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Why F2Pers Restrictions need to be raised. List of Examples between F2P MMOs


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SWTOR F2P Restrictions:

F2Pers cannot chat until Level 10.

Cannot gain enough XP but are earning XP at Reduced rate during Level 20.

Are Capped out at Level 50.

Credits Limited to 200K.


Preffered Status:




Credits Limited to 350K.


Subscriber Status:

can Chat at Level 1

Gain XP at increased rate from Level 1 to 55/60.

Are capped out at 55/60.

Credits are unlimited.




Star Trek Online F2P Restrictions:

F2Pers can chat at level 1.

Gain XP at normal rate.

Are capped out at Level 60.

Credits are unlimited.


Preffered Status and Subscriber Status are same.




WoW F2P Restrictions are same as SWTOR with little exception.


the Trial are capped out at Level 10, cannot continue until you Sub.


so I think the best F2P Model is STO.

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STO free to players have to log 20 hours of game time or buy something from the zen store to chat.


I found this out when I went back after they went F2P and had to have a CSR fix my chat. (It was bugged and thought my already existing account had no hours logged even though I played for a year or so before it went F2P.

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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To be very fair to TOR, keep in mind STO has a ton of time sinks, and just read about what's going on with Delta Rising right now.


Don't get me wrong I enjoy STO, however right now STO has a ton of things that are upsetting the player base.

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SWTOR's very "unfree" model is built specifically to push players towards subscribing: it helps them avoid moving into the true gray areas of "near P2W-ness" that many other MMOs get into when they go free to play.


The truth is that subscription income is the most stable income, thus it's difficult to plan content development for your game when you have constantly fluctuating levels of revenue. So the choices become this: either sell an item(s) in your cash shop that provides players with a huge advantage over those who don't use them (things like loot lockout resets, crafting/gathering enhancers, "catch up" endgame gear, unique stat boosts) and "must be" purchased on a regular basis; or else you create a restrictive "free" game that allows players to do almost everything for free if they're willing to work for it, but that realistically pushes players towards shelling out $15 a month. EA and BioWare have decided that the guaranteed income from a moderate subscriber base is preferable to the uncertain income from large base of "burst-y spenders".


Whine all you want about the gamble packs on the CM, they're far preferable to things like instant max level toons, or loot lockout resets that have players spending hundreds of real world dollars per character to gear up a BiS set in three days. When a game updates its cash market with "useless" cosmetic items and gamble packs on a regular basis, it means they're trying to actively avoid creating P2W items.

Edited by WSRB
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There's only a few things that I'd like to see changed:


1) Revives. My problem isn't with it being limited, it's with the fact that it NEVER regenerates. Reset it when weeklies reset and you'd be good.


2) Inability to queue multiple items. Crafting is already hurt HARD by super nerfed crit rate and half the total companions that can be sent out, this is just salt in the wound.


3) Credit mailing. I get why it exists but making it legacy only would be a happy medium between stopping credit sellers and screwing over legitimate players.

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I agree the STO system offers considerably more freedom, but the market there is set up a bit differently. They have dilithium and zen in the game, with the ability to earn dilithium and trade it in for zen (currency similar to CC). This game has no such system. (I wish it did).


This game REALLY needs a way for subs to earn CC in game other than achievements. That would be a HUGE incentive to sub IMO, instead of using punitive means.


But I agree, some changes should be made. I will not repeat my suggestions here for now.

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I have not been f2p in a long, looong time. But I do remember a few restrictions that I feel could be altered.

Ability to queue crafting. This seems kind of pointless. I dont see why the amount of items should be restricted, f2p and preferred can only hold so many credits w/o escrow, so it cant be about economy.

Medical probes should regenerate. Like you (incoming example) start with 3 then you die and it takes say...5hrs to gain another. So if you use all 3 it will take 15hrs for you to have 3 again. This would allow f2p to learn game, make mistakes, learn from it but still be behind Subs.

A f2p chat channel that allows f2p to chat freely. They can see that channel as well as the others. This will allow 2 things: 1)They can see everyone selling, buying or LFG on all channels and PM to join/sell/buy. 2) Subs can turn off this chat (like system messages channel) f2p will still see what they put, but subs will not need to put up with the credit spammers.

Trading. This one is tricky. The point of restricting trade with f2p is to stop credit sellers. However, there are players that are not credit spammers that could use the ability to make only X amount of trades a day. I have very few ideas for this one. I just think something should be done to allow f2p to trade. Perhaps if a sub initiates trade? I dont know...

IMO the f2p in this game is very cool. I see it as a solo player demo. You can do quests, class stories, and play to 50, and be involved in a little pvp/gsf/ fp. As far as other games, this SWTOR f2p model is very generous.

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SWTOR F2P Restrictions:

F2Pers cannot chat until Level 10.

Cannot gain enough XP but are earning XP at Reduced rate during Level 20.

Are Capped out at Level 50.

Credits Limited to 200K.


Preffered Status:




Credits Limited to 350K.


Subscriber Status:

can Chat at Level 1

Gain XP at increased rate from Level 1 to 55/60.

Are capped out at 55/60.

Credits are unlimited.




Star Trek Online F2P Restrictions:

F2Pers can chat at level 1.

Gain XP at normal rate.

Are capped out at Level 60.

Credits are unlimited.


Preffered Status and Subscriber Status are same.




WoW F2P Restrictions are same as SWTOR with little exception.


the Trial are capped out at Level 10, cannot continue until you Sub.


so I think the best F2P Model is STO.

WoW does not have "f2p", it is clearly described as "unlimited free trial upto 20". And apparently you never played Rift, go check their f2p model, best f2p model there is and there will be, recently they released a HUGE, VERY VERY HUGE expansion(same in quantity and quality as the WoD) and gave it away free to all players. where in swtor even subscribers are being charged for "expansions" forget about f2p..

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Star Trek Online F2P Restrictions:

F2Pers can chat at level 1.

Gain XP at normal rate.

Are capped out at Level 60.

Credits are unlimited.


Preffered Status and Subscriber Status are same.


Obviously you don't play. There is a cap on credits in STO. It's 2 million I believe. And considering you can't use those credits to buy crap anymore, they are fundamentally worthless. If you want anything you have to pay money, including to get new ships, and it's very pay to win over there. Don't have a new ship, tough, the clunker you get will get roflstomp'd by the new hotness thanks to crazy slotting and whatever device it comes with to make it even more powerful.


And don't get me started on the fact you have unavoidable lock boxes wasting space in your inventory. Oh they don't force you to buy the keys to open them, but unlike here, you have no choice but to waste space on them.


And the XP rate is actually lower for a non-sub, they just call it the normal rate.

Edited by Silverspar
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SWTOR F2P Restrictions:

F2Pers cannot chat until Level 10.

Cannot gain enough XP but are earning XP at Reduced rate during Level 20.

Are Capped out at Level 50.

Credits Limited to 200K.


Preffered Status:




Credits Limited to 350K.


Subscriber Status:

can Chat at Level 1

Gain XP at increased rate from Level 1 to 55/60.

Are capped out at 55/60.

Credits are unlimited.




Star Trek Online F2P Restrictions:

F2Pers can chat at level 1.

Gain XP at normal rate.

Are capped out at Level 60.

Credits are unlimited.


Preffered Status and Subscriber Status are same.




WoW F2P Restrictions are same as SWTOR with little exception.


the Trial are capped out at Level 10, cannot continue until you Sub.


so I think the best F2P Model is STO.


Why should they get "nearly" the same content as subscribers


Stop being cheap and just subscribe and stop whinging... Currently you pay nothing to play

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Why is SWTOR so toxic when it comes to the idea of free to play? No other MMO community I've seen acts even close to this, and it's getting pretty silly. You can't even have a conversation about the restrcitions without some sarcastic comments about freeloaders or outrage over their subscriptions being slightly devalued.
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STO really does have the better F2P model. And I say that primarily because anything you could ever want from the C Store or elswhere in the game that is throttled by not paying is easily circumvented by fielding easy peasy contraband alts KDF side thus giving you redonkulous amounts of dil for hardly any time or effort and by extension all the energy credits/zen/etc. you ever need. :) Then again, only Old Republic let's you have light sabers. So the moment STO has that, then we'll talk!



Wait, what the...

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Why is SWTOR so toxic when it comes to the idea of free to play? No other MMO community I've seen acts even close to this, and it's getting pretty silly. You can't even have a conversation about the restrcitions without some sarcastic comments about freeloaders or outrage over their subscriptions being slightly devalued.


Self-entitlement mixed with the grass is always greener mentality, and you end up with a bunch of people that expect something for nothing.

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Those are kinda crap examples. Rift does have a pretty good F2P model, bar some things(such as earing slots and a gear authorization being locked behind a long grind or paywall). Firefall is 98% free, but is failing to make a profit here in the U.S due to the fact its cash shop is so absurdly priced it puts the CM to shame.



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