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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Taking Down a Credit Selling Ring


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Hey folks,


Over the past few months there have been many issues with Credit sellers and Advertisers. As you have noticed lately, we’re communicating more about what’s going on behind the scenes, so this is another area where we plan to keep you informed.


Last week, we took action against an entire selling ring. Over multiple weeks, we investigated and compiled evidence about a large Credit selling ring which spanned across hundreds of accounts and a variety of servers. To help thwart any possible reactions from this group, we simultaneously actioned every account in this Credit selling ring. In total, we banned hundreds of accounts and removed over nine billion credits from those accounts.


Thanks to all of you who have been diligently reporting those pesky spammers and other characters acting suspiciously anywhere throughout our game. They are very persistent, but we will continue to aggressively remove credit sellers and advertisers from our game!




Well done Bioware. This is really great news. Previously I questioned whether leadership had control. This action clearly speaks to me and reaffirms that leadership does indeed have control.


Great job team, keep up the good work.

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Hey folks,


Over the past few months there have been many issues with Credit sellers and Advertisers. As you have noticed lately, we’re communicating more about what’s going on behind the scenes, so this is another area where we plan to keep you informed.


Last week, we took action against an entire selling ring. Over multiple weeks, we investigated and compiled evidence about a large Credit selling ring which spanned across hundreds of accounts and a variety of servers. To help thwart any possible reactions from this group, we simultaneously actioned every account in this Credit selling ring. In total, we banned hundreds of accounts and removed over nine billion credits from those accounts.


Thanks to all of you who have been diligently reporting those pesky spammers and other characters acting suspiciously anywhere throughout our game. They are very persistent, but we will continue to aggressively remove credit sellers and advertisers from our game!




Thank you.

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Try looking it up, it is very well documented. I know it involves that pesky thing like reading.


Then link this pesky source we should read. I did not recall paying any rebate back and spent the last 20 minutes trying to find anything documenting it had to be returned.


Now it is well documented that people who screwed up in estimating their income for an ACA tax credit have had to pay back some or all of the subsidy... but the Bush rebate... not ringing a bell.

Edited by Ghisallo
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Nice job. BW May also want to start hanging out on the starting planets. I've seen a few botters just hanging around in the lower level areas spawn camping different mobs until they level to 10 so they can leave planet. Maybe if they made it so you can't leave unless you complete the class quests of the planet. Wouldn't stop things, but it would definitely slow them down.
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Nice job. BW May also want to start hanging out on the starting planets. I've seen a few botters just hanging around in the lower level areas spawn camping different mobs until they level to 10 so they can leave planet. Maybe if they made it so you can't leave unless you complete the class quests of the planet. Wouldn't stop things, but it would definitely slow them down.


This. So much this.

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Hey folks,


Last week, we took action against an entire selling ring ... In total, we banned hundreds of accounts and removed over nine billion credits from those accounts.




Thanks for the update! They're back like nobody's business on Jedi Covenant though.

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I'm sure there is probably more than one credit ring, so they'll keep at it, but it's good to here that BW IS actually doing something about it. Hopefully, this action will not be the end of BW's efforts to fight the blight that is credit spammers.


I've said this before, and I'll say it again, BW needs to cut the credit sellers off at the knees by providing a credit for sale option in the CM.


Perhaps with each Cartel Package that a player buys, there could be a guaranteed drop of a briefcase full of credits, or something along those lines....


EDITED: Removed irrelevant comparison. Selling game time for in-game currency and stopping credit spammers is apples and oranges.

Edited by WorldSmasher
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hey folks,


over the past few months there have been many issues with credit sellers and advertisers. As you have noticed lately, we’re communicating more about what’s going on behind the scenes, so this is another area where we plan to keep you informed.


Last week, we took action against an entire selling ring. Over multiple weeks, we investigated and compiled evidence about a large credit selling ring which spanned across hundreds of accounts and a variety of servers. To help thwart any possible reactions from this group, we simultaneously actioned every account in this credit selling ring. In total, we banned hundreds of accounts and removed over nine billion credits from those accounts.


Thanks to all of you who have been diligently reporting those pesky spammers and other characters acting suspiciously anywhere throughout our game. They are very persistent, but we will continue to aggressively remove credit sellers and advertisers from our game!




huzzah!!!! :D

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Thanks to all of you who have been diligently reporting those pesky spammers and other characters acting suspiciously anywhere throughout our game. They are very persistent, but we will continue to aggressively remove credit sellers and advertisers from our game!




Thanks for getting rid of them.


Quick question, when you remove those accounts, do they also get removed from our ignore lists? Just a curiousity question :D

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"I felt a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened." - This. So much THIS! XD
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1) Glad you took action, that's awesome to hear and some impressive numbers - well done!

2) Disappointed I didn't get to execute my vigilante justice plan of tricking them into making my new alt called 'Gamer-Easy' their guild leader and sending me all their creds.....on that note, I better go make sure I can still log in and didn't get banned by name association! :eek:

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