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Everything posted by KorbanShepard

  1. I can not complete this mission. The first part works fine. I click the altar, there’s a little conversation and I fight the spirit beast. After that, regular spawns become untargetable, I can only hit them with non targeting powers. When I get to part 3 where you are supposed to talk to wounded soldiers, there’s nothing to click. I’ve tried quitting the game, resetting the mission multiple times and changing maps. Nothing works Okay I tried another mission same problem and then went to fleet and I can’t use vendors to sell stuff. This all started with the Trials mission
  2. I'm with you. I'm more sad about how little love GSF gets in the first place not t he other way around.
  3. Ha! I would've left is those promises were kept. I love that we get to see old packs, get more variety in costume options. I mean what? Are you some sort of special snowflake for being there at a certain time? Pfft. It's a game. There's beef I have with SW:TOR, but changes in policies with regard to how the packs get dolled out are not one of them. BTW, it doesn't really hurt the game's reputation as is, since anyone looking to play isn't going to immediately google up the many broken promises of the Devs with regard to cartel packs. There are things that will ruin the game that the devs do, but this stuff isn't part of it. Your salty tears don't help anything though.
  4. I'm sorry, but when I read that, I just see people scared of change. How does it matter in the grand scheme of things? There are symbols above players to indicate their classes, so that's not needed. There's some reasonable flexibility in the animations, so that's not needed. As far as time taken to redo things by the dev team... I'm certain we can find things that they've done that are far more foolish and time sucking. It's really not that big of a deal as some of the folks in this thread are making it out to be and in every MMO BB I've ever seen, the moment somebody offers a suggestion for a change, somebody gets all upset and starts offering psuedo-logical reasons of why it can' t be so as opposed to considering how it could.
  5. Yes! This so much. I hate that Kira Carson is able to have a double bladed light saber and still do the force leap.
  6. On the subject of strongholds, I'd like one a little closer to Zakuul. I find it kinda weird that my character makes that commute
  7. While I really love what you did with the Jedi's blade dance, I feel the opposite about the Sith's version. It just looks awful. Can you guys change it back, give us an option or give us the Jedi one? Any of these would be welcome, because man, it just looks really bad.
  8. ****, I'd be happy to have something like that to buy let alone a subscriber award. /signed It would give a chance to have a faction neutral stronghold without the creepiness of Yavin and the strong colors of Tatooine and Nar Shaddaa
  9. No. That seems as though it would be very annoying on any character that I use it for. Maybe it sounds great to you, but that would only work if I had an option to turn it off and given their history with weird sounds being added for mounts, probably not.
  10. That's really curious and would go a long way into explaining how things got to hte point that they are. It's probably similar to the indoctrination process in ME with the Reapers. Valkorian probably needed Vitiate's pwer or knowledge or at least was seduced by it at a time. And slowly but surely, it has chipped away at his self replacing it with that of the Emperor.
  11. As i've stated earlier, that's why you would use choke points.
  12. So, Arcann, knowing that we are a problem and knowing mostly how we got there the first time (or at least should be able to find out pretty easily) couldn't take the time to reinforce security around those areas or take preventative measures? Come on.
  13. Right, but this is an universe that has planetary shields. Surely, in a time of war and easy infiltration, it would be simple enough to start taking measures and to establish check points by which security can intervene.
  14. Note: This thread is not intended as a bash to devs or writers. So, my first assumption is that this is just so that it makes it easy on the devs to create content that happens on Zakuul, which I'm fine with btw. However, maybe I'm missing something and if so would like any input to help me clarify the problem. The reason I don't think it makes much sense are because we are playing in an era great technological advances and planetary shielding technology. So, why wouldn't Zakuul just go ahead and bar itself from outside traffic and put some sort of base imbetween with which to receive goods from the rest of the galaxy and ship to Zakuul under official claim. Granted, that wouldn't be as efficient of a market, but in times of war, I would think security would be the main concern. Maybe Arcann is secretly or not so secretly suicidal? He lets the player go on multiple occasions and let's the player fly and fly out of Zakuul at will. Maybe it's just a way to put on an act about fighting a grander war so to give the impression of dying in the moment of battle vs just giving up. Hence why he almost killed us before hand. It has to look legit.
  15. Yeah, I read that thanks. Incidentally, that might be why I bothered asking because the dev post seems to imply that if I keep restarting the launcher, it will eventually work which it has not thus far.
  16. Well if they keep it up, then my cancelled sub won't be renewed and they can bask in the success of another dissatisfied customer!
  17. Yeah, that's why I ended up quitting for a time leading up to KotFE is the lack of communication from this operation.
  18. I mean, who wouldn't want to watch the devs do a stream about nothing so it could look like they did something as opposed to doing it the old fashioned way and writing out a dev blog post about changes going into the future.
  19. Yeah, that's bull. Mind doing something better than random CCs?
  20. I saw a dev post about some headway and just restarting your launcher, but has that actually worked for anyone?
  21. Actually, that's a pretty poor analogy. Most people aren't going to or capable of playing their sub to the level of time you are proposing we divide. What you are paying for is reasonable access of the game for the duration of the subscription.
  22. It's a good thing these guys have all the answers. Else this thread might have provoked another meaningful discussion on the current state of the game. What would we do without people who live to moderate the forums for the moderators and tell you how you should be posting?
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