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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

The Jedi Knight, and Sith Warrior classes need a huge buff.


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I'm only 31 but I feel a little weak. By weak I mean squishy, even in Soresu stance. I've tanked every instance up to this level and have done alright but I just feel squishy.


I've done my best have the very best gear I can get. Most of it is fully moddable and I do the spheroids necessary to get the appropriate level upgrades.


I'm having fun but am concerned about endgame tanking. Sorry to hear it's like this at 50.

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I'm only 31 but I feel a little weak. By weak I mean squishy, even in Soresu stance. I've tanked every instance up to this level and have done alright but I just feel squishy.


I've done my best have the very best gear I can get. Most of it is fully moddable and I do the spheroids necessary to get the appropriate level upgrades.


I'm having fun but am concerned about endgame tanking. Sorry to hear it's like this at 50.


The game gets worst at post 40, you are forced to use a healing companion.

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Now first off, I would like to say that I've been playing MMO's since I was 12, I'm now 20, and I've been raiding in top tier guilds over different Mmo's, I've always been considered, and consider myself a "Skilled" gamer. I currently am a GM of a soon to be, top raiding guild.




wow.. haha

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what worries me the most about the warrior class is our complete lack of cc on players/non-weak mobs and our very low damaged compared to say sith sorc or BH merc/PT.


i can do stuff just fine, but it annoys the hell out of me seeing a BH wipe out 4 groups of mobs in the time it takes me to clean 1 group and this is at lvl 43, i am well geared for my level so that is not the problem at all, since i get outdpsed by BH with green gear all over.


something has to change for sith warrior to be viable tbh, up our dmg, lower the amount of skills we need to use(during a simple fight i use over 10 abilities just to do decent, more if i want to really do good) whereas a BH/sith sorc uses 1 aoe ability and win, maybe finish off the strong mobs with a lightning or rocket.

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You may a SLIGHT damage increase but you in no way need a HUGE buff. No freaking way.


You have a quote from yourself as your signature. I think any thing you say may as well just be treated as opposite.


At level 36 with a rating 82 hilt, I do 80 damage with my auto attack.

My healer friend does 200 with his.

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I'd say, from my experience as a lvl 43 Sniper, 40+ Juggernauts, Marauders and Powertechs are my worst nightmares... They simply outlive whatever I can throw at them... Heck Powertechs and Juggernauts can just waltz through my friendlies straight to me, down me and then strut around for quite a while before hitting the dirt, with only exception is me getting a good healing or pulling out a good knockback down the ledge or having them get zerged down hardcore.


Maras are particularly depressing with Obfuscate, Undying Rage and Saber Ward... just can't touch them. Their stealth only adds insult to injury.



Assassins, Ops and Sorcs are much easier - at least you can nuke them down, if they go Rambo on you. I also find it much easier to run away from those.


Snipers and Arsenal Mercs are not much of a threat really, just because if you are at a disadvantage you can simply LoS and run away FTW or just wait until they get zerged down...



Basically over my history of PvP, warriors climbed from "lol free kill" status to something I don't even target anymore, because it is pointless and with all the firepower I need to down one, I would probably kill 2 Sorcs/Sins.



Mark my words, in 1-2 months you will see a whole *****torm of QQ threads about Warriors, they gain power later on at alarming rates.

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I'd say, from my experience as a lvl 43 Sniper, 40+ Juggernauts, Marauders and Powertechs are my worst nightmares... They simply outlive whatever I can throw at them... Heck Powertechs and Juggernauts can just waltz through my friendlies straight to me, down me and then strut around for quite a while before hitting the dirt, with only exception is me getting a good healing or pulling out a good knockback down the ledge or having them get zerged down hardcore.


Maras are particularly depressing with Obfuscate, Undying Rage and Saber Ward... just can't touch them. Their stealth only adds insult to injury.



Assassins, Ops and Sorcs are much easier - at least you can nuke them down, if they go Rambo on you. I also find it much easier to run away from those.


Snipers and Arsenal Mercs are not much of a threat really, just because if you are at a disadvantage you can simply LoS and run away FTW or just wait until they get zerged down...



Basically over my history of PvP, warriors climbed from "lol free kill" status to something I don't even target anymore, because it is pointless and with all the firepower I need to down one, I would probably kill 2 Sorcs/Sins.



Mark my words, in 1-2 months you will see a whole *****torm of QQ threads about Warriors, they gain power later on at alarming rates.


They nerfed DPS of warriors since beta, and this has nothing to do with PVP.

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I hit 50 as a Juggernaut as well. The class was amazing from 1-35ish then it started to get pretty sad from there on. Especially Voss.


The class is the least survivable of all classes even as a tank. Has no cc unless your tank and every other class has multiple ccs. On top of that the damage is just utterly terrible.


I made a post pretty much about the same thing. I just can't believe how bad Sith Warrior is compared to the other 6 advanced classes.

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I've been saying this for a long time, all I got was l2p from people.




We are a High Risk low reward class. Why should range do more auto damage at a safe distance over us who are upclose at risk? It's stupid


+1 to this me and my buddies from my guild where talking exalty about this!

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I honestly don't feel where people think the jedi knight/sith warrior class is weak.


I have a level 30 jugg, 20 mercenary and 20 assassin and I honestly don't notice a difference in strength.


Maybe I'm amazing with the Juggernaut or terrible with the other two, but my jugg cuts through everything like butter. I'm vengeance spec and I can kill groups with barely losing health because my damage feels so amazing.


I understand abilities like death from above etc may make you feel weak in the AE department, but I just don't see how people can complain so much about the class..


I know for a fact Marauder is far stronger in DPS than Jugg and I've seen people in my guild that are level 50 rip apart things as a Marauder.


Can someone explain to me what exactly is the problem? I honestly don't see this huge disparity that people claim.

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