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It is a game people chill out


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Incorrect, you paid for CC.


What you do with those CC is your choice and separate from money purchases.


CC = real money.


I paid for CC, I used those CC to buy cartel packs. Therefore I'm paying real money for cartel packs. Whether I:


- Buy an item with CC, sell for credits, but cartel pack with credits

- Use my sub reward CC


In the end I'm paying real money for cartel coins. So I am in fact correct.

Edited by DartDaya
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You are still paying for those CC because the only way you're gonna get those CC is if you pay a sub.


Sure but among the cartell coins I gain through the sub I have more advantages over someone without a sub. But I would never pay extra money just for some packs alone.

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Why is it that I see the same five people commenting in every thread about the CSM, saying this is injust and that Bioware has to change this, there's no way around it.


It's kind of like they imagine they are this , but in reality, they are this.


Sorry, I had to say that. Bad pun incoming. :o

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Why is it that I see the same five people commenting in every thread about the CSM, saying this is injust and that Bioware has to change this, there's no way around it.


It's kind of like they imagine they are this , but in reality, they are this.


Sorry, I had to say that. Bad pun incoming. :o


you are officially (well unofficially) in the lead for internet points for the day. Well played...well played:D

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I also paid real $ for packs that were exclusive to only real $ or credits in game the Rep & Certs for 2 years, till they decided to put them into the game for basically free so that just cut my funding out not complaining asking for a refund cause I spent on what I wanted just not buying anything more again with real $.
And two years down the road fewer people would have been upset with a nerf. And just like some people are not fine with the Certs some people would still not be fine with slots. Many people didn't even get a chance to get any value at all from the slots. I can more than see why they are upset.


Especially when it feels like they gave in only because people where whining due to making less money "because crafting is ruined!!!". In a game where you don't craft, but press a few buttons and have it all done for you while you keep playing the rest of the game. I didn't even buy a slot machine and I'm upset about it because of what it continues to say about the game.


A very important post seeking feedback on weekly streaming.




I'm done with chilling out. This is a pattern of foolishness and ineptitude that has spent all of my patience.

[sARCASM]Because watching the devs have fun playing their own game makes everything better.[/sARCASM] I do love some of the streams where they run into issues though. I always think "now you see the junk we have to deal with".

Edited by Sorwen
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so much NOT this.


you paid money for CC, you got CC.

You choose to use CC at a chance to win an ingame item.

You really think turning this into a shell game of semantics invalidates the point being made? An item was made available from the cartel packs in the cartel market whose function was described at length on the forums. Bioware stated the item was working as intended and people bought it (regardless of how many steps there are in the purchasing process) secure in the fact that it wasn't some glitch that would be patched out. Then days later without any warning it was nerfed out of existence still with no explanation or compensation.


You're damn right we're mad.

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You really think turning this into a shell game of semantics invalidates the point being made? An item was made available from the cartel packs in the cartel market whose function was described at length on the forums. Bioware stated the item was working as intended and people bought it (regardless of how many steps there are in the purchasing process) secure in the fact that it wasn't some glitch that would be patched out. Then days later without any warning it was nerfed out of existence still with no explanation or compensation.


You're damn right we're mad.


they did give you warning. but the point that "i paid money for this" well if you had purchased it via credits would you be "less mad" should we ignore those that paid for it via free CC instead of those that paid for it with purchased CC? What CCs did you actually purchase vs. which ones did you get for free, perhaps you can only be 85% upset since 15% of your available CC's were free. If I purchase an item with credits that I purchases with money, can I too also be upset?


Words mean things, and semantics matter. You in fact do now own ANYTHING in this game, other than your CCs. Your account, all its contents, and items are owned in whole by BW/EA. You are simply paying for the right to access them and for the service they provide. Argue as much as you want. You paid money for CC's and you own them. Beyond that, its all just pixels and fake money, none of which you own, and they are free to change as they wish. If you do not like said service at that point, you are free to stop payment and cancel your service at any time.

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Bosses that do not drop loot.

Bosses that can be exploited.

Lag that makes the game almost unplayable.

Introduction of Disciplines with the expansion.

Imbalance of Disciplines though they built it from scratch.

Charging folks for abilities they already had or had purchased.

Drop the bug filled expansion and then go on vacation.

Problems with solo mode for FA.

Silvers that are more powerful than Golds.

Intention to make the leveling process easier...so they make it harder.

Release a mat printing machine, then...

Nuke the machine into a paperweight, then...

Silence on the matter....




A very important post seeking feedback on weekly streaming.




I'm done with chilling out. This is a pattern of foolishness and ineptitude that has spent all of my patience.


Adding to that list:


◆ Imperial Agent companion Vector Hylus / Jedi Companion Lord Scourge crossdressing (wearing bras and having skin turn goofy colors) for THREE YEARS.

◆ Imperial Shadows of Revan intros broken.

◆ Unify colors/hide helmet not working in cinematics

◆ Jaraels Tunic bugged, loincloth flap looks like male characters anatomy is "at attention, female characters look like they strapped on some "extra parts"

◆ Female characters buttcheeks clip through aforementioned Jaraels Tunic.

◆ Revanite tunic has same "at attention" loinclith flap bug Jaraels tunic has.

◆ Bioware DudeBro shrugging and going "LOL Whatevs!" to the ravager exploiters.


I have more but these are the ones at the top of my list that werent already on the list Artemis made.




Yes i know people will mock the "cosmetic" things i listed, but pause a moment. Its hard to try and get people to try the game when you go to show them, and they laugh hysterically at aforementioned items and say "Um yeah, i dont think so". First impressions really are a thing...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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CC = real money.


I paid for CC, I used those CC to buy cartel packs. Therefore I'm paying real money for cartel packs. Whether I:


- Buy an item with CC, sell for credits, but cartel pack with credits

- Use my sub reward CC


In the end I'm paying real money for cartel coins. So I am in fact correct.


I already said that you pay for CC, thank you for confirming however.


What I disagree with, is your statement saying you paid money for the item. You in fact paid money for cartel coins, which can be used on anything in the CM. You never spent a single dollar, pound, yin or whatever your currency is on the pack itself. And never on the item itself.


You paid for CC and received CC. By this transaction there was never any fraud, misleading or anything of the nature. So as such, you will never be entitled for a refund or anything along the lines.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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Adding to that list:


◆ Imperial Agent companion Vector Hylus / Jedi Companion Lord Scourge crossdressing (wearing bras and having skin turn goofy colors) for THREE YEARS.

◆ Imperial Shadows of Revan intros broken.

◆ Unify colors/hide helmet not working in cinematics

◆ Jaraels Tunic bugged, loincloth flap looks like male characters anatomy is "at attention, female characters look like they strapped on some "extra parts"

◆ Female characters buttcheeks clip through aforementioned Jaraels Tunic.

◆ Revanite tunic has same "at attention" loinclith flap bug Jaraels tunic has.

◆ Bioware DudeBro shrugging and going "LOL Whatevs!" to the ravager exploiters.


I have more but these are the ones at the top of my list that werent already on the list Artemis made.




Yes i know people will mock the "cosmetic" things i listed, but pause a moment. Its hard to try and get people to try the game when you go to show them, and they laugh hysterically at aforementioned items and say "Um yeah, i dont think so". First impressions really are a thing...


I will not mock them at all. Many of them have been bugs in the game for a long time and are long past due for a fix. Some of the longstanding bugs are just plain silly.


Like your weapon stuck in your hand when you destroy a crate....hilarious if you have a cannon. Your character carries it like a pistol. Even more hilarious if you mount.

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I already said that you pay for CC, thank you for confirming however.


What I disagree with, is your statement saying you paid money for the item. You in fact paid money for cartel coins, which can be used on anything in the CM. You never spent a single dollar, pound, yin or whatever your currency is on the pack itself. And never on the item itself.


You paid for CC and received CC. By this transaction there was never any fraud, misleading or anything of the nature. So as such, you will never be entitled for a refund or anything along the lines.


This seems to be a very obtuse argument relying heavily on semantics.


BW makes cartel market packs attractive to purchase by placing desirable items in them.

This purchase can be directly through cc or indirectly off the GTN for credits.


CC purchase is convenience, cash can be used.

Credit purchase is 'free', only time is wasted as you earn the credits, or conduct GTN trading.


The underlying value (subjective but can easily be seen by the GTN sale value) of the items to be found in the cartel packs is a driving factor of Cartel Coin sales.


While I doubt at this stage BW will make any reparations to those who purchased the Contraband Slot Machine (whether through CC or Credits). It will be interesting to see if the complainants are true to their word and refuse to purchase future packs.


A small, nasty, cynical part of my mind imagines the CM devs are huddled in a room thinking of items that will incentivise the sales of the next CM packs rather than on how to address the current feeling of ill will.

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I paid REAL MONEY for cartel packs because i wanted to get an item that was advertised in the cartel pack. I received that item and they have basically taken it away from me and changed it to something else.


That was your problem, right there. Never spend real money on virtual items. Got my slot machine for good ol' fake credits. Nerfed, not mad.

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I paid REAL MONEY for cartel packs because i wanted to get an item that was advertised in the cartel pack. I received that item and they have basically taken it away from me and changed it to something else.


You bought CC. CC is not money as it is a one way conversion. If you bought appels you could resell them for cash, you can not legitimately (see ToS) return your CC into cash. With this CC you traded it for this game's raffle tickets. You played the raffle till you won your "prize". You say this was advertised, it wasn't in anyway by BW that stated what it did, or what the drop rates were. As I assume you've been playing this game more then a week you should know BW can and will change any part of the game (to which cartel items still are inside of the game). I'm don't think you for one second heard there is a slot machine (without any info of what it did) and went nuts trying to get it. What you wanted was something that was giving you more then you put into it. A function not advertised by BW, but by other players. Many of those calling for its nerfing. Not you might counter that BW had a post saying it was working as intended and not an exploit. Ok. That isn't advertizing, and that same post said they were looking at the effect it had on the economy, which should have been a clue that it may, in fact, be changed after the post.

You will not get your money back, you got the item (but not the utility) you wanted, You may think you own the virtual goods you have bought... But you are quite mistaken. When you "buy" park place in monopoly at a person's house and get that little card, you don't walk out of the game owner's home with the card. That would be theft. You don't own park place in the real world (the real park place or the game board location), even IF you paid RL monies to be at that monopoly game.

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no i wont as i'm a customer.


i pay a set amount of money every month for this game. and for too long bioware has seen fit to ignore requests i and others have made, they dont fix any of the bugs or faults we have run into. 3 years later and the game is still broken, still buggy, has no balance what so ever.


the customer is always right and i came back and now i'm leaving again and voting with my wallet.

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This seems to be a very obtuse argument relying heavily on semantics.


BW makes cartel market packs attractive to purchase by placing desirable items in them.

This purchase can be directly through cc or indirectly off the GTN for credits.


CC purchase is convenience, cash can be used.

Credit purchase is 'free', only time is wasted as you earn the credits, or conduct GTN trading.


The underlying value (subjective but can easily be seen by the GTN sale value) of the items to be found in the cartel packs is a driving factor of Cartel Coin sales.


Of course it relies on semantics, the devil is in the details. And people often mistake thinking they paid real money for the crates when in fact they never did. So yes semantics.


Show me how cash can be used? If it cannot be directly used for the purchase of the item I see no strong argument here.

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Of course it relies on semantics, the devil is in the details. And people often mistake thinking they paid real money for the crates when in fact they never did. So yes semantics.


Show me how cash can be used? If it cannot be directly used for the purchase of the item I see no strong argument here.


We're not trying to build a court case here though...at least most of us are not. Fact is that a lot of people(not me) bought CC in order to get a chance of obtaining a slot machine via packs and BW know it. The fact that it cannot be purchased with real cash directly doesn't make BW's nerf it into the ground approach anymore right IMO.

Sure the jawa junk droprate had to be nerfed and they gave a statement that it might happen relatively early on. But reducing the droprates of all the items that could be of any use after spending the first batch of coins and attaining max rep with it was a raw deal and I fully understand that people are mad about it.

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We're not trying to build a court case here though...at least most of us are not. Fact is that a lot of people(not me) bought CC in order to get a chance of obtaining a slot machine via packs and BW know it. The fact that it cannot be purchased with real cash directly doesn't make BW's nerf it into the ground approach anymore right IMO.

Sure the jawa junk droprate had to be nerfed and they gave a statement that it might happen relatively early on. But reducing the droprates of all the items that could be of any use after spending the first batch of coins and attaining max rep with it was a raw deal and I fully understand that people are mad about it.


I never said anything about Jawa junk, cartel certs or anything of the nature.


I also never said anything about the nerf or how it was needed or if it was heavy handed.


None of your points really have much to do at all with mine. So I fail to see the relevance of you saying any of this to me.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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I never said anything about Jawa junk, cartel certs or anything of the nature.


I also never said anything about the nerf or how it was needed or if it was heavy handed.


None of your points really have much to do at all with mine. So I fail to see the relevance of you saying any of this to me.


Maybe I didn't understand you correctly then. What I got out of your's and similar answers was something like this:


unhappy customer: I feel cheated by BW because I bought the slot machine with real money and they significantly altered the deal after the fact.


you and some others: You haven't been cheated as you only bought CC and got exactly what you paid for.


While it is a fact, that the slot couldn't be bought directly with real currency, I disagree with your opinion, that players weren't cheated in some way. Sure, while those semantics would probably matter a great deal in a court case, it's quite obvious that it doesn't matter pertaining to the perception of players who bought CC solely for a chance of getting a slot machine via packs or the light it casts on BW.

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I paid REAL MONEY for cartel packs because i wanted to get an item that was advertised in the cartel pack. I received that item and they have basically taken it away from me and changed it to something else.


Why didn't you just buy them with credits? You're an idiot.

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Maybe I didn't understand you correctly then. What I got out of your's and similar answers was something like this:


unhappy customer: I feel cheated by BW because I bought the slot machine with real money and they significantly altered the deal after the fact.


you and some others: You haven't been cheated as you only bought CC and got exactly what you paid for.


While it is a fact, that the slot couldn't be bought directly with real currency, I disagree with your opinion, that players weren't cheated in some way. Sure, while those semantics would probably matter a great deal in a court case, it's quite obvious that it doesn't matter pertaining to the perception of players who bought CC solely for a chance of getting a slot machine via packs or the light it casts on BW.


I was debating the statement that players were in some way entitled to a refund or return of the item to prior working conditions because they used CC when CC is not really money and there are other means of obtaining said item.


They can have any perception they so choose, somebody will always be displeased with something.

Edited by LanceCorporalDan
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I paid REAL MONEY for cartel packs because i wanted to get an item that was advertised in the cartel pack. I received that item and they have basically taken it away from me and changed it to something else.


Nope. It's still a slot machine. It's no longer the economy killing beast it once was I agree. However, it is still a slot machine.

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