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Does anyone feel like as they get near the end of the week they run out of stuff to do. So on the pre-release I was able to buy my full 186 set, and this last week I was elite com capped by Thursday. Which leaves dailies and nothing else really. The hard mode and tachs are not worth doing because I am capped. I found my self watching tv and doing house work instead of playing over those last four days. Not really trying to complain, but .....
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Does anyone feel like as they get near the end of the week they run out of stuff to do. So on the pre-release I was able to buy my full 186 set, and this last week I was elite com capped by Thursday. Which leaves dailies and nothing else really. The hard mode and tachs are not worth doing because I am capped. I found my self watching tv and doing house work instead of playing over those last four days. Not really trying to complain, but.

Moar alts. Problem solved.

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How many hours do you play in a given week? (Not asking in order to criticize your gaming habits, just curious.)



  • Running Dailies for Commendations, Credits, and Reputation,
  • Flashpoints (especially HMs) for Commendations and Gear drops for myself or friends/guildies,
  • GSF and PVP for variety and their own progression systems,
  • Personal and Guild Conquest goals,
  • Operations for progression, and
  • Leveling an Alt,

I'm able to fill quite a few hours a week.


And that's not counting time I personally enjoy taking to play the GTN market, decorate my Strongholds, go Seeker Droid hunting, or play the PVE Space minigame, or the times when any of the reoccurring Events are running.

Edited by DarthDymond
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Do you just play one character? Honestly, I would probably be in the same boat if I were not into pvp and I only played a single character. I don't know if I'm going to even get a 186 set, because I don't do ops and the PVP gear is plenty good enough for PVE dailies. I never got a basic set in 2.0. It's a shame, though, because some of my characters have about 800 - 1000 basic comms now. Maybe I'll get a set or two just because I can. :D


Anyway, since early access, I've been playing 3-5 hours a day on weeknights, 6+ on weekends. So far, I have a vanguard and shadow at 60, 57 sage, 57 sentinel, and 57 guardian. Both my vanguard and shadow have completed Rishi and Yavin 4 except for the final fight (I heard there were bugs...just waiting to be sure). Both of them have a full set of the old pvp gear and about half of the new exhumed stuff. Now I am working on getting a full set of the new pvp gear and crafting new augments for both of them, then getting the top tier pvp gear set (ranked) for whichever character I end up deciding on as my "main."


At some point, I will do most of the aforementioned with my 57s (not necessarily get a ranked set for them).


That still leaves my 55s: Commando, Merc, Assassin, Jugg, Marauder, Scoundrel, Sorc, and Powertech. I'm going to be busy for the next year or two...


Oh and P.S.

Once I get my dps pvp gear set for my shadow and / or vanguard, I'm probably going to work on getting a tank set for them as well. I'm kind of overwhelmed by everything that I want to do.

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Try another game?


My normal "schedule" is this:

-IRL stuff

-Do Yavin Dailies

-Play GTN

-log out

-Play a bit of FireFall or Rift

-log out



Kinda makes me start thinking about how short life is and how pathetic we humans are, wasting our lives away for naught, and how puny we are, floating on our insignificant pale blue rock through the vast cosmos...



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Kinda makes me start thinking about how short life is and how pathetic we humans are, wasting our lives away for naught, and how puny we are, floating on our insignificant pale blue rock through the vast cosmos...




Yeah, was thinking the same thing (far less eloquently)... Not casting dispersions, I am in the same boat as the OP... (or was before todays reset)... My weeklies (including PvP) were done, TfB -> DP (at least in SM) was complete... at least 2 bosses on each of the 2 new ops).


Makes you think... what else could I have done with even a half of those hours...

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I've given myself goals. I went to my achievements, and basically been using that as a guideline on things to do.


Been soloing all the FPs and HMs. Which, is pretty fun! Being able to solo FPs and HMs kind of feels like it's on story quest line. You don't have to people saying, "spacebar, nubz" And, you can harvest the nodes, and see your character talking every time. I enjoy a good group more than solo, but lately I've been getting a lot of rude and immature people. So, it's a nice change of pace! Haha. Anyways, getting those achievements that I don't already have.


Been maxing out Reputations, too! Been pretty easy, soloing the Heroic on Oricon is totally doable.


Going back and doing sidequests that I missed or skipped.


Maxing out my companions and doing their quests.


Maxing out my crew skills. My gathering crew skills have been maxed for a while, just never bothered with crafting skills. Doing that, now! Have plenty of mats from all the gathering I do.


Of course, dailies. I will only do one planet's set of dailies, and rotate the planets.


PvP when my laptop can handle it. I'll be getting a gaming PC, soon! So, better watch out for me in PvP, haha.


Tweaking my look. Maybe I'm just fitting a stereo-type here, but looks are super important to me.


Leveling up Alts. This have actually been kind of rough. I almost exclusively play Empire (I'm a bad girl :p) But! Been giving Republic classes a go. I thought the Imperial community was bad... Republic general chat makes me cringe, haha. I need to find a mature guild that doesn't tolerate immature or rude remarks!


Of course, all my alts get to help with all the above mentioned things. Recently got the 2.5k kills achievement for Courascant. I was happy with that, since I never play Republic.


Finally getting more into RP. In other games, I really enjoy RP! Especially when GW2 released. With this game's community, I haven't had much luck with RP. For whatever reason, I can't seem to find a guy to RP with that doesn't just want to have a romantic relationship. Not happening! But, trying more often, now.


I feel like there's plenty to do. Just requires a little out of the box thinking! And, if none of those things interest you, it's time to move on. No point in playing a game that doesn't offer you anything. Thankfully, it's still offering me plenty! I tend to play games at a slow pace, though. I'm the person that checks every barrel and box in Elder Scrolls. :p

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Yeah, was thinking the same thing (far less eloquently)... Not casting dispersions, I am in the same boat as the OP... (or was before todays reset)... My weeklies (including PvP) were done, TfB -> DP (at least in SM) was complete... at least 2 bosses on each of the 2 new ops).


Makes you think... what else could I have done with even a half of those hours...


With that much time spent out of work on a single task, you could have made enough income passively by playing on opportunities on the side to quit your normal job. Or sell drugs and make $200 on a hand shake while being praised for helping.

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OP, you may be too 'hardcore' for this game. And I'm not even being snarky. As far as I'm concerned, the game is casual enough for me to give me a sense of accomplishment without actually running out of content to do. I have plenty of RL interests and should the game require more time investment than it currently does, I'd quit it. Simple as that. To answer your question then: nope, plenty of stuff for me to do still.
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Be glad you run out of things to do and now have time to move onto other productive things. Watch a movie. Play some Dragon Age now that you've got your Old Republic fill. (or make alts if you haven't) The alternative is the direction Cryptic took STO with their Delta Rising expansion where in an attempt to squeeze more juice out of limited content, they arbitrarily flipped the numbers around on XP and other things to the point where you would have to grind and grind and grind the same sliver of content a mind numbing number of times just to make a meager amount of progress. But hey, at least they never run out of things to (grind) do, right? :p Edited by gentleblade
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OMG, never! Every time I log in, I am overwhelmed by the amount of things to do and not enough time!!!


I haven't even finished Yavin on my first of 6 L55 toons, and I had no chance to PvP, and there are things to craft, and materials to gather, and I have not had a chance yet to get the gear enough to again attempt to try group content... and I still have LOADS of conversations to finish with the companions after the 12xXP, and do the 1000 kills while doing datacrons... and OMG, OMG, I still have 2 class stories I have not yet finished! Not to mention I need to get reputation with at least ONE planet to get Legacy gear. And I have been throwing snowballs, it was FUN! ANd if Gree is coming next week, I am going to fall even further behind.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Does anyone feel like as they get near the end of the week they run out of stuff to do. So on the pre-release I was able to buy my full 186 set, and this last week I was elite com capped by Thursday. Which leaves dailies and nothing else really. The hard mode and tachs are not worth doing because I am capped. I found my self watching tv and doing house work instead of playing over those last four days. Not really trying to complain, but .....


Have you tried getting a fulltime job? I assure you: The end of the week is the only time you will even be able to play this game at all. You never have to worry about any commendation caps anymore.

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It depends what OP meant.


There is plenty stuff to do in general. It's just SoR didn't provide much content. In comparison Warlords of Draenor costs over twice as much but gives like four times more of content. ;)

Edited by PavSalco
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There y'go. Have kids, get a girlfriend, learn to paint, take a hike, go fishing.


Or you could always roll an alt.


You assume that those are viable options for everyone, but the SWTOR player base is extremely diverse and not all of us can (or want) to do them.


Have kids? I have grandkids in college. Been there, done that. Those days are gone.


Get a girlfriend? I'll ask my husband, but the answer is probably NO.


Learn to paint? I was force retired from my last job after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and I often suffer from uncontrollable tremors. Unless I want to go for the whole abstract art thing, I don't see that as a very good option.


Hiking? Due to health issues I can barely get around the house. Hiking for me is making the trek across the livingroom to get to the bathroom or kitchen.


Fishing? Meh, not my thing. I let my husband drag me out on his boat a few times, and hated every minute of it. (Yes I'm really retired after 21 years in the US Navy)


Alts? Yeah I can do that, and in fact I do so in all the games I play. All classes capped at Lv 100 in LOTRO. All classes capped in TERA at 60, (with one 65 that was leveled yesterday after their expansion release) Rift has four classes. I have twelve capped characters there.


In SWTOR land I have:






There's always something that needs to be done in a game.

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It depends what OP meant.


There is plenty stuff to do in general. It's just SoR didn't provide much content. In comparison Warlords of Draenor costs over twice as much but gives like four times more of content. ;)


Your attempt at rationality is unwelcome and uncalled for.


Leave. :mad:

On a more serious note, sad but true.


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You assume that those are viable options for everyone, but the SWTOR player base is extremely diverse and not all of us can (or want) to do them.


Have kids? I have grandkids in college. Been there, done that. Those days are gone.


Get a girlfriend? I'll ask my husband, but the answer is probably NO.


Learn to paint? I was force retired from my last job after being diagnosed with Parkinson's disease, and I often suffer from uncontrollable tremors. Unless I want to go for the whole abstract art thing, I don't see that as a very good option.


Hiking? Due to health issues I can barely get around the house. Hiking for me is making the trek across the livingroom to get to the bathroom or kitchen.


Fishing? Meh, not my thing. I let my husband drag me out on his boat a few times, and hated every minute of it. (Yes I'm really retired after 21 years in the US Navy)


Alts? Yeah I can do that, and in fact I do so in all the games I play. All classes capped at Lv 100 in LOTRO. All classes capped in TERA at 60, (with one 65 that was leveled yesterday after their expansion release) Rift has four classes. I have twelve capped characters there.


In SWTOR land I have:






There's always something that needs to be done in a game.


I wish I had your kind of free time.

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