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12x XP Returns!


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If there were nothing else happening at that time, that data could be used as relevant, but because of a little thing called 3.0-SoR and along with it, broke a content drought, how useful can any data be during that period?

Anyone with a modicum of knowledge could conclude that even if 12x had never existed, that the population swings that happened pre SoR to the current day would of happened with complete certainty.


That data will also not reveal the raiders who left the game as a result of broken operations, unfixed bugs after many months and blatant exploiting. Sure, BW has the numbers on the banned exploiters, but not on those who unsubbed because of a gaping hole in their reward table (so to speak).

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12XP is not a legacy unlock (sadly), it is "for all subscribers".


This Stupid Legacy talk, is really Crap. As Musco said himself that Legacy 50 requires a Lot of non-stop playing and most of the Audience that i heard in the Livestream had NOT gotten' to Legacy 50 either. I heard a good some clap that they had gotten' to Legacy 50, but Most players that play this game Do Not.


Before 3.0 I had a legacy of only 35 and few toon lvl 50 and some at lvl 55, and that when I was doing Ops to. Only Elitists and ppl with Overgrown Egos would be stupid enough to say to make it a Legacy lvl 50. I have several 60 and more lvl 55s along with a Lot of other toons below the 50 mark.


I still do Not have a Legacy of 50, and have idiots tell me that have to be a Legacy of 50 or even 40 to be able to have 12X.


Like Musco said the Devs though about making it a Legacy perk and it was Thrown out for Obvious Reasons.


Also ur stupid Guide way to get Lvl'ing perks are just rediculous really.



A Lot of Idiots in these Forums are saying that this is the End of the game, when you guys have NO RIGHT TO. Until the Devs come back and reply about how 12X will be implemented, til' then I will reserve the Sate of the Game Judgement.


Anti-12X'ers you have ur own Forum, so keep ur Needless Junk over in ur own Forum.


I don't think all Subs should have 12X as I have said before though.

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Except 12x exp happened before SOR came out. They've released expansions before and they have the data of how many people return just before an expansion hits. SOR isn't the first expansion. It's also very possible that there was more people playing during the 12xp event than during the SOR launch which would also be saying something. They have expected numbers to hit during an expansion launch. If the 12xp exceeded their known parameters then that's saying something.


I'm not saying for certainty that 12exp is the best thing that can happen to the game other than it's my opinion that it is. My only argument is that regardless how anyone feel Bioware has data and it's based on that data that 12exp is back. Bioware has a better picture than the rest of us do. I've always wanted it to return and there was a massive "Can we have 12exp back please?" that I followed but I didn't respond much in that thread (if at all.) because I didn't expect Bioware to bring it back. I am honestly surprised that they are. If they didn't I'd respect that because according to their data that meant it wasn't worth it.


If it turns out to be detrimental will remove it. The wording "We will be keeping it so long we don't know if it will ever go away" translates to "We plan to make it permanent but if it hurts the game it's gone." I personally don't think it will hurt the game.


I understand what you're saying, but you are trying to distance the two to strengthen your argument.

They were released as a package, I still have the promo email here, and the theme was to get your chars ready for SoR, so any data gleaned will be tainted because there's no way to differentiate people who came for one and not the other.

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I understand what you're saying, but you are trying to distance the two to strengthen your argument.

They were released as a package, I still have the promo email here, and the theme was to get your chars ready for SoR, so any data gleaned will be tainted because there's no way to differentiate people who came for one and not the other.


Again, there is. They've released an expansion before and have an idea of the numbers expected to return for the expansion. If this is their first expansion I'd agree with you but it isn't. They can also tell how many were returning players as well as how many are new players. I know people who got into the game because of the 12 exp boost. They're not alone. While that's not enough data the team does have the data provided. What if there was a drop off that started as soon as 12x dropped? If there were more people playing during 12x than during SOR launch that would be extremely telling. I don't know for sure if there was or wasn't but again Bioware has the answer to that.


If their data is wrong it'd be evident within a few months. Time will tell but I think 12x is here to stay.

Edited by Rhyltran
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I totally love how Bioware basically says "Hey guys we're bringing back 12x XP for subscribers on 4 May" with pretty much little to no details as to how it'll be implemented, what you need to get it, whether it'll be a toggle or consumable or whatever. And then we have people bringing out the torches, pitchforks, tar, and feathers going "How dare, I say DARE, they! How DARE they bring back something that lets those solely interested in class content (that presumably have done the side quests and bloody awful grinding dozens of times) actually do solely the class content!".


This thread is a giant comedy show I swear. Such great times reading through this. If I could pick something to survive for the next few millennia as to how you can't ever please everyone, this would be the one thing. I could ask that those with the tar and feathers wait for some semblance of a statement as to how it'll be implemented and how it'll work, but frankly I feel they would just take the time to be even more over dramatic.

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I have not participated in previous events, so I can't quite imagine how this will be like.

When you create a new character doesn't that mean that you will be quickly overleveled for doing just the class quest and nothing else?


Even with double XP (may it be due to an event or rested XP) I barely have to do anything but the class quest to get to level 10 by the time I leave the starter planet.

Edited by Rabenschwinge
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Here is my suggestions:

make a few new boosts that you activate from legacy or by boost pack from cartel market


Make xp gain adjustable from 0.5 to 12 (or even 1000) so will everyone be happy, take away rested xp if you not stay in an cantina/fleet or your ship.


But the most important is that we all want to be able to choose the way we want to gain xp / level.

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Insults are the things U have given me and Ppl like You and the Anti-12X'ers have Insulted Pro-12X'ers, by being stupid enough to Tell Ppl that have had already done so many lvl 50, 55s and 60s, Think You and others have a Right to tell us How or What Legacy we should Have is Rediculous.


You and Others DON'T Have a right to tell Us that have grinded and Leveled so much, and others with disabilities to, And that don't have to Adhere to some Stupid Rules You and other Ant-12X'ers bring as Ur Rules to adhere to is Wrong and nothing less than ppl with Narrow minds and All Ego as well, in Saying, in Order for Ppl to have boosts in their XP, or in order to be able to be able to have 12X, You Have to Have a Stupid Legacy of 50.


You guys Lost that fight for Very Good Reasons.


I don't care if u don't care about me personaly, i'm not here to win peoples hearts, but ppl with an Intelligence above a House plant.


If you don't like ppl attacking Ur proposal for XP Boosts, thenyou should've Never made one, because Fact is Not Every1 is going like it, and call it anything from Junk, or from the God almighty himself. I Get Attacked by you guys all the time, so grow up kid.


The Legacy 50 12X was such Bs to begin with, and Totaly Wrong, that the Devs threw that out, as it was Not really the right way.


Us 12X'ers that have been here since beta grinding so many 50's, 55's and 60's, or even Haven't been here that long but have grinded like hell doing the same Stupid Things Over and Over again.


I can Say Anti-12X'ers DO NOT Have A Right to tell US how to play.


lol *you* get attacked because of your vile personality directed toward anyone you disagree with. I'm really not sure how you can have "so many" toons above level 50 and not be LL50 - especially if you leveled during the last 12XP event. I got LL50 on my 5th play through.


I'm sorry but if you aren't LL50, then you haven't "grinded" so much.

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12XP is returning? :eek: REALLY?!?! :D :D :D


With this announcement, I'm OFFICIALLY a sub until they shut down the servers! :D I'm bout to go alt crazy....I need more character slots! :D btw...Anyone who's rage quitting.....feel free to send me yo stuff! ;)



Now excuse me...I feel a dance session coming.... :cool:

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Love that this is returning. Missed it the last time around and have a ton of alts (mostly Pubside) that are in that level 20-30 range where I am just bored to tears of doing Nar Shaddaa/Taris before moving on to planets I enjoy like Alderaan and Belsavis.


I welcome this wholheartedly and hope there will be an opt out item so that I can avoid using this on the starter planets, instead using it when I feel like an extra push instead of doing Kuat Drive Yards over and over and over...

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Yes! Excellent! Absolutely fanTASTIC! I am so very happy about this. I love making alts on this game, trying things out and getting characters up. I love doing just the stories and stuff. This is absolutely fantastic news! I cannot wait! Great job BW! How somebody can be against something so great for the main core of the game which are the stories, is beyond me. Edited by Sarfux
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My favorite part about this event not having an end date is that I won't feel rushed to level as many characters as possible. To an extent feeling like I had to do all the leveling I wanted before the deadline kind of burnt me out on leveling for a while. Having this last indefinitely I'll be able to take my time and level characters at my leisure.


I can't wait for this to come back. Not only to possibly finally get my SO to max level, but to go back and replay the great storylines I haven't gone through in a long time.

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Personally, I absolutely love this. My friend and I decided last month to make this our MMO of choice for the foreseeable future, what with WoW not having new content, WIldstar being too AoE-spammy, and FFXIV being too grindy (at least for our tastes). Now we can sit down and get through the stories, which frankly are what we enjoy seeing. I'm also looking forward to leveling alts with different set ups. For example, I have a level 60 Dark Side female Juggernaut. What would happen with a Light Side male Marauder? I've never seen the Vette romance, or Light Side Jaesa. The ability to go through and see all the stories again makes me happy. Especially to see them from a different point of view.


I do hope it's a toggle or consumable, though. I have yet to level any Pub toons past Alderaan, so I want to see the planetary stories. But once I've seen them once, I'll feel alright with pushing past them. If this also brings in new subscribers who will support the game long term and add income for new content, even better. I'm excited. I can see all the downsides being put up, but to me, the possible upsides far outweigh the possible downfalls. Cost-benefit analysis.

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From the posts on reddit, it seems that this announcement is having its desired business effect. The overwhelming response is "Yes! Time to Sub!". My guess is they will keep it going until they have enough data to determine whether it makes sense to keep it permanent.


For example, a lot of people will sub, run through class stories and maybe try other content. Maybe some will discover they like pvp/gsf, maybe some will discover they like raiding and gear progression. Some will leave until the next story content comes out, and some will discover that they like other aspects of the game and stay. They are likely looking at this to provide some type of permanent level shift upwards in their subscription population size. As long as it seems to be providing that, the 12xp will remain.


While not a personal fan of 12xp, I understand its potential business benefits and also potential long-term indirect benefits to the community. More subscribers on average means more resources for Bioware/EA, which could possibly mean more ability to hire devs to churn out content, fix bugs, etc. If it can do that, then I say "Let the XP flow"

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While not a personal fan of 12xp, I understand its potential business benefits and also potential long-term indirect benefits to the community. More subscribers on average means more resources for Bioware/EA, which could possibly mean more ability to hire devs to churn out content, fix bugs, etc. If it can do that, then I say "Let the XP flow"


While I agree with you in theory(I think it will have negative long time effects myself, but I guess we'll see), I have no hope at all that EA will reinvest any of the profits into the development of TOR. It's sadly not the way they operate IMO.

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This Stupid Legacy talk, is really Crap. As Musco said himself that Legacy 50 requires a Lot of non-stop playing and most of the Audience that i heard in the Livestream had NOT gotten' to Legacy 50 either. I heard a good some clap that they had gotten' to Legacy 50, but Most players that play this game Do Not.


Before 3.0 I had a legacy of only 35 and few toon lvl 50 and some at lvl 55, and that when I was doing Ops to. Only Elitists and ppl with Overgrown Egos would be stupid enough to say to make it a Legacy lvl 50. I have several 60 and more lvl 55s along with a Lot of other toons below the 50 mark.


I still do Not have a Legacy of 50, and have idiots tell me that have to be a Legacy of 50 or even 40 to be able to have 12X.


Like Musco said the Devs though about making it a Legacy perk and it was Thrown out for Obvious Reasons.


Also ur stupid Guide way to get Lvl'ing perks are just rediculous really.



A Lot of Idiots in these Forums are saying that this is the End of the game, when you guys have NO RIGHT TO. Until the Devs come back and reply about how 12X will be implemented, til' then I will reserve the Sate of the Game Judgement.


Anti-12X'ers you have ur own Forum, so keep ur Needless Junk over in ur own Forum.


I don't think all Subs should have 12X as I have said before though.



I am going to have to disagree with you about getting to legacy 50. I have exactly 3 level 60 and 5 that are still under level 50 and I got to legacy level 50 and I didn't play all the time. I go to college and work and I don't spend that much time online but I do the dailies and that helps get you the legacy level.


It did not require me to play non-stop. It is possible but then again I been here since launch and got to legacy level 50 just last summer.

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I am going to have to disagree with you about getting to legacy 50. I have exactly 3 level 60 and 5 that are still under level 50 and I got to legacy level 50 and I didn't play all the time. I go to college and work and I don't spend that much time online but I do the dailies and that helps get you the legacy level.


It did not require me to play non-stop. It is possible but then again I been here since launch and got to legacy level 50 just last summer.


Mileage will vary I think.


I have 4 at 60, 1 at 55, 1 at 52, and 2 below level 20 and my Legacy Level just hit 49 this week.


I play Ops mostly and do enough dailies to keep myself over 10 million credits and buy a few CM Packs off the GTN periodically.

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For those of you who do not want 12xp, I have a simple solution:

Don't do any story content until it is over! There are plenty of things to do in the meantime.


Well its supposedly going to remain for a while, but it looks like they are going to have an even simpler solution and everyone (except the few that don't want to be bothered purchasing a 0 credit item from a fleet vendor) will be happy.

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How fast you get legacy exp really depends on your play style. End game activities award more legacy exp than leveling alts. My play style ended up being an interesting experiment. I played each class to level 50, then stopped, shelved the character, and started a new class. When the level increase and ROTHC happened, I leveled each class that I had at 50 to 55 and then stopped. I did no end game content. By the time I had all 8 classes to level 55 (and 9th char at level 45) I had just around legacy level 40.


Then I started doing some end game...and wow, in just a few months I hit legacy level 50. Big difference.


So there you have it. If a player just wants to see the stories and little else (no PVP, no flashpoints) they will struggle to reach legacy level 50 and will likely need more than one of each class at max level to do so.


Maybe this is why the devs decided to not make the 12x a legacy perk? I'm kind of surprised about that myself, especially since they simply could have lowered the required legacy level to 20 or something instead. Who knows. It sounds like it'll be free though(?!) I'm already thinking of buying more character slots to do more classes yet another time, so this promotion seems to be working for me. :D

Edited by CloudCastle
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Well its supposedly going to remain for a while, but it looks like they are going to have an even simpler solution and everyone (except the few that don't want to be bothered purchasing a 0 credit item from a fleet vendor) will be happy.

From the way things look on the PTS, the people who don't want to outlevel the starter planets might still be unhappy, as the XP inhibitor item is currently BoP and seems to only be available on Fleet. At least if it were Bind to Legacy, players could preemptively stick a few in legacy storage for new alts.

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How fast you get legacy exp really depends on your play style. End game activities award more legacy exp than leveling alts. My play style ended up being an interesting experiment. I played each class to level 50, then stopped, shelved the character, and started a new class. When the level increase and ROTHC happened, I leveled each class that I had at 50 to 55 and then stopped. I did no end game content. By the time I had all 8 classes to level 55 (and 9th char at level 45) I had just around legacy level 40.


I made a lvl 50 legacy with 5 characters (last one wasn't even done leveling) and didn't run but one or two ops the entire time starting from April 2013 to January 2014. My flashpoint experience was also infrequent. I did run a fair amount dailies and I did some PVP but I still figure most of it was from leveling itself.

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From the way things look on the PTS, the people who don't want to outlevel the starter planets might still be unhappy, as the XP inhibitor item is currently BoP and seems to only be available on Fleet. At least if it were Bind to Legacy, players could preemptively stick a few in legacy storage for new alts.


Well that sucks, maybe they will have a vendor on starting planets as well or make it BoL. Didn't think of characters not being able to get to fleet until level 10.

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Mileage will vary I think.


I have 4 at 60, 1 at 55, 1 at 52, and 2 below level 20 and my Legacy Level just hit 49 this week.


I play Ops mostly and do enough dailies to keep myself over 10 million credits and buy a few CM Packs off the GTN periodically.


Yep, it definitely varies... I've been subbed since a few months after launch. I finally hit LL50 during the 12XP event. Of course I play mainly solo, with the occasional FP or heroic. I still haven't reached social lvl 2 yet lol.


Now excuse me while I continue doing THIS to celebrate the return of 12XP! :D

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From the way things look on the PTS, the people who don't want to outlevel the starter planets might still be unhappy, as the XP inhibitor item is currently BoP and seems to only be available on Fleet. At least if it were Bind to Legacy, players could preemptively stick a few in legacy storage for new alts.


I wouldn't be surprised to see it work like a lot of Cartel Items. Go buy it on a character, "use" it to add it to your collection, and then grab it from the collection tab in the inventory. Or put a vendor right there on the starting planet. My guess is that the vendor is just a placeholder for people to pick it up to make sure it works on the PTS before they make it available from level 1 when it hits live servers.

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