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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Jedi Knight, and Sith Warrior classes need a huge buff.


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You hurt my head.


I would much rather have a full blown CC then a snares and moves that dont work in PVP.


Would you like with that a skill that one shot people while they are stun and wins the game for you?


Its team effort not 1v1.


Did you ever noticed a combo Tank + Healer which can outlast a very long period of time before dying imagine adding some dps parterns to it.


Juggs/ or jedi mirror do not need buffs. Snare is a blight but you don't see it with your class atm.


As for marauders cannot say much expect fix the skills as intended and see in the futur how it works out. ( I don't play one)

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Would you like with that a skill that one shot people while they are stun and wins the game for you?


Its team effort not 1v1.


Did you ever noticed a combo Tank + Healer which can outlast a very long period of time before dying imagine adding some dps parterns to it.


Juggs/ or jedi mirror do not need buffs. Snare is a blight but you don't see it with your class atm.


As for marauders cannot say much expect fix the skills as intended and see in the futur how it works out. ( I don't play one)


Until a dps duo 4 shots his healer then the tank is just SoL.

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Not saying I agree or disagree with the OP, they do become primarily reliant on Quinn when soloing making the rest of our companions useless or less favored. The versatility is more like a race to trigger as many CDs as possible to give yourself a fighting chance - however maps like Belsalvis are designed specifically to endorse teamwork. A Jugg shouldn't be running in to tank two elites, three strongs, and two minions; you need to work on CCs and controlling the engagement.



But quoted bellow...

Lvl 50 - in full epics lvl 50 mixed pvp.



You realize that puts you over the learning curve right? You aren't an exception, you've got better stats than most people who play strictly PVE and work on scrounging for upgrades. So I hardly consider you an exception :p

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Not saying I agree or disagree with the OP, they do become primarily reliant on Quinn when soloing making the rest of our companions useless or less favored. The versatility is more like a race to trigger as many CDs as possible to give yourself a fighting chance - however maps like Belsalvis are designed specifically to endorse teamwork. A Jugg shouldn't be running in to tank two elites, three strongs, and two minions; you need to work on CCs and controlling the engagement.



But quoted bellow...




You realize that puts you over the learning curve right? You aren't an exception, you've got better stats than most people who play strictly PVE and work on scrounging for upgrades. So I hardly consider you an exception :p

Warriors do not have a CC.

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Compared to my BH powertech i levelled to 50 first, the Juggernaught is definately weaker.


Its a combination of things.


A lack of AoE as 90% of the mobs we face are packs and we have 1 good AoE on a 15sec cooldown and a rubbish aoe that tickles enemys (but all classes get one of these). IMO we could do with a frontal cone attack ala Shockwave from WoW warriors.


Lack of movement speed. Considering the lack of actual AoE skills we have i would have expected some increased movement speed to make up for that, so we can move from mob to mob quicker (force jump having a minimum range and we use it to start the attack anyway).


A lack of CC and stuns. We have force choke which takes us out of the combat too which isnt a good thing, but its a cool ability.


We have 2 abilities which are situational and restricted by effects affecting the mobs.


Most of the "hard" hitting abilities really dont seem to hit that hard in all honesty. Also Sunder imo needs to do more damage as a main ability .


Channeled attacks for a melee class = silly design UNLESS your able to move without breaking the channel.


Poor, uninspiring skill trees. Tiny insignificant dots as talents? Boring talents that have minimal increases at best and generally poor talents.



Towards the end of beta the devs said that Warriors/knights were next in line for a revamp but it never came.


IMO once the above are tweaked the Knights/Warriors will feel a whole lot better. Nothing major needs changing, just slight buffs, tweaks and changes here and there.


Also at high levels many mobs have a sunder ability so your armor will feel like paper when 3-4 mobs have it on you, and most strong and many normal mobs have knockbacks and knockdowns.....but these affect all melee classes.

The game really is tougher for melee, a natural rule in MMOs but not usually to this extent.

Edited by Sivn
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Pvp wise, I wouldnt mind the extremely low damage, if it meant I could actually spec tank and not be squishier than damage specced sorcs/assassins/bounty hunters.


I wanted to play tank in pvp, guard people, taunt, stuff like that, but that feels more and more pointless since the dps classes have much better survivability.


The only class that squisher, in my experience, is smuggler, in both its variations.


And I might be mistaken but this, but I swear I`ve seen tankspecced vanguards that can do some pretty decent burst damage.

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Hi guys,


There are many different subjects discussed in this thread and I would like to take the opportunity to give you some information on the topics at hand.


First off, we currently have no indication that any class needs a huge buff. Class balance is defined by the interaction between classes and changes we make to one class will, inevitably, move the balance towards or from other classes. Our data and testing currently indicates that the Juggernaut and Guardian AC could use some buffing up in two areas where we see them underperforming against our expectations.


Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :


  • Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.
  • DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.

Our attention to the class obviously won't stop here. Balancing MMOs is a never ending endeavor and we're in for the long haul. For example, we are certainly aware that the Marauder and Sentinel are very gameplay intensive classes with some of the most complex rotations in the game. While we are currently looking at quality of life and usability improvements to increase the class' playability without compromising the unique aspects of the class, we don't have anything specific to announce just yet. We do however anticipate that some of the combat responsiveness improvements (AKA 'ability delay' - more on that here) being worked on by our engineering team will specifically aid both Marauder and Sentinel.


In regards to PvE balance, any place in the game where our data shows significant issues with the balance tuning for one or more classes or specs are of course also being looked at.


For example, Jedi Knights will be pleased to hear that we are working on tuning the final mission in their class chain to provide a better, more fun and more reliably solvable challenge (see a post from another member of my team here). Currently a large percentage of players bring a friend to solve this mission, which, while social and often more fun, is not in line with our stated goal of allowing players to progress solo through their class arc if they desire to do so. We're also looking at some companions with a critical eye to improve their viability for certain role/companion combinations.


I would also like to give you some general understanding about approach to class balancing and how you can aid us with your feedback:


  • Now that we're out of the first few weeks of launch madness, you will see class and combat balance issues addressed with increased frequency. Larger scale gameplay changes and features are more likely to coincide with major content releases, but smaller scale changes and improvements can be expected to become part of our regular update schedule.
  • Statements that we hate a specific class or faction, or that we intentionally underbalance certain classes to make it less popular are conspiracy theory territory. We have nothing to gain from such an approach – we want players to pick the class and faction they want to play and have confidence that they are able to perform their chosen role in the game. Anything that comes in the way of that goal is considered a balance issue for us.
  • We make our balancing decisions based on a combination of internal and external testing and metrics. We don't make decisions based on who is the loudest on the forums. Community feedback is valuable in bringing issues to our attention and even to highlight possible solutions, which means that well written, constructive posts are the most effective way to communicate your wishes and feedback to us, rather than petitions and calls to nerf specific classes.
  • Please understand that balance issues during the leveling process are different than issues at level 50 and are handled in different ways. If you feel your class has issues during your journey to 50, especially communicate the level range and area of the game where you are experiencing issues to aid our investigations. Player versus Player situations in during the leveling process are not always balanced at every level (a mathematical impossibility), but we are always willing to investigate.
  • Just because we haven't mentioned the specific issue close to your heart in a post (such as the one above) doesn't mean we are unaware of it or that we don't want to address it. It would be impractical for us to comment on all investigations currently in the pipeline. That said, we definitely want to take a more open approach in regards to upcoming class changes.


Finally, I'd like to acknowledge, again, that we do understand that there is a desire for players to get more detailed information what happens to their character in combat. We agree with those requests and are working on various ways to, optionally, get more detailed data on your combat performance.


Thanks for your feedback!


-- Georg

Edited by StephenReid
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I like the idea of refreshing leap, but using an ability that pushes your target out of combat range to reset it seems like a wash in uptime.


I like the idea of simply putting unstoppable as a first tier talent. To give Vengeance specs an offset and some desire to be played, add a reflect to shien form. I believe the lore supports this.


Anyway, just some ideas.

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Juggernauts get a mobility buff but Marauders are fine ? What ? Juggernauts have much more CC and a great knockback, Marauders don't. 80% of the time you get knocked into the fire / pit / acid as a Marauder but you're one of the very few AC which can't knock anybody anywhere and only got a channeled CC, not even a stun or knockback. This is such a big issue and you don't adress it at all.


So when a Juggernaut gets knocked into the acid or whatever he has a charge to get out and he needs a buff to be more mobile. A Marauder gets knocked into the acid and only has his charge to get out very fast but he doesn't need a buff. Yeah... I would be really thankful to have the CC immunity the Jugs have after the charge...

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Hi guys,


There are many different subjects discussed in this thread and I would like to take the opportunity to give you some information on the topics at hand.


First off, we currently have no indication that any class needs a huge buff. Class balance is defined by the interaction between classes and changes we make to one class will, inevitably, move the balance towards or from other classes. Our data and testing currently indicates that the Juggernaut and Guardian AC could use some buffing up in two areas where we see them underperforming against our expectations.


Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :


  • Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.
  • DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.


-- Georg


So you're buffing Juggernaut to be even more effective offensively and have even more survivability while leaving Marauder with it's wet noodle and paper bag armor? Am I reading this correctly?


I'm also quite confused as to why the tank spec'ed juggernauts are able to do more damage then the marauders. Going up against the tanks in warzones is extremely difficult because of all the control they have, combined with damage that is on par with the marauder damage, combined with their heavy armor and survivability.


Another point of contention, why is the marauder the only class that has a different armor type then it's sister AC? Power tech's and Mercs share the same heavy armor. Why have you seen fit to give mercs access to quite possibly the easiest damage and abilities in one button, as well as fully capable single target healing, survivability, cc, two knockbacks and heavy armor? I mean in one button a merc does what takes us 6+ and does it better. Hit tracermissle and they do great damage, from range, debuff armor, and buff/proc their two higher damage abilities.


For example, to do similar the Annihilation Marauder has to:


Charge > Deadly saber > Battering assault > cloak of pain > rapture > Annihilate > snare > figure out what to do next in a unlimited possible outcomes.


They have to do all this while:

- Staying within melee range

- Overcoming knock-backs, snares and roots

- Relying on a tank to give them the survivability of their target

- Relying on a healer to give them the heals their target has themselves

- Managing the extremely awkward rage resource mechanic

- Managing multiple interrupts because they can not dish out the damage that a merc arsenal can (which they can do 0-30m), nor can they take said damage like a arsenal can


It's virtually the same with every other class in the game. Tanks out last your damage while doing perfectly good damage themselves, healers out heal your damage, ranged classes knock you back and root you, then kill you before you can have much effect, burst classes stun you and kill you before you can do anything about it.


This class requires the player to be either over-geared or have a massive skill advantage over their competition just to be significant. Add to that the garbage animation system, instant abilities being interrupted, ability delay and animations stuttering and you get a class that gives me no reason to pay $15/mo for the punishment of playing it.

Edited by getdownsb
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Hi guys,


Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.


-- Georg


Thanks for the Update Georg.


As it stand I see a lot of my fellow Juggs/guards complaining about issues with AoE aggro, and this fix may also help with it as well.


Currently, I start an encounter by running into the main group of mobs using Smash, and then charging to one of the range mobs. While on the ranged mob I force push it into the group, and then run back into the group.


That works with quite a few encounters; however, it does not help me keep aggro all the time while I am in said group. If this style of play by a jugg/guard is what can be understood as our expected tactic, would it be possible to get force push on a lower timer? Perhaps another solution would be to make force push on the same type of mechanic as Rage is for the Immortal tree? Where the rage cool down is reduced by a specific amount of time when using other abilities, vicious slash and sweeping slash.


Can we expect any changes to our current AoE situation, or is this something not considered a major issue with jugg/guard tanking?


I can only assume we are not as far behind in DPS as some of my fellow juggs/guards might believe when played as DPS.

Edited by Samous
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[*]DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.


I am curious. What you mean by performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage? Does it mean that you expect the class to deal damage when a ability is clicked/pressed? IF so, that is indeed true. Or do you mean the class' damage potential compared to other classes in pvp? If so ...what exactly makes you think a Juggernaut/Guardian is on par with a scoundrel/gunslinger/assassin when it comes to burst. As I said, I am curious. I may recall you telling us (few months ago) that every class is almost on par with every class and that let's say medium armor wearers compared to clothies have about 5% more mitigation but may lack a bit of damage but in the end it all depends of how well one plays his class.


Now to bring up the scoundrel again (because I love how rediculous it gets) where is the "skill" of the player when the scoundrel can finish a guardian ( and I dont mean a tank but that wouldnt matter, too) within 4 GCDs?


And this is only burst damage (which for my taste is a horrible design - the tree in fact is horrible as it relies on ONE ability which is on a 9 sec cd and that is our "burst"). What about damage in general? Atm I have serious problems to down healers. That includes the 30% trauma warzone debuff. Maybe I'm just undergeared. Maybe this class relies heavily on gear like no other.


As I already said ...I'm curious. Maybe we are or I am playing an older build of this game, who knows?

Edited by neocoma
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Thanks for the Update Georg.


As it stand I see a lot of my fellow Juggs/guards complaining about issues with AoE aggro, and this fix may also help with it as well.


Currently, I start an encounter by running into the main group of mobs using Smash, and then charging to one of the range mobs. While on the ranged mob I force push it into the group, and then run back into the group.


That works with quite a few encounters; however, it does not help me keep aggro all the time while I am in said group. If this style of play by a jugg/guard is what can be understood as our expected tactic, would it be possible to get force push on a lower timer? Perhaps another solution would be to make force push on the same type of mechanic as Rage is for the Immortal tree? Where the rage cool down is reduced by a specific amount of time when using other abilities, vicious slash and sweeping slash.


Can we expect any changes to our current AoE situation, or is this something not considered a major issue with jugg/guard tanking?


I can only assume we are not as far behind in DPS as some of my fellow juggs/guards might believe when played as DPS.




IMO, they should greatly increase the amount of threat Smash does while in Soresu form. Make it match Flame Sweep.

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well i for one whod like to know way the assassin tank on the sithe side got tons and tons of ablityes who says hige threth but the jugonut sithe side hace one or maybe two how are you supose to tank equality whit the two when one got lats say 6 ablitys whice makes it hold argo and the other got 1 ... thats not porsabel for them to be equals
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OK, as constructive feedback that I hope the developers would consider....


I leveled a Sith Marauder... mainly Carnage tree, though I did try Annihilation tree some. Overall my experience was decent except for the Ability Delay and stutter which drives me NUTS... however that's not the point here.


I felt a lot during the leveling process I was pigeon-holed into using Malavai Quinn, because he was a healer. Since he was a healer, he kept me alive during most of the important fights and it was just impractical not to have him all the time and just send the other companions on crew quests.


However, I really wanted to use Jaesa Willsaam. Unfortunately, it was just too risky for most fights... and some fights I downright needed a healer. Even when I was using all of my damage mitigation abilities and medpacs and CC abilities... including even Force Camoflage to get out of the battle for a bit and let the companion take a beating for a bit.


I'd like feeling like I would have equal chance of success with the other companions as I would with Malavai. Besides... that guy is a jerk!


And Jaesa is hot. :p

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Hi guys,


There are many different subjects discussed in this thread and I would like to take the opportunity to give you some information on the topics at hand.


First off, we currently have no indication that any class needs a huge buff. Class balance is defined by the interaction between classes and changes we make to one class will, inevitably, move the balance towards or from other classes. Our data and testing currently indicates that the Juggernaut and Guardian AC could use some buffing up in two areas where we see them underperforming against our expectations.


Here are some of the things we're planning to roll out in the short term specifically regarding Sith Warriors and Jedi Knights :


  • Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.
    The "Tank" spec for both sith jugg, and jedi guard. both seem to have issues in warzones due to the buff players get. a defense jedi or sith both rely on their extra HP and defense to be viable, however the "Bolster" buff makes them ineffective. do you have any insight as to what fix might be in the works for this?
  • DPS spec survivability (PvP and PvE) – The DPS specs on Guardian and Juggernaut are performing to our expectations when it comes to the ability to create damage, especially of the burst variety. However their survivability is lagging behind our expectations, especially in the later game, and we are going to start addressing that particular issue in an upcoming patch.

for the "Tank" spec on jedi guard and sith jugg, agro seems to still be huge problem, i run into many players who with equal or lesser gear than their tanks still pull "agro" from the tank, including the healers. i myself find that against some more power dps players i need to use my backhand, aoe taunt, and single target taunt every time they become available. i have looked into the "skill tree" and see no further way to generate threat or increase my innate threat. any thoughts?



In regards to PvE balance, any place in the game where our data shows significant issues with the balance tuning for one or more classes or specs are of course also being looked at.



-- Georg


changes in RED

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Hi guys,


  • [*]Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.


-- Georg


Hi, Georg. Thanks a lot for your detailed response and I'm very glad that you are buffing the Knight/Warrior classes as I believe they are currently the weakest classes overall in PVP/PVE.


With that said, I think that using Force Push to clear the cooldown of Force Leap is a bit counter-intuitive. I mean why do you have to create distance with one ability and then just to close that same distance with another ability? Don't these two abilities just cancel each other out mechanic-wise?? And I tend to save Force Push for many other situations like pushing ball carrier in Huttball into a pit or hazard.


Your proposed change would pigeonhole Force Push into being a clear for Force Leap only, and this would limit the other uses of Force Push especially in a very busy warzone when our limited mobility forces us to rely on Force Leap all the time to close distance.


I think that Sentinels and Marauders also need mobility/anti kiting tools as well. So I propose that you consider giving "Force Pull" as a general class ability for Knights / Warriors. This way both Guardians/Juggs and Sentinels/Marauders have access to this ability. Or you can put these as a high-level talent point in certain trees, like the talented Force Pull for Shadows in the Kinetic Combat tree, if you are worried that some specs may end up too overpowered with this ability.

Edited by corebit
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-- Georg



Mr. Zoeller,


Can you comment on Ravage in it's current state and what you'd like to do to fix it? The Juggernaut and Marauder community is quite curious.




P.S I'm a little confused at why your development team is trying to do a work around with refreshing our charge via push. Instead of replacing it with a pull. I'm no PvP designer or class designer, but this is just obvious stuff that comes easy to anyone actually playing the class. So say you want me to gap close easier. A Sage gains 20 yards on me after knocking me back after I charge, so I now have the option to push and refresh my charge. But wait...I can't push him. He's kiting me, and is already out of range. So I'm back where I started. Except this time, I have to tab push someone elses target and ruin their DPS rotation just to get close to the Pebble spammer that's widdling down my HP with a form of damage that tanks have ZERO reduction towards.


Something needs to be seriously looked over.

Edited by TerraFirmaGuild
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Just make Leap fill up the resolve bar for a short duration so a Knight/Warrior (of any AC) can jump on a target and actually lay into them for a few seconds before getting shoved-stunned-mezed-frozen-slept-electrocuted. Currently a Knight has to just plan on eating 2-3 push backs and/or CCs before useing leap to make sure it will stick. Alternativly, give something a chance to reset the cooldown on the CC breaker. (or just reduce the cooldown)


Honestly you could just leave the class alone and tweak CC's and stuns and itd be fine.. those are the problem. They last far too long in PVP, are too chainable, and the breakers are on too long of a cooldown. They dominate PVP because they function on players the way they do in PVE... players arent gold bar boss mobs with 100k health, theres no need to apply that ammount of control on them.

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Would love to see SWG's "Saber Reflect" added for Jedi Knight, where Deflecting Blaster bolts will result in damaging the attacker.


a passive ability like this seems to make alot of sense for a knight as the activated ones are next to useless. it would help balance out the fact that jedi knights have almost no ranged attacks and take alot of damage on the approach

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I felt a lot during the leveling process I was pigeon-holed into using Malavai Quinn, because he was a healer. Since he was a healer, he kept me alive during most of the important fights and it was just impractical not to have him all the time and just send the other companions on crew quests.


However, I really wanted to use Jaesa Willsaam. Unfortunately, it was just too risky for most fights... and some fights I downright needed a healer. Even when I was using all of my damage mitigation abilities and medpacs and CC abilities... including even Force Camoflage to get out of the battle for a bit and let the companion take a beating for a bit.


I'd like feeling like I would have equal chance of success with the other companions as I would with Malavai. Besides... that guy is a jerk!


And Jaesa is hot. :p



This ^


Because we lack any real self heals we are forced to take out healing companion for important fights and use medi pacs/stims etc just to scrap by in a fight that a Sorc would breeze by without a second glance.

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  • [*]Mobility/Anti Kiting (PvP) – We agree with the sentiment voiced by the community that some Guardians and Juggernauts have to work harder than other classes to stay within effective combat range, putting them at a disadvantage. We intend to address this in an upcoming patch where, as a first step, Force Push will clear the cooldown of Force Leap, granting for more reliable in combat pursuit capabilities to the Advanced Class. Further changes will be made if necessary.


As a 50 Juggernaut, I'm worried that that change will be a significant buff to our ball carrying in Huttball, essentially letting us move up to 90m in 4 GCDs.

Edited by Lymain
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I don't WANT to use the healer companion just to level. I'm playing SW:TOR but leveling feels more like Ninja Gaiden Black. Perfect 100% executed chain of abilities or I die.


I laughed when i read this since it's so entirely true. I play as a Marauder, and they are just *terrible* compared to almost any other class in the game and it spells .... LACKS CC.


Everything went so much easier when you picked up Quinn around 20 somewhere, and i also wanted to play with Jaesa but it just WAS not possible by any means...no CC = insta death vs 2 strongs or 1 elite when you get to taris and beyond.


IF you for a second miss a single combo or don't use 10+ abilities vs normal group of enemies, you'll die even when you're geared well for your level. I tried anni, carnage, rage and neither was better nor worse it was still a fight in Demon Souls difficulty sometimes.


And the class stories, we shouldn't even try them unless we're outleveld 3-4 levels its barely doable even then. I don't mind playing squishy classes, they usually have a lot of utility but we have no CC and that's what is making it so difficult. (well against droids we do)



And it's the same story in PvP. If you go Rage, which is not the spec i really want to do but am more or less being forced into it since the crit abilities is the only way of even inflicting any kind of damage with a DPS class ! Even with full pvp gear against other 50's a good crit is 2k, which is nothing compared to the INSANE dps *every other class* can do back in less amount of time.


For instance, if you go rage you gotta charge up your shockwave, charge and then do a smash all while you try to stay alive and un-cced for as long as it takes to build up the shock (99% chance you'll get stuned at least a few secs during this time)....then when you finally get your smash of, it's like 65% chance people get away since you DONT have a CC!


Compared to every other single class in this game they can just use 2-3 buttons to do 4-6k in less amount of time, with certainly less amount of skills required....if a marauder (probably same for juggs) are going to do any kind of damage they have to "load up their" utility using pretty much 2 full quickbars to even do some kind of damage.


And don't meantion that PvP vid of a Marauder doing 6k+ crits. it *aint happening* against geared people. If a marauder crits for 3k+ it's because he's hiting < 50 people with no gear. A more common hit for a Rage marauder is around 2k, and as low as 1500 with a CRIT against geared 50's...i keep getting hit for 4k+ by almost every other class i attack, except knights ^^ go figure.


What is even more sad is that it's a very common fight that i get ******* by wuzz-stealthers and their stun-locks and they crit me < 50 for 5k+ through full pvp armor...but they're not broken ;). What takes them 3- sec and 3 buttons to do would take me 20 buttons, two quickbars and 15 sec to achieve.


But eyah im probably going to take BW's advice of re-rollling, unless they actually fix this class. There is no point playing a class that is squishy and requires a thoughtful way of playing solo or in group, when eveyr other class can do it better with less then 4 buttons and tripple the survivabilities.


If i continue to play past the 60 days it's definatly not going to be with a warrior, they're utterly terribly broken in current state. But then again, so is end-game and PvP overall.

Edited by kendashFathbring
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For example, Jedi Knights will be pleased to hear that we are working on tuning the final mission in their class chain to provide a better, more fun and more reliably solvable challenge . Currently a large percentage of players bring a friend to solve this mission, which, while social and often more fun, is not in line with our stated goal of allowing players to progress solo through their class arc if they desire to do so. We're also looking at some companions with a critical eye to improve their viability for certain role/companion combinations.-- Georg


Just when I was trying to figure out ways to like this game you go and say this...



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