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People who undersell by 1 credit.


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Really? Honestly that is a huge *****bag move. Putting an item up for 10 mil for someone to 9,999,999 under me. 1 Credit so t hey can get their item sold first. I personally always buy the person who costs 10 mil and leave that 1 credit person waiting. That's not a deal, thats just cutting out the other persons chance at a sale. If you are going to put something up at least make it 5% cheaper than the original price, or the same price. It's stupid to get back on the GTN to find an item ex: 1,000 credits, then 999, 998, 997, 996...like really 1 credit?


What's everyone elses opinion on this? I think its a weak move, if you want to sell, make a better offer or list the same cause 1 credit out of a 10 mil item is nothing.

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I undercut, but I do so by a pretty healthy margin. I don't want to keep relisting things at over-the-top prices in the hopes of finding a mug.


Anyway, its a sellers market, you don't like it, sell your stuff cheaper.

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Work retail for any amount of time and you tend to price things ending in 99 just out of habit.


GTN prices actually look odd to me at even numbers for just this reason. Lately ive been pricing things ending in 75 because, suprise, thats how my work was doing their pricing.


Not really a matter of undercutting for me, i just price them where i feel its worth, quite often i have things listed over the lowball must sell fast prices, but they still dont end in 0.


As for "super-undercutting", well sometimes people list things for pants on head prices. If i see someone has something listed for 1m that i know isnt worth more then 100k, yeah im going to save myself a relisting and put it up for 99,975. :p


The one guy sending me tells yelling at me for undercutting his 1m garbage boots was special :D

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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Really? Honestly that is a huge *****bag move. Putting an item up for 10 mil for someone to 9,999,999 under me. 1 Credit so t hey can get their item sold first. I personally always buy the person who costs 10 mil and leave that 1 credit person waiting. That's not a deal, thats just cutting out the other persons chance at a sale. If you are going to put something up at least make it 5% cheaper than the original price, or the same price. It's stupid to get back on the GTN to find an item ex: 1,000 credits, then 999, 998, 997, 996...like really 1 credit?


What's everyone elses opinion on this? I think its a weak move, if you want to sell, make a better offer or list the same cause 1 credit out of a 10 mil item is nothing.


It's not a weak move at all, it's competition. A free market has to have competition or it's not free. While the economy of SWTOR is nowhere near the complexity of that in EVE Online, I can say straight up that, weak or not, if they're item is selling, and yours is not, they're not gonna care what names you call em cuz they'll have the creds you wanted. You just need to learn some strategy of your own. If you've got the capital, you might consider buying their item and then returning it to the market at your price. That way, you profit on that item as well.

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My opinion is that you're way too upset about someone pricing theirs less than yours. You can always pull your listing and price your cheaper than theirs.


But this is going to happen, people want to maximize their return while ensuring they make the sale. Its only natural.


I usually cut more off than one credit myself but I'm not greedy.

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If someone wants to do it more power to them. I won't buy something because of a 1 credit drop. I can handle one more credit. They don't really give me much incentive to buy their item over someone else.
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As a player who never really cared for the GTN/AH game, I usually price to sell quickly but I never undersell but such a little margin. I remember when playing WoW that I used an add-on that offer an undercut by 5% which is what I usually went with based on supply. I just never really enjoyed the market game. I'd much rather max all crafting professions and be independent.
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If it is any condolence when I see the prices on 2 items and one is only 1 credit cheaper I look at the timer to see if the one was up longer than the other and if it was I will buy the more expensive just on the principle.


I think undercutting is fair but if you are going to do it make it worth your time and mine.

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As a player who never really cared for the GTN/AH game, I usually price to sell quickly but I never undersell but such a little margin. I remember when playing WoW that I used an add-on that offer an undercut by 5% which is what I usually went with based on supply. I just never really enjoyed the market game. I'd much rather max all crafting professions and be independent.


I generally undercut by 5 to 10 percent depending on the item(s) in question.

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It's actually a good thing for you, most people I know are so annoyed by that they will buy the one that's a credit more expensive, so you win and sell your item even though theirs is lower. If they undercut by a reasonable amount, they'd sell their's first, so you come out ahead. Edited by Karaiblis
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Check GTM, place my item for sale at 5 credits less - I'd estimate a 90% success rate in doing this.


More like 75% on JC more often then not someone else will undercut you just like you undercut the person above you.

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I'll undercut by 1cr


Better than undercutting by 5%.


Thing is, people will buy for lowest amount possible. The five or so people here who will go out of their way to 'teach a lesson' are a marginal, marginal amount of the game population

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while I can understand raging about being undercut, being undercut by 1 cred and raging hard about it is... well, it's meh. Not that big of a deal really. If you really want to rage about something on the gtn, how about raging against those folks that undercut by ridiculous amounts. Example. Something is listed on the GTN and average sells for about 4 mil. You go and check to see the competition, and there are 10 of them on there with the following costs: 3,900,000 / 3,650,000 / 3,500,000 / 2,000,000 / 1,000,000 / 200,000 / 150,000 / 50,000 / 20,000 / 19,000.


This is when I think a rage would be validated. The fact that people don't look at the currently listed prices and play according to that. Or the ones that just don't give a flying **** about anything and are just looking for a quick buck. Either way, it's ruining the market and economy. At least with the one cred undercut, the value is still somewhat relevant.

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I sort by price, then buy the cheapest one.


Don't take it personal! It's a tough life...my mom needs medicine, my wife needs robes, my speeder needs brakes, my kids are hungry, and my dog hates me. A credit is a credit, I'll take it where I can get it :)

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The GTN belongs to those with the time to babysit their sales.


Thanks to the whole 'no add-ons' rule, there's no automated thing for the GTN if you get undercut. So, those with the time can undercut at a small price and if you're not paying attention, they'll get your sale.


Personally, I can respect that. It's the ones who undercut by 20% or something stupid like that that force the slump in prices and cost all sellers in the long run.

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Depends on the value and rarity of the item.


If the item is worth 10 million credits and there is only 1 on the GTN, and I'm confident there are more than 1 buyers in the market, I'll list mine for 12 million for a few days and hope my patience allows me to make more than the other guy selling one.


Items that are not super rare and there is a steady supply of them hitting the GTN, then I will undercut by about 2-10%.

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What should I be doing? Post my item at a price higher than yours?


I'm posting something to sell it. It's not difficult to figure that a lower price will (usually) sell before the higher one.


I work with the economy and learn from it. I adjust my prices accordingly or don't post anything until the current batch of too lows go away. I certainly won't put a huge discount in because that encourages someone else to come along and scoop it up to re-post for a higher return.

And, of course, I've purchased someone's too low item and re-posted for a higher price. Sometimes it sells, sometimes it doesn't. It IS the way a capitalist economy works.

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Depends on the value and rarity of the item.


If the item is worth 10 million credits and there is only 1 on the GTN, and I'm confident there are more than 1 buyers in the market, I'll list mine for 12 million for a few days and hope my patience allows me to make more than the other guy selling one.


Items that are not super rare and there is a steady supply of them hitting the GTN, then I will undercut by about 2-10%.


Good points here, too.

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