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12 x XP for class-missions


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I suggested at an earlier cantina that they give subscribers 2 tokens a week that lets them clear the lockout on an op. they could enter and help but would not be able to loot. it would let me play more with guildies but not affect the gearing curve.


I think that's a great suggestion!!! I'd love that!!!!

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I think you are missing the point entirely. If I'm wrong, and this was explained somewhere between page 1 and 51 than I apologize.

You've obviously made up your mind and decided that all who want 12x class story experience are lazy, etc. Although I know that you'll include me in this category, I'll try one last time explain to you what we, or at least me want:

The story of your character is your class story. In the class story is your character development, what makes them what they are at every moment of this game. Other missions save planetary ones and flashpoints are irrelevant. And unrealistic. Mighty sith warrior wouldn't postpone his mission for Dark Council member just to kill a bunch of pirates for some random trooper (mission giver). This is just game design, and it is fine for gameplay, but frankly it isn't well tuned with the main story.


Planetary story arcs are a bit different, as they are important, but... if you play your 4th rep/imp character -you've already done them all.


The idea behind 12x for class stories is to build your character from scratch end enjoy their story without side quest interruptions. Getting ready max level character does no good as we don't experience the journey from lowly slave to DC Member, from smuggler to galactic crime lord etc. And would be pointless to me, as I don't need a max level character. Being level 60 and doing end of chapter 1 would be idiotic -your character isn't so powerful yet.


I've already played 10 different characters through chapters 1-3. I was planning to leave the game after I've done all 8 stories, but decided to try one more smuggler (different gender and alligment than before). Then 12x hit, and I took the opportunity to play another, this time LS Sith Warrior. Believe me -I wouldn't have if not for 12x

In my play style it takes more than a month, usually more than 2 months to get to the end of chapter 3.

Doing all those KDY, Warzones and most importantly -side quest -including planetary arcs- gets old eventually.

After almost 3 years I'm sure I have no interest in endgame activities -just don't find them fun.

Bu still I'd like to try DS Knight, or LS Consular, female BH etc. I will not if this means normal gameplay. If they made 12x (as an option to unlock) I might stay a month or two longer to try those.


So no, this is not lazy, this is giving a game one more try. I found normal levelling fun for the first 4 times, but after that it is too much time consuming. I will not create another character after my current 11th unless they give me an option to play my class story without side missions


If the creation of a max level character on the PTS would "ruin" the story for you as you would be too powerful, would a 12XP or even 15XP boost on the PTS, but limited to the PTS, be satisfactory to you?


That seems to me like it would still give your character the opportunity to grow as he progresses through the story line, but would still address many of the concerns held by those against the 12XP boost for the live servers.

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If the creation of a max level character on the PTS would "ruin" the story for you as you would be too powerful, would a 12XP or even 15XP boost on the PTS, but limited to the PTS, be satisfactory to you?


That seems to me like it would still give your character the opportunity to grow as he progresses through the story line, but would still address many of the concerns held by those against the 12XP boost for the live servers.


What's your hang up with PTS? It's not always up and it gets wiped between every update...Isn't it better to let players play on REAL servers?!

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I suggested at an earlier cantina that they give subscribers 2 tokens a week that lets them clear the lockout on an op. they could enter and help but would not be able to loot. it would let me play more with guildies but not affect the gearing curve.


TUX's may be surprised, but I also think that is a good idea.


I would not even be opposed to the removal of the lockouts with the only the first kill for each boss being loot eligible.


This would allow for those players in groups that don't finish the run to go back later in another group to finish the instance.

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What's your hang up with PTS? It's not always up and it gets wiped between every update...Isn't it better to let players play on REAL servers?!


not to mention the devs use the PTS for their own purposes. why does he have this crusade to shove things he doesnt like on it?

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If the creation of a max level character on the PTS would "ruin" the story for you as you would be too powerful, would a 12XP or even 15XP boost on the PTS, but limited to the PTS, be satisfactory to you?


That seems to me like it would still give your character the opportunity to grow as he progresses through the story line, but would still address many of the concerns held by those against the 12XP boost for the live servers.


It might, as well as creating a single player game out of SWTOR.

As it is now, I have a legacy, so I want my new characters be part of my family.


As for concerns against 12XP -well I don't buy it. Either you do endgame and eventually become proficient in it, or you don't and just don't play it.

If you truly love it, you're probably in a guild with your friends so you don't risk ending up with a newbe in level 60 HM ?

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What's your hang up with PTS? It's not always up and it gets wiped between every update...Isn't it better to let players play on REAL servers?!


TUX keeps pointing why your wrong but you refuse to admit that your argument has zero basis.

But then again, the scary imaginary "FOTM" will farm him in PvP. Tell us please where the Hatred Sin touched you on the doll. Seriously on and on about FOTM. The few FOTM rerollers are usually people bring out old alts and its not as widespread as it's made out to be. Most FOTM is people playing their mains and BW tweaking changes to make them on top for a while. If argument relies on scare tactics then I would rather read a tabloid.

Edited by FerkWork
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If the creation of a max level character on the PTS would "ruin" the story for you as you would be too powerful, would a 12XP or even 15XP boost on the PTS, but limited to the PTS, be satisfactory to you?


That seems to me like it would still give your character the opportunity to grow as he progresses through the story line, but would still address many of the concerns held by those against the 12XP boost for the live servers.


Curious. Why the PTS? And why wouldn't this 12xXP ruin the PTS as a server re: planetary population, fotm, etc.

And do we lose our toons we paid CC for when they wipe the PTS?

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What's your hang up with PTS? It's not always up and it gets wiped between every update...Isn't it better to let players play on REAL servers?!


I'm trying to find a way to allow those who wish to see the stories an opportunity to do so uninterrupted WITHOUT the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" that I, and others, are against for various reason which have been stated many times.



I'm trying to provide options and find a possible compromise. I guess some people will only be satisfied with that "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" so they can have that new alt and avoid the minimal effort required to level it, though.

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It might, as well as creating a single player game out of SWTOR.

As it is now, I have a legacy, so I want my new characters be part of my family.


As for concerns against 12XP -well I don't buy it. Either you do endgame and eventually become proficient in it, or you don't and just don't play it.

If you truly love it, you're probably in a guild with your friends so you don't risk ending up with a newbe in level 60 HM ?


I am in a guild, not a huge guild, but a good one filled with friends. I have no concerns about being "the newb" ina 60HM.

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I am in a guild, not a huge guild, but a good one filled with friends. I have no concerns about being "the newb" ina 60HM.


sorry about that, I thought this was your concern.

I guess you've stated them earlier somewhere along those 60 pages, sorry I'm probably wrong partner for those as I don't feel like digging to deep to find them :o

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That is presuming the person who is not logged on would actually be spending CC's in the CM.


I can only speak for myself, but I would not likely spend any more in the CM if I were able to play for 4 hours a night, as opposed to the 3 or 4 hours a week that I currently get to play. I do buy CM items on the GTN, but BW is getting the revenue from the people that purchase those items on the CM whether or not I am logged in.


I said I wasn't gonna comment on this thread anymore, I had to point out the obvious for you..


BW gets money from the CM, players make major money selling items from the CM on the GTN. The more people who are logged on the main servers, the more people who are more likely to buy CM items of the GTN. If those items keep selling, it makes it more likely a player will continue to buy CM items to sell. So BW makes money, and players make credits. And the more players online....the more credits that "player" is likely to make.


So it's in BW's best interest to have as many players on the regular servers as possible.


But that's all I gotta say...you may now continue jumping to conclusions, name calling, crying doom and gloom, and generally talking more (s)ugar (h)oney (i)ce (t)ea than a clogged up toilet. :rolleyes:

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Curious. Why the PTS? And why wouldn't this 12xXP ruin the PTS as a server re: planetary population, fotm, etc.

And do we lose our toons we paid CC for when they wipe the PTS?


As I said, I am just trying to find a way for those that want to see the stories to do so WITHOUT the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level".


I'm not a dev and I may be wrong, but it seems to me that the devs have made their decision about NOT implementing that "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" on the live servers. I doubt that all the clamoring in the world is going to change that.


Which is better for those that simply want to see the stories uninterrupted, leaving the situation the way it is, or giving them the chance to see those stories uninterrupted, even if that is on the PTS?

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I'm trying to find a way to allow those who wish to see the stories an opportunity to do so uninterrupted WITHOUT the "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" that I, and others, are against for various reason which have been stated many times.


I'm trying to provide options and find a possible compromise. I guess some people will only be satisfied with that "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level" so they can have that new alt and avoid the minimal effort required to level it, though.

I don't care about stories tbh...I enjoy them, but I don't care if I skip them all either. I'm just looking for a way to play more with the people I like. IMO, the best possible compromise is a time limited (3 hour) 12XP buff like they already have...selling it on the CM makes it worth their time to make it (which can't take that long tbh) and brings in revenue from guys like me who just want another toon and don't care about the story.

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I don't care about stories tbh...I enjoy them, but I don't care if I skip them all either. I'm just looking for a way to play more with the people I like. IMO, the best possible compromise is a time limited (3 hour) 12XP buff like they already have...selling it on the CM makes it worth their time to make it (which can't take that long tbh) and brings in revenue from guys like me who just want another toon and don't care about the story.


So, for you the best compromise is NO compromise, just give you EXACTLY what you want-- "a light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level"?


Why am I not surprised?

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The baffling thing to me is the comparisons to WoW like that somehow DOESNT support the addition of a (most likely paid for) boost service. Aside from the specific benefits to SWTOR (absence of a true KOTOR finale, major emphasis on story, choice and lore in general), it would benefit in all the ways WoW does from its 90 boost.


WoW has more classes, yes. The only separating factor in WoWs classes is the class itself, and how you play. and the 1 class quest every 10 levels. Re-rolling in wow is to play another class, not see another story.


WoW's boost doesnt go all the way to cap, you still have to grind the last 10 levels.

pretty sure 12x XP only applied to class missions, so not every mission, not every method of XP gain, and it stops at like lvl 50 or 55 iirc. You'd be left doing things normally after that. Nevermind you actually played your quest missions, and picked up abilities 1 or 2 at a time. you didnt roll a 90 paladin and get 2 hotbars full of **** you've never seen and immediately que up to tank in dungeon finder.


and yea, people will pay for it. BW has long proven they like the taste of money. And, implying its better to reduce (or keep low) the customer experience to bleed out more money from the 'fence' cases where people aren't pleased, but not displeased enough to leave, is just wrong, and bad for business.





TLDR: if anything WoW says this, or maybe even something MORE drastic could and maybe even should exist. I personally want it for the streamlined story experience. But that does NOT exclude people who want 'LOL EZ MOAD FREE 60S!' because, really, thats just fine too.

Edited by EyesOfRed
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The baffling thing to me is the comparisons to WoW like that somehow DOESNT support the addition of a (most likely paid for) boost service. Aside from the specific benefits to SWTOR (absence of a true KOTOR finale, major emphasis on story, choice and lore in general), it would benefit in all the ways WoW does from its 90 boost.


WoW has more classes, yes. The only separating factor in WoWs classes is the class itself, and how you play. and the 1 class quest every 10 levels. Re-rolling in wow is to play another class, not see another story.


WoW's boost doesnt go all the way to cap, you still have to grind the last 10 levels.

pretty sure 12x XP only applied to class missions, so not every mission, not every method of XP gain, and it stops at like lvl 50 or 55 iirc. You'd be left doing things normally after that. Nevermind you actually played your quest missions, and picked up abilities 1 or 2 at a time. you didnt roll a 90 paladin and get 2 hotbars full of **** you've never seen and immediately que up to tank in dungeon finder.


and yea, people will pay for it. BW has long proven they like the taste of money. And, implying its better to reduce (or keep low) the customer experience to bleed out more money from the 'fence' cases where people aren't pleased, but not displeased enough to leave, is just wrong, and bad for business.





TLDR: if anything WoW says this, or maybe even something MORE drastic could and maybe even should exist. I personally want it for the streamlined story experience. But that does NOT exclude people who want 'LOL EZ MOAD FREE 60S!' because, really, thats just fine too.


If only the devs felt the same.

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If only


Luckily, it is still possible to level those alts, even without that "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level".


They even make it easier by giving us several means of boosting XP. They give us rested XP, guild XP perk, legacy XP boosts of various types, minor and major XP boosts of various types, even XP boosts given as quest rewards. They even give us double XP events.

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and I use those, and level up still as is. And I've grown increasingly fond of the load screen story dialogue to remind what im doing and why because I've levelled 3 times since the last time I touched my class quest.


i'm 'content' with what I have, I'm just willing to pay for more.

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And the money from Cartel Coins comes in the vast majority from Subscriber's accounts.


Pretty spot-on. If you don't have the money for the sub, I doubt people are paying a la carte on F2P accounts. Isn't the cheapest option is $5 and that's barely a cartel pack and not much else. You'd have spend at least $10 to get anything of value.

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I see nothing stopping you from creating a new character and leveling that with your friend. This would keep both of you at about the same level, thereby not impacting the challenge, XP, or learning about good group dynamics. In fact, it would provide additional experience with group dynamics, thereby making the leveling experience that much more fruitful.


This presumes, of course, that the true desire is to help your friend and provide incentive to play, and not simply to have a "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level".

My previous post was a response to your challenge to "put forth a modicum of effort and help those new, or returning, players to level." I don't see how any form of exemplar system -- in which a high-level character effectively functions at a lower, and presumably more difficult, level -- equates to wanting "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level"; in fact, it seems as though more effort would be involved. As it stands, it would be trivially easy for me simply to speedrun a friend through his/her class storyline, side quests or flashpoints.


It's a fair point to say, since TOR is unlikely to implement such a system before the sun explodes, that the best way to level with a friend is indeed to roll a new alt and then to play those characters only when they're grouped together (since it's the only way to minimize level disparity). It's an impressive feat of convoluted logic, however, to imply that support for a mentoring system equates to wanting easy mode. I'd certainly use a 12x XP boost if I wanted to level a bunch of new alts, but I'm not clamoring for one. I don't do endgame content and I don't feel the need to rush through the few stories I haven't completed.


I can't remember if, somewhere in the depths of the 60-odd pages of thread here, anyone has addressed the potential conflict between an on-demand 12x XP perk and limited-time boost events such as Double XP Weekends. Typically, we see an increase in people playing during these periods; will they have the same salutary effect on population if another, larger XP bonus is available all the time?

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My previous post was a response to your challenge to "put forth a modicum of effort and help those new, or returning, players to level." I don't see how any form of exemplar system -- in which a high-level character effectively functions at a lower, and presumably more difficult, level -- equates to wanting "light speed, easy mode, fast pass to max level"; in fact, it seems as though more effort would be involved. As it stands, it would be trivially easy for me simply to speedrun a friend through his/her class storyline, side quests or flashpoints.


It's a fair point to say, since TOR is unlikely to implement such a system before the sun explodes, that the best way to level with a friend is indeed to roll a new alt and then to play those characters only when they're grouped together (since it's the only way to minimize level disparity). It's an impressive feat of convoluted logic, however, to imply that support for a mentoring system equates to wanting easy mode. I'd certainly use a 12x XP boost if I wanted to level a bunch of new alts, but I'm not clamoring for one. I don't do endgame content and I don't feel the need to rush through the few stories I haven't completed.


I can't remember if, somewhere in the depths of the 60-odd pages of thread here, anyone has addressed the potential conflict between an on-demand 12x XP perk and limited-time boost events such as Double XP Weekends. Typically, we see an increase in people playing during these periods; will they have the same salutary effect on population if another, larger XP bonus is available all the time?


But but but that's still wanting easy mode for your FOTM lazy..... Ugh I give up. :p

Since leveling is a job, I'm expecting extra for having to do KDY, such a wretched working space.

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