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Taking Down a Credit Selling Ring


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AWESOME WORK!! Good to hear this communicated openly. Thank you...


How about we get a Sub TOKEN model (Token/Credits) like WOW and ELIMINATE them completely (Okay 95%)? :D


How's that work? Are we talking about something similar (my last post)?

Edited by Joesixxpack
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How's that work? Are we talking about something similar (my last post)?


Something like you can buy subscription time as an in-game item which can be sold to other players for credits. This allows players to turn their $ -> credits through a controlled method by BW.


That's what I am guessing based on my knowledge of PLEX from EVE.

Edited by azudelphi
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How's that work? Are we talking about something similar (my last post)?


Seems like its priced controlled, but you can (IN Game) buy 30 day sub token for credits. You can with "REAL MONEY" buy these tokens and sell for in game credits. (or gold I guess). So if you are broke in game, but have cash in real life to burn.. buy and sell it in game. (WOW has it controlled a LOT apparently).


Basically it's just moving credits around, but makes a MORE legit means to buy credits (Beyond CM pack selling). Cuts into profits of credit sellers more as well.

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Something like you can buy subscription time as an in-game item which can be sold to other players for credits. This allows players to turn their $ -> credits through a controlled method by BW.


That's what I am guessing based on my knowledge of PLEX from EVE.


Ah ok that, thanks.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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Seems like its priced controlled, but you can (IN Game) buy 30 day sub token for credits. You can with "REAL MONEY" buy these tokens and sell for in game credits. (or gold I guess). So if you are broke in game, but have cash in real life to burn.. buy and sell it in game. (WOW has it controlled a LOT apparently).


Basically it's just moving credits around, but makes a MORE legit means to buy credits (Beyond CM pack selling). Cuts into profits of credit sellers more as well.


I was thinking you meant something else, got it.

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Out of curiosity how many credits are in the economy in total? 9B is definitely a lot regardless; but I'd love to hear what the "gross domestic product" for a server is. I have no idea who would know that.
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Nice work by that Night Janitor taking down a small ring of spammers. You are gonna pay the guy more than just the 9 billion though aren't ya? After all he still has some spammers to get after, more CM Packs to design/package, and let's not even get into the nerfing and content gating along with his regular janitorial duties.


Seriously though, nice start on the problem!

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On a serious note What was the composition of this ring? Was it X% bank toons, X% spam bots, X% chest porters, X% credit mules, X% referral CC farmers, X% cartel item GTN listers? I can only speak for myself but I think it would be kind of cool to know what the hundreds looked like, if the bulk were behind the scenes or if the majority were publicly visible.
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You guys need to be quicker about shutting these spammers up. Many times they are still spamming hours after they have been reported.

Good job though on the big catch of spam fish.

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Hey folks,


Over the past few months there have been many issues with Credit sellers and Advertisers. As you have noticed lately, we’re communicating more about what’s going on behind the scenes, so this is another area where we plan to keep you informed.


Last week, we took action against an entire selling ring. Over multiple weeks, we investigated and compiled evidence about a large Credit selling ring which spanned across hundreds of accounts and a variety of servers. To help thwart any possible reactions from this group, we simultaneously actioned every account in this Credit selling ring. In total, we banned hundreds of accounts and removed over nine billion credits from those accounts.


Thanks to all of you who have been diligently reporting those pesky spammers and other characters acting suspiciously anywhere throughout our game. They are very persistent, but we will continue to aggressively remove credit sellers and advertisers from our game!




Nice to know my spam reports actually work...next step - allowing us to increase our "ignore" to deal with them in chat, or allow legacy wide ignore.

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You guys need to be quicker about shutting these spammers up. Many times they are still spamming hours after they have been reported.

Good job though on the big catch of spam fish.


they were going all cop movie on it.....let the low level street spammer do his thing and use him to find the big fish.

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For those curious, if they confiscated/removed 9bil from those banned accounts, you're looking at the credit sellers losing over $27,000 dollars worth of in-game credits.


$27,000 worth of in game credits doesn't sound as impressive as 9,000,000,000 credits.

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$27,000 worth of in game credits doesn't sound as impressive as 9,000,000,000 credits.


The money's real, the credits aren't. I'm far more impressed with the pain that the credit sellers are feeling right now at seeing so much real money evaporating before their eyes.

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You guys need to be quicker about shutting these spammers up. Many times they are still spamming hours after they have been reported.

Good job though on the big catch of spam fish.


Ummm actually that usually proves to be less effective.


Usually these knuckleheads work in groups. Instantly nail one and then they either just load a new account, move to a new area etc (referring not just to the spammers BUT also to the farmers....they often work together.) The one guy who got banned can have anew account power leveled etc.


If you gather all the info on who they are connected too by:


-watching who may be farming in the same area

-check chat logs to see who is shilling for the same web site

-who is consistently getting credits mailed to them from multiple characters

-who has the harvested items mailed to them to post on the broker (if they are selling goods on the GTN and not just vendoring)

-tie all of the above to the appropriate spammer


THEN nail them all at one they don't have as much time to react. They will likely be back (kinda like a drug dealer eventually gets out of jail) BUT if you "lock up" everyone at once you can have a more quiet (though never perfectly quiet) summer. If you go at them piece meal they simply change things around a bit and then you just have a cycle where you are trapped ALWAYS playing catch-up.


It sucks. I deal with this at work all the time, especially back in the day when I was on the Narc/Street Crimes unit. "why aren't you doing anything about that drug dealer?"..."why aren't you doing anything about the street robberies?"


We were, we just wanted to make sure that we didn't just get the dealer dirty on the street... we wanted to make sure we got him in his house, with other people and some serious weight/evidence so they all did State and not County time. We didn't want to just get the one or two robbers whose names we knew, we wanted to get the two other accomplices whose names we didn't know yet. You can't tell the people that though because if you do, it will get back to the bad guys.


I call it short term pain for a long term gain.

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For those curious, if they confiscated/removed 9bil from those banned accounts, you're looking at the credit sellers losing over $27,000 dollars worth of in-game credits.


that is an interesting figure. i dont pay attention enough to the credit sellers so I wouldn't know the conversion rate for credits to dollars. by those numbers (im not great at math, in fact i am terrible so excuse my mathssss) 1 credit equals 0.000003 dollars. estimated of course to the $27k number.


with that said, my credits only equal roughly $300, now i feel depressed again :(

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The money's real, the credits aren't. I'm far more impressed with the pain that the credit sellers are feeling right now at seeing so much real money evaporating before their eyes.



I'd be interested to know how much $27,000 really is to a credit farmer.


Take an extreme example of McDonalds.....if McDonalds had something bad to them that cost their entire empire $27,000 they would not really care at all. That is a rounding error to McDonalds. They wouldn't even bother telling the CEO about it, it wouldn't be worth his/her time.


I have no idea what $27,000 means to a credit farming company (conglomerate? empire? cartel?).

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Usually these knuckleheads work in groups. Instantly nail one and then they either just load a new account, move to a new area etc (referring not just to the spammers BUT also to the farmers....they often work together.) The one guy who got banned can have anew account power leveled etc.


Hail Hydra?

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that is an interesting figure. i dont pay attention enough to the credit sellers so I wouldn't know the conversion rate for credits to dollars. by those numbers (im not great at math, in fact i am terrible so excuse my mathssss) 1 credit equals 0.000003 dollars. estimated of course to the $27k number.


with that said, my credits only equal roughly $300, now i feel depressed again :(


the ads on fleet are usually something like $3 for 1,000,000 credits. I think that's how the $27,000 figure is calculated.


9,000,000,000 / 1,000,000 X $3 = $27,000


if you have $300 in credits you have something like 100,000,000 credits....I guess I wouldn't really feel depressed about that.

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