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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Bioware says NO LFD TOOL.


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Here is the skinny if you need a tricked out add on machine to help you down a boss then in a reality check your cheating it. Thats right, dare i say you are cheating it of course you are. Timers telling you what will happen when, what to hit when, come on really? Patch day hit the crew is ham stringed because they cant use addons. Go on act like that never happened.

So some of you will cry in forums some of you will quit playing or go back to wow or rift or what ever it was where you came from. Good those game were made for ppl like you easy win a ribbon for everyone style of play. I ll say this again there is a HUGE % of players who want a game that is challenging and not a cake walk. Just because some of you cant play a game legit you feel they have to cater to this small % and news flash they droped the last boss in beta guess what no add ons so drop the whole we need them and just write you need them to play, and add i dont have the deication /patience to learn to be aware.

I rember for those who know what iam about to say i know its only going ot be a few not many but."You didnt hope to beat the twins you prayed to beat the twins" What happened to a challenging game play.


and what does addons has to do with a lfg tool?

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As stated the games population went down from its initial pool of US/Canadian players after these expansions which implys that the average player was dissatisfied overall weither they knew it or not. The only reason the population looked "ok" was because they released the game in new countrys to bolster the numbers. It is all about what makes a better game.


And no simply playing a Death Knight would not discredit your opinion. Being a WoTLK baby would though


and now back up your fantastic claim about 'us/canadian players declining' with statistics.

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Okay, I saw a post in here that made me comment, it was one about tanks and healers not liking LFG because they liked people kissing up to them and such.


In WoW, pre LFG I played a healer. Generally all I had to do was post in chat Healer LFG any 70+ instance. Sometimes I would get a group that just needed a healer, sometimes I would get an 80 trrying to run his pre 80 dps buddy through an instance, and wanted a healer for tht extra security. Sometimes, however it would be an hour, looking for 1 tank.


Do you want to know what I did?


I started adding tanks to my friends list, you know, the ones I thought were good. from 70-80 in wrath I must have met 5 consistent, reliable, really good tanks. They made up most of my friends list, but you know what? Generally here was our conversations:


"Hey Pad, wanna run an instance?"


"Sure Are, let me ask my guild if any DPS want to come"


"Thanks man"


Eventually I became friends with some of them, others just people I called on for instances if no one else was on. Sometimes they asked me, in fact I ended up running regular Halls of Lighting like 10+ times in one day, trying to get this certain tanking trinket to drop for one of these tanks.


Did they suck up to me? No. Was it enjoyable? Yes.



Currently in WoW I hit the RDF tool, and we either go through with no talking if everything is smooth, and people whining if things are bad. People get vote kicked for no reason, DPS complain about every mistake the tank/healer makes, and if you have never been there you get kicked. I hate it.


Well said.

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neither are speeders or taxis, everyone should just have to walk everywhere.


Lol this.


"Hey Taxi's are killing the exploration aspect of the game! I want to explore so BW should take it out."


That's pretty much the argument that is being made against a LFG tool. People want to 'force' others into being chatty chat boxes. Truth is most people will be more talkative when they hit cap, but right now everyone has their nose to the grind and would not like to waste 30-40 mins finding a group for a Heroic 4 man (THAT MAY NOT EVEN LAST 10 MINS!)


Seriously, did one last night the group finished it in like 7 mins. Gather a group for 30 mins and breeze through the 4 man.

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forced socialization never works. if it worked, it would work in wow with 18 million subscribers and 5+ years.


they put the lfd tool because it did not work. its as simple as that. you cant force people to socialize and make them friends by obliging them to each other. it. does. not. work.


a few people having made friends with each other through enforcement does not make them any statistic of note.


i have been friends with a few people while getting entangled with ganking incidents. that did not make gank incidents a valuable socialization tool.

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I hate if you're for a lfg tool you are then some how labled a crazed WOW fan.


Sure friends are part of a mmo but some times the people I'm fond of running a group with are not on at the time I am on. Not every one has the same free time to play the game to coinside with my free time, (except for weekends). If you don't like the tool don't use it.

Edited by Holocroncrystal
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Has anyone had their companion tank or heal? i know i have in flash points down a person had a npc heal didnt try having one tank yet anyone know? Sorry iam not trying tobe off topi. If you can have the npc tank then whats the problem cant find a tank hodl on let me pull out my companion. Sure it meens you have to gear the Npc up but so what.
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No wow put in the looking for group because between the low pop servers and low levels trying to do instances they good never find a tank a healer and 3 dps together at the right level this game doesnt have that problem. Thats also why it was off realm finder so more lower levels could find a group. Cuz if you rember b4 the lfg finder there was a huge increase on exp to promote leveling faster so the new guys could get into the instances with the higher levels. Edited by morganlion
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I dont think you guys understand the point of social interaction in a MMO. It builds the community and the better the community the better the game, yes of course it sucks to find groups people are focused on Leveling atm. A LFD tooll with destroy the community and then the game it happened in WoW and its happening right now in Rift. Get to 50 make some friends join a guild meet some people and guess what you wont half to LFG any more people you are part of a group of people that want to run stuff. Honestly you paying for a service you dont DESERVE or DEMAND anything. Bioware will if they see fit add certain functions / items to the game, If you dont like it leave.
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Has anyone had their companion tank or heal? i know i have in flash points down a person had a npc heal didnt try having one tank yet anyone know? Sorry iam not trying tobe off topi. If you can have the npc tank then whats the problem cant find a tank hodl on let me pull out my companion. Sure it meens you have to gear the Npc up but so what.


In a flashpoint a companion can make up for a person. In heroic 4 man? It can be done, it'll be tough.


The heroics on planets have tougher mobs than the ones in FP. Usually they consist of multiple elite npcs. Have done a few with someones Mako but we wiped a few times and had to repair gear.

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What prevents people from using LFg tool that is alreay here? Its cross-planet and you dont have to spam anything. It needs improvements of course like many other systems (guild bank etc) but they should improve lfg system that is alrady in game instead of copying failed lfg system from other game. Edited by truxcer
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I dont think you guys understand the point of social interaction in a MMO. It builds the community and the better the community the better the game, yes of course it sucks to find groups people are focused on Leveling atm. A LFD tooll with destroy the community and then the game it happened in WoW and its happening right now in Rift. Get to 50 make some friends join a guild meet some people and guess what you wont half to LFG any more people you are part of a group of people that want to run stuff. Honestly you paying for a service you dont DESERVE or DEMAND anything. Bioware will if they see fit add certain functions / items to the game, If you dont like it leave.


As i've said before.


You know what builds community IRL?


Taking public transportation and communal farms/gardens.


Do you do any of those, or do you continue to take your car everywhere and shop at a grocery store?

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I dont think you guys understand the point of social interaction in a MMO. It builds the community and the better the community the better the game, yes of course it sucks to find groups people are focused on Leveling atm. A LFD tooll with destroy the community and then the game it happened in WoW and its happening right now in Rift. Get to 50 make some friends join a guild meet some people and guess what you wont half to LFG any more people you are part of a group of people that want to run stuff. Honestly you paying for a service you dont DESERVE or DEMAND anything. Bioware will if they see fit add certain functions / items to the game, If you dont like it leave.


No. You can't force people to be social.


There is no reason not to have a same server LFG tool. None at all.


Also A lot of people in PUG are IN GUILDS already. That tells me one o fthree things.


1.) Most of their guild is not on

2.) They are further than most members

3.) They are lower than most members.


Meh it is rare I find someone guildless when doing these things.

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"LF3M Herpaderp instance. Need heals and tank. PST."

"I'll tank."

"Cool. Just need a healer and DPS now."

"LF2M Herpaderp instance. Need heals and one more. PST."

"I'll heal. My friend will come. He's DPS."

"Cool. Groups up. Let's head to the instance."




This is what we're missing out on? This is socializing to you guys? Oh lord help us! We are lazy and anti-social!


100 years from now...


"...and that's how human civilization as we know it crumbled, children. Do you see why the LFG system is bad?"



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Truxer has a great point and others in this threat have stated that. Like i stated earlier ppl want a free ride a super dumbed down system 0 effort so once thye hit cap they sit in forums whining about there is nothing to do because all they did was hit the instance finder over and over and over.
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"LF3M Herpaderp instance. Need heals and tank. PST."

"I'll tank."

"Cool. Just need a healer and DPS now."

"LF2M Herpaderp instance. Need heals and one more. PST."

"I'll heal. My friend will come. He's DPS."

"Cool. Groups up. Let's head to the instance."




This is what we're missing out on? This is socializing to you guys? Oh lord help us! We are lazy and anti-social!


100 years from now...


"...and that's how human civilization as we know it crumbled, children. Do you see why the LFG system is bad?"




Lol this.


This is the big 'social interaction' that we are missing out on if there is a LFG tool...

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Seriously the game is just starting out and if anyone has a problem with /1 lfg BT, MT cuz its to much effort or cant click a buton under who and post they are looking for said instnace should go play a single person game. You got shooters Skyrim a bunch of lables i cant even think of at the moment go play that. Honestly thats not a rude statement its a honest one.
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I found a good group of people on this game early level, I grouped with them liked them, joined there guild , got on there TS server and made friends, Now ever day me and my new guild we go World Boss hunting, We have downed 12 world bosses and been in SEVERAL world PvP battles with Republics, I have had the most fun with this group of people doing world bosses and world PvP, and guess what since there is a abundant amount of people in the guild you type this ing guild, Anyone wanna do XXXX flaspoint, and since everyone is cool and we are on Teamspeak people come together and we run the instance and complete and have fun talking and joking on TS and downing bosses and instances. Also im one of the higher levels in my guild and since I made friends with alot of people in the guild I help them run instances and lower level Heroic quest and I have fun doing it, THAT IS SOCIAL INTERACTION in a MMO.



All this comparing to IRL stuff and saying we are being forced is BS you cant compare a MMO to anything in IRL it just doenst work they both have their own set of rules.


Play your own way, and enjoy the game as it is, If there is somthing you want in the game and its not there, oh well sorry Bioware is not going to change somthing in the game to make a handful of people happy when in the long run they know what is best for THEIR game.


Trust in Bioware my young ones.

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I dont think you guys understand the point of social interaction in a MMO. It builds the community and the better the community the better the game, yes of course it sucks to find groups people are focused on Leveling atm. A LFD tooll with destroy the community and then the game it happened in WoW and its happening right now in Rift. Get to 50 make some friends join a guild meet some people and guess what you wont half to LFG any more people you are part of a group of people that want to run stuff. Honestly you paying for a service you dont DESERVE or DEMAND anything. Bioware will if they see fit add certain functions / items to the game, If you dont like it leave.


think i asked this like 3 time in this thread already, but plz explain to me how a spamming LFG XX in general is a meanful social interaction?

Edited by wezzan
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It does look like this game needs a LFD tool because the instances or too small to try to form a group and you cant send server wide messages. Adding dual spec within an AC will help this alot with roles, but LFD within server seems the best route. I for one dont like waiting around forver spamming the same "Looking for X". Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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I found a good group of people on this game early level, I grouped with them liked them, joined there guild , got on there TS server and made friends, Now ever day me and my new guild we go World Boss hunting, We have downed 12 world bosses and been in SEVERAL world PvP battles with Republics, I have had the most fun with this group of people doing world bosses and world PvP, and guess what since there is a abundant amount of people in the guild you type this ing guild, Anyone wanna do XXXX flaspoint, and since everyone is cool and we are on Teamspeak people come together and we run the instance and complete and have fun talking and joking on TS and downing bosses and instances. Also im one of the higher levels in my guild and since I made friends with alot of people in the guild I help them run instances and lower level Heroic quest and I have fun doing it, THAT IS SOCIAL INTERACTION in a MMO.



All this comparing to IRL stuff and saying we are being forced is BS you cant compare a MMO to anything in IRL it just doenst work they both have their own set of rules.


Play your own way, and enjoy the game as it is, If there is somthing you want in the game and its not there, oh well sorry Bioware is not going to change somthing in the game to make a handful of people happy when in the long run they know what is best for THEIR game.


Trust in Bioware my young ones.


Guess what. All that you have mentioned is not effected in any way by having a LFG tool.


You will still meet people on the same server.

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