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Discipline System; I don't suppose there is still time to reconsider?


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The announcement I saw, and the purchase screen, mentioned nothing about it.


That's because you are not purchasing disciplines with SOR. Disciplines is just another universal class balancing change just like any other patch, only a more sweeping one. SOR is the new level cap and story arcs.

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That's because you are not purchasing disciplines with SOR. Disciplines is just another universal class balancing change just like any other patch, only a more sweeping one. SOR is the new level cap and story arcs.


I understand that -- but I doubt I'd have been so willing to keep spending on SWTOR had I known which direction Bioware was taking it in. When my current sub runs out, I have a hard decision to make.

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Two things I know I am going to like about the new system, if my assumptions turn out to be correct...


1) No cost for abilities any longer.

2) Very easy to switch ACs.


Now, if only the game would save my UI setup for each AC that would make it perfect IMO.

Edited by LordArtemis
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Two things I know I am going to like about the new system, if my assumptions turn out to be correct...


1) No cost for abilities any longer.

2) Very easy to switch ACs.


Now, if only the game would save my UI setup for each AC that would make it perfect IMO.


You forgot the no cooldown part, the bugs everywhere part, the insta 1-60 leveling ;)

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I understand that -- but I doubt I'd have been so willing to keep spending on SWTOR had I known which direction Bioware was taking it in. When my current sub runs out, I have a hard decision to make.

No you don't. It's an easy decision.


Are you still having fun and do you still have the money to afford a sub? -> Stay subbed.

Are you no longer having fun or has your financial situation changed? -> Cancel sub.


I'm sorry you feel that a system you have not actually had a chance to use will destroy your fun. If it does you should cancel. However I would strongly suggest you wait until after you've had a chance to actually use it, as you may be surprised.


Note: This is not a "well cancel then" answer, but an honest appraisal of your options. I've been a player since late beta, and have been subbed since early access. Someday even I will stop paying, because it will stop being fun, I just haven't hit that yet.

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Typo of Pipe Dream, you mean.


Don't get me wrong here, I have tons of typos in my posts, so I'm not flaming you for it.

It's just mildly amusing for someone to make a typo (typographic error) while admitting to a typo.


A typo in a typo?


We must go deeper.


*french horns blare*

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Typo of Pipe Dream, you mean.


Don't get me wrong here, I have tons of typos in my posts, so I'm not flaming you for it.

It's just mildly amusing for someone to make a typo (typographic error) while admitting to a typo.


Using my phone, and apparently it thinks I want shift when I hit a or l when I want to backspace and the like.


I know you were flaming me, and it was amusing.

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Two things I know I am going to like about the new system, if my assumptions turn out to be correct...


1) No cost for abilities any longer.

2) Very easy to switch ACs.


Now, if only the game would save my UI setup for each AC that would make it perfect IMO.


What makes you think abilities are going to be free? That's a 12x xp boost thing. Chances are good that we're going to have to go back to paying for skill upgrades when 3.0 drops.

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What makes you think abilities are going to be free? That's a 12x xp boost thing. Chances are good that we're going to have to go back to paying for skill upgrades when 3.0 drops.


I think a yellow post said something about abilities from the trainers being free in 3.0. Can't recall where though.

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What makes you think abilities are going to be free? That's a 12x xp boost thing. Chances are good that we're going to have to go back to paying for skill upgrades when 3.0 drops.


And another one who fell into the troll trap.


Between he was talking about the wy devs learned their abilities not the feature coming with 12x xp

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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No, no, we all get it.


Because you can kick the door open, anyone who bothers to turn the knob and push it open on the hinges needs to "learn to play", even though it's smoother and just as fast, because they're not "using all the raw power they can".

Well said Max. Any class can be "that easy"...but anyone who knows what they're doing, uses a helluva lot more than 4 buttons.

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Well said Max. Any class can be "that easy"...but anyone who knows what they're doing, uses a helluva lot more than 4 buttons.


I wish people didn't always take things literally. I never meant only those four buttons ever, because I assumed the people reading this thread would be intelligent enough to comprehend the difference between a rotational and situational ability.


Anyway I like the supercharge change. Marauders always where a more interesting class to play than arsenal ever was.

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Two things I know I am going to like about the new system, if my assumptions turn out to be correct...


1) No cost for abilities any longer.

2) Very easy to switch ACs.


Now, if only the game would save my UI setup for each AC that would make it perfect IMO.


The skill purchase system is not changing. You will still have to go to trainers and purchase your abilities or use your Hutt statue. The Discipline system is just like skill trees today, which you don't have to pay to put your points in.


You also cannot switch ACs, only Disciplines. So you can switch from Lightning to Madness (if you have field respec you can do so anywhere) without having to put a bunch of skill points in, if that's what you mean. You would only have to put in your 7 utilities if you are max level.

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The skill purchase system is not changing. You will still have to go to trainers and purchase your abilities or use your Hutt statue. The Discipline system is just like skill trees today, which you don't have to pay to put your points in.


You also cannot switch ACs, only Disciplines. So you can switch from Lightning to Madness (if you have field respec you can do so anywhere) without having to put a bunch of skill points in, if that's what you mean. You would only have to put in your 7 utilities if you are max level.


And a third one fell to the troll

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I wish people didn't always take things literally. I never meant only those four buttons ever, because I assumed the people reading this thread would be intelligent enough to comprehend the difference between a rotational and situational ability.


Anyway I like the supercharge change. Marauders always where a more interesting class to play than arsenal ever was.

I wasn't commenting on your replies Zoom, I only read what Reno had been saying to Max, which was ridiculously simple minded.

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*Thinks a few mins*


Nope. You answered with logic and without sarcasm, you didn't troll Artemis back. So I didn't get trolled ;):p


What if, Lord Artemis isn't a troll, but someone who just honestly believes those things are true, from what s/he has experienced in life.


What if I told you that LA has a logical reasoning to his/her idea, and you just disagree on them?



Back on one of the other topics: I swear I read something about us still needing to go to trainers for ability training, but the cost was going to be removed, in 3.0 and not just for pre-order players on 12x exp. Still digging but the Search Function doesn't mark where BW posts are.

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