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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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Did I say Bioware will do nothing?


For all we know, Bioware already has done something.


They're not obligated to tell you what they've done, and in some ways its against their own policy.


Right. Make an example of people, but don't tell anyone! That way this will never happen again. BW should hire you

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Right. Make an example of people, but don't tell anyone! That way this will never happen again. BW should hire you


So now it's not "justice", it's "make an example of them"?


Most gaming companies make it their practice to not discuss punishments -- I think there's even a note about that when you submit a complaint.

Edited by Max_Killjoy
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So now it's not "justice", it's "make an example of them"?


Most gaming companies make it their practice to not discuss punishments -- I think there's even a note about that when you submit a complaint.


"Justice" for reals?

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So if they don't plan to talk about the punishments, if any, publicly how are people to take seriously BW's handling of exploiters?


How is punishment a deterrent for future exploitable bugs if it's unknown if anything is actually done?


Either make it public that X amount of players got banned/warned or what not or just give a blanket warning.


Either way don't keep quiet and expect to be taken seriously, right now it looks more like a bluff then anything from them...

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So if they don't plan to talk about the punishments, if any, publicly how are people to take seriously BW's handling of exploiters?


How is punishment a deterrent for future exploitable bugs if it's unknown if anything is actually done?


Either make it public that X amount of players got banned/warned or what not or just give a blanket warning.


Either way don't keep quiet and expect to be taken seriously, right now it looks more like a bluff then anything from them...


There isn't. There is no way BW can save face at this point. Look around your server. Do you really think BW can afford to ban anyone? Having to read the cry baby whining about nothing is the harshest punishment BW can hand out anyways. There are actually people calling for justice. Justice. For a video game.

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So if they don't plan to talk about the punishments, if any, publicly how are people to take seriously BW's handling of exploiters?


How is punishment a deterrent for future exploitable bugs if it's unknown if anything is actually done?


Either make it public that X amount of players got banned/warned or what not or just give a blanket warning.


Either way don't keep quiet and expect to be taken seriously, right now it looks more like a bluff then anything from them...


BW does not have to (but most likely will ) kow-tow and explain anything or post anything other than " the problem has been taken care of" just to make the small pitchfork and overly obsessed crowd happy in the end the game is still running there really no negative impact from either of the exploits that were in the game (prior to the patch) or the shocking amount of actual problems and unresolved issues that exist now. the fact that most of the "mob" was distracted by slot machines over this stupid issue should point out just how inane it all is. looking back over this thread is proof enough.. anyway time for more coffee and work happy complaining

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Its seems that unless they Give some kinda of detail as to how and whom they punish in these exploits people will only assume that nothing is ever done and they will continue to do said exploits. The game I came from to try SWTOR came out to the public ( Not giving names but everyone new whom was effected ) and provided the facts that they banned a guild and all the sub guilds for exploitation of game play that came to a total of 200 banned accounts all at once.

I said it then and I'll say it now they my hat goes off to them for doing it and letting the people know they should not do this in the future.

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Its seems that unless they Give some kinda of detail as to how and whom they punish in these exploits people will only assume that nothing is ever done and they will continue to do said exploits. The game I came from to try SWTOR came out to the public ( Not giving names but everyone new whom was effected ) and provided the facts that they banned a guild and all the sub guilds for exploitation of game play that came to a total of 200 banned accounts all at once.

I said it then and I'll say it now they my hat goes off to them for doing it and letting the people know they should not do this in the future.


That's the problem. I've said it before, BioWare has NEVER punished people for using exploits in the past. They've always just ignored it. People used the Ravager's exploit because they had no reason to believe there would be any consequences for doing it.

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Right. Make an example of people, but don't tell anyone! That way this will never happen again. BW should hire you

Bioware is a for profit company. They won't do anything that will jeopardize their goal of making money.

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How exactly do we know that?


As far as I am concerned: Proof or it didn't happen.


Why does it bother you who got banned and who didn't. If you were a non exploiter just continue on playing the game and it's really that simple don't worry about the ones that did because by the sounds of it you were not an exploiter.

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That's the problem. I've said it before, BioWare has NEVER punished people for using exploits in the past. They've always just ignored it. People used the Ravager's exploit because they had no reason to believe there would be any consequences for doing it.


You might want to educate yourself in the history of this game because they have http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=120099

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Why does it bother you who got banned and who didn't. If you were a non exploiter just continue on playing the game and it's really that simple don't worry about the ones that did because by the sounds of it you were not an exploiter.


Because each time the amount grows because people believe Bioware does nothing about it there is a reason FFXIV ARR doesn't have many players exploiting because every month they post how many accounts have been action against and they are almost always permabans.

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Because each time the amount grows because people believe Bioware does nothing about it there is a reason FFXIV ARR doesn't have many players exploiting because every month they post how many accounts have been action against and they are almost always permabans.
or maybe because no one plays ffxiv
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Why does it bother you who got banned and who didn't. If you were a non exploiter just continue on playing the game and it's really that simple don't worry about the ones that did because by the sounds of it you were not an exploiter.


Admittedly I havent read every single page of this thread. But I have read many. I havent seen 1 singel person ask WHO was banned/suspended. ALl I have ever seen was people asking wheres the confirmation THAT accounts were banned/suspended.


Thats all anybody wants. And the reason they want it is because so few actions have ever been taken to any accounts that have exploited. So far the ONLY accounts to have any action taken against them was gold farmers. Exploiters got a warning 2 years ago (for the Illum thing), but thats all. Thats why this Ravagers exploit ran so rampant and got so big. Because those who partook in it knew at most they'd get an email telling them what they did was not ok.


People want to know that Bioware cares about their own game. People want to know Bioware has integrity.


Thats all.


All people are looking for is another post similar to the Illum one from 2 years ago. NOBODY CARES WHO......only THAT ACCOUNTS WERE TAKEN ACTION AGAINST.


If they can do this 2 years ago



Why cant they do one now to let us know they care and to keep the next exploit from completely crashing the game?


So far, I personally only knew of 4 or 5 people who did the exploit rampantly, but heard of another 15 that I know. Every single one of them is still logging in daily just fine and havent even received a warning email. Or at least they claim not to have and are laughing and constantly making fun of "Biowares incompetence". To which I would just love to come to a crashing hault. But even my reporting them has done nothing.

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or maybe because no one plays ffxiv


I don't play, nor do I know how may play, but regardless, I don't think the number of players is the most important thing to know about their handling of exploits.


IMO, they key thing to note is if they take plugging potential exploits in their game seriously or not. Of that, I am not sure, but would hope it is better than Bioware.


One thing is clear, Bioware does NOT take plugging exploits seriously.


If they did, we wouldn't be having this discussion as the exploit in question would have been closed back in mid December, not a month later in January, and certainly not with a 'we know all about it and we are taking this really seriously' post followed by another week before a patch.


If they did, we wouldn't have had a long history in the game of exploits that persist for weeks and months with little to no action taken.


That to me is the take away from this whole mess, not what action is taken or not taken with respect to the players.


Until players start getting as bent out of shape at Bioware for their total disregard to maintaining the game in a reasonably exploit free state as they seem to be getting at players, and most importantly start voting with their wallets when it is clear Bioware doesn't care, then they shouldn't expect anything to change.

Edited by DawnAskham
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One thing is clear, Bioware does NOT take plugging exploits seriously.



What they did take seriously was there vacation time..... They new the exploit was there and did nothing you can't tell me that someone at bioware could have stop this hole exploit business with out continuing as long as it did. Now Eric and company have turned it into a PR campaign of epic failure one after another. This month BW has had so much heat over this game because of what Eric has said on these forums. It is way worse then the hole not in are road map debacle. Will they ever gain the trust of the players again probably not the damage has been done in a long line of failure's. This has nothing to do with punishment it has to do with them putting out bug infested code before it is time to keep up with the Jones aka WOW.

Edited by Neoforcer
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