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Is SoR a joke?


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I'm not sure what to recommend, then.


Over the weekend I played one of my 12x characters that had been parked at 55 since November. I ran her through one set of CZ and Oricon dailies, then went straight into the prelude content. She hit 58 before I finished the prelude, and capped at 60 on the Rishi quest that sends you to Yavin 4. (using regular EXP boosts and guild EXP boosts, but no legacy boosts)


For the 6th time.


I had done the prelude quests already.

Edited by Jandi
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There are 2 issues here that shouldn't be mixed up.


1) XP gain

2) amount of content


The XP gain is fine.

The amount of content, though of better quality in my opinion than RotHC, is really not that much to be honest.


If the imps and pubs would have had different story lines, intertwining but different, it would've been better. The class quests were cool so far, but a side story of 3-4 quests per class would've been much better instead of just one. Not only that but it would've increased replay value.


Two ops and some rehashed fp's after 1.5 years of waiting for new endgame? Honestly it's a bit meagre after such a long wait. Not to mention that ToS is probably out of reach for a lot of players as of yet. One ops a week is not a lot especially if you are rather burnt out on the old ops.


So story quality is good, but it's only one story. Class quests, awesome but it's only one per class. Crafting...same **** different day. HM level 60 FPs...yawn and not rewarding. Endgame gearing....boring. Same old ops for commendations. Crap commendation gear and only one or two ops per week, one of which is too bugged and not doable for pugs atm. Crafting mats that are extremely rare so not much to do to progress gear in between because commendation gear is basically a waste of time as it's total crap across the board.


It's just not enough especially after such a long wait for more endgame.


And my point has been from the start that the XP gain is NOT fine if you only do new content. Yet there's pagaes and pages of people saying "oh it's fine if you do Oricon olol", which is just plain stupid and has *NOTHING* to do with my point.


The complete lack of endgame is another issue entirely, and if this is all they can come up with after so long.... it's disheartening but predictable.


If anything, SoR proves that ToR exists to siphon money into EA and only a fraction of it's revenue is being used for the game itself.

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I haven't yet managed to finish Rishi prior to level 60. However, I do all the bonuses and I am not adverse to killing NPCs.


Same here. Three 60's so far, and all of them dinged 60 on Rishi.

But then, sometimes I'll jump on a mob just because it looks like it might be interesting or a fun challenge. "Oh look, a Champion mob. I wonder if I can solo that?"

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Totally possible to miss 60 after SoR.


I took my first 55, no guild, no legacy xp perks, no exp boosters, though the FA quests and all the way through the SoR content. I did what I thought I needed to do. I didn't repeat many dailies because I didn't spend many days doing it.


After the final fight I ended up having to do two Yavin 4 dailies to ding 60.


Second toon, I was most of the way through 58 by the time I hit Yavin 4 and had no problem.


Third toon I am using exp boost and killing everything that moves. I'll most likely be 59 or better before hitting Yavin 4.

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My Sorcerer was 60 before he hit the Revan fight, my Powertech was 59 and just required maybe 5-10 minutes of beating up random mobs to get it so she'd hit 60 after finishing the story.


And I didn't run KDY or any Operations on either of them, and in my Sorcerer's case I only did each Flashpoint once, and never touched the HM ones.


My Sorc was lv.55 starting Shadow of Revan; unlike my BH, who was 57 because of Ilum and Makeb. Literally the only thing my Sorc did was the flashpoints and story and he got from 55 to 60, so....

Edited by Djiini
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As I tried to point out earlier, there are two entirely different questions being asked here.


1) Did SoR have enough new content for the cost? Sadly, it seems that some of our $20 went to all combined mechanical/system changes that were made for 3.0 -- and not for new content. So I'd say no, it didn't.


And the separate question:


2) Does an expansion have to contain within itself all the content needed to reach the new level cap? I see no reason to assume that the answer to this question is "yes".

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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58....


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


They probably only made as much content as they did because they thought we have busy lives and could only afford to spend small amounts of time logged on playing..... They didn't think we'd burn through it all in only a few hours....

Edited by WorldSmasher
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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


Sor isn't the joke.


Yeah, SoR has noticeably less content than RotHC. But it was still worth $20 (especially with 12x XP). I don't recall BW promising us that we could get to level 60 just by going through the story, or that we could do it in a day. I played a couple hours a day on two characters and got them both to ll 60 quite easily. To be honest, I'm disappointed in how easy it was to reach lvl 60 (compared to RotHC). The Rishi and Yavin Dailies give XP, and there are plenty of other old activities that still give XP to chars above level 55 if you really want to push 55->60 in a single day.


And given how dull level 60 is at the moment, I'm not sure why you'd care enough to rush it.

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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


Idk what you did, but I hit level 60 on both characters I've leveled past 55 upon turning in my last mission on Rishi before even going to Yavin.

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No, really. I finish Yavin and I'm sitting at lvl58. I'm supposed to grind dailies for the last level and a half? While sitting at 1k comms with literally nothing worth using them on.


This is all you can come up with? An afternoons worth of content? Other MMO's release more content as free content patches. Hell, WoW's daily areas have more content than this.


Huh... that's odd.


I just finished Yavin 4 and pinged 60 shortly before facing "the last boss"...


Haven't touched the dailies on rishii.

Only did the ones needed for the solo end on Yavin 4.


I DID do the forged alliances before hitting rishii.

But that's kinda how it's designed to be done.

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If you did the Shadow of Revan Flashpoints before 3.0 You pretty much shot yourself in the foot on XP Gain. If you run the SOR Flashpoints you should get to 56-57 before you even get to Rishi given if you use XP boosts and do what I did and start got bored logged off and then tried again. :rak_04: If you do all the missions on Rishi and Yavin you should be sitting at level 59 or at least 2-3 bars left in 58 by the time you finish the storyline. After that I recommend you farm xp from dallies on CZ/ Oricon/ Makeb PVP run Operations or the flashpoints.


Personally my problem with SOR is RISHI DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH DAILIES?! All the side missions on Rishi should be Dailies. I was shocked to find out most of the missions you play through on Rishi are one time things. Like what the hell. I was fine doing those again.


Also...that stupid REPUTATION CAP.

Edited by CassusVerda
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If you did the Shadow of Revan Flashpoints before 3.0 You pretty much shot yourself in the foot on XP Gain. If you run the SOR Flashpoints you should get to 56-57 before you even get to Rishi given if you use XP boosts and do what I did and start got bored logged off and then tried again. :rak_04: If you do all the missions on Rishi and Yavin you should be sitting at level 59 or at least 2-3 bars left in 58 by the time you finish the storyline. After that I recommend you farm xp from dallies on CZ/ Oricon/ Makeb PVP run Operations or the flashpoints.


Personally my problem with SOR is RISHI DOESN'T HAVE ENOUGH DAILIES?! All the side missions on Rishi should be Dailies. I was shocked to find out most of the missions you play through on Rishi are one time things. Like what the hell. I was fine doing those again.


Also...that stupid REPUTATION CAP.


It's not about not knowing how to get XP. I've levled 11 chars to 55 before the xp boost and before KDY. The point is that I *shouldn't* have to rely on OLD content to progress in an expansion I *paid* for.


With this logic, next they can just add 5 levels, slap a 20$ tag on it and add NOTHING, simply upscale old content AGAIN. If you're happy with that, great, good for you.


I'm not.

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Didn't we have the same complaints with RotHC? That the story there only took you to level 53-ish? And that, the force forbid, we had to do dailies and flashpoints etc. do hit cap? :rolleyes: We have two new dailies areas, so you don't even have to rely on old content. If you have trouble hitting 60 with all the new content on the day you started it, then yes, either rely on old stuff or wait until the new dailies reset and finish (and pick up some rested XP while you wait).
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It's not about not knowing how to get XP. I've levled 11 chars to 55 before the xp boost and before KDY. The point is that I *shouldn't* have to rely on OLD content to progress in an expansion I *paid* for.


So your problem is that the Rishi and Yavin Dailies and mobs aren't giving XP? That sounds like a pretty exotic bug (I haven't heard anybody else report it). You might want to file an in game bug report.

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