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Dear Bioware: Will we ever get prequel-style Jedi outfits?


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Good causes are worth fighting for!


This is an argument, much like the old chat bubbles and hood toggle. lol. I dont come here as much anymore and it's good to see people still requesting these things.


I would't mind the ones form KOTOR 2, they looked so incredibly close to the movie version IMO.


At least they have options now and we dont all look like crazy space men as Jedi anymore....so that something lol


I always support better looking Jedi attire, after all.....it Star Wars. :cool:

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As long as they look anything like from prequels / kotor 2 / iconic Jedi outfits you see on every Star Wars event they can even be labeled as "Tatooine peasant robes" or "moisture farmer's attire." Whatever. I don't care about the names. Edited by Alec_Fortescue
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Pretty sure that was bran's point. The robes that Alec demands are not really "Jedi" robes...


It can be hard to change a first impression. In the original trilogy only two characters are introduced as Jedi - Obi-Wan and Yoda. Both are elderly, deliberately trying *not* to look like Jedi Masters (because they are supposed to all be dead) and presumably have already burned their "I survived the Emperor's massacre of the Jedi Order and all I got was this lousy t-shirt" t-shirts.


But for years the only examples of "Jedi Master" shown to movie fans were an old man in brown robes and an old frog-man puppet in gray robes, so in many people's minds Jedi = guy in robes.

Edited by Tolunart
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But for years the only examples of "Jedi Master" shown to movie fans were an old man in brown robes and an old frog-man puppet in gray robes, so in many people's minds Jedi = guy in robes.


There's also Luke in RotJ and pretty much every Jedi except Aayla Secura in the prequels.

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It's simple. As a player who has all professions but Jedi is my main. I would like to see Episode 1, 2 and 3 style Jedi robes. They had them in Knights of the Old Republic so why not now? Suddenly the designs were wiped from the galaxy and no one knew how to remake them? Their secrets locked in a lost Holocron?


I'd also love to see toned down armor. SWG had a ton of armor that looked good, and mixing them up created great looks for people. But something that's practical and simple but looks good. Way too much oversized bulky armor in this game. It's hard to not look like a battle mech sometimes.

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Hi. http://i.imgur.com/goO0tYo.jpg <--- Is this really how Jedi are meant to look like in this game? :[ Come on, devs. I beg you. I grovel before you. Just, please, give me the answer: will I ever see the iconic Jedi robes on this game or if not then why?

They are meant to look however the game makers decide, since there are no real Jedi to compare to.


As long as they look anything like from prequels / kotor 2 / iconic Jedi outfits you see on every Star Wars event they can even be labeled as "Tatooine peasant robes" or "moisture farmer's attire." Whatever. I don't care about the names.

So you don't really care if you can dress your character like a Jedi, you just want a particular look.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Hi. http://i.imgur.com/goO0tYo.jpg <--- Is this really how Jedi are meant to look like in this game? :[ Come on, devs. I beg you. I grovel before you. Just, please, give me the answer: will I ever see the iconic Jedi robes on this game or if not then why?


That is one way to dress your Jedi. There are so many different Jedi robes in this game, many without armor. Personally, I think Jedi in the era are supposed to look like THIS and specifically when they are geared for war.


Regardless, I can't believe this convo is still going on. There are so many Obi wan and Qui Gon outfits in this game, they've added some of Luke's outfits on the CM and what with the Outfit Designer and the Dye system... just go on swtorfashion and you'll see players who are more creative design some cool 'prequel-style' Jedi outfits.

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I would love to see more Jedi influenced robes/outfits in the game with the hood down option. Im just not into hoods and capes. i really dont like capes, but can live with hoods, but prefer not to have them up. in the grande scheme of things, both the movies and the clones wars shows indicated--without words--that you could dress to your liking, but they still had a motif or a standardized dress code.


regardless, would love to see more, myself.


and could you have a discussion with the person responsible for having shoulder adornments that could double as shuttle wings in a pinch? take his pencil and break it while looking sternly and with a forceful yet low tone, say, "no!"

i use the Relnexx and the Jolee armor (mix and match with other sets for the rest) on my of my Jedi toons...ok, almost all of my Jedi toons.

Edited by Qouivandes
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More Traditional Jedi and Sith Robes™ pls most of them look like wizards and barbarians game trash. I was going to buy that all black sithy one yesterday and saw it still has the broken/le Pew stripe on the hood. :csw_jabba: Edited by Joesixxpack
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That is one way to dress your Jedi. There are so many different Jedi robes in this game, many without armor. Personally, I think Jedi in the era are supposed to look like THIS and specifically when they are geared for war.


Regardless, I can't believe this convo is still going on. There are so many Obi wan and Qui Gon outfits in this game, they've added some of Luke's outfits on the CM and what with the Outfit Designer and the Dye system... just go on swtorfashion and you'll see players who are more creative design some cool 'prequel-style' Jedi outfits.


The OP wants a SPECIFIC AND PARTICULAR LOOK and has nitpicked and found some minor fault with each and every outfit BW has introduced. Sometimes that fault is only the "texture" of the fabric. Regardless, there is ALWAYS something wrong with any outfit that BW introduces, in the eyes of the OP.


Worse, he blames BW for not being able to have the EXACT, SPECIFIC, PARTICULAR look he wants.

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Hi. http://i.imgur.com/goO0tYo.jpg <--- Is this really how Jedi are meant to look like in this game? :[ Come on, devs. I beg you. I grovel before you. Just, please, give me the answer: will I ever see the iconic Jedi robes on this game or if not then why?

Stop nitpicking so much to the point where it looks like you are trolling. There are lots of options to look like a traditional Jedi.


Stop being so picky choosey.

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More Traditional Jedi and Sith Robes


Not picking on you... just leveraging off of your comment......


Seems counter-logical to use the word "traditional" in the context of something that is pure fantasy (made up in the mind of George Lucas decades ago).


It also seems counter-logical for a character wielding a light saber to be wearing bulky cloth anything. It's a fire waiting to happen IMO.


I get the obsession that some have for things labeled "jedi", but why live in a stereotype?


The proliferation of different outfits in this game after nearly 4 years really does give players the ability to mix/match pieces to create an wide range of appropriate looks and styles for force based characters.

Edited by Andryah
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There's also Luke in RotJ and pretty much every Jedi except Aayla Secura in the prequels.


Luke was not a Jedi when introduced, the story is about his Hero's Journey to *become* a Jedi (and he doesn't wear robes as a Jedi).


The prequels were filmed decades after the first movies, I'm talking first impressions here.

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