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12 x XP for class-missions


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Doh! I shoulda known lol.


And people think they don't listen to us...pfft!


Dude, for real. I'm so looking forward to just running my chars, only doing the sidequests I want to do on them for their story, gearing them off my Lv.60 Inquisitor's bankroll....


It's gonna be hot.

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Dude, for real. I'm so looking forward to just running my chars, only doing the sidequests I want to do on them for their story, gearing them off my Lv.60 Inquisitor's bankroll....


It's gonna be hot.

I could not agree more!!! I'll have a new Trooper as quickly as I can :) And I want to start over on my Operative...I went didn't enjoy the story like I wanted to because he was a once a month at best toon...I feel like I have no idea what is happening with him and I want to restart it.

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The 12x exp from Shadow of Revan Pre-order was fun. On a single server I was able to level one of each class to 55.


A few friends did the same, as well as a Guild I was apart of. That was what it was used for.. Leveling Alts either for the Legacy Class buff, or to have characters on the other side of the game to raid with.


I now think of my friend who lost his main account while trying to delete his Origin account and had to start 100% over. And I could see the need for something like this. But maybe attached with a Legacy Level requirement and in game credits only, like the cool down for the Legacy Fleet Pass buff.


I guess they could add it to the Character based level side to be like the other Exp buffs.. Where that character you would have to unlock it.


I don't see it as a bad thing. Especially when you've already experienced all of the other content and want to experience a different class.


I can see concern how ever from new players just unlocking the 12x.. But at least with 12x exp you still have to learn how to play that character, and level that character.. Unlike insta-level gimmicks.

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except that you can only do it at odd times within the year. so your $60 might work for half of october and november(unless its a closed beta in which case you dont get to play that year. thats a great way to run a game....pts only runs when they want public testing...given the track record on that this is a failed idea.


Well then, no. I assumed that PTS runs all the time, same as with any other beta environment server...

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Since Nolove likes to keep using term grind in error and other wrongfully stated opinion by others pretending to speak for (and I want to get this right) "THE MASSES"

here we go



It is the easiest, fastest, no competative leveling curve in modern mmoRPGs today and lowers the bar to a new low in terms of leveling difficulty over all (and thats with out ANY BOOSTS at all)



All this thread seems to be is the same 4-5-6 people posting in mass claiming to speak for the community

You do not and never have


News flash folks, if 12x XP was as big a success as you like to claim, it would have never gone away, EA would have jumped on extending it or putting it in a Cartel pack instantly if there was no downside.




Truth is there was a HUGE blow back in lost subscriptions when SOR hit, and one of the main reasons was lack of knowledge in the group finder queue because they leveled up characters in 12x XP.


I STILL get players who have absolutely no clue how to play their characters in even tactical flash points and all I ever have to say is "let me guess, you leveled in 12x XP?"


and pretty much all of them reply "yup, how you know?"




12x XP ruined ALLOT of people enjoyment in the game

For every player that knew what they were doing (and there was some) there was 10 that had no clue and should never have been allowed to level that fast.


OTHERS have a right to not be exposed to idiots who don't know their classes and builds in end game content.

Personally speaking for myself, I stopped running flash points in Group finder for over something like 4 months because of absolutely terrible groups and players being formed in GF during and after 12x XP.

I know I wasn't alone because guildies continued to run GF and the queues were not popping for many months during and after 12x XP, not even for Tanks and healers. People stopped doing GF because of ultra poor group quality BECAUSE of 12x XP.


If they put it in as buy2play option (and thats EXACTLY what your asking for people) or really any style,

That will be last straw for me (and I know first hand Im not alone, not even remotely) because I and others have a RIGHT to expect GF groups to have players in higher then level 15 gear and understand the most basic principles of their characters and classes.


There was already a backlash of complaints in this game about ill prepared and stupid players leveling to fast normally.


As for the whole right way and wrong way to play argument

you start at level 1

end of argument

it doesn't matter if you put more emphases on end game

you start at level 1


So much for "your" right way




When they start you at level 60, ONLY THEN does the argument that game starts at end game or end game all that's interesting hold ANY WEIGHT


And like 12x XP, when they start you at level 60,

there will be a backlash of cancelled accounts because no one wants to carry you people through the content while you try to figure out WTH you are doing.

That's not other players jobs or responsibility.

That's YOUR JOB, YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, and you achieve that through LEVELING UP.





Really the ONLY 12x XP concept I would agree with and not cancel over is if it was the 2-3-4th character of a player playing THE SAME CLASS AND ADVANCE CLASS


So if you have a level 60 sage, you can 12x XP a 2nd, 3rd, 4th SAGE.

And thats because they played it up once and learned the class/advance class (hopefully)

NOT a Shadow because that's different advanced class and vastly different set of skills and mechanics and mind set to play and learn.




Sorry for repeating myself so much but seems some folks far to dense to understand this simple truth



Anyways its a circular argument

Those against will never agree and could give a million true and real explanations on how it drastically negatively effects their game play AND OTHERS and it wont matter because


the lazy selfish crew will demand easier, faster, stupider, every time.


And if this is added,

they will just demand more lazy, faster, stupider be applied because short of EA playing their characters for them

nothing is ever enough for them (we see it every day here on forums already)


Same problem I had with LA before

Doesn't care a spit about whats best for game long term

just wanted it dumb ed down and made easier, faster, stupider, and FREE

Guess I should be happy for small miracles and you all not demanding it also be free, YET


Always amazes me, this hardly a new issue in a mmoRPG

Its a age old issue that always follows the same patern

People demand easier, faster, stupider

And when they finally get it they get bored because everything is so easy, faster, stupider

population leaves

Game closes down

And 10 years from now the forums are filled with "Remember how great SW:TOR was before the NGE"


And yet the same stupidity cycles itself in a game EVERY SINGLE TIME


Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it


And history is definitely repeating itself here

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Man Kalfear, it's a bummer you had such bad experiences in GF, you are not alone there. Your big rant was for naught though man, cause it is coming. I refer you to the previous page. Even if that is wrong, I still see this happening at some point because they can monetize the hell out of it. Your manifesto there was correct in saying that leveling is simple in this game, but it seems from many that it does not matter. I'll throw myself into that, I just wanna raid, anything that will get my toon there faster is cool for me. On the other side of the coin, I don't wanna see this game hurt, I like playing it, I really am grateful for the time I get to spend playing in this game, raiding with my friends, people I've been playing with for a few years now. I wouldn't wanna jeopardize that, but you are gonna have to show me some numbers to back up those big claims you made about this game losing many subs when SoR hit.


It all boils down to this: What BW thinks is a good idea, and what BW's research tells them should happen. Neither your good time in group finder or my wanting more toons for raiding are going to effect that. All signs from mistress Cleo point to this dropping with update 3.2, so if that drives you away from the game, I will say I am sincerely sorry to see you go, and anyone else who would follow. The rest of us will have to wait and watch, and level toons.

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Stop relying on GF to find groups? get a guild if you're so intent on group play?


there may not be any 'grind' in the, kill mobs with no quest-just for the kill XP, sort of way.


There are 3 camps really,


1) make this a super cereal competitive MMO for hardcores to /flex or whatever. earn everything no handouts l2p git gud peoples.

2) I want to raid and I've levelled repeatedly, and just want to focus on end game content.

3) I wanted KOTOR 3, Im playing this as a sort of 'substitute' I do want to play class missions and level up, see the end and probably reroll and do it again. Dont want to be forced to grind or do pvp/FPs/unrelated side quests.


the options provided (and alluded to previously) would please both 2 and 3, while 1 really wants to force both 2 and 3 to play 1's way.


quick question: why is it other peoples responsiblity to learn to play to your standards? and not your responsibility to find people you want to play with? thats what guilds/friend lists are for. make a friend...

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Since Nolove likes to keep using term grind in error and other wrongfully stated opinion by others pretending to speak for (and I want to get this right) "THE MASSES"

here we go



It is the easiest, fastest, no competative leveling curve in modern mmoRPGs today and lowers the bar to a new low in terms of leveling difficulty over all (and thats with out ANY BOOSTS at all)



Outright a lie or an incorrect statement.


All this thread seems to be is the same 4-5-6 people posting in mass claiming to speak for the community

You do not and never have


Golly gee, I guess us 6 people totally influenced Bioware since it's coming back. :D


News flash folks, if 12x XP was as big a success as you like to claim, it would have never gone away, EA would have jumped on extending it or putting it in a Cartel pack instantly if there was no downside.


It was intended to be limited time originally...




Just because you repeat something in all caps doesn't make it true.


Truth is there was a HUGE blow back in lost subscriptions when SOR hit, and one of the main reasons was lack of knowledge in the group finder queue because they leveled up characters in 12x XP.


It takes more knowledge to play the game undergeared as 12x XP causes then it does to play it normally. If someone queues undergeared, it's their own fault, not the event's.





See previous snark.



OTHERS have a right to not be exposed to idiots who don't know their classes and builds in end game content.


This is the internet, nobody has that right.



As for the whole right way and wrong way to play argument

you start at level 1

end of argument

it doesn't matter if you put more emphases on end game

you start at level 1


So much for "your" right way


Cool, we're not asking for a hop to max level, we're asking for exp boosting. I don't care about end game, I'm going to see the stories.








And like 12x XP, when they start you at level 60,

there will be a backlash of cancelled accounts because no one wants to carry you people through the content while you try to figure out WTH you are doing.

That's not other players jobs or responsibility.

That's YOUR JOB, YOUR RESPONSIBILITY, and you achieve that through LEVELING UP.





Really the ONLY 12x XP concept I would agree with and not cancel over is if it was the 2-3-4th character of a player playing THE SAME CLASS AND ADVANCE CLASS


You're an idiot. Again, surviving the main game while undergeared and overleveled is harder than being correctly leveled and correctly geared.





What isn't there grind in?


Sorry for repeating myself so much but seems some folks far to dense to understand this simple truth



I really doubt you're sorry.




the lazy selfish crew will demand easier, faster, stupider, every time.


It's almost like a bunch of us wanted a single player game to begin with. Pfft, imagine that....



And 10 years from now the forums are filled with "Remember how great SW:TOR was before the NGE"


Remember how great SWG was? I don't.



I covered as much as I could, it was a pretty repetitive post, but this guy is going to scream when he sees the planned update.


Also, people need to stop assuming 'THERE WAS A HUGE LOSS OF SUBSCRIPTIONS WHEN SHADOW OF REVAN ROLLED OUT' just because a handful of subs on the forums claimed they were quitting.

Edited by Djiini
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This is pretty much true. Sorry ya'll but there is no shortage of quest content. "Grinding" was what we did when developers didn't produce content designed to take you from level 1 to max level. Hence, you had to mindlessly grind mob spawns in order to fully level up.


It is completely viable to fully level in this game via several different paths, but the primary path is paved (with flashing neon signs to point the way) from start to finish.


News flash folks, if 12x XP was as big a success as you like to claim, it would have never gone away, EA would have jumped on extending it or putting it in a Cartel pack instantly if there was no downside.


12xp was a reward/benefit for pre-ordering and therefore funding the development of the expansion SoR. But, I do agree, if there was no down-side economically it would already be available on the CM for a "nominal fee" ;) .


OTHERS have a right to not be exposed to idiots who don't know their classes and builds in end game content. Personally speaking for myself, I stopped running flash points in Group finder for over something like 4 months because of absolutely terrible groups and players being formed in GF during and after 12x XP.


No, you don't have that right. You are playing an MMO, by definition you will encounter sub-average players. I stopped tanking via the GF like 2 weeks after the GF, not SoR went live. And most other thanks I know, did the same. The GF subjects everyone to bad players more often than not. The "right" I do have, is to not participate in random GF groups.


Right now, the most sensible argument against 12xp is that there is very little level 60 content. So, folks will power level up to end game, find out there isn't much to do and then move on to the next shiny.

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Yeah, Tux is by no means clairvoyant.


I've seen the same article you've seen and there are "qualifiers" in use such as *might* and *may*


Ooh, are we playing the semantics game now?


Because if so I have a few words for the whole 'THERE IS NO GRIND IN SWTOR' thing if we're getting down and dirty.

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Ooh, are we playing the semantics game now?


Because if so I have a few words for the whole 'THERE IS NO GRIND IN SWTOR' thing if we're getting down and dirty.


Feel free but nothing is *certain* until it comes from Bioware. I'd put a lot more stock into the data mining fo 12xp if they had posted the associated icons for these xp boosters/retarders.


This is pretty much true. Sorry ya'll but there is no shortage of quest content. "Grinding" was what we did when developers didn't produce content designed to take you from level 1 to max level. Hence, you had to mindlessly grind mob spawns in order to fully level up.
Edited by ekwalizer
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It is the easiest, fastest, no competative leveling curve in modern mmoRPGs today and lowers the bar to a new low in terms of leveling difficulty over all (and thats with out ANY BOOSTS at all)



I call bs. I can level a char in WoW far faster and easier than this game. Heirlooms ftw.

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I call bs. I can level a char in WoW far faster and easier than this game. Heirlooms ftw.


Most major/commercial games have very similar or faster leveling nowadays than SWTOR does. I'm not sure what he's talking about but I don't care, either.

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Since Nolove likes to keep using term grind in error and other wrongfully stated opinion by others pretending to speak for (and I want to get this right) "THE MASSES"

here we go


massive snip of made up bs


And yet the same stupidity cycles itself in a game EVERY SINGLE TIME


Those who do not learn from history are bound to repeat it


And history is definitely repeating itself here


there are plenty of grinds in swtor. everything is not a grind, but there are plenty of grinds.


you dont speak for everyone either. you just have a vivid imagination. a few people are very vocal against 12x xp. they seem to be antisocial enough not to belong to a guild or have friends to play with. they depend on pugs for everything and think they can dictate playstyles to those pugs. get over yourself. find a steady group and team with like minded individuals. you make a basic assumption that you are a good player. we have no such proof. there will be good and bad players in mmo's it is a fact.


a number of subscriptions left when SOR came out(large or small is up for debate) they left because of buggy content and bad devs that couldnt fix those bugs and refused to communicate like adults in a business environment.

it had NOTHING to do with player quality in pugs. that has always been hit or miss. anyone that has played this game long enough will recognize that.

Edited by ivanhedgehog
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