade. I'm certain his is the rule, not the exception when it comes to grouping up. and he's definitely not "hiding" from big bad bobbafatter or krackerjack.


Ranked 4's are dead while premades are pugstomping.


Just sayin.

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Not everyone likes the arena format. This notion that PvP guilds should only be doing ranked is asinine.


The notion that premades should play against other premades is not, however. Which goes back to the original point. They're all regstars.

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The notion that premades should play against other premades is not, however. Which goes back to the original point. They're all regstars.


They can't control who they play against. That said... I see plenty of bad premades as well. Guilds like Hustle, #Hacks, Midian, Lemon Party, Tauntauns would stomp them as well.


Should players in those guilds who may not enjoy arenas just retire from PvP altogether so they don't hurt some pugs feelings? You guys put down "regstars" but 75% of people in regs can barely even handle regs.


I queue solo mostly but when I get into matches like this I totally understand people who premade exclusively

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As for spawn camping... All I can say is if people are stupid enough to be Lemmings or Sheep and keep jumping into the meat grinder, they deserve it...

I mean, how hard is it to go out the other respawn point?


We could rather remain in the respawn point and get withdrawn from the game ... All of us ...


And -. which "other" respawn point are you talking about in Alderaan, Hutball etc. ?


The one of your own team, farmers ?

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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They can't control who they play against. That said... I see plenty of bad premades as well. Guilds like Hustle, #Hacks, Midian, Lemon Party, Tauntauns would stomp them as well.


Should players in those guilds who may not enjoy arenas just retire from PvP altogether so they don't hurt some pugs feelings? You guys put down "regstars" but 75% of people in regs can barely even handle regs.


I queue solo mostly but when I get into matches like this I totally understand people who premade exclusively


not exactly sure what I'm supposed to see there, but what I couldn't take my eyes off of was both a guardian and a shadow had zero protection. lel

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and people wonder why pvp is dying... where do you think new players are going to come from or people that roll these new 12Xers will actually learn them ?


From levels that don't matter, thus shouldn't even exist in the first place, of course. :D



so they don't hurt some pugs feelings?


So you admit that it is actual fun to you steamrolling PUGs ?


You sound like a Troll to me now.

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So you admit that it is actual fun to you steamrolling PUGs ?


You sound like a Troll to me now.


I'm queued solo most of the time. I think i mostly qualify as a "pug". I enjoy beating all red nameplates, but nothing pleases me more than beating a premade



not exactly sure what I'm supposed to see there, but what I couldn't take my eyes off of was both a guardian and a shadow had zero protection. lel


That was me in a match I queued into solo, where we were basically farmed and I had very little help. I don't know how much more I could've done by myself

Edited by ace_boogie
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no. and I know this is probably the wrong thread to mention this, but the best players in the game premade. caprica groups up in "premades" all the time. he's easily one of the best snipers/GSs in the game. he's done it in group ranked and in solo ranked. he's done it in arenas and in 8's. but please, tell me how bad ppl are who premade. I'm certain his is the rule, not the exception when it comes to grouping up. and he's definitely not "hiding" from big bad bobbafatter or krackerjack.


I for one don't believe anyone that only does premades is as good as they can be regardless of how good they are or are perceived to be. That isn't supposed to be an insult or take anything away from anyone just a statement that ive found in my own observations since going solo in season 4.


In a premade you are used to having backup, heals, guards, all kinds of things that you take for granted that make life a lot easier. Frequently from people you are familiar with and understand their play and you all understand your tactics. In solo play you have none of that. Sure occasionally you have healers or tanks on the team but most of them aren't thinking about you.


The bad part is that right now the game isnt built for solo play. Even i have found myself grouping more for the simple reason that if i dont im dead meat, and by dead i mean like burned, beaten, bludgeoned, blasted, buried, and warmed over dog poop in the microwave dead. Between the premades and the influx of 12Xers and transfers if you get short end of the match making stick its going up your rear end.

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I queue solo mostly but when I get into matches like this I totally understand people who premade exclusively

Well, obviously I wasn't there, but by the numbers I'd say your teammates did reasonably well for the most part. It looks like the imps had three healers and turtled up at south. Your shadow probably guarded west the whole match and didn't see much action. The other shadow was probably a tank. Scoundrel was heals. The Guardian probably spent a good amount of time chasing the sins and sorcs and operatives all over the place. Meanwhile, the lone sage rotation was something along the lines of DoT, AOE, AOE, AOE, AOE, DoT, AOE...etc. Huge numbers! I am the greatest and you all suck!!


Sorry, but I get a little incensed at the implication that damage numbers are more important than objectives. Maybe if you replace a couple DPS with a couple more AOE and DoT spam sages you could break the turtle shell, but that's hardly fair to blame your teammates for the state of class balance. You obviously are quite good at dealing damage with your sage, but it's not fair at all to imply that your teammates sucked.

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From levels that don't matter, thus shouldn't even exist in the first place, of course. :D





So you admit that it is actual fun to you steamrolling PUGs ?


You sound like a Troll to me now.


So all these superstars popped out of the womb in ranked gear and level 60? Some people need to check their hypocrisy at the door i think.

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