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Interview with Alex Modny and Eric Musco on Bad Feeling Podcast


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happy with everything here. couple of points;


- 2018 expertise to queue for ranked will stop anyone from using old set bonus brutalizer gear which no longer has expertise on it, best example is the operative two-piece for +15% nanotech heal, which with bolster and the right mods used ends up giving 2008 expertise inside pvp or something (which is fine). devs could get around this by putting expertise back on old pvp gear. it's a minor issue anyway generally introducing this is a good thing.

Uhm.....what`s stopping ppl from changing their gear inside the wz after they got the pvp pop in?

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This makes me happy.


1. gear grind is lookin like it will get better.


2. Now you can que ranked as much as you like to get tokens = rewards. Awesome in fact this makes me the most happy.


2.1 ok again this is awesome.


3. 2018 cap on ranked matchs. Sweet.


4. Tbh AOE no longer stops caps???!!! Weird but ok least things will be spiced up a little.


Honestly I can't wait for these changes.

Edited by Darth__Reaver
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One clarification that I'd like to make is that AoE DAMAGE abilities will no longer interrupt a capture, AoE CC will still interrupt however. Your points are still valid but we encourage everyone who is suspect of this change to play in on PTS when it comes up with 3.3. Like we said in the podcast, if this is change has a negative impact on gameplay we will make adjustments but from our internal playtests this has been a positive change. We are looking forward to your feedback and sharing of experiences with this and all the other changes coming!


Been reading through the thread and the one thing people seem to be most concerned about is the fact that AoE damage abilities won't interrupt a capture anymore.


Concerns are basically:

- You will need line of sight to interrupt a player attempting to capture a point.

- A single person will no longer be able to stop multiple players from capturing a point.

- Stacking of players who are trying to capture a point will prevent any successful attempt to interrupt them.


These are all valid concerns, but if you think a little bit about each one they simple mean a little change in the way things are done "now".


You will need line of sight to interrupt a player attempting to capture a point.

Really isn't a big deal. So ranged players now have to take 2 steps left/right to be able to hit the capping players with an ability. Is that really a game breaker?


A single person will no longer be able to stop multiple players from capturing a point.

This isn't really the case. A single player will still be able to stop multiple players from capturing a point, they will just have to use different abilities to do so and the classes that can do it will change.

Besides, that lone player would never really last long... the same goes for the "lone player guarding a point": they never lasted against a concerted push on the point. Communication will still be key to stopping a concerted push on a point.


Stacking of players who are trying to capture a point will prevent any successful attempt to interrupt them.

Note the following from the quote above: "AoE CC will still interrupt however". So classes that have an AoE stun (Operatives/Scoundrels/Vanguards/Powertechs/Knights/Warriors) and classes that have an AoE knockback (Mercenaries/Commandos/Assassins/Shadows) will be able to interrupt multiple players even if they are stacked.

Not to mention that AoE damage will still, you know, *do damage*.

So you have a group of players stacked trying to capture a point? Nothing prevents the defenders from laying down AoE on their "stacked" position while stunning them with AoE stuns and knocking them back (preferably into a wall where they won't be knocked out of the AoE :)) to interrupt the capture: the stacked group will quickly have to "unstack" or they run the risk of being decimated.


As I said above, the concerns about this change are all valid concerns, but if you think a little bit about it the change simply means a little change in the way things are done "now".


When the change is implemented on the PTS, go test it! See what works. See what doesn't. If the change is really game breaking, let Bioware know. Just realize that saying "I don't like it because now I have to do something else to achieve the same result" isn't going to be enough.

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Stacking of players who are trying to capture a point will prevent any successful attempt to interrupt them.

Note the following from the quote above: "AoE CC will still interrupt however". So classes that have an AoE stun (Operatives/Scoundrels/Vanguards/Powertechs/Knights/Warriors) and classes that have an AoE knockback (Mercenaries/Commandos/Assassins/Shadows) will be able to interrupt multiple players even if they are stacked.

Not to mention that AoE damage will still, you know, *do damage*.

So you have a group of players stacked trying to capture a point? Nothing prevents the defenders from laying down AoE on their "stacked" position while stunning them with AoE stuns and knocking them back (preferably into a wall where they won't be knocked out of the AoE :)) to interrupt the capture: the stacked group will quickly have to "unstack" or they run the risk of being decimated.


And should they manage to cap it, the few that remains will soon be destroyed. I highly doubt mass capping will be a new strategy. Mass defuse on VS might though, but it will be equal for both sides.

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Just finished listening to the podcast and I'm looking forward to the changes!


Especially the changes to the reward structure are something I've been wishing for for a long time. The main thing I dislike about PvP that victory or defeat plays such a big role. Like in Rated PvP, when you lose the match, you will lose ELO, it does not advance the daily quest and makes you feel bad. Now that you get reward tokens even when you lose, there is motivation to continue queueing even if there are no good players online on your faction. I just hope that there will be enough players for many matches to pop but we'll have to wait and see.

I can totally understand that things like the decoration trophies should remain exclusive but I'm looking forward to being able to buy the other items with tokens if I have enough of them.


The changes to AoE abilites and node caps is interesting and I look forward to it. I am a little concerned that my Scoundrel's Thermal Grenade can no longer interrupt - or I guess it interrupts the main target but no players around it? Because Flurry of Bolts has a chance to miss; then the DOT would be the only other 30 meter ability with no cooldown. But you could still use Flash Grenade or a Cybertech crafted grenade to interrupt I guess.

In my opinion, anything that makes it easier to cap nodes is a good thing. There are way too many matches where you arrive at a stalemate and you can only zerg the rest of the match. Any node caps open it up and make the match more dynamic.


Now I only hope to get a PvE interview because we raiders are feeling just as neglected recently... ;)

Edited by Jerba
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Even now mass cap is quite common at AHG and especially at Novare, where you can cap little by little.


Yes, it's already a valid strat when you are having your butt handed to you. 6 or 7 people run in, 2 push back and stun the other group and everyone else taps a cap. By the time it gets interrupted even with AOEs, the channel will usually have ticked once for everyone, sometimes even the 2 running interference can get a tick in. That's almost a full bar for the cap right there.


AOEs not interrupting at all just means that tactic become viable in every warzone with a node. It will become a very frustrating experience for a pug group of new players to try to interrupt a coordinated capping effort by a more experienced group.


And for those saying AOE stuns and knockbacks, I will remind you all of one mechanic in play here. Resolve. AOE stuns and knockbacks will fill the resolve bar, a determined group cap will not be stopped because you will quickly fill resolve on the entire group and then AOE stuns and knockbacks won't stop the cap. If you think AOEing the node after that to try to kill them, you only compound your problem by filling resolve then breaking the stun with the damage.


In order to prevent this type of tactic, they would have to change how resolve works with knockbacks, so that knockbacks are a viable means of preventing a fully resolved group cap. Or change the capping mechanic so that only one person could cap at a time. But they can't just make AOEs not interrupt a cap without changing something else to compensate for what is a cheese tactic imho.

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People are hating on this AoE change like it isn't going to affect BOTH teams.


I think more cap turnover will make games more dynamic for matches like Alderran and Novare. Also I always thought it was cheesy that you could AoE the door and not have LoS. If you want to stop a cap you shouldn't be able to hide behind pillars and constantly cast AoE.


People just don't like change. I for one would at least be interested to see how it works on the PTS.

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I genuinely can't see why people are so happy with these 'changes'


There is nothing listed that that addresses class imbalance and the falling pvp population as a result.

So what that gear is cheaper or that there is an expertise cap now, classes that weren't viable before will still be not viable. The few ranked players/teams that there are who play the derp/form classes will stay the same.


Those changes are the absolute bare minimum that they could do. Comms transfer? Please. That was already in the game and they removed it so that one alone is simply a reversal and is nothing new. Making gear cheaper? Not difficult.

There is not a single original or innovative idea in those 'changes' or anything to show people that they are aware that people are sick of pvp imbalance and/or low population.


Yes this merc on my team has 2018 expertise! Oh no wait it seems to have made no difference those shadows are violating him! The horror!


Think you need to understand who they are interviewing here. This is the PvP system designer which is generally a different guy than the combat designer. Actually; be glad because we used to have just one guy doing both, or so the joke went on that assumption. At any rate; sounds like Alex just does the systems of PvP itself in how the warzone mechanics and rewards systems work and not class balance and combat mechanics.


That said; I am sure they are not done tweaking classes like they appear to be doing ever patch. We may not like the changes but they have been doing it as evident with the recent marauder stuff. I am a bit put off by Eric (community relations kind of guy) using sniper as an example to say "The community is wrong. Our metrics say snipers are fine." but to some extent snipers are fine. Just not in YOLO. Lets just hope that mercs are not going to get the same hand washing.

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Just glad we got to hear it and get some information. Thank you as well as Chuck and Brian for that.


Sounds like you guys have put a lot of thought into getting some more participation in ranked, but how about adding the 8 man objective warzones to YOLO? Some of the classes that can do well in team ranked but not YOLO due to lack of support can still compete pretty well in an objective warzone and could get more people involved.


Brown nosers always brown nose

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- Removal of Ranked Commendation. What's the point in this decision? I just don't get it. It basically smashes all the motivation from SWToR players that are really interested in PvP. True PvP players and PvE players aren't that different. They invest a lot of time and effort to achieve high ratings (PvP) / firstkills (PvE) and to get the best gear for their class. With the removal of Ranked Commendation everybody will get the best PvP gear. Casuals probably don't alter their mods/enhancement to achieve the best for spec but besides this everybody who plays PvP will run around with BIS gear. How to avoid that? Well either the BIS gear items become very expensive [like 7500 Warzone Commendation for 1 Setitem + the previous item to upgrade (which would be the same price right now 3 Warzone = 1 Ranked)] OR you just stick to the Ranked Commendation.

What I want to say is ..... Players that are not interested in PvP won't get motivated by this move to play PvP and get BIS gear for something they don't like and true PvP players lose their motivation because it doesn't matter if they play Ranked (Champions League of SWToR PvP) or normal BGs (street football/soccer [whatever spelling you prefer ;) ] to reach their goal.


I think AOE/capping has been covered enough, but this statement is blatantly incorrect. Having the best gear is important to PvPers in that they want to be able to min/max in different ways to be as effective as possible. They are NOT like PvErs who are grinding gear to get to the next tier of content. PvPers are out to get high ratings and find competition by battling opponents who can think and adapt to situations. PvPers don't need a gear grind, they need rating systems to create competitive games (equal skill levels on each team) and overall mechanics that make it easier to be on equal footing so that the actual ability of the player behind the character becomes the deciding factor in matches. If you were only doing ranked for the gear, you were doing it wrong.

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I think AOE/capping has been covered enough, but this statement is blatantly incorrect. Having the best gear is important to PvPers in that they want to be able to min/max in different ways to be as effective as possible. They are NOT like PvErs who are grinding gear to get to the next tier of content. PvPers are out to get high ratings and find competition by battling opponents who can think and adapt to situations. PvPers don't need a gear grind, they need rating systems to create competitive games (equal skill levels on each team) and overall mechanics that make it easier to be on equal footing so that the actual ability of the player behind the character becomes the deciding factor in matches. If you were only doing ranked for the gear, you were doing it wrong.


I agree with this.


Can't wait for the cheaper prices so I can try different min/maxing as well. Maybe try some unorthodox stat allocation that shouldn't work but just to test and see for myself.

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People are hating on this AoE change like it isn't going to affect BOTH teams.


I think more cap turnover will make games more dynamic for matches like Alderran and Novare. Also I always thought it was cheesy that you could AoE the door and not have LoS. If you want to stop a cap you shouldn't be able to hide behind pillars and constantly cast AoE.


People just don't like change. I for one would at least be interested to see how it works on the PTS.


Pretty much this over ad nauseam.


Bolded the part that is making people not think outside of their narrow vision.

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Pretty much this over ad nauseam.


Bolded the part that is making people not think outside of their narrow vision.


It's not that we don't like change. We like PVP. We like fighting other players and earning that node.


What this change will do is remove the PVP part and change the meta into a spam cap fest.


I don't care if it's been beaten to death. DO NOT WANT!

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Having the best gear is important to PvPers in that they want to be able to min/max in different ways to be as effective as possible.


I found ranked arenas were ruined by neglected class balance so I never bothered. I still enjoyed PVP so I queued up only for regstars and I am now part of the 2% who has a set of full dark reaver. I have also min maxed this gear too so I can only imagine what percentile that puts me in.


A lot of imps on the Harbinger had to die to make this possible too lol :cool:


At least for me Bioware made the gear grind easier next time around.

Edited by Fellow-Canadian
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Pretty much this over ad nauseam.


Bolded the part that is making people not think outside of their narrow vision.


I love change, but I love change that makes sense. This, is half assed and makes no sense. Now we will have to attack each individual capper, that is just ridiculous dumb gameplay changes. I mean seriously, a team could march in with all 8 people, stand in front of the node, all cap at the same time WITH their CC immunity / knockback immunities on. Unless you coordinate 8 people to attack each individual all at once, they will get the point. This was not thought through, it is un necessary, it is stupid.

Edited by mmmbuddah
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