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Is this (GSF) the only mode you play swtor for?


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Mostly. I actually do like a decent amount of the SWTOR things. I really, really, thought that most of the initial levelling push was a blast, and I'm normally not a fan of leveling. The fact that everyone has choice of pets is a huge deal, and adds massive strategy to each pull. I haven't played since they crazy nerfed everything though.


I tried pvp at launch and then again shortly after huttcart came out, and I was just not that impressed. The devs seemed bipolar, arbitrarily making gear hard to get, unimportant, all important, etc, and I lost interest when everything I had picked got hardcore nerfed (ex, stacking adrenals, trinkets, etc to generate strong burst damage). The fact that they were so proactive about nerfing (and overnerfed IMO) made me very wary of further play (if the devs look at the players who pick the strongest stuff and drive it into the ground, then that's a strong message that those players are not wanted), and I dropped sub.


When GSF came out, the long promised super space project, I was all over it. I resubbed a couple days before the drop dead date for getting the bonus ships and paints and have not regretted a moment or a dime.

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Nope, less than 50% of playtime probably. Say, 35-40% maybe?


Oddly, since 3.0 it has constituted over 90% of my PvP time though. Maybe even more than 95%.


Pre-3.0 it was about 60% of my PvP playtime.


This is mostly a matter of not having to re-gear the ships. Or maybe not. I'm spending a lot more time away from Jung Ma on GSF this last month, and if I had spent that on ground PvP I'd have one or two characters fully regeared at this point.


I main sage heals, and though 3.0 was a giant improvement, I guess I've just decided that GSF PvP is so much better than ground PvP that there's just not any point to ground pounding as long as flying is possible. Even during the, "Break all upgrades," patch it was better than the ground game.

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I've got a regular raid group I log in to run stuff with twice/week, but outside of that, GSF, is pretty much all I log in for.


To be honest, I wasn't too hot on the new content, which I was kind of hoping would get me back into the ground game in some way, but I don't think it will. Anyway, to answer, yeah. By and large, outside of those 5-6 hours/week with the raid group, it's GSF, and that's it.

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GSF is my main focus, I do dailies in between matches and try to finish them as much as I can. Used to PvP a lot but haven't queued for a single match since I hit 60. Id like to get back into ground PvP at some point but starting all over is .... daunting to say the least. The last couple times ive played ground PvP it was considerably less than fun.


Id rather be curbstomped repeatedly in GSF than deal with some of the matches ive seen in ground PvP.


(I only do dalies since I like to collect things: mounts, emotes, pets, housing stuff etc always been a sucker for the shiny stuff :rolleyes: )

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It is definitely the lionshare of my time, and I wish there was more GSF-related stuff I could spend money on.


That being said, I am a huge fan of BioWare games in general, and Star Wars. I suspect that I'd always come back for expansions, though I honestly I can almost not sub. I have enough Cartel Coins that I could buy out slots to keep playing all of my characters. Leveling speed is no longer a concern. Requisition speed is no longer a concern. I don't run enough ground content to really be restricted there.


I stay subbed mainly because I want to support the game, and I need to sub to lead Eclipse Squadron.


I'd say my SWTOR devotion is:


70% GSF fun (not even progression, as I've maxed out all ships on multiple characters)

20% Story Content

5% PvE progression

5% Warzone progression


I really wish BioWare would let us spend more Cartel Coins for some cosmetic GSF features. More models, more skins.


I also wish BioWare would tie GSF into more ground game rewards. It's so refreshing to actually have my GSF contribute to leveling up again. But once I hit 60 on all my pilot alts, I'll be back to gaining nothing but credits and conquest and ego from GSF.

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Im a huge Star Wars fan even after Disney killed most of it(*** is with legendary?) Played SWG with Jump To Light speed xpac. Was very disappointed with lack of true space combat when SWTOR launched but with GSF I resubbed and pre-ordered. Dont regret it at all. I also do OPS/FP and some ground pvp from time to time so its a mixed bag for me.


If GSF goes stagnant or gets killed Ill be hopping to Star Citizen. There at least I know the money I spend out side of subs goes to development of content and not more cartel packs with trash loot.

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Varies for me. There was a time when it comprised maybe 90% of my play time, but that's dropped to perhaps 50% of late. 3.0 gave me some new stuff to do, plus I hit 100% cheevs a few weeks ago, and I think together those factors have impacted my GSF motivation. But even so, there are still some days where it's all I'll do.


If the devs actually ever introduce some new features/maps/ships/whatever, I'm sure that will pull me back in. Pipe dream, perhaps.

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Not even close. I have an ops group that's working on HMs twice a week, I do crew skills and GTN stuff to make money to build Eclipse's flagship, and I enjoy doing HM FPs with guildies. I'm also leveling a sniper because I enjoy how they play; most of the experience is coming from KDY, but she also does a good chunk of GSF and some midbies PvP (though I found lowbies to be a lot more fun). Depending on how many comms she gets while leveling, I might end up buying a set of unranked WZ gear and trying out actual PvP (ranked WZs and/or coordinated unranked games).
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Nah, don't do that. Looking good is an important part of every game.

I'll also note that it's all play money anyway. And plenty of ways to make more. And honestly, if you don't raid thus avoiding the expense of repair bills from HM/NiM content, what else are you going to spend it on?

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70% GSF, 20% leveling alts, 5% GTN shopping for gear to make everyone look awesome, 5% immediate buyers remorse for spending so much credits on basically playing dress up with virtual dolls.


...And 100% reason to remember the name?

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I wish it could be more of a focus for me, but on Pot5, most of the time I'm queued for hours without a pop. It sucks.


Sadly, I would suggest creating a GSF alt on one of the many more popular servers. Harbinger, Bastion, Red Eclipse, The Ebon Hawk, Shadowlands, and I think Jung Ma. I'm not sure what happened to Pot5, but it didn't happen elsewhere.

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