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Are Star Wars MMOs cursed? Or is Bioware just fully trying to assassinate it's legacy


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Just saying... You've put an NGE in the NGE's NGE and taken the DAI philosophy of removing the RPG from the RPG. I mean guys, ***?

I can only assume you never experienced SWG CU to NGE...because your statement is so absurd given the change the NGE was to SWG vs what this is.

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I can only assume you never experienced SWG CU to NGE...because your statement is so absurd given the change the NGE was to SWG vs what this is.

Exactly this. I see more and more people jumping on this "3.0 is the CU/NGE of SWTOR" bandwagon and I honestly feel like none of them actually experienced that in SWG. Just more crying with no knowledge what they're crying about.

Edited by Kadin
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Exactly this. I see more and more people jumping on this "3.0 is the CU/NGE of SWTOR" bandwagon and I honestly feel like none of them actually experience that in SWG. Just more crying with no knowledge what they're crying about.


Remember - there were not that many people playing SWG compared to SWTOR. If everyone that played SWG is playing SWTOR (and I doubt they are) you are probably looking at 1 in 10? (just pulling my numbers out of thin air)

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Remember - there were not that many people playing SWG compared to SWTOR. If everyone that played SWG is playing SWTOR (and I doubt they are) you are probably looking at 1 in 10? (just pulling my numbers out of thin air)

Agreed...1 in 10 is generous too :) But anyone who wants to compare 3.0 to the NGE, had better have been there for the NGE, because the NGE changed EVERYTHING about SWG - crafting, combat, classes, "skills", abilities...the NGE was a new game in every way...

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Except for the almost frequent lag bursts which I'm sure will be fixed (at least to the point where it was before the xpac) I'm liking what I've seen so far. The discipline "tree" is no surprise and I did have some decisions to make in that as opposed to the old skill trees...


The solo fps were much more fun without random other players in them to distract me or slow me down (and the story was much more entertaining/involving) ;>

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Remember - there were not that many people playing SWG compared to SWTOR. If everyone that played SWG is playing SWTOR (and I doubt they are) you are probably looking at 1 in 10? (just pulling my numbers out of thin air)


Exactly, and a lot of people don't know much about SWG except the reports of the bad stuff.


Most famously, the NGE, which gets told in Star Wars and MMO circles as vastly dumbing down the game, making sweeping changes to the combat mechanics to the point of basically changing the whole game system, and ripping the heart out of a game that already struggled to find a good player base.


. . .that and the other bad thing that kept being told about SWG was that you couldn't play a Jedi, or at least it was ridiculously long and hard to unlock a character slot that could be Force Sensitive and then it was insanely hard to actually progress as such. I know that was changed later on, but the damage was done as the reputation of SWG as Star Wars without Jedi and Sith and with really lousy game mechanics from NGE were established.


So now, any time people don't like a change, and see it as simplifying it in any way, they shout "NGE", and don't realize just the scale of the NGE changes.

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Pretty sure this thread makes no sense.

Welcome to expansion day. Where 99% of the people who are happy with the expansion are busy playing it, so the forum becomes the realm of the discontent (more than usual).


Some gripes are legit, some... are like this thread.

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Welcome to expansion day. Where 99% of the people who are happy with the expansion are busy playing it, so the forum becomes the realm of the discontent (more than usual).


Some gripes are legit, some... are like this thread.


Eh, my patch is still downloading. I was at work when the servers came up, so when I got off work I started to download them. I'll be online soon enough. :)

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The thing with the NGE though was it was the same intent, to simplify the system. In their case because they assumed the majority of the players wanted that. They were horribly wrong. Just because they had further to go then TOR doesn't totally invalidate the comparison. It wasn't till they added some complexity back and a few choices that their numbers started going back up. Not enough, but enough that it kept running. By the time it closed they had the highest numbers since after the NGE.


I doubt that this will drive people as far away as the NGE because of the difference between the degree of the two changes, but it is impossible that it will not drive some players away. If they can handle the loss we will only know in time.

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Having been there for most of the SWG experience including the CU then the NGE I can honestly say this is not a NGE class screwup, Equivalent to CU somewhat.


Though SWTOR is different in its basic design than SWG which was a framework for Players to interact in the time frame between the New Hope and Empire strikes back (so Jedi were near impossible for player to get). And the possibilities for character development were almost infinite with 32 different professions and a crafting system never to be matched since.


SWTOR is what i have come to call a theme park game. It follows a set path and is minimally customizable. Like SWG became with the NGE. 9 classes with no deviation possible beyond Skill trees/Disciplines.


But there was Jedi despite its total breaking of the timeframe.


I loved the SWG pre CU and could tolerate the CU but NGE broke it for me I was one who canceled shortly after.

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Just saying... You've put an NGE in the NGE's NGE and taken the DAI philosophy of removing the RPG from the RPG. I mean guys, ***?


I hardly post ( see register date, played closed beta ) but this is ridiculous lol....I was around for both combat changes in swg and this simply does not compare. Please stop with this.

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I wonder if people really think that Bioware still creates masterful rpgs because come on now, the golden age of Bioware is over. Old people go and new people come.


Yup, they do. More simplistic mechanics-wise than they used to be, but they make up for it in other areas.

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Yup, they do. More simplistic mechanics-wise than they used to be, but they make up for it in other areas.


True. I mean you can`t expect every developer to be as good as the old Bioware team back than. They were pioneers, they created the Golden Age. No matter how good you are in programming and understanding, you can´t be as good as legends. The developers have worked hard on this expansion. Sure some ****ups (why is Qyzen not talking in the opening cutscene? :p nah but seriously) but they did agreat job with the new planets in my opinion. And sure the devs are surely much more simplistic in the rpg mechanics.


But people need to realizy that legends won´t stay legends forever and leave and leave the spot for new people. Bioware isn´t the same Bioware from back then. The people who created the high standards are gone but the new people should be judged by their own accomplishments.

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