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Everything posted by Holocroncrystal

  1. In Wow you can shut off the speech, and it only has 3 line of text also it's not in the middle of screen.
  2. I know I have no macros I'm trying to get abiliteis off before the other guy does so I spam them right before they are cooled down, also the red text from not ready yet, not in front of you and not enough rage are also displayed. Thats 5 lines of text right in the middle of the screen.
  3. Couldn't they make it 2 lines instead of like 8. The game has some killer anmations and it would be nice to see it with out weeding through the red text.
  4. I don't think it's the gear at all, it's the mere fact PVE players are more skilled then PVP players. You see PVP players have grown accustom to gear carrying them, but now when they face roll the keyboard and look the screen the PVE player is still alive so they rage about it. The PVPers need to get rid of their scrub pvp gear and learn to play.
  5. At level cap can a person with a full set of PVP gear play PVE with out being a hinder to the group?
  6. Well some people don't even have a alt and haven't hit 50 yet. Please don't tell me avid PVPers are scared of PVEers. Don't let your gear carry you and use some of that elite pvp skill.
  7. Hitting 50 and woes of gear disparities can be tiresome and frustrating. Even damaging to the game with people trying to play catch up. Even those who are skilled but with lesser gear the gap between the to grows larger. I feel for you OP but the game is new and a lot of poeple didn't hit 50 yet I am sure as the game evolves and more 50s are leveled there will be somthing more inticing at level cap. If I was in your shoes I'd give the game some time and I would reroll or even try the other faction, but thats just me.
  8. Yeah I messed up too not on the spelling but I really should of gave it better thought. I was in the mist of the game and really didn't know what it in telled.
  9. Wow didn't have weather at launch either, I'm sure in time these things could be iplinted.
  10. It gives me a chance to go to my ship, yeah I like it and don't mind it all. I actually enjoy it better then flying on the back of some creature alla wow.
  11. EA could make a lot of money by just letting people pay to complain here.
  12. Pfft it's not name calling. And you can troll peoples threads. Some one posts a topic about low FPS in a certain area of the game and some one responds with, buy a better PC. A response like that isn't helping and there is no opinion on the matter it's just to annoy. To the topic creator there is thread on the issue you can post in, that won't be locked like the many others. http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=44677
  13. It's not derogastory and there is no opinion on why we shouldn't have the option to shut off the red error text. If people are annoyed by the red text why further agitate them by telling them not to spam? God forbid some one ask for an option in a MMO that other MMO's offer.
  14. Woops didn't know this was the official thread /signed
  15. He is not a troll but maybe a fanboy which can be just as bad. You can't shut it off and you should be able too, this is worse with some classes then others you need to spam Abilities, and in pvp I have to spam multiple Abilities it's real bad, thats 3 not ready yets, plus out of range, not in front you, and no rage. I know the guy isn't in front of me yet but i'm trying to get off my rotation with my first abilites. We all know why it's there, but there should be an option to turn it off. To tell some one to just stop spaming is wrong. The game has beautiful animations and we shouldn't have to weed through the red text to enjoy them.
  16. I would rather them test high res texs runing on different hardware then have them release them and my hardware burning up. This actually happen in Star Trek online people GPU's where burning out. I don't think they are with holding them to be mean guys they are probably working different GPU's and drivers stress testing. For some strange reason this game runs my rig hotter then other higher graphic intense games.
  17. Ok let me get this straight the two cores the game does use isn't considerd multi-threading, because actually the game is only useing one core? Data from the game only passes through one core the other core handles the OS which is multi tasking, but as far as the game goes, it isn't multi tasking because the hero engine only use on core, nothning more.
  18. First of all I am no techy but if the game doesn't support multi-threading how can data pass through more then one core? And why do quads handle the game better?
  19. How would intel's ivory bridge cpu handle tor? Or is there no hope?
  20. Oh great some one buffed me now I have to stop go back jump off my mount buff them back and a have a conversation with them. Nice weather we are having, oh wait there is no weather in this game, then they call me a wow fanboy and a hater so I jump back on my mount and go back to business while they rage behind me.
  21. Holocroncrystal

    Arena gear

    I don't get this whole skill thing in a MMO's sure it's there but it's not like a fps rts in a mmo you can mash buttons for god sakes and win (pallies). You can have a class be over powerd or be carried by others on the team, healing can be easy. Some classes have anmation delys more then others. You are rewarding flaws in the game and even WOW said they made a mistake and each season they are nerfs giving out and abilities taken out or changed, these changes affect the game as a whole peoples classes that don't even do arena are nerfed or changed because of arena. I don't hate arena I just don't want to be the only way to obtain the best pvp gear. I don't want the game to solely evolve around just arena. Why do people want there to be only one way to abtain the best PVP gear? You don't, then fine. Let people obtain their gear they want there should not be only one way to get the best pvp gear. That would be like saying in a FPS you have to only play conquest mode to obtain better gear. They should be multiple ways and new forms of PVP to obtain gear. Just my two cents I am not anti arena.
  22. No one said that. lol Premades should face premades they have certain advanatges no afkers, bots, quiters, voice chat, have roles filled like healers tanks dps and if some isn't pulling their weight you can replace them. Some people just want a premade to carry them and they only want to fight against pugs because it's the easy route. See what I did there?
  23. If people don't stop quiting then I'm going to quit, that will teach em good.
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