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People who undersell by 1 credit.


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What should I be doing? Post my item at a price higher than yours?


I'm posting something to sell it. It's not difficult to figure that a lower price will (usually) sell before the higher one.


I work with the economy and learn from it. I adjust my prices accordingly or don't post anything until the current batch of too lows go away. I certainly won't put a huge discount in because that encourages someone else to come along and scoop it up to re-post for a higher return.

And, of course, I've purchased someone's too low item and re-posted for a higher price. Sometimes it sells, sometimes it doesn't. It IS the way a capitalist economy works.


When it's a 1 cred difference most wouldn't even give a crap and buy the item for 10m.

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It's not a weak move at all, it's competition. A free market has to have competition or it's not free. While the economy of SWTOR is nowhere near the complexity of that in EVE Online, I can say straight up that, weak or not, if they're item is selling, and yours is not, they're not gonna care what names you call em cuz they'll have the creds you wanted. You just need to learn some strategy of your own. If you've got the capital, you might consider buying their item and then returning it to the market at your price. That way, you profit on that item as well.


Ah EVE. The ultimate scammer's playground and a company that encourages, griefing, grifters, exploiters and being a complete dbag in all aspects. I remember that game!

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When it's a 1 cred difference most wouldn't even give a crap and buy the item for 10m.


I don't think this is the majority. I believe most of us will buy the cheaper item. Even if I'm wrong, either mine will sell or it won't. I keep working the system, though.

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Sorry, not sorry. I'll undercut by 1 credit all darn day. People undercut by 1 in pretty much every game I've ever played it is a part of life.


It doesn't make any sense especially on high volume items to undercut by some gentlemen's percentage or whatever you're suggesting. If someone wants to pay a credit more, fine it won't hurt my feelings. I shift click, sort by price, subtract one and sell it.


I am guilty of being one of the steep under cutters complained about in this thread too though. However, I have a calculated percentage of profit to make off those items and it is always significantly lower that what these sellers are listing. I move the items quickly for a hefty profit and go on about my business.


I guess I'm the worst of the GTN scum since I offend in both categories. Oh well. Disregard forum posts, aquire credits.

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I will frequently undercut by only a credit if I like what the current low price is. I'm not going to undervalue my listings to make someone else happy. However, I am going to do what I can to make sure that my items are near the top of the list. I always assume someone else is going to do the same to me. Better that than having an item's value drop because several people did ridiculous multiple percentage point price cuts.
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If I'm purchasing off the GTN I'll search by unit price, double check to make sure it's not a stack and then buy the cheapest one. I don't care if it undercuts by 1 credit or 5%, lowest seller wins.


I don't understand the 5% or greater margin unless you are selling bulk in a market dominated by one crafter in the hope they will snap up your goods for resale.


I see a lot of greed on the GTN. People listing items at ridiculous prices (although I guess 'ridiculous' is debatable when you can just load up on cartel packs to bring in the credits), or trying the decimal point scam.


When I sell items it really depends what mood I'm in. Most of the time I'll undercut by 1 credit (the principle is it's not worth trying to buy it back up if you are aiming to control the market).


And more often than not it sells with 24 hours :)

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So let's squash the debate of what "most" buyers do when looking to buy something with a 1 credit difference.


If you see something you want to buy on the GTN at 300,000 credits, and another at 299,999 credits, which one would you buy?


I would always buy the 299,999 because it is cheaper, I don't care for politics and just want to keep my hard earned creds.

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What's everyone elses opinion on this? I think its a weak move, if you want to sell, make a better offer or list the same cause 1 credit out of a 10 mil item is nothing.

My opinion is, why are you getting so worked up over something you can't control? If you want to "teach them a lesson," undercut them by 1 cred.


Edit: The most amusing post I ever saw on this subject was one guy who posted saying undercutting by 1 cred was harassment (not the OP).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Unless the cheapest listing is for a stack when I only need I always sort by unit price and take the one from the top. I don't even read the price of the second item unless I am going to buy that one too.
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I undercut, but I do so by a pretty healthy margin. I don't want to keep relisting things at over-the-top prices in the hopes of finding a mug.


Anyway, its a sellers market, you don't like it, sell your stuff cheaper.



Same...but, if I see someone constantly trying to undercut one of my own sales, then I absolutely do the "1 credit less" sale, just to prove a point. And nine times out of ten it works when my item sells.

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What's everyone elses opinion on this? I think its a weak move, if you want to sell, make a better offer or list the same cause 1 credit out of a 10 mil item is nothing.


My opinion is: You're doing it wrong if people undercutting you in 1 cred increments matters for your sales.


You can influence things for your benefit in more ways than just setting the price.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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I'd rather be undercut by a single credit than having someone devalue the item by dropping the price 25%


Nothing bad about it...it's how this works




I see it a lot with augments. Sometimes you're selling them for about 120k, but then 2 people undercut for a lot and then they drop to like 70k in one hour. Everyoby loses, even the ones doing the undercutting for such big margin.

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ill undercut by 1 credit if the person themselves undercut by almost nothing OR if the person who is the cheapest undercut by a stupidily high amount. At the same time if an item is worth like 100 credits per unit im not gonna undercut by more than a credit, a volatile price like that doesn't need the market ruined. (to be fair I can mainly only point to grade 1 mats for volatile / low market prices)


also yeah the above poster is right (joesixpack)


- Mats are probably best sold in stacks of 20-40 (20 is kinda the sweet spot) 99 is hard to sell. (aside from grade 11 mats) when people buy mats that arent grade 11 they are more often then not trying to buy the mats to level their crafting skills so think appropriately.

- Items like Augment kit mk-10s are best sold as singles (ive more often then not encoutered people selling in stacks of 2 or higher who were cheaper than what I was selling and sold my usual amount of 8 augment kits in less than an hour while their offers were still up after that) a few other items I can think of that follow this are stims (sold best in 1, 2 or 3 stacks) When I buy stims I don't need 10 heck even 5 would be pushing it, I did experimenting with it and putting up single stims for a higher price when all the other offers were stacks of 10 and surprise surprise I sold mine before they did theirs.

- Offer your crafted goods in fleet, but instead of just saying what you're selling if youre selling / making stuff that is often an item a guild uses in builk then you could additionaly add something like "Willing to lower prices for bulk sales, guilds get additional discount if they want me to become their guild crafter." Stuff like that, build a clientel (I also reccommend you use your own guild for this.


there are probably a few more ways to get extra sales but these should help any rookie out.


If you're worried about your cartel market slots then make alts. Any alt that is made you can send to your send to a stronghold and access a GTN that way. (granted you have to have stronghold access that has a GTN in it)

Edited by Faardor
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I see it a lot with augments. Sometimes you're selling them for about 120k, but then 2 people undercut for a lot and then they drop to like 70k in one hour. Everyoby loses, even the ones doing the undercutting for such big margin.


Exactly - when people start REALLY dropping prices - then you are in trouble - 1 credit? So what, that will sell and so will yours more than likely.

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I'll undercut by 1cr


Better than undercutting by 5%.


Thing is, people will buy for lowest amount possible. The five or so people here who will go out of their way to 'teach a lesson' are a marginal, marginal amount of the game population


This right here. I'll undercut by a big percentage based on what I feel an item is actually worth and not on the inflated worth of the other people selling on the GTN. When buying, I will buy the lowest priced item that I want - whether that is 1c or 1000c cheaper.


So in other words, get over it OP. If you are so ticked off about people pricing 1c lower than you, then maybe your prices are too high, pal.

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I list at 10-20% lower than average price. If I really want a fast sale I might list an item in the tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands or millions. More money coming to me means more items going into the server so...
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I see it a lot with augments. Sometimes you're selling them for about 120k, but then 2 people undercut for a lot and then they drop to like 70k in one hour. Everyoby loses, even the ones doing the undercutting for such big margin.

Everyone loses? Why don't you buy the ones that are too cheap and re-sell them at what you think is the right price. That way you win. If you are not willing to do that, then the price is not "too low."

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