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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Interview with Alex Modny and Eric Musco on Bad Feeling Podcast


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Because melee do not (aside from powertechs / VG ) have channeled AOE attacks, so they will likely NOT be effected, if they make it so ALL AOEs, including grenades and the like, do not effect cap, I will probably quit all together, the gameplay will become far to slow, and you will be ridiculously frustrated trying to stop groups of 2 or 3 stealthers from ninja capping. I mean seriously, who has 4 people go west on denova from get go? That is exactly what you will have to do if the suggested change goes through, because each individual will have to target an individual capper. Very, very dumb Idea.


How is every class having to stop caps with individual abilities affecting ranged more than melee? I agree, melee were worse with the ability to AOE as it is today, but now everyone is at the same level. Ranged still has an advantage in that they can stop caps from 30m away whereas melee still have to close in before they can attack. Your logic is flawed.


As to your comments on how many to send where, I think the idea of this change is exactly what you are getting at. It will require strategy to change as well. One person guarding and a 7v7 at the mid node is pretty boring for at least 1 person, but most likely everyone as it becomes a giant stalemate unless one team is far superior. Now you are rewarded for sending 3 people to the other team's node because 1 person can't prevent them all from capping at once. It will require teams to pay attention and adapt.


The only thing I'm worried about is the difficulty of stopping caps with teams stacking on each other. That will require testing on PTS.

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Howdy Force_Seeker,


The XP and Credit change does not impact Valor.


Ranked Comms will be converted automatically at a 1:1 ratio when 3.3 goes Live. In addition, the Warzone Comm limit is being raised to 200,000. And if some player has more than that then there will be a soft cap where the comms will be added but more can't be gained until under the cap. For players in this extreme situation they can purchase the new Warzone Comm Legacy Lockboxes detailed in the podcast to get under the cap on a certain character if they have no gear, medpacs or vanity items they wish to purchase.


Pure awesomesauce mate - really looking forward to all these changes.


And if this truly encourage more people to PVP, then maybe the higher ups will accept the expense for doing cross server queues or some type of mega-server.

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I really like the changes, but just have on thing to say about the AoE node cap interruption. I can completely understand where you are coming from, but it seems like you are punishing the group when if fact it is only a few culprits responsible, namely the ranged channeled AoEs without CDs (and to some extent orbital strike). A lot of people like to stand in the back and cheese using those AoEs to prevent anyone ever even getting a chance to cap and that is definitely a reason there are so many stalemates. For those AoEs, I think it would be fine to not let them interrupt a cap, but for AoEs that do have CDs like fragmentation grenade, smash, death from above or death field or AoEs that take some skill to use like lacerate, carbine burst, double saber toss or whatever the knight/warrior class has should still be able to do its job. You can't cheese with any of those, and they require skill and knowledge of when to use.


At the very least make AoEs that have a specified target like fragmentation grenade, smash or double saber toss still be able to interrupt as those are the classes that will be hurt the most by this change.

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I like these changes, even the AoE one. I think it'll actually make matches more swingy, as it'll make node defense harder against multiple bodies. The swingy matches tend to be the most fun, and are the ones I'll have fun in even when we lose. The biggest impact I foresee is in Voidstar, where it will be harder to stop a plant coming out of the spawn zone, but it'll also be harder to stop a disarm, too.
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My guess is that it hasn't happened yet and people should be patient. I assume whatever it is will be more noticeable than these few quality of life adjustments they are making. They are clearly starting to move in the right direction so I suspect they are taking a baby steps approach.


Who can blame them when everyone is losing their mind over some changes that will drastically improve their server's population?


Well i agree on the server thing... if they cant do cross server then do merges or free transfers. Thats a given and common sense.

Its just that i for one am sick of reading about the sarcastic "better than cross server" posts. its counter productive. You want communication, dont be a jerk and throw it back in thier face like a woman bringing something up from 6 months ago in an argument. (no offense ladies just using it to cite how silly it is :) )

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Pure awesomesauce mate - really looking forward to all these changes.


And if this truly encourage more people to PVP, then maybe the higher ups will accept the expense for doing cross server queues or some type of mega-server.


Its a hefty cap increase for sure, especially considering the reduction in gearing costs now.

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I'm really impressed how much you're communicating here.

Again, these changes are all good, but balancing is still in the worst spot it has been for a long time. Some pressing issues need to be adressed or all of this will not help (in the long run). DoT spreads need to be changed/reworked dramatically to leave classes on equal footing in PvP--or removed from PvP altogether. I pointed out one example for the disparities between classes regarding this mechanic on the first page of this thread.

Edited by DynamiCtagez
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I really like the changes, but just have on thing to say about the AoE node cap interruption. I can completely understand where you are coming from, but it seems like you are punishing the group when if fact it is only a few culprits responsible, namely the ranged channeled AoEs without CDs (and to some extent orbital strike). A lot of people like to stand in the back and cheese using those AoEs to prevent anyone ever even getting a chance to cap and that is definitely a reason there are so many stalemates. For those AoEs, I think it would be fine to not let them interrupt a cap, but for AoEs that do have CDs like fragmentation grenade, smash, death from above or death field or AoEs that take some skill to use like lacerate, carbine burst, double saber toss or whatever the knight/warrior class has should still be able to do its job. You can't cheese with any of those, and they require skill and knowledge of when to use.


At the very least make AoEs that have a specified target like fragmentation grenade, smash or double saber toss still be able to interrupt as those are the classes that will be hurt the most by this change.


That is an idea, or maybe have only the first tick of a channeled AOE interrupt. That would actually make it closer to what the Melee can do. Then all you need to do is CC so it doesn't happen again. I don't like the change mostly because if people stand on top of each other it is gonna be a pain to target, especially when you have no idea if your team is targeting other folks or the same person as you.

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Should have stated this earlier, my apologies! The Expertise check is only on Ranked Solo queue. Groups can play in their undies if they want :rak_tongue:


Really, the fix for Jaine's issue (and mine) is to fix the operative pvp six piece bonus so that we no longer need to mix and match 162 pve with pvp gear. 1 sec CD reduction on KW is nothing compared to 15% more Recup Nano under the effects of Bolster, and the math in Hottie's guide proves it. If every medicine operative and sawbones scoundrel is doing this in ranked to be competitive, then its pretty obvious the set bonus on the pvp set should be changed.

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I don't like it.

Stupid changes.

They increase population by adding more and more bad players to pvp, but pvp already have too much of them.

You will lucky if wz will start without pve heroes


Oh my. Thanks for your input, Negative Nancy. Translation " I think I'm L33T and I need to express this by telling everyone else they are baddies and that I will PWN them." Reality Check- Even if you are the best player in the game, guess what.... You are good at a video game. Get over yourself.



On a more positive note, this sounds fantastic although I do disagree with the AOE stopping caps.

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Still nothing about the population issues of PoT5 and Jung Ma servers? No news on server merges or transfers yet?

12xXP is your "better than cross server" solution. Bioware won't address POT5 for months.

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wow! these are, indeed, major changes. and even if they prove to be wrong, I think see the reasoning behind them and either agree with or think it's fair enough to the point that...well...YAY!


all except number 7:


Available for your listening enjoyment here:




Upcoming PvP Changes:

7. AOE's in warzones can no longer interrupt captures. Justification is that it will make stalemates less common. (they would like some feedback on this)


I understand why the sniper AOEs should not interrupt a node channel because neither orbital nor probe require the caster to maintain the ability with a channel. ergo, their AOE itself cannot be interrupted. but BH and sorc aoe can be interrupted. smash and sin and PT AOE all require the player to stand right on top of the cap.


honestly, the only abilities I can think of that are a little bit broken in this very particular regard are the sniper AOEs.


this is a minor issue given the gravity of all the changes announced in the podcast. but it's the only one I think is a clear overreaction.

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i think this is wishful thinking. the reason more people arent in ranked isnt expertise, its balance. i fully support this requirement as long overdue, but i dont think its going to help population much.


Balance is a very tricky thing you see. What would balance PvP would destroy PvE it seems. Take for example Shadow/Sin tanks about a year and a half to 2 years ago. They were PvP GODS and they held their own in PvE, many, many, many people complained and for the sake of the PvP community Shadow/Sin tanks received some pretty nasty changes.


For PvP that was a good thing, they were brought back down to a level that the rest of us were on, but in PvE they were useless unless you switched your group composition to have an off healer that could assist in Healing the shadow tank and do DPS when the Shadow wasn't on the boss. This often meant using a hybrid spec that was mediocre at DPS and Healing but was needed in order to keep a Shadow/Sin tank alive.


Freighter Flyby/ Orbital Strike: These abilities, despite what many will say, were not over tuned in PvE. They did slightly more damage than they should if used against a single target, but as an AoE agains mobs they were right on the money. In PvP however they did a great deal of damage and anyone to slow to move out of the AoE or rooted in it, was going to take an extreme amount of damage. So now it has all the striking power of a wet noodle and is completely useless to anyone that isn't leveling a new toon and needs the AoE to take out mobs of low level strength.


Many times the balance that PvP players seek can only be found 3 ways:

1. Make SWTOR more like a FPS where everyone is exactly equal and all abilities are exactly the same.

2 Stop playing SWTOR and play a PvP based game.

3. COMPLETELY redesign PvP to a point that it truly is it's own, stand alone, game and when you step into a WZ everything about your class and spec is different from your PvE version of yourself.


Of course there is the 4th option. Realize that each class is different and they all have their own strengths and weaknesses then find a friend or two playing a class and role that has abilities that complement your strengths and make up for your weaknesses. Run together que together get in voice chat and communicate while playing. This way you are creating balance by working together as a team, which is what PvP in SWTOR is all about.

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Howdy Force_Seeker,


The XP and Credit change does not impact Valor.


Ranked Comms will be converted automatically at a 1:1 ratio when 3.3 goes Live. In addition, the Warzone Comm limit is being raised to 200,000. And if some player has more than that then there will be a soft cap where the comms will be added but more can't be gained until under the cap. For players in this extreme situation they can purchase the new Warzone Comm Legacy Lockboxes detailed in the podcast to get under the cap on a certain character if they have no gear, medpacs or vanity items they wish to purchase.


Alex, how keen are you to talk about pvp metrics in more detail? I have concerns regarding the measurement validity of the metrics being used to balance various aspects of combat.

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wow! these are, indeed, major changes. and even if they prove to be wrong, I think see the reasoning behind them and either agree with or think it's fair enough to the point that...well...YAY!


all except number 7:




I understand why the sniper AOEs should not interrupt a node channel because neither orbital nor probe require the caster to maintain the ability with a channel. ergo, their AOE itself cannot be interrupted. but BH and sorc aoe can be interrupted. smash and sin and PT AOE all require the player to stand right on top of the cap.


honestly, the only abilities I can think of that are a little bit broken in this very particular regard are the sniper AOEs.


this is a minor issue given the gravity of all the changes announced in the podcast. but it's the only one I think is a clear overreaction.


Honestly, I think it will improve multiple warzones. I'd like to see more than the first room of VS without it being a massive stomp. Currently the warzones heavily favor the defenders because a single player can fend off multiple opponents in most circumstances simply by AOEing the door/node. VS and NC will be the ones impacted the most and are the ones that most often end with no one taking a door or no one getting mid. It may not work out well, but I think it's well worth testing to try and make warzones a bit more fun and lot less boring.

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5. The devs would like to hear your thoughts on whether rewards from previous ranked PvP seasons should become available again. Their current stance is that they feel these should remain exclusive but are open to feedback.


I'd love to see some of the gear become available as schematics for crafters :cool:

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However, after you queue or when you get into the match you may change out your gear if you want!


I wish you didn't say that. :(


doesn't balancing metrics assume proper/intended gear sets??? it really should. this shouldn't be an issue.

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Honestly, I agree with all of the changes except the one where AOE doesn't stop a cap.


This is going to make annoying 4-5 man spam cap fests common. That's annoying. Reconsider this one. AOE's are an effective counter to Zerg capping, and it should be.


The problem with stalemates is the tank/multi healer meta. Fix that if you want to change that, come up with something else.

Edited by Brunner_Venda
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Really, the fix for Jaine's issue (and mine) is to fix the operative pvp six piece bonus so that we no longer need to mix and match 162 pve with pvp gear. 1 sec CD reduction on KW is nothing compared to 15% more Recup Nano under the effects of Bolster, and the math in Hottie's guide proves it. If every medicine operative and sawbones scoundrel is doing this in ranked to be competitive, then its pretty obvious the set bonus on the pvp set should be changed.

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ x1000


Thanks M8

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Freighter Flyby/ Orbital Strike: These abilities, despite what many will say, were not over tuned in PvE. They did slightly more damage than they should if used against a single target, but as an AoE agains mobs they were right on the money. In PvP however they did a great deal of damage and anyone to slow to move out of the AoE or rooted in it, was going to take an extreme amount of damage. So now it has all the striking power of a wet noodle and is completely useless to anyone that isn't leveling a new toon and needs the AoE to take out mobs of low level strength.


Sorc Lightning should imho be treated EXACTLY like Freighter Flyby !

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Honestly, I think it will improve multiple warzones. I'd like to see more than the first room of VS without it being a massive stomp. Currently the warzones heavily favor the defenders because a single player can fend off multiple opponents in most circumstances simply by AOEing the door/node. VS and NC will be the ones impacted the most and are the ones that most often end with no one taking a door or no one getting mid. It may not work out well, but I think it's well worth testing to try and make warzones a bit more fun and lot less boring.


If you think six guys spam Zerg capping every door is 'fun' then I have to disagree. Oops, you didn't target spam cap guy seven fast enough. He took it.


AOE's make a team actually turn around and earn what they're trying to take.


What next, are we going to let people cap from stealth or CC?

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Honestly, I agree with all of the changes except the one where AOE doesn't stop a cap.


This is going to make annoying 4-5 man spam cap fests common. That's annoying. Reconsider this one. AOE's are an effective counter to Zerg capping, and it should be.


The problem with stalemates is the tank/multi healer meta. Fix that if you want to change that, come up with something else.


I would like to second this. Healers have too much survivability sans guard. The meta is trying to separate a healer from their tank, but it doesn't work if nobody even has to guard them for them to facetank half the enemy team.

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We don't have a date for 3.3 PTS yet but when we do we will make a post and let everyone know.


Because this ^^^ didn't really answer the question...


My question is, how do you know what is being tested on PTS, and when it's being tested on PTS? Where do we find this info?


There are two places to look for this information:


  1. The PTS Forum - Your one stop shopping for all things PTS, including "when" and "what is being tested". It also serves as the forum where all PTS testing feedback should go.
  2. The Dev tracker - When the PTS goes live, a dev post goes up indicating such, which will be visible here. Also, the dev post with the proposed update changes and any dev input in the PTS discussions will get mirrored in the feed. If you don't want to vulture the PTS forum, at least keep an eye on this for your heads up to go to the former.

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