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The Combat Support Droid that helps you solo the FPs is AWESOME!


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What is this combat support droid you guys speak of? Does it show up in lower level flashpoints?


As you play through the SoR storyline there is a series of solo fps, they provide you with a gsi droid that can tank and heal. They are not lower level and, i think, not repeatable.

Edited by mokkh
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Bioware could organize fp with our companions, for example to make flashpoint with 4 or 5 of our companions.


That would be nice... Except then I would have to regear everyone, because I only used Mako and Torian on my main, so Gault, Blizz and Skadge are very under geared. Blizz less that the other two.


But Jesus Droid sounds like it was easier to put in the game than Companion Party.

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It would trivialize the content, which it does for the FA FPs, but that's as intended to get people easily up to speed for SoR.


No it wouldn't it would be a great addition to the game and heres why;


Immersion is something that MMORPGs have in great abundance but group content with pure story and things that are important to the lore and general story of the game has a nagging issue, people like to role play; In other words people would rather have what they would normally say said when playing story content no matter whether its group content or not.


FP's as we know them currently would stay and bioware could just add the solo option with the droid for all the important FPs...Not only would this be great for people like me who hate doing group story content as it breaks my immersion but people can enjoy the entirety of the story their own way without the extra player baggage in conversations.


if they want better gear etc then they group up for it in FPs, If they just want to play the stroy or the story arc then they can do this but their rewards would be reduced gear wise.

I think thats fair dont you?

Edited by xeNNNNN
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  • 4 months later...
Does anyone know how to summon the combat support droid if it disappears. It said the option was in the mission log menu, but I can't find it.


Here is a "Help Ticket" I sent to Bioware to see if they could change the in-game message on this issue. The bottom line is the Game says the button is in your mission tracker and all the posts I see talk about not seeing a button in the mission tracker, and it isn't, it is located in your MISSION ITEMS TAB of your INVENTORY.

I believe this has been posted before (That's how I figured it out in the beginning I think). I recently had started a new character, so it had been a couple of months since I had done the SOLO MODE FP's, and I forgot where the button was at again so I found myself back here looking for the answer again...After remembering where it was I decided to post the ticket I sent along with the spot to look for the button. This seems to be a big issue that no one has figured out completely... So here is the ticket I submitted to BIOWARE, in hopes that they will, correct the in game message to reflect that the button is in the Inventory Tab and not the Mission Tracker. And even if most people have figured it out I think the change needs to happen since we may have a lot more people doing the SOLO modes again come the May, "the fourth be with you", 4th 12x event coming up. I really hope this helps and I hope that Bioware will see fit to copy my post or write one of their own and make it a "STICKY" post out of this so people get the answer ASAP and don't spend hours frustrated and unable to complete the missions and losing out on getting the 12x experience on the events (since they are story missions, I believe?)...

Here is what I submitted:

This is a suggestion not a help ticket. When you lose your support bot in solo mode the game starts by telling you "If your droid is defeated, you may call a replacement by clicking the "Activate Combat Support Droid" button in your mission tracker". Problem is there isnt a button to do that in your Mission Tracker. The "button" or "Control" to recall your Support Droid is actually located in your "Mission Items" tab of your inventory. I was confused by this the first few times I lost droid and had to re-start or not complete the mission (at times I was near the end and had to start over). I finally saw a post telling us to look in mission items tab and then I was ok. I moved the controls into my tool bar and no more problems. Yet if you look in the boards you see many people complaining they were unable to locate the button in the mission tracker, and even after several answers of different ways to correct the problem, you rarely see the correct answer which is if your bot dies or disappears go to the Mission Items Tab of your inventory and it is located there not in your "Mission Tracker". I would post a sticky on the boards if you haven't already done so. I recently had this issue again and couldnt remember where it was (I had started a new char and had been a while since I had encountered this issue and forgot it was in the Items Tab of inventory and spent some time on boards before I remembered. So I thought I'd point this out and maybe you could fix it?


A Loyal Subscriber



I really hope his answers your question and helps people out on this issue... While it seems a simple fix it can be and is a pain when you dont know...

Edited by Angrycowboy
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I hate that stupid godmode thingy.


Turns out I was soloing Rakata Prime and I started exploring around enjoying the scenery (something I can never do in a group) and so the boss fight came... and I suddenly realized where is the droid??


He had timed out and so I had a chance to pit my guardian against the two bosses. It was a hell of a fight, and winning it felt GREAT.


Whereas all fights prior to that, with the droid, felt like popcorn.

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  • 1 month later...

I love that wonderful Combat Support Droid


I’ve avoided Flashpoints like the plague because they were too tough for me, even in groups. (I’m not the most accomplished combat player.) So it was with hesitation that I selected the Revan Flashpoint at Fleet, in solo mode, and then wondered who this additional “person” was helping me and my companion zap the bad guys. (I guess I missed the staff meeting that informed us he was now available.)


This droid was a blessing in my opinion, and I finally won a Flashpoint for the first time in what was still a tough but satisfying struggle. I hope the Combat Support Droid sticks around for SWTOR solo Flashpoints for a long, long time.

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I love the droid, but honestly, I'm a little bit tired of SoR flashpoints. I mean, there're FIVE, and they're all obligatory to complete the story and go to Ziost - and since there's probably a story beyond Ziost, then you have to complete those five flashpoints for each character... nah. I find myself logging out and switching characters when the time comes for another flashpoint more and more often.
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I love the droid, but honestly, I'm a little bit tired of SoR flashpoints. I mean, there're FIVE, and they're all obligatory to complete the story and go to Ziost - and since there's probably a story beyond Ziost, then you have to complete those five flashpoints for each character... nah. I find myself logging out and switching characters when the time comes for another flashpoint more and more often.


To get the full story, yes you need to do the four flashpoint prelude. However, you can skip the prelude and go straight to Rishi and talk to the bird man and begin the pirate story. You still have to do the two flashpoints there. Then, you proceed to Yavin. Then, you are eligible for Ziost when you hit level 60.

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It would trivialize the content, which it does for the FA FPs, but that's as intended to get people easily up to speed for SoR.


I don't care about trivializing content, I just want that GSI droid in Flashpoints to help me mass murder everything and speed through things at my pace, on a ground and time of my choosing.


If you want to drive 45mph on the highway that's your thing, fine, but some of us prefer driving 60mph or higher and getting stuff done easier and quicker.


More choice is better than less choice, more freedom better than less freedom.

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I think the droid looks stupid, and is way too overpowered for my tastes, I would much rather be able to assemble a team of my own companions, in the state of the game (4 hour waits for a fp) I cant see why this isnt a reality.


Think of the revenue potential if we could make our own flashpoint team out of the characters in our crew. Naturally we would want to dress them up and equip them with the finest looking gear. As it stands now, they might as well not exist at all.


It would kind of be like SWTOR. imagine that.

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People have been requesting a team of companions in flashpoints for a while (with a lot of people arguing against the idea for all sorts of odd reasons) but currently the dev team is unable to make that feature possible yet so the GSI droid is the compromise since it's just 1 npc that follows you around.


I wonder for simplicity's sake they can make it so you can have 3 boosted helper npcs like the droid who happen to look like your companions using the same skills just to keep the immersion factor.


It would be a team of healer, tank, dps & fanservice.

Edited by RoboArthurDayne
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In my opinion, it’s far more satisfying and gratifying to win a Flashpoint with the outside help of a Combat Support Droid, than it is to lose a Flashpoint with inferior resources, no matter how bravely and nobly we fight. I assure you, the thrill of victory far outweighs the agony of the usual inevitable defeat, and this added boost of the Combat Support Droid is most welcome.


I’m also grateful for the time, effort, and expense that Bioware has gone through to create these numerous Flashpoint scenarios, and now I have the means and the incentive to experience them.

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People have been requesting a team of companions in flashpoints for a while (with a lot of people arguing against the idea for all sorts of odd reasons) but currently the dev team is unable to make that feature possible yet so the GSI droid is the compromise since it's just 1 npc that follows you around.


I wonder for simplicity's sake they can make it so you can have 3 boosted helper npcs like the droid who happen to look like your companions using the same skills just to keep the immersion factor.


It would be a team of healer, tank, dps & fanservice.


There is a subset of MMO players who hang on desperately to the antiquated notion that MMO means "forced grouping". No amount of arguing with them will change their minds.


Usually they are of two camps.


1) They don't want people to be able get cool things solo, they want it reserved for their uber guild.


2) People aren't likeable enough for people to want group with them unless they are forced to.

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What would be so much better, would be if you could form "a party" with your companions, to do solo Story Mode Flashpoints. Equip them as you'd like, and then form them up, and "GO, TEAM!"

Yeah this would be way more interesting and fun. Allowing you to get the most out of your companions. Put together a four man companion team and pick your tank, healer and DPS and good to go.

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There is a subset of MMO players who hang on desperately to the antiquated notion that MMO means "forced grouping". No amount of arguing with them will change their minds.


Usually they are of two camps.


1) They don't want people to be able get cool things solo, they want it reserved for their uber guild.


2) People aren't likeable enough for people to want group with them unless they are forced to.


That is true, these people are also the reason why new ideas, features and additional choice is stunted and never developed from games to business law to racial segregation vs integration for restrooms. It's like there's only 1 "right way" and only 1 "right method" to and then the inevitable rationalization and ego stroking about how right their narrow minded & choiceless way is.


The difference is that with options, you have the ability to chose whether to enjoy it or shun it.

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In my opinion, it’s far more satisfying and gratifying to win a Flashpoint with the outside help of a Combat Support Droid, than it is to lose a Flashpoint with inferior resources, no matter how bravely and nobly we fight. I assure you, the thrill of victory far outweighs the agony of the usual inevitable defeat, and this added boost of the Combat Support Droid is most welcome.


I’m also grateful for the time, effort, and expense that Bioware has gone through to create these numerous Flashpoint scenarios, and now I have the means and the incentive to experience them.


My thoughts EXACTLY. God droid rocks! :D



...I wonder for simplicity's sake they can make it so you can have 3 boosted helper npcs like the droid who happen to look like your companions using the same skills just to keep the immersion factor.


It would be a team of healer, tank, dps & fanservice.


* Insert scene with my SW, Jessa, HK, & Treek... :eek:


I'll take it! :D

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It was never a bad thing but some people feel that they won't be so special (with a blue ribbon, gold star, name plate and all that crap) if everyone could enjoy all flashpoints/operation/etc without taking the time to suffer to waste finite time from your finite life to work extra hard for virtual loot.


Just like how some people enjoy the inequalities in life, so too shall there be folks who enjoy inequality in an online life. That's why there will always be people who rationalize that the very best virtual loot and gear should be reserved for the ones willing to waste more hours of their finite life in a virtual world as oppose to people who play more casually but spend more time in real life to get real money and things/etc

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