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12 x XP for class-missions


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It took me five weeks of playing everyday for at least three hours to get to level 60. I am not dedicating another month of my life to getting another toon to 60.



I would be more than happy to pay $5-10 for a pack of 5 DOUBLE XP boosts.


It doesn't have to be 12xp. BUT AT LEAST DOUBLE.


25% is a joke.

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You have really shown your true colors with this post.


First, you say:




Here you CLAIM that you do not use cheat codes or hacks in correctly paced RPG's. The inference being that you will play them as designed.





You're telling us that Dark Souls was a correctly paced RPG. Those are YOUR words, not mine. You also admit that you only completed the game as the devs designed it twice.





Here, you tell us that you used a hack, a saved game file that gave you MAX LEVEL characters with ALL items instantly. You did this in, again using YOUR words, a CORRECTLY PACED RPG, even though you claim that you do not use cheat codes in a correctly paced RPG.


BTW, using those hacks DID impact, even hurt, all those other players with whom you found yourself PVP'ing, especially those who did not cheat.


Could you at least try to be a little more honest, both with yourself and those players on the forums.


I think most of us have figured out that you simply want a "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" to max level because you are too lazy to level those new characters as the game is designed. You are even too averse to the effort required to play, in your own words, " a CORRECTLY PACED RPG[/b" without using cheat codes and hacks.


How did you know it hurt anyone? Are you Dark Souls community manager now? Do you have mystic powers now? And I would like you to stop with personal attacks. I was always 100% honest in my posts. Take your trash arguments somewhere else please. I know you have no real arguments.


My main point was: Even in correctly paced rpgs, playing it over and over for any reason will turn into a grind. Sadly, SWTOR is NOT a correctly paced rpg, so grind happens instantly, even on first play through. The hacked save didn't give you anything but what you could grind in the game anyways, it just saved you time so you could try different builds/fun builds. It HELPED the PVP community, since there were more people in it.


Btw frankly I am shocked you didn't accuse me of wanting x12 exp bost for end game since I dared to mention that I did PVP in Dark Souls ;)

Edited by Oiccrene
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It took me five weeks of playing everyday for at least three hours to get to level 60. I am not dedicating another month of my life to getting another toon to 60.



I would be more than happy to pay $5-10 for a pack of 5 DOUBLE XP boosts.


It doesn't have to be 12xp. BUT AT LEAST DOUBLE.


25% is a joke.

Swtor too hard to lvl up in?

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Unfortunate you edited the rather colorful original post you had up. Guess you didn't want to get torched with all the bs you had originally posted in it. lol


Anyways: Why copy WOW? In a way that is what Bioware initially did with 12xp. They opened that can of worms by competing with them in the first place with the 12xp promotion. From a business standpoint though it would make sense to do things similar to the big dawg in the yard. There's a reason they are the big dawg. They are doing things right. Am I saying we need to be a WOW clone? Absolutely not. What I am saying is we can use things that they themselves implemented with marketing. You see it all the time in modern sales. Companies copy other companies. This would be a prime example where if we kept the 12xp for class missions we would do something similar to WOW but not outright offering an "auto level to 50" button.


This is Biowares game and yes they can do what they wish with it however they would be fools to ignore what was an incredibly popular "gimmick". It brought back people. It helped others like me level up new alts and experience those play styles and stories. This would not hurt the game in any facet. 12xp for class missions lets people experience the class missions while getting to end game.


There were numerous arguments about "OMGURDZ! if you 12xp you don't know how to play your class." or "OMGURDZ! You 12xp'd just to play FOTM!!!" Well the answer to this is simple: Even people who had neglected alts that became "overpowered" (or whatever term they use) suddenly began to play those neglected new FOTM. That did not mean they knew how to play them properly. It doesn't matter how you level up. It absolutely does not.


What matters is your willingness to learn your class properly. How you play a class in PVE is different than how you play them in PVP and vice versa. It comes down to the individual. People got rekt by 12xpers in PVP all the time (and again vice versa) while the promotion was going on. We all will make mistakes. There is not a SINGLE PERSON in this game that plays every aspect of it with zero error. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. People who level up with no boosts could have no real clue how to play their characters end game when they get there. Fighting a boss in an operation is different than fighting one on Tython, Hoth, or Corellia. You would not know how to do it without working with your team before and during an operation and learning. How do you learn? By getting to end game and experiencing it.


Let people keep their 12xp for class missions (or otherwise give them the OPTION to have it). Bioware made this mess when they indicated they would possibly bring it back. People obviously want it. Just give it to them as a choice.


If we have a toggle option or a cartel market option does not affect you in any way. I will not play with you. I will not team with you. I won't do an operation with you. I will go through my class stories at 12xp. I will get to my max rank. I will then begin the process of learning the end game tactics of my advanced class. That impacts you in absolutely no way. You want to say if we pvp'd in 60 reg pug that my "noobishness" would impact you? My answer to this is what you said in your original reply to me (before you edited it out); you are only there for commendations right? You are only there to get your daily and weekly done on every character you have, right? Winning and losing shouldnt matter to you in 60 regs, rights? Since you obviously only care about the commendations.


I will go into a PVP warzone as a 60 once I have done background on my advanced class. Whether I use noxic, dulfy, youtube videos, and threads on here. I would have done research on proper tactics and procedures for this. Did everyone who leveled up without 12xp before that promotion do this? I highly doubt it.


Edited because I was getting off track. Tired of deleted troll posts in this thread so a clean up was needed.

This is the only post I don't troll you guys in. You make it all too easy

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How did you know it hurt anyone? Are you Dark Souls community manager now? Do you have mystic powers now? And I would like you to stop with personal attacks. I was always 100% honest in my posts. Take your trash arguments somewhere else please. I know you have no real arguments.


My main point was: Even in correctly paced rpgs, playing it over and over for any reason will turn into a grind. Sadly, SWTOR is NOT a correctly paced rpg, so grind happens instantly, even on first play through. The hacked save didn't give you anything but what you could grind in the game anyways, it just saved you time so you could try different builds/fun builds. It HELPED the PVP community, since there were more people in it.


Btw frankly I am shocked you didn't accuse me of wanting x12 exp bost for end game since I dared to mention that I did PVP in Dark Souls ;)


How can you claim that you were always 100% honest in your posts when you weren't even 100% honest in the post to which I responded?


You cannot claim to be 100% honest if you state that you do not cheat in "correctly paced RPG's", then name a specific RPG as a "correctly paced RPG" and admit that you cheat in that game. Those statements are so diametrically opposite that both cannot possibly be true. You obviously cheat, even in "correctly paced RPG's", by your own admission. You claim that you do not cheat, yet you do. That seems pretty dishonest to me.


You may think cheating helped the RPG community, but, iMO, that is just trying to justify your cheating. I'd be willing to bet that cheating gave you a distinct advantage over those who did not cheat. Cheating gave you instant max level characters, with ALL items. I'm betting that those who did not cheat may not have had all items, even though those items may have been available.

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not really relevant


You may think cheating helped the RPG community, but, iMO, that is just trying to justify your cheating. I'd be willing to bet that cheating gave you a distinct advantage over those who did not cheat. Cheating gave you instant max level characters, with ALL items. I'm betting that those who did not cheat may not have had all items, even though those items may have been available.


I explained what I meant, I am glad you skipped the explanation and pointed out that I didn't. Sigh.


As for second part, nope. The hacked save didn't give you nothing you could not get yourself. Plus, you have no idea what anything in Dark Souls work (with your comment of "max level", which is around 700 but the most you could get out of souls in hacked save was 200) or how pvp matching works (it matches you by your level +- so you could never have advantage by leveling). Hacked save was even cool enough to omit two items so it was not all items (because those two items were broken for pvp, one rapidly healing for long time and other instantly healing with least amount of frames to use). Really, the only thing save did was allow you to have fun with different build. Wanna roleplay as Solair? You can. Wanna try fun build you saw on youtube, you can. Etc...

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That's for the best. 12x experience would annihilate the pre-50 flash point queues. Same thing goes for heroics. Having it there permanently would destroy the levelling experience for everyone who doesn't have it.


How would this have any greater effect than the guild xp bonus plus the legacy xp bonuses plus the xp boosters from the quests and the cartel market? Your statement holds no weight whatsoever.

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How would this have any greater effect than the guild xp bonus plus the legacy xp bonuses plus the xp boosters from the quests and the cartel market? Your statement holds no weight whatsoever.


This has been explained so many times.


IF you are getting 12X experience for doing JUST class quests, you have absolutely no reason to do any other quest. Its been proven time and again by the people _supporting_ 12x XP that they do not want to do anything but the class quests which eventually turns into, things are too slow and they want to get tot he end quicker.


It is a given that the majority of all 12x XP would be used to skip all content except the class quests.


So, if you are wanting a HUGE boost to experience gained so that you can skip all the content, why would you be queuing for content that is not part of your class quest line? Most wouldn't. Most who are clamouring for this bonus already have multiple high level characters who would be twinking the alt with equipment and the things needed to advance and so the entire point of their 12x XP experience is to rush through to the end. Not queue up for repetitive content when they have said repeatedly themselves they don't want to do stuff they have already done.


The _exisiting_ experience bonuses help speed up the process but do not allow you to bypass it altogether. So while there is a reduced pool of people who are doing the repeat content there exists still a pool. 12x XP would reduce that pool even more. Especially as people find that to enjoy the end game activities themselves they end up needing to shift over to whatever the fotm character/build is and so use their 12x just to get them to the end faster.


Some of us even note that the current bonuses to exp are responsible for a lot of the decline already seen. It already took less than 60 hours played to get to 50 when the game was released prior to all the various boosts to experience that have become available.


Adding 12x XP is like saying, "Well... we just breached 400 parts per million of atmospheric carbon, so might as well just go whole hog and forget about any attempts to control it at all, in fact, lets change our industry so that its emitting even more carbon but we'll make it so everyone can have a Ferrari or super car of their choice.


Its a short sighted, short term benefit with decided long term drawbacks.

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This has been explained so many times.


IF you are getting 12X experience for doing JUST class quests, you have absolutely no reason to do any other quest. Its been proven time and again by the people _supporting_ 12x XP that they do not want to do anything but the class quests which eventually turns into, things are too slow and they want to get tot he end quicker.


It is a given that the majority of all 12x XP would be used to skip all content except the class quests.


So, if you are wanting a HUGE boost to experience gained so that you can skip all the content, why would you be queuing for content that is not part of your class quest line? Most wouldn't. Most who are clamouring for this bonus already have multiple high level characters who would be twinking the alt with equipment and the things needed to advance and so the entire point of their 12x XP experience is to rush through to the end. Not queue up for repetitive content when they have said repeatedly themselves they don't want to do stuff they have already done.


The _exisiting_ experience bonuses help speed up the process but do not allow you to bypass it altogether. So while there is a reduced pool of people who are doing the repeat content there exists still a pool. 12x XP would reduce that pool even more. Especially as people find that to enjoy the end game activities themselves they end up needing to shift over to whatever the fotm character/build is and so use their 12x just to get them to the end faster.


Some of us even note that the current bonuses to exp are responsible for a lot of the decline already seen. It already took less than 60 hours played to get to 50 when the game was released prior to all the various boosts to experience that have become available.


Adding 12x XP is like saying, "Well... we just breached 400 parts per million of atmospheric carbon, so might as well just go whole hog and forget about any attempts to control it at all, in fact, lets change our industry so that its emitting even more carbon but we'll make it so everyone can have a Ferrari or super car of their choice.


Its a short sighted, short term benefit with decided long term drawbacks.


I am assuming you are referring to the planetary heroic missions and leveling flashpoints when you say players with 12xp will skip repeat content. You seem to be assuming that if they don't have access to that xp boost they will be forced to do that content.


If so you are incorrect. The players with previous 60s that you are concerned with skipping that content are already skipping it. They do not need it to get xp and with higher level characters can already supply their low level toons with the money they need for gear, which is the only real reason other than experiencing the content, for doing that repeat content.


In short denying other players the 12xp boost will not make them do the multiplayer content you are trying to do. They are already not doing it because there is no need for them to repeat it over and over if they don't feel like it.

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I am assuming you are referring to the planetary heroic missions and leveling flashpoints when you say players with 12xp will skip repeat content. You seem to be assuming that if they don't have access to that xp boost they will be forced to do that content.


If so you are incorrect. The players with previous 60s that you are concerned with skipping that content are already skipping it. They do not need it to get xp and with higher level characters can already supply their low level toons with the money they need for gear, which is the only real reason other than experiencing the content, for doing that repeat content.


In short denying other players the 12xp boost will not make them do the multiplayer content you are trying to do. They are already not doing it because there is no need for them to repeat it over and over if they don't feel like it.


In other words, 12x isn't needed because players are already skipping the content because they don't need to do it. Got it.

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In other words, 12x isn't needed because players are already skipping the content because they don't need to do it. Got it.


Not what I said at all and you know it. They are already skipping the repeatable multiplayer content that the poster I was quoting is saying would be hurt by 12xp. The xp boost would allow them to skip the meaningless side quests on the planets that they have already done on other characters. Being able to ignore those would not impact anyone elses game play at all.

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I explained what I meant, I am glad you skipped the explanation and pointed out that I didn't. Sigh.


Nice that you chose to dismiss as not relevant the fact that I pointed out OBVIOUS dishonesty that you displayed and for which you had no other way to avoid being held accountable.


As for second part, nope. The hacked save didn't give you nothing you could not get yourself. Plus, you have no idea what anything in Dark Souls work (with your comment of "max level", which is around 700 but the most you could get out of souls in hacked save was 200) or how pvp matching works (it matches you by your level +- so you could never have advantage by leveling). Hacked save was even cool enough to omit two items so it was not all items (because those two items were broken for pvp, one rapidly healing for long time and other instantly healing with least amount of frames to use). Really, the only thing save did was allow you to have fun with different build. Wanna roleplay as Solair? You can. Wanna try fun build you saw on youtube, you can. Etc...


Now let's look at the new claims you make so that you can try to justify cheating in a CORRECTLY PACED PRPG.


Here is the original post you made admitting to cheating in the CORRECTLY PACED RPG:


Actually you are right. I do want SP RPG, because how good story is for SWTOR. Now, I don't use cheat codes in correctly paced and created rpgs. Where you do not have to grind to win. I do, if you do have to grind. Simple as that.


Let me give you an example from a RPG: Dark Souls. I have played about 250 hours in Dark Souls I. But I have only really finished it completely twice. And that was correctly paced RPG. What did I do after? Simply had fun in coop/pvp. Guy released save file modified that gives you all items and ****ton of souls (with what you level up), so you could always make a new toon, new way to have fun in pvp etc. Did it hurt anyone? No. Did it prolong the fun for WHOLE DARKSOULS COMMUNITY? **** yes. And there were people crying about that hacked save too...


I will accept that you can only get to 200 with all the souls you get when you cheat, but you clearly stated that you get ALL items with that cheat, and now you want to claim that you don't? Again, there is no possible way that both of those statements can be true. The dishonesty just continues, doesn't it.


The bottom line sounds to me like you are simply looking for a "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" to leveling, and since you cannot cheat in this game, you expect the devs to cater to your instant gratification, entitled attitude, but do not want to admit it.

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Nice that you chose to dismiss as not relevant the fact that I pointed out OBVIOUS dishonesty that you displayed and for which you had no other way to avoid being held accountable.




Now let's look at the new claims you make so that you can try to justify cheating in a CORRECTLY PACED PRPG.


Here is the original post you made admitting to cheating in the CORRECTLY PACED RPG:




I will accept that you can only get to 200 with all the souls you get when you cheat, but you clearly stated that you get ALL items with that cheat, and now you want to claim that you don't? Again, there is no possible way that both of those statements can be true. The dishonesty just continues, doesn't it.


The bottom line sounds to me like you are simply looking for a "light speed, easy mode, fast pass" to leveling, and since you cannot cheat in this game, you expect the devs to cater to your instant gratification, entitled attitude, but do not want to admit it.


I think we are in loop. But I won't reexplain myself. Again, your first argument is invalid because the whole point of that post was that even correctly paced rpg can become grind after few runs. And swtor is not a correctly paced rpg, so it becomes grind during the first run. That is all.


Also, second part is not even worth responding to. When you stop ad hominem, appeal to emotion fallacy, strawman, composition/division fallacy, black or white fallacy, begging the question fallacy, appeal to nature fallacy and the texas sharpshooter fallacy then there might be discussion. Or you are trolling, in which case I r8 you 8/8 m8 gr8 b8.

Edited by Oiccrene
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So ...


Everyone wants to get to endgame REAL FAST so they can do the same 2 operations over and over again?


*scratches head*


For me yes. There's 2 new ops with 2 modes. Plus previous Ops NiM. And I can play them with 3 tanks! Pew pew. Not to mention HM fps and other stuff. Why do I want to go through Alderaan which sky rockets my lag just to see a story I've seen a million times. Boring I will pass. Anyways it would be hilarious if they put in 12xp just to see what the people against it will do lol. Stage grind sit ins, block trainers. Chant in gen chat. Threaten those who use it. From the way they are acting I wouldn't be surprised :D

Edited by FerkWork
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I am assuming you are referring to the planetary heroic missions and leveling flashpoints when you say players with 12xp will skip repeat content. You seem to be assuming that if they don't have access to that xp boost they will be forced to do that content.


If so you are incorrect. The players with previous 60s that you are concerned with skipping that content are already skipping it. They do not need it to get xp and with higher level characters can already supply their low level toons with the money they need for gear, which is the only real reason other than experiencing the content, for doing that repeat content.


In short denying other players the 12xp boost will not make them do the multiplayer content you are trying to do. They are already not doing it because there is no need for them to repeat it over and over if they don't feel like it.


So I am guessing you are glossing over where I already noted this, and already indicate it has done damage to the game, most especially the 'new player experience'.


When new players come to a game and its a barren wasteland, or worse, when there are supposedly a lot of people around but none of them chat, group up, tend tpo make a-holes comments and snide remarks because there is no penalty for doing so and they'll be leaving that planet in 15 minutes anyway.....


Etc... So it is _already_ an issue and 12x XP would make it worse.


Most of the 'convenience' items added to the game have made the game overall worse in terms of growth potentialand lasting community in the long term. They've been short term solutions to receive short term bumps that then result in the next short term bump needing to be even more drastic.


So, that methods already exist to bypass the low level game and make attracting new players more difficult does not justify making the situation _worse_.

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So I am guessing you are glossing over where I already noted this, and already indicate it has done damage to the game, most especially the 'new player experience'.


When new players come to a game and its a barren wasteland, or worse, when there are supposedly a lot of people around but none of them chat, group up, tend tpo make a-holes comments and snide remarks because there is no penalty for doing so and they'll be leaving that planet in 15 minutes anyway.....


Etc... So it is _already_ an issue and 12x XP would make it worse.


Most of the 'convenience' items added to the game have made the game overall worse in terms of growth potentialand lasting community in the long term. They've been short term solutions to receive short term bumps that then result in the next short term bump needing to be even more drastic.


So, that methods already exist to bypass the low level game and make attracting new players more difficult does not justify making the situation _worse_.

Great reply!!! I especially like the part about how barren the starter planets are...doesn't look good for new players.

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