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Everything posted by Exastify

  1. Ah I think I get it - so is this right?: -My crew consists of four crewmembers who I designate as Offensive, Defense, Tactical, Engineering -One of those crewmembers is also my copilot -All four selected crewmembers enables their passive ability -If the crewmember is also my copilot, I can use their active ability
  2. I was trying to set my crew just now and I think I noticed a bug? Maybe someone else can confirm. Here's how to do it: The second crew member slot in the Copilot tab will always be the companion currently selected in the offensive tab. You can see this by changing around who is your selected offensive crewmember, and the second option under copilot crewmember will change. Then, select that crewmember as your copilot. You now have the same crewmember in the offensive and copilot slot. If you change the crewmember in offensive, the copilot will also change. Can anyone else reproduce this? Thanks
  3. Found the guy who just reads the title on articles but never reads them
  4. Is it so hard to fly to rishi and just start SoR? You don't need to do forged alliances, you don't even have to use the mission terminal on the ship. Just fly to rishi, talk to the bird.
  5. Supply: low Matter transubstantiator: 16m SM ops or HM ops, final boss. So either be in a progression guild or be the lucky 1/16 in an SM. Schematic: Spend 140 comms for an off hand, or for a resolve hilt 37, be the lucky one to get the unassembled mainhand from Revan AND get the schematic for it Demand: high Besides winning the unassembled mainhand in ToS, you have to buy one or make one yourself. For those who say its too expensive, then you can feel free to run the ops yourself and get them. Nobody is being greedy by listing them for millions, they are worth millions because they are hard to obtain. (And yes they are worth that much, people do buy them.)
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hanlon%27s_razor
  7. Well I do agree this was entirely their fault in the first place. I just think a lot of the community got way out of hand from Erics single post that it wasn't bugged (since many people thought it was an exploit).
  8. And so what? This situation is exactly why Eric and the community team doesn't want to post on the forums. Obviously at the time of writing, most people were crying about the purple jawa junk, since those were originally the most valuable and most impacted by the machine. They looked into the jawa junk, and realized that all the junk drop rates devalued crew skills too much, and the certs were far too cheap (25k worth of coins, versus ~200k value per cert before). Now all the complainers looked at this and said "They nerfed things they didn't say they would!". Now Bioware looks at this situation, and learns: -Slot machines are a lose-lose situation -Engaging with the community, and giving them updates puts false ideas into their minds ("WORKING AS INTENDED!" "THEY ONLY SAID JAWA JUNK, SO THEY ARE NOT ALLOWED TO CHANGE ANYTHING ELSE!") Arguments that you spent money for the good droprates on the slot machine are absurd. That's like if someone said "I paid money for SWTOR solely for orbital strike on an operative. Because they removed it, I deserve my money back." Just because the only reason YOU bought packs was for the hypercrate doesn't mean YOU get a refund because they changed it. You bought a hypercrate for a chance to get things in packs, and you received that. If the slot machine was a standalone item, it would be understandable - you bought a slot machine directly, and then they changed the item you directly bought. But you bought a pack.
  9. Please quote where eric said the slot machine was "working as intended". Oh wait, he didn't say that. He stated the drop rates were not bugged. People just assumed that meant working as intended, when it wasn't. They clearly did not intend to devalue crew skills, which is why they changed the drop rates. People on the forums like you skimmed the post and thought "WORKING AS INTENDED! BUY ALL THE CRATES" when it just takes a little common sense that they wouldn't devalue crew skills.
  10. A cartel market item prints money and completely devalues gathering crew skills, did you really think that was going to stay in the game? From the start I knew that was going to get nerfed to the ground. The only reason to buy the packs was to sell the slot machines for 5 mil to the dense people who thought it would stick around. If the slot machine was a standalone item then maybe you would have a point, but you bought a RNG pack for an item that dispenses RNG items that they never even announced the droprates or anything for. BW was fully in their right to change the slot machine.
  11. If the slot machines were originally released as they are today, nobody would bat an eye. The only reason people are complaining was something was taken away from them, ignoring that they were given it in the first place. The slot machine is good for contraband reputation, and that's it. No need to change it.
  12. Bruce, informal chatter at NYC cantina event: >engineers are working on improving queue-times for PVP, not cross-servers but something "way better" http://gaddockgaming.com/2014/10/11/episode-57-nyc-cantina-qa-spoilers/ Eric Museo, reminding people about cantina events: >I don't know exactly what Bruce said or what was said by whoever at the cantina. The thing to understand about cantina tours is they are meant to be very casual, so were going to say a whole bunch of things that are loose confirmations and that type of stuff of things we are working on.
  13. Slicing is a gathering skill, same as Archaeology. UT/Invest/Diplomacy/TH are specifically mission skills, and only are advanced through missions.
  14. At least 2x is nice for 55-60 leveling. I doubt they would have enabled 12x for the 55-60 quests.
  15. Crafter here, able to craft the following in exchange for materials: Resolve Hilt 37: 1x Matter Transubstantiator, 2x Exonium, 2x Midlithe Crystal Might Hilt 37: 1x Matter Transubstantiator, 2x Exonium, 2x Midlithe Crystal Reflex barrel 37: 1x Matter Transubstantiator, 2x Exonium, 2x Doonium Server: POT5 Imperial side contact: Nbk Republic side contact: Avrila All items are premade and ready to go. Please send my character a mail regarding what you want. If you wish you can enclose the materials and I will mail you the item. Tips appreciated but not required. Thanks for looking!
  16. "People with crew skills" are a minority in this game I didn't read past the first few sentences of your post by the way, since you clearly didn't with Eric Museo's post.
  17. ^^ This so much. What about those people that spent hundreds of dollars to end up with 10 cartel certs? All of a sudden free to play noncontributors could get a stack of them on the slot machine, and make money on top of it. It's just common sense. Oh, Bioware released a machine that completely devalues cartel certificates and crew missions? That is definitely going to stay in the game as-is If you wanted to play the slot machine, you should have just played on the numerous publicly available ones in various strongholds and guildships. There was no shortage of them.
  18. It was mild P2W pre-nerf, as the cheapest and fastest way to get mats was the slot machine. Sure you could use someone elses slot machine, but someone along the way had to pay real money for it. It's not too far off from Archage with its blatant selling rare wood mats or whatever in their cash shop. If you are one of those people who are like "you didn't literally buy wins so its not pay to win" then you must think Path of Exile is P2W since they sell wins for $2
  19. There's no harm in getting a parse program. If you know how to play your class, there's nothing to hide. Too many times people go "Oh I don't need to parse, I've done lots of ops just fine", and then they end up doing 1k DPS and were just carried in the old ops by the people in 180s.
  20. Gold spammers use the who function, not the market kiosk or anything. I've gotten mails on alts that do nothing but sit in my stronghold and never use the GTN.
  21. Remember, the droprates were mined when the patch came out. Certificate drop rate is 2%.
  22. The problem with the drop rate is not because of "jawa junk barons" or anything like that, it's that it makes mission skills completely irrelevant. It is currently both faster and cheaper to get purple mats from the slot machine than it is to run the mission skills. Mission skills are not a "1% of the players will control the market thing", it's something everyone has access to. With the current drop rate of jawa junk, they are useless. With the upcoming nerf, it will make mission skills viable again. Obviously if you don't have mission skills then you wouldn't like the update, but I would consider crew skills to be an important part of SWTOR gameplay, so it should be important to keep them relevant.
  23. Every time one of these posts come up I facepalm. Has it ever occured to you that the tens of thousands of players can have... gasp... different opinions? That the people complaining about drop rate of purples are actually different people from the ones complaining about the slot machine? What a thought! The people complaining about slot machines are those who have lots of characters with the mission skills, as well as those people who had lots of jawa junk saved up. I wonder why! The people complaining about purple drop rates are the casual players who didn't want to spend 60k on an adaptive circuitry. I wonder why!
  24. If I'm not mistaken, the other exploit was discovered accidentally for a guild screenshot. It's common to get a screenshot of the guild after the final boss is cleared, and so in the process of doing that the exploit was found. Very possible for it to happen in normal circumstances.
  25. It doesn't effect everybody. On POT5 there have been virtually no issues besides on launch day.
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