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PVP quitting


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What are your thoughts on these ideas?


1.) Quitting and/or disconnecting from a Reg WZ gives you a one hour cool down on queue

2.) Quitting a Ranked WZ gives you a 24 hour cool down on queue. Rating loss is increased.

3.) Disconnecting from a Ranked WZ gives you a 2 hour cool down and increases the penalty (4 hours on he 2nd, 8 on 3rd, etc) up until 24 hour cool down. If your connection is that bad, don't queue and put other people at risk.

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So... If someone gets disconnected, of no fault of their own they get penalized? nah.


I can only go by personal experience; and that is on a reliable internet connection in 3 years of playing, only disconnected once or twice. The odds are too rare to concern with legitimate disconnects with the advantage of deterring quitters.

Edited by FourPawnBenoni
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Absolutely. Unfortunately to many carebears play this game and will think that it will be an inconvenience for a minority of users that have a poor connection and therefore the majority of player have to put up with the arsehats that quit warzones to please the minority.


Agree it should happen, reality dictates it will never happen.

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1 hour is a bit extreme. The punishment should discourage purposeful disconnects, but not hurt the more legitimate players with the occasional internet problem. 15 minutes, like with the group finder timer, seems adequate.


So... If someone gets disconnected, of no fault of their own they get penalized? nah.

The rest of the players in the warzone are also punished when somebody leaves on purpose. It's not your fault the ISP messed up, but you still had your responsibility.

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What are your thoughts on these ideas?


1.) Quitting and/or disconnecting from a Reg WZ gives you a one hour cool down on queue

2.) Quitting a Ranked WZ gives you a 24 hour cool down on queue. Rating loss is increased.

3.) Disconnecting from a Ranked WZ gives you a 2 hour cool down and increases the penalty (4 hours on he 2nd, 8 on 3rd, etc) up until 24 hour cool down. If your connection is that bad, don't queue and put other people at risk.


Would kill warzone queues in no time. That or people would AFK.

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As a level 31 playing in the mid backet, yeah I quit a lot these days. If the game is reasonable balanced and we still have a fighting chance then sure, I will stay and fight, but those +55's are pointless most of the time. I have fond memories of being stun-lock-killed by two +56 con-ops in a matter of seconds. Fun times. I seldom quit prior to 3.0...


(An no, this is not a hidden nerf ops, but rather a cry for better balance.)

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no penalty is the best thing this game offers.. i never understood why people think penalties are a good thing.


especially since we cannot exclude arenas or warzones we can just leave if we get something we don't like and re-queue and hope for something more desirable.


If you didn't have any penalty in ranked arenas, people would just quit whenever they were in for a loss. Nobody would gain anything from that.


As for now, in solo ranked, people are quitting like girls every time they fail the first round. Its just sad.. i've had players quit after we won the first round, just because they died first the second round.


Even i have to resist the temptation of quitting, when i'm top damage, followed by four of the opposite team, and the rest of my team is just.. crap.. I just think that, hey, i got my 8 medals, cant really do much more now anyways..


I'm much more concerned about the failure that is bolster, then people quitting tho..

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No for one reason Arenas


Any wz I play in I do so from start to finish, unless RL comes up. As for areans I hate them, they are derived upon which ever class is the most powerful at the time, and as soon as one pops I leave. Wait 5 minutes then requ continue process until I get a actual pvp warzone then I pvp.

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So... If someone gets disconnected, of no fault of their own they get penalized? nah.


By disconnecting you penalizing 3 other people with a rating decrease.

And instead of reconnecting and queing again to be disconnected once more you will need to fix your connection first.

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So,you want me to get a Penalty about something I CAN'T CONTROL? I'm having Lag-Spikes 24/7,Random DC's due to the Lag since 3.0,are you actually serious?. I would approve for a Penalty for those who're LEAVING on Purpose but def not for those who're DC'ing. Let BW fix Lag-Spikes/Random DC's,then come back and make a similar Thread,until then,sit back and enjoy the SHOW!




This Thread should be Closed,it doesn't make any sense.Since when do People care about what others are doing?I can see where this is going,similar to the 15 Min Penalty for FPs.I leave 40% of the FP's,because I'm getting tired of getting pointlessly wiped because of 1 Guy acting like *Rambo Incarnate* ^^. Same for RWZ's,nothing different.

Edited by ahzecklawd
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BioWare is not going to implement anything new that increases PVP queue times. End of story.


Don't compare it to the PVE lockout for flash points. Doing a 7 vs. 8 in a war zone is not the same as trying to do a HM flash point without a tank. The former is doable. The latter is not. Trolls will be trolls. If you punish them for leaving, then they'll stop leaving and just do nothing inside of the match. When a troll leaves, there's a chance that someone will replace him. If he stays, then your team is in trouble.

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Penalties for quitting will only lower the pvp population, they won't solve any issue because you are not addressing the problems. Quitting happens for a reason, fix the problem and the effect of the problem will go away.


Reason people quit

1. They don't have a full team

fixes = cross server queues with a larger pool and/or Metrics to ensure a full queue pool of non afk players before the queue pops to begin with. Cross faction queues, while a controversial idea especially on rp servers, will nearly eliminate queue problemsThis will not fix 100% but will make a lot less of the unbalanced teams that are the problem.

2. Team makeup sucks

fixes = Use better metrics to match teams better. I beleive currently it only adds the right amount of people, it cannot possibly try to add a decent balance of class roles based on the amount of times I have seen teams with (1 dps and 3 healers) vs (4 dps) or (2 tanks 2 dps). Bigger queue pools through cross server and cross faction queues will also help to eliminate this issue .

3.Team sucks

fixes = If you are a good pvper you should be helping people to get better and teaching them why what they are doing is bad instead of rage quitting. Some sort of ranking system could also help with this as well but will require cross server queues to get a pool of players large enough to make queue times not grow.

4.Premades (this is a biggie)

fixes = Cut group queues to two players. Yes people will still try to time queue and get together but it will be more difficult. Cut group queue ability altogether, allow people to queue as group of as many as they want but randomly tag them for team a or b as they enter so it evenly splits them. Use either of these ideas with adding a new set of warzones for group, allowing groups of three or more up to eight to que for their own set of warzones

5. I hate arenas or I hate huttball or I only like huttball

fixes = Pretty simple fix here that has been asked for time and time again, provide a more advanced queue system. Let people play the warzones they want to play. have a random choice and then have check boxes by the warzones you want to queue randomly for. If only two people check the box for hypergates then it won't

pop until 14 more do. If you have two people that ONLY check hypergates send them a warning as they queue that only a small amount of people have selected this warzone and they might want to add others to their lists.



What are your thoughts on these ideas?


1.) Quitting and/or disconnecting from a Reg WZ gives you a one hour cooldown on queue

2.) Quitting a Ranked WZ gives you a 24 hour cool down on queue. Rating loss is increased.

3.) Disconnecting from a Ranked WZ gives you a 2 hour cool down and increases the penalty (4 hours on he 2nd, 8 on 3rd, etc) up until 24 hour cool down. If your connection is that bad, don't queue and put other people at risk.

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Good idea


Once you make the baddie guilds with there premade play in rank matches



I can play with baddies I don't care but I wont go against baddie premades that are to scared to play rank cuase they want to farm regs pugs.


think gw2 had the best solution i have ever seen rotating maps with random randomizing of teams before the match in pug area's and strict PREMADE big boi pants matches that would never cross streams

Edited by Kinsal
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