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Everything posted by VonHess

  1. Oh my. Thanks for your input, Negative Nancy. Translation " I think I'm L33T and I need to express this by telling everyone else they are baddies and that I will PWN them." Reality Check- Even if you are the best player in the game, guess what.... You are good at a video game. Get over yourself. On a more positive note, this sounds fantastic although I do disagree with the AOE stopping caps.
  2. The game is making money. Look how many MMO's there are that are less popular than SWTOR that are still going (Age of Conan comes to mind). It will end when it is not profitable not when enough people go on the internet and whine that they are unhappy with the game. Most players who even bother to post on the forums are the people who love to ***** and complain- a vocal minority.
  3. Like I said I knew nothing about gear, mods etc. I was using gear probably 10 levels below what I should have been but for some reason my Expertise was at 2018. I thought that if you were at 2018 you were at your most effective. So I pretty much followed what everyone else has known about Bolster- I got adaptive armor and maxed each piece out at an average of 162. I also gave up some Cunning for Power, Surge and a little bit of Crit. I did experiment a bit and used 172 armoring with 156 mod and 156 enhancement. This didn't work. Even though the average was just below 162 it lowered my Expertise.
  4. VonHess

    Level 20 PvP armor

    I keep seeing players say not to get the level 20 PvP armor available on Dromund Kaas, that its not good anymore. I am looking at it though and it has the same or better stats as adaptive armor with mods from the fleet vendors, level 19 and 23 from what I remember. It does not have Expertise so I dont think it would screw up Bolster. Do people mean that armor with crafted mods is much better? Now that you cant save up WZ comms, any reason not to get it?
  5. yes, other than when you go into the Revan cave on Dromund Kaas and I don't think he speaks in that cut-scene. SWTOR was the first time I'd ever heard of Revan. I haven't gotten far enough in game to see what he looks like without the mask but I did just look at some screenshots online. Based on those I'm thinking one of the younger to middle aged actors on game of thrones would be a good voice for him. He needs to have at least a tinge of a british accent since he has been dark side/imperial. I think the guy that plays Littlefinger has an interesting sort of younger but weathered voice that would fit him. Am I crazy if I say maybe even Pierce Brosnan would fit?
  6. I don't know. He is centuries old, was tortured for much of that time and has come back from the dead at least once. To me he sounds like he just came off Malibu Beach, he has sparkly perfectly white teeth and a fantastic tan.
  7. either a TV game show announcer or Superman from the 70's Superfriends cartoon. I know I'm late to the party but I just came back to the game and did the Forged Alliances mission where you kill Darth Arkous and his buddy and then Revan shows up in his ship. Not a game-breaker but not what I expected. Does anyone else think the voice is a bit odd for the character? For some reason I imagined him sounding like Anthony Hopkins.
  8. Question: I'm level 55 and I have all 140 rated gear BUT my expertise is 2018. As long as Expertise is at 2018 would getting 162 rated gear make any difference?
  9. Necro thread- Do you have to have Shadow of Revan expansion to do this? There is no terminal on my ship for the mission. I think I did the solo forged alliances at level 54 .
  10. Update- It was my gear. I have since taken some time to learn about mods etc and I'm now near the top of the list in WZ's especially if I just constantly dps and dont try to work on objectives. if I work on objectives i am still in the top 8-10 usually. i guess I was thinking/hoping that gear wasnt that important but it looks like it is. I did go back to Marksman because I just have more fun with it but I am wondering with the proper gear if I would be a beast in Virulence. may retry that on my lower level Sniper and I may even roll a Gunslinger just for kicks. Thanks to all for your help/advice.
  11. I am assuming that kills are not determined by how many killing blows you have, mine never match up. Is it known how kills are calculated? Is it by whoever did the most damage to that particular player from spawn till they die? I have gone back to MM, by the way. For me its just more fun.
  12. Let me preface this by saying that I know that max damage isn't the goal in PvP. However, I think maybe I am doing something wrong. I love the sniper class. I have a level 52 and a level 23. My problem is that I am constantly seeing lower level snipers doubling my amount of damage. In speaking with these snipers I have discovered that most of them are Virulence specced. So I switched to virulence on both my snipers, I was MM. Still I am seeing the same thing even when I experiment and forego objectives for just constantly dpsing. Recently on my level 23 my damage was about 250k and a level 16 on my team was at over 400k. I've seen this same scenario more than once. On my level 52, I have my expertise at 2018 and all of my gear maxes out Cunnning. On the level 23 my expertise is about 1700 and again I try to max cunning. So you high dpsers, tell me how you do it.....
  13. gunslingers and snipers arent meant to 'duel'. A sniper/gunslinger is meant to sneak around and find opportunity to take thier big damage dealing shots from a distance.
  14. Since its been stated that there won't be server forums here, have any been started unofficially?
  15. Is it just me or are War Zones running a lot better? I seem to be getting much better FPS tonight compared to last night.
  16. shoulda been quicka on the moon fiaaaaaaaaah!!!!!
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