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Serious? You had Darth Marr do this???


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Marr is fantastic. instead of letting his emotions overpower him - he channels them. not merely his anger, other emotions as well. it makes him a very formidable and VERY dangerous enemy.


funny thing is - people forget that Darth Sidius also came to power by acting reasonable, getting people to like him and to freaking elect him to power. he played the long game, he manipulated people, he hid his intentions until it was time and he showed respect, when necessary... whether he meant it or not. for the long game.


do NOT underestimate Darth Marr, folks.

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Sith hate Jedi. Sith are fueled by hate. Hate may still allow you to "respect" an opponent to be cautious when confronting one but never to the point where you would bow.


The act of "respect" that I can understand is him powering down his weapons and attempting to engage in a cease fire.


Bowing is out of line for a Sith vs. Jedi confrontation. It's too submissive; I don't care how "pragmatic" Marr is.

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Satele is the Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, and has stood toe to toe with Darth Malgus.


Umm no. First battle Malgus had her dead (literally) to rights and her master saved her. Second battle, condescending wench, her boyfriend and squads of republic soldiers fought Malgus to a DRAW.


He (Malgus) did not fare so well at the hands of my Inquisitor.

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Marr is fantastic. instead of letting his emotions overpower him - he channels them. not merely his anger, other emotions as well. it makes him a very formidable and VERY dangerous enemy.


funny thing is - people forget that Darth Sidius also came to power by acting reasonable, getting people to like him and to freaking elect him to power. he played the long game, he manipulated people, he hid his intentions until it was time and he showed respect, when necessary... whether he meant it or not. for the long game.


do NOT underestimate Darth Marr, folks.


Agreed 100%, Sith like Marr are definitely the most dangerous kind of Sith. They feed on their anger and such without being controlled by it and turning into an irrational lunatic with an ego the size of a planet.

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Umm no. First battle Malgus had her dead (literally) to rights and her master saved her. Second battle, condescending wench, her boyfriend and squads of republic soldiers fought Malgus to a DRAW.


He (Malgus) did not fare so well at the hands of my Inquisitor.


My BH was amused for the whole Malgus End deal. Like she said, if the Imperials spent more time hiring her to fight, or just fighting, their enemies instead of each other, the War would have been long over.


And she really enjoyed the Sith owing her big time for saving their rears.

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He bowed to her out of Respect . Marr fears no one but the Emperor who clearly out powers Marr and Satele .

Does not mean Marr likes her or wants to have a date !


Marr is the second most powerful and feared Sithlord outside of the Emperor not inclucing PC characters .


His body is deteriorating and yet no one messes with him because even with his body at it's current state he is probably more than a Match for anyone .


Marr commands Respect for Power and Wisdom , he leads the council for a reason . There is no doubt in my mind if Revan was a non issue Marr would have killed Satele .


Marr is dying , but is still powerful and smart enough to take down most .

Being Respectful is not a weakness and to think so shows how horrible this people in real life are becoming .


In anyway , Satele might just be more powerful than him too , as the one thing all Sith Respect is power .Being the Descendant of Revan and going off to kill him , might have also gained Marr's respect.


Marr is dying? His body deteriorating? Got a source for that? Why is he dying?

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Marr is dying? His body deteriorating? Got a source for that? Why is he dying?


It is mentioned in some side material, for example the 'Starwars The Old Republic Encyclopedia' mentions it. And he is dying because all of his usage of the dark side has finally caught up with him and started eating away at his body.

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Sith hate Jedi. Sith are fueled by hate. Hate may still allow you to "respect" an opponent to be cautious when confronting one but never to the point where you would bow.


the sith do not hate the jedi nor do the jedi hate the sith they both have views on how they should live (caged or freed from their emotions) they are conflicting ideals that don't see eye to eye their conflicts are more of the I'm right and you're wrong problem. however the fact the jedi fear the sith because of the raw power their emotions give them

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It is mentioned in some side material, for example the 'Starwars The Old Republic Encyclopedia' mentions it. And he is dying because all of his usage of the dark side has finally caught up with him and started eating away at his body.


You mean this?

Darth Marr was a human male who was famous for never revealing his true face—the Dark Lord was perpetually encased in his personalized suit of battle armor, and rumor had it that the sight of Marr's visage was the reason Moff Xerxian committed suicide. Throughout his tenure on the Dark Council, Darth Marr's body slowly transformed as a result of immersion in the dark side of the Force, and by the time war broke out again with the Republic the Sith Lord was aware that his body would not last much longer.


If that's all, I'd interpret it as he was dying, but his personalized suit sustains him.

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That was a bow out of respect obviously, which is exactly what makes Marr different from the usual´"I¨m a sith, I kill everything, I´m the best of the world, I´m stupid as **** but arrogant as **** too" routine, and makes him a supreme leader worthy of the empire.
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That was a bow out of respect obviously, which is exactly what makes Marr different from the usual´"I¨m a sith, I kill everything, I´m the best of the world, I´m stupid as **** but arrogant as **** too" routine, and makes him a supreme leader worthy of the empire.


Exactly. It's not weakness.

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After the battle of Rishi; when he ceases his fleets' fire and puts Satele Shan on the holo...they had him BOW TO HER??? A Dark Lord of the Council? Bowing to a Jedi Master? Wow I guess having one Sith (Lana) act like a Jedi isn't enough they have to have Marr start acting good too. Unbelievable.


I know, it irked me too. The reason is probably just because there aren't any other suitable animations. I wish /nod would be an actual nod of the head animation and not saying "affirmative" for example,

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He's a Sith that I respect. The one that sees the old ways are wrong and the Empire needs to be reformed. Since Marr is the leader at this moment, it's already happening. I laugh at psycho Sith like the Emperor, Thanaton etc. I'm not fond of psycho Sith. The Empire can be good to a certain degree. There is no need to be a douche at all times.
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but he insults her twice in the table of ops and I also do 3 times, plus I let her die durring the abomination revan fight...


so for me problem solved in double standards... grand father and grand daughter both dead.


this expansion is a killin, I enjoy killing both abominations, every week and multiple times.

Edited by Oyranos
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but he insults her twice in the table of ops and I also do 3 times, plus I let her die durring the abomination revan fight...


so for me problem solved in double standards... grand father and grand daughter both dead.


this expansion is a killin, I enjoy killing both abominations, every week and multiple times.


^^This post shows the need of a 'like'-button in this forum.

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Umm no. First battle Malgus had her dead (literally) to rights and her master saved her. Second battle, condescending wench, her boyfriend and squads of republic soldiers fought Malgus to a DRAW.


He (Malgus) did not fare so well at the hands of my Inquisitor.


dude... that' was like 20 or so years ago - she was a padawan during that first fight. she has matured and gained more experience since then. Malgus on the other hand - well you know, after a while injuries like his - get to you. and that second fight, it was army against army. in which she kinda sorta permanently injured his jaw, forcing him to wear face-mask at all times.


by the time your inquisitor gets to Malgus - they have been accumulating power for a while (and technically, you are supposed to confront him with a group.. I'd say he holds his own in a 1 to 4 battle)

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A battle won by the Republic despite silly Hollywood tactics, even.


"Men, we have the high ground and cover! I want you to jump down there and charge head-long, and then engage those saber-wielding maniacs in close combat!"


+1 sir

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Sith culture is a meritocracy. Strength is respected, and Satele is strong. By bowing to her, he acknowledges her as a worthy opponent and someone who has earned their power.


Not really. Meritocracy and aristocracy in Plato's "Republic" are based on rewards not on punishment of weakness or survival of the fittest like it happens in Sith culture. In fact that is the Empire's downfall at every era. In the Sith code it is stated:

Through power, I gain victory.

Through victory, my chains are broken.


This is a misconception as Siths are never actually free, as they are constantly imprisoned by the chains of insecurity that someone else will come and be victorious over them. As a result of this they eliminate any potential threats at an early stage, hardly a property of meritocracy, or get eliminated themselves. And the actual fault of this is in the "..., I gain victory" instead of "..., we gain victory".


Of course the Jedi code is far from flawless.

There is no emotion, there is peace.


This is not followed by the slightest; happiness, calmness, sadness, being upset, etc. are all emotions that the Jedi experience all the time. They are not robots. However, unlike the Sith code, the Jedi code is not strictly enforced or followed to the letter or subconsciously.


Coming back to the original topic of Marr. His pragmatism and I believe he is not after being an emperor or head of the dark council, but he is driven by maintaining the unity and welfare of the empire, makes him not your typical Sith and one of the deadliest opponents. If I was a rep I would put a plan into motion to discredit him rather than eliminate him which would raise his status as a legend and make him even more dangerous than when he was alive.

Edited by MusicRider
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