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Everything posted by FrogSkin

  1. That would be for the dummies safety. The companion would destroy the test dummies :-)
  2. Really, this again. Why dont you not pull out your companion, kill the mobs and then pull out your companion to heal up between battles. This way you are challenged and your down time in minimised. Not that level 14 content was ever challenging.
  3. Least path of resistance for Bioware is to get rid of unranked Arenas. Fixing the match making system is beyond the in house development skills of Bioware and therefore the above option is the most likely out come. Ahh Im wrong, doing nothing is the least path of resistance. Nothing will come of this :-(
  4. FrogSkin


    He's not on drugs, he's an intern that hates PvP and wanted to work on the raid team. Suggesting he was on drugs is just plain silly..... Hmm maybe not ;-)
  5. Mate I congratulate you on your patients, there's not a hope in hell I would wait 2 days, let alone 4 days. You are truly one with the force to have that much patients ;-)
  6. That is one selfish attitude you have their. PvP players dont like to PvE generally, so should they join operations and just sit and stamp their feet like you demanding operation gear and mats because they dont drop from Warzones. Now why dont you hold your breath until Bioware makes the changes you want. You should let them know your not going breath until they make the changes you demand. Doing so will do us all a favour.
  7. Thats the sort of video that will inspire the devs to fix this. Question, all of those people he attacked, they must have flagged then?
  8. The patch notes for today dont mention a fix. I wonder if it will be fixed and then the patch notes updated to reflect the change. One can only hope its is left alone for now and its secretly a Bioware experiment under the guise of a bug ;-)
  9. Yeah happy to give that a go, just thought that 40 was that hell spot where the bracketing has you at the ripe level for being farmed and not having a lot to offer. Will give it a crack tonight.
  10. Thanks for that. I miss understood for some reason and thought we could do just the class quests. Not a problem, Ill go grind some flash points. Thanks for the feedback.
  11. Nope, level sync is not working for me right now. I have leveled a sorc doing purely the class quests and am now 5 levels behind where I should be. Im currently near the end of chapter 3 on Voss at level 40 and all of the content for the current leg of my class quest is level 45. They resist all of my attacks and my companion as any role can't take out the three enemies we have on our current quest. So now I have to go and grind some flash points to gain a couple levels so I can continue the class quests only. It would appear Bioware have not played a character through purely the class quests for me to be so far behind the level requirement.
  12. I see it will be solved for you in the near future... mmmm Tuesday seems to be the day this will be resolved for you.
  13. Good to see the Mando/Merc's may finally become a viable PvP choice. Well, this update when its live to all is going to be interesting in that FOTM characters are going to become even more obvious. With the ability to purchase level 60 characters off the cartel market, the ability to change to FOTM characters will be really simple to make. I would love to see in 6 months time how much Bioware is making off people purchasing level 60 characters.
  14. <sarcasm> Yeah you nailed it, they don't care. </sarcasm>
  15. You know the only issue I have is the email in OCTOBER linking to a page that talks about an offer you CAN NOT get it you havent meet the previous requirements. Bioware would be aware if I had meet the requirements or not and therefore if I hadnt meet the requirements they should have emailed me a link to that page, it should have been to a page that didn't highlight early access. However as the forums are displaying, there are enough customers who obviously miss understood the requirements and therefore a sign of good faith would be to at least acknowledge the misunderstanding. So far, Bioware have said boo, which is not good customer service. Ahhh I forget, Good Customer Service != Bioware.
  16. I got caught as the initial page offer page did indicate that if you subbed between the dates and not over the dates you got early access. I subbed two weeks ago, even thought at the time what was the point of early access if you could sub right up to the launch and get it. For me, Im not phased I dont have early access and consider that Bioware worded it poorly and I took for granted it was a generous offer and not a hurdle that required 3 months of subscription to buy 7 days early access. To those whinging, you dont want early access, as it normally takes at least 7 days for the major game breaking bugs to surface. This way when you do start you will know the work arounds or the things to avoid until fixed.
  17. You are assuming that open world RPing is still alive, outside of RP Guilds. Open world RPing died with Ultima Online and hasn't been able to be resuscitated since, therefore it has official been declared dead, ten years ago.
  18. No, the horse has been beaten that much its actually disintegrated. Bioware must have sacked QA years ago.
  19. I had this happen to me last night for the first time. I was at the door when the capped started capping. I fired shoulder canon into him twice and it still appeared he was capping. I also used gut on him and that didnt appear to work. After what appeared that he had successfully capped as the casting bar had completed, I got a client update and the door was not bombed and he was starting a new attempt. I also experienced ability lag around the same time. I think it is server side lag that's causing this issue.
  20. Its the primary reason I don't do ranked is I couldn't be bothered waiting for the queue pop.
  21. You didnt read the OP's post, now who looks stupid.
  22. You can always use the legacy unlock that pops a repair droid. If you have the level 3 one, he has all of the crew skill mats on him.
  23. I dont see a single one of those responses addressing the OP by name once. /sarcasm
  24. They will patch it and the honest people will be screwed once more. No punishment can happen as they can not afford the number of customers that used this to leave. Plus they have to take responsibility as they were told be mainstream release the bug existed. The only people at fault here are Bioware for allowing the bug to stay in game for as long as it has. Expecting people to not take the easy path to gearing when presented to them is a sign of stupidity. So next Tuesday will be uneventful except the people that exploited the bug will have an advantage over the honest players and that's about it. If Bioware really wanted to make amens, they could reward those that did not take advantage of this bug.
  25. Yeah that's it for me. I have all advanced classes on both IMP and PUB now and can enjoy PvP with all its short comings. The day I don't, I don't login and I close my account. It really is a very simple equation.
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