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Everything posted by Nague

  1. uhm if only some wire is broken, thats a 5 min repair.
  2. the worst are all the elevators and stuff that you have to go trough when enetering or leaving a planet. You know, those that you click, then your char gets ported to the new area that you can clearly see for a second and THEN your screen goes black for 10 seconds while it plays some elevator sound. eat a dick bioware, i am not paying you a monthly sub to mock me.
  3. i allready cancele, this is one of the reasons.
  4. lets compare the numbers again in 3 months
  5. when did "i cant solo to max level" become a valid complaint for mmos
  6. call them annoying pets that wont shut up.
  7. when u cancel there is a seperate category "game felt like a Singleplayer", so Bioware allready knows whats up.
  8. Op is still right, there should be an option to not use the torpedoes and use rockets instead. And LOL @ fanboys "its proton not photon, your complaint is invalid lalala this game is perfect"
  9. you grew out of theme park mmos, its too bad that you did this so late because every new mmo is like this it seems.
  10. why do you think your pc is the problem? its obviously your connection.
  11. might as well remove the class then. ranged tree has a range of 10 meters, melee tree will then do less damage than other melees AND doesnt have a gap closer, heal is utterly useless compared to sorcs on those 2 minute enrage timer fights where its all about burst. Just delete it and be done with it, imo.
  12. With equal gear, OPs are almost useless as melee spec. Yes, they can kill baddies in 10 seconds, but against decent players who trinket the stun and then CC you back, you cant do anything: Operatives dont have a charge or srpint and need be be behind the target in melee range, other classes have knockbacks on a 20 sec cooldown. Do the math. I personally specced healing and i am a MUCH greater influence.
  13. Was erwartet man denn, wenn man eine komplett LEERE zone macht und die einzigen rewards in dieser zone bekommt man, wenn man den Gegner etwas einnehmen lässt und es dann zurückerobert? Was soll denn da sonst bei rauskommen. Vor allem Bioware/Mythic sollte diese Lektion schon mit warhammer gelernt haben.
  14. Nague

    Heiler in PvP ?

    Wenn dein 50 Marauder mit Kompetenz Items auf dich einprügelt, kannst du dich nicht selber retten. Heiler werden mit mehr Kompetenz viel stärker als andere Klassen, aber auf lvl 39 spürst du halt die Konsequenz, dass du ohne Kompetenz schlecht dran bist.
  15. well, rank 60 gives you the best pvp gear, why do you expect to get it after a few weeks of playing?
  16. so thats their fix for shadows in-building causing fps to drop by a lot.
  17. alle anderen mmos schaffen es, vernünftige wartungsarbeiten zu liefern. Ich erwarte von Bioware dasselbe, das spiel steht es schon auf dünnem Eis, da sollte man seine Kunden nicht zusätzlich noch traktieren. Einizige aktzeptable ausnahme ist EVE online, weil die nur einen Server für alle haben. Und selbst da sind die Wartungsarbeiten von 11-12 Uhr, damit kann jeder leben.
  18. Ich finde es völlig daneben, wenn Leute überall rumsprinten und rennen. Das zerstört die ganze Atmosphäre für mich. In den Filmen oder bei mir im Supermarkt sprinten auch nicht alle blöd rum, sondern GEHEN. merkste selber, ne?
  19. selbst mit full lila items sind 1000000 repkosten ca 100 mal sterben. Wenn euer raid das an einem tag macht, hast du ganz andere probleme...
  20. no, its doing its job. When you miss a spawn by crafting, you make your team lose and you deserve to get thrown out.
  21. oh nice, the "get a job" defence. They simply disrespect the whole EU with this maintenance time, because it states "we do whats best for the EU customers and everyone else has to live with the consequences". If they countinue to treat me as a 2nd rate customer, as a nice low maintenance byproduct that donates money, i will simply stop paying them. Also, every other major mmo has this under control and isnt bothering their Eu customers with daytime server downtime, so stop the poor excuses.
  22. ein char von mir steckte eine woche im raumschiff fest, weil ich die questbelohnungen von den weltraum missionen nicht annehmen konnte. Alles, was dem ticketservice einfiel, als ich geschildert habe, dass ich das Spiel nicht weiter spielen kann, war "wir leiten diese Information weiter". komplett lächerlich.
  23. Nague

    Gimped healing

    actually, healers scale better than any other pvp role. they get dmg increase that gets reduced by the dmg reduce of the opponen/ damage reduce that gets decreased by the dmg increase by the opponent. But heals just get better.
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