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Ravagers Exploit Action Update


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On that front, I was out of the hospital 3 days after a heart attack and 6 bypasses, so dont judge based on time. I know ladyvix and I have not seen "eye to eye" even a little bit, but just have to say that.


and hospital wireless sucks...tried playing COH from cardiac care...couldnt raid at all.


While there I actually used my iPad mini as a mobile hotspot to provide 4G LTE internet access to my laptop. I was still able to access the game, but was limited to less intense activities like playing the slot machines.

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While there I actually used my iPad mini as a mobile hotspot to provide 4G LTE internet access to my laptop. I was still able to access the game, but was limited to less intense activities like playing the slot machines.


Which now would be a total waste of time and credits... You could just craft and post on the forums like I do all the time.

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Sadly, he doesn't need to. It's not needed to compete anymore because of how atrocious most people's grammar is. In fact, these days, half of all college graduates have below average grammar skills.


Half of all college graduates are also in the bottom 50% of their graduating class...

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Half of all college graduates are also in the bottom 50% of their graduating class...


you know what you call the guy that graduates last in his medical school class? doctor


do you know what you call the guy that graduates last in his law school class? your honor...or Mr senator

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you know what you call the guy that graduates last in his medical school class? doctor


do you know what you call the guy that graduates last in his law school class? your honor...or Mr senator


Those statements are not incompatible with what I said.


Also, the person graduating last in his class in law school can also be called "Doctor".


Just sayin'.

Edited by eartharioch
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Also, the person graduating last in his class in law school can also be called "Doctor".
That's more a European thing than an American one. Here, unless an attorney is an MD or PhD, they just go by "Esq." Other attorneys would mock them if they went by Doctor just because they had a J.D.
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I'm intrigued now... How did you , or whoever, have a heart attack? Was it the result of something from this game? Giving somebody an infraction for saying they had a heart attack is kinda petty.


Did they issue her a myocardial infraction?


I once knew a guy who joked around on the swg forums about committing suicide over them closing the game down, because "What am I going to do with my life now that I can't play swg" and guess what? The police showed up and was inside their garage and even knew the guys first name. They woke up to the cop in the garage calling for him by first name. The funny part about it all was, the guy didn't even post on his account, he posted on his friend from new jerseys account.. another state away from where he lived... So, still trying to figure out how the cops knew exactly who to look for, maybe cops went to the guy in NJ house first ....


Threat's of suicide aren't taken lightly I spent a decade in the industry on 4 MMO's including both SW ones and every company had a policy for handling them.


MMO1 - Using billing details/IP find local police/law enforcement and notify them of the threat. This would often result in a call from the police to the end user if not a visit.

MMO2 - Contact user provide samaritans number or such like as well as notify local law enforcement

MMO3 - look at use of word and guage if a suicide threat or something relating to character, engage the user and keep engaged whilst a second agent contacted local law enforcement.

MMO4 - Same as MMO1


More often than not it's an overreaction to something stupid and very few off the cuff threats have any grounding to them, the only that genuinely concerned me that I was involved in was back in 2005 and a user who's chat habit's had changed dramatically and numerous within their guild had raised concerns. Being a functioning Schizophrenic myself his chat patterns and changes looked very much like a psychotic break was happening so law enforcement were notified. That player never logged back in during my time still with the company and sadly we never get any word back so you always question whether something happened or not. Still to this day I wonder if that guy had took action or been committed just never to return or such like.

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Threat's of suicide aren't taken lightly I spent a decade in the industry on 4 MMO's including both SW ones and every company had a policy for handling them.


MMO1 - Using billing details/IP find local police/law enforcement and notify them of the threat. This would often result in a call from the police to the end user if not a visit.

MMO2 - Contact user provide samaritans number or such like as well as notify local law enforcement

MMO3 - look at use of word and guage if a suicide threat or something relating to character, engage the user and keep engaged whilst a second agent contacted local law enforcement.

MMO4 - Same as MMO1


More often than not it's an overreaction to something stupid and very few off the cuff threats have any grounding to them, the only that genuinely concerned me that I was involved in was back in 2005 and a user who's chat habit's had changed dramatically and numerous within their guild had raised concerns. Being a functioning Schizophrenic myself his chat patterns and changes looked very much like a psychotic break was happening so law enforcement were notified. That player never logged back in during my time still with the company and sadly we never get any word back so you always question whether something happened or not. Still to this day I wonder if that guy had took action or been committed just never to return or such like.


While I'm reading this I thought "I am now going to report credit spammers as suicide threats." Apparently they actually take action on those...

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That's more a European thing than an American one. Here, unless an attorney is an MD or PhD, they just go by "Esq." Other attorneys would mock them if they went by Doctor just because they had a J.D.


Not everybody who has a J.D. is (or wants to be) an attorney, so the use of the generic term "doctor" is appropriate in those cases, even here in America. If somebody with a J.D. is actually practicing law (i.e., a licensed attorney), I'd agree that using DR instead of ESQ (without having an additional doctorate in a field related to the attorney's field(s) of practice) would likely be inappropriate -- pretentious at best, misleading enough to be a breach of professional ethics at worst.


Basically, [most] U.S. jurisdictions require attorneys to have a J.D., so calling yourself "DR" without another doctorate should get you mocked (at best). But if you have a J.D. and aren't presenting yourself as an attorney (with the presumption of having a J.D.), then it's just as valid for you to call yourself "DR" as it is for the guy with the PhD in English Lit giving you the wrong size fries in the drivethrough. :)

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Not everybody who has a J.D. is (or wants to be) an attorney, so the use of the generic term "doctor" is appropriate in those cases, even here in America. If somebody with a J.D. is actually practicing law (i.e., a licensed attorney), I'd agree that using DR instead of ESQ (without having an additional doctorate in a field related to the attorney's field(s) of practice) would likely be inappropriate -- pretentious at best, misleading enough to be a breach of professional ethics at worst.


Basically, [most] U.S. jurisdictions require attorneys to have a J.D., so calling yourself "DR" without another doctorate should get you mocked (at best). But if you have a J.D. and aren't presenting yourself as an attorney (with the presumption of having a J.D.), then it's just as valid for you to call yourself "DR" as it is for the guy with the PhD in English Lit giving you the wrong size fries in the drivethrough. :)


Actually, it's more likely to be a woman. 67% of those with a doctorate in english literature are women. They also make 40-100k per year so I doubt they are handing out fries unless it's in beverly hills.

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I was in a heated debate in this thread about a week and a half ago, and suffered a heart attack that was exasperated by the stress. (I'm age 60+ in real life, sometimes health problems happen) My best friend (real life) and guildie, LadyDeanna, posted about my heart attack in this thread, and was mocked, ridiculed, called a liar, and Bioware removed her post/issued her a infraction for posting false information.
no one mocked or ridiculed her; in fact we all wished you well and hoped it wasnt true.


generally when someone wishes something bad didnt happen to someone, it's considered a good thing.


if refusing to take ownership for your physical and emotional health is somehow "mocking" or "ridiculing" then i'm not sure what else i have to say on the subject. you're a willing participant here and while i wish you no ill-will, i'm not responsible for you choosing to get upset about things. either way i still wish you a speedy recovery and hope that you can avoid stress.

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Dont let this game or the trolls kill you, it 7snt worth it. Hope you get better soon. Also, its awsome you are still playing games at 60+


to everyone else, I think it is time to call it. Honestly dont think they plan on doing anything. I, like yourselves fought the good fight to no avail. Lesson learned, next time, get your share of the loot. Cause it seems just like in RL, the good people finish last.

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Lesson learned, next time, get your share of the loot. Cause it seems just like in RL, the good people finish last.
what does getting pixel capes in a video game have to do with someone being a "good person" or not? cripes its a video game.


you survived the great social injustice that was the nefra exploit; you'll survive this one.

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to everyone else, I think it is time to call it. Honestly dont think they plan on doing anything. I, like yourselves fought the good fight to no avail. Lesson learned, next time, get your share of the loot. Cause it seems just like in RL, the good people finish last.


In a sense you're right. Why follow any BW rules for the game, when not following them has no consequence at all.


I'll amend that statement if BW actually does anything.

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I don't want to sound judgmental but if a game or its community is generating that much stress in your life you should consider dropping it. Something this silly is not worth dying over. I say this as someone who has suffered stress related health problems, a video game is not worth suffering for.


This crap can finally end when we're told what's actually going to be done about the exploit. Whether it's nothing at all or super severe, I don't really care. Just do it already. BioWare needs to stop stalling so everyone can move on.

Edited by Tysu_Lanx
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In a sense you're right. Why follow any BW rules for the game, when not following them has no consequence at all.


I'll amend that statement if BW actually does anything.


Bw will do some thing there just not going to like what happens when they do it either way. It will be bad if it to harsh of a punishment it will be bad if it is not. BW put gas on the firewood as they fanned the flames as they went. NOW the hole forest is on fire and there trying to put the flames out. IT turned into a PR nightmare added to a PR nightmare with slot machines. Wonder how long BW will keep kicking them selves in the foot until they get there the own root problem with them loosing subs and money. About the time they get notice the game is shutting down.

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Bw will do some thing there just not going to like what happens when they do it either way. It will be bad if it to harsh of a punishment it will be bad if it is not. BW put gas on the firewood as they fanned the flames as they went. NOW the hole forest is on fire and there trying to put the flames out.


If the BW's track record holds up, they're going to try putting it out with a nuke.

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The Harbinger performance is expected to be increased by 150% when 99.5% of the server is banned this week due to exploits. Those that didn't exploit are included, because they knew someone who did.


THAT is the BW way... nuke 'em all from orbit just in case! LOL ;)


Good news is that the single hamster left running the power core will have his life expectancy extended by years.

Edited by dscount
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The Harbinger performance is expected to be increased by 150% when 99.5% of the server is banned this week due to exploits. Those that didn't exploit are included, because they knew someone who did.


THAT is the BW way... nuke 'em all from orbit just in case! LOL ;)


Good news is that the single hamster left running the power core will have his life expectancy extended by years.


Not true! He will be slingshotted out of the wheel headfirst into a wall and go splat because the drag he was used to will be gone so when his little legs run it will go way too fast...

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What I find funny about this whole thing is this:


A few months before the xpac I was (yes, totally my fault for being a bonehead and not double checking) scammed out of a few hundred k creds by someone advertising on fleet about MMM's. I said yeah, I'd like to buy some! Then before I could say anything else, got a message back. "Okay, COD'd... Thanks" At first I shrugged my shoulders and was like eh, whatever. So i waited for the email to come through, when it did i purchased the fake MMM's and skipped about all happy that i got a deal on some MMM's. I contacted a friend and asked if they could make me some 180 barrels and they said sure. I traded them the mats and got the "What's this crap?" from them.


So, i put in a ticket to bioware (after a few minutes of being on fleet trying to find the guy that scammed me). The next day I noticed someone else in chat spamming that they had been scammed by the same guy! So I contacted the guy and he said the same exact thing happened to him, and he had a friend that had been scammed as well. (Apparently the jerk was a quite busy with this little game)


That same evening i got a response from bioware about my case.


Bioware: I'm sorry, I see no history of what you're talking about. I need: Date, Time, and name of the character that did this.

My response: Sorry, the email disappeared after i paid for and took the item.

Bioware: We do not have tracking systems able to pull up that information, I would need a time, and name to check your chat records.



So, long story short:

I call BS on bioware's ability to "track" everyone and everything that goes on in this game.

Or, I call BS on their support team.


Either way, Bioware has done nothing but disappoint in the past year.

Even Revan was a flop, the massive lag, and massive bugs while going on vacation right after releasing an xpac.


Shame on you bioware, Shame.


As another poster said: "Yet, you still found time to release a new cartel pack...."

Though, on second thought and in Bioware's defense of that, it's all just recolored and recycled versions of other crap armor and mounts. Maybe 1 or 2 items might have actually took some brain power to create and put in the game, but other than that it really didn't take much effort on their part to pump out another pack.


And don't get me started on the PvP exploits in the game... there are about another million posts/threads about that as well and they haven't done anything about it.


I've got one foot out the door as it is, unless i see something SERIOUSLY significant, (clear and honest communications, increased patch fixes, and no more bait and switches with cartel items, see threads about the Slot Machines) in the next few weeks, it looks like i'll have a lot of free time on my hands, and fresh air in my lungs. Hum, wonder if that's such a bad thing after all... LOL



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