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Game Update 3.0 Class Changes: Commando + Mercenary


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Blazing Bolts. Can anyone explain the difference between Blazing Bolts and Unload? Or between Rail Shot and Mag Shot for that matter?

Blazing Bolts and Mag Shots are replacement attacks. They are presumably better suited for the relevant Advanced Class.



the question is why not fit the existing Abilities to the spec by using passive talents in the disciplines


the way they are doing it we'll have to rearrange our interface for no reason, whenever we switch specs (pardon disps (or what is the new nickname?:rolleyes:)).

and since Eric stated we won't get dual spec (to do the rearranging for us) it's just wasted time for no visible reason it worked fine the way it was after all.

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No actually, outside PvP Arsenal has a very tight ammo management. One wrong attack could effectively kill your sustained dps in PvE, this is a much needed and huge improvement for us.


Yes, its strange they put that into the blog post. Its slightly different from the old Advanced Targeting (minus the Accuracy) but i suspect there will be many changes to our passive abilities.


Yes but this has changed as well. As say said in the blog post, we have three additional passives, giving us all the new supercharged stuff.


Woot! More sustained DPS vor PvErs! Plus another offensive cd and a raidwide buff. I like it.


You can never have enough armor pen an alacrity (in 3.0).


I dont care either way, i'm a dps class, my job is first and foremost to kill stuff, saving the raid because healers isnt.



Blazing Bolts and Mag Shots are replacement attacks. They are presumably better suited for the relevant Advanced Class.


What makes you think Priming Shot is about Interrupts in PvP?


Who cares about ur useless pve stuff

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What the hell is a serrated blaster bolt? how do you make jagged energy... this just makes no sense to me :p


I'm thinking it's probably like a bowcaster bolt, a slug of metal enveloped in plasma and accelerated to a respectable velocity. In this case it would just be a chunk of shrapnel instead of a proper slug, obviously.


Who cares about ur useless pve stuff

Pee Vee Pee pls go

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Dear BW heroic utility skills for mercs amndos suck,


3% more healing and endurance srsly?

25 % more on that channeled aoe?


compared to 15 m flame burst and 40 m grapple for pts its a joke, pls tell me to play any reason not to reroll right now?

Have you seen the utility system at the livestream? Horrible!.

The current Disciplines Calculator at dulfy is much better adjusted then the one at the livestream, so be thankful if that stayed.

But better it would, if "kolto jets" should be down to skillful (similar to sorc) and "power barrier" up to masterful.


Edit: utility system from disciplines Calculato @ Dulfy is changed to that terrible livestream version.

Edited by DomBah
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I think the more I look at it, the more this crap stinks.


sorc hybrid playstyle of forklightning (who doesn't want to feel like the emperor, or palpatine)

Gone. Forced into mindless gaming mechanics of dots.


Operatives my healer operative becomes unkillable ! What you mean they can't kill me without hacks.

Now they definetly can't kill operative without hacking!


My merc/commando becomes one trick pony! Time out!

There is a reason three healing classes are diverse, Sorc/Sage is AOE heals, Operative/Scoundrel is Strongest HOT (heal over time)

And Merc Commando had strongest single target Heals. Now base I see commando group healing buffed.

That is not what it is was meant to do.


Now kolto missile was given so commando and mercs none heal spec could offheal on the moving fights, sacrifice of some dps.

But a advance otion for the more skilled players or veterans.

How can sorc justify there healing spot? When you bring commando/merc for all !


Now there is a reason commando and merc are popular with the longtime players.

Cause it is a hybrid class, same as the operative but unlike the operative (who is the druid class of swtor)

We are tincans that die really easy in pvp. So that remains untouched.

Fair enough for pvp, but my new abilities are crap, a instant powershot with cooldown for a instant tracer missile?

(yeah don't have to wait for stream to know what you guys did)

And a bug free unload version that probaly will be buffed by the talent tree.


Fine was expecting tradeoff of rapid scan for emergency scan. But removing kolto missile/bomb.

That sounds like lazy work, when you don't understand the 3 primary roles of the 3 healing classes.


Somebody went over the numbers and just eh overdid the merc / commando healer buffing.

When we need to be buffed in one more additional cooldown/survival option for all three spec.

Cause more vets play this class cause of versatility, same as sorc hybrid excist cause people wanted a different playstyle. (not everybody is a min maxer)


I only see discipline as streamlining the workload for dev, and simplifiying it for the dumies.

With a problem that dummies find pressing 4 buttons hard! 4 buttons is too much!

Honestly we play computer games cause we like to press buttons, we like to find combo's that work.

You think street fighter/mortal combat became famous for button bashing?

No it was executing right combination of buttons at the right time.


Now I love the discipline system but the execution is so flawed, instead of real choices.

We are being shoe horned into a predesigned "passive" choice, if something comes up that exceed DEV opnion or playstyle. It can easily be fixed.


OK fair enough from developers point of view. But how about just make one button game then.

saves even more workload, sorry I do not see improvement in my main class.

Infact I only see a combination that was available with SCC that was taken away from players.

Cause of preloaded free heat or energy damage, even that option is gone cause SCC has been changed to not provide buffs or free damage.


So overall I only see decrease in playstyle and combination, and streamlining while walking over other healers domain.


I have no idea how to tell you how wrong you are but you are very, very wrong and you obviously haven't looked into the changes for the other classes. Check the healing changes for the sorcs if you want to know why (they get a moving heal) Kolto missile being a heal only skill now is fine, because a DPS shouldn't be able to heal 8 people in PVP. Since they removed the HOT on the missile (From what I gather anyway, they mightve only removed the increased healing buff placed by the HOT) they effectively also nerfed it.


The Sorc will still remain AOE master healer race

The Merc will REGAIN its spot as single target master healer race (since operatives had it before, due to their lack of needing alacrity and just going full power / surge)

The Operative will remain a moving healer master race class (and at the same time stops being the cure all master race healer that only lacks in AOE heals)

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I have no idea how to tell you how wrong you are but you are very, very wrong and you obviously haven't looked into the changes for the other classes. Check the healing changes for the sorcs if you want to know why (they get a moving heal) Kolto missile being a heal only skill now is fine, because a DPS shouldn't be able to heal 8 people in PVP. Since they removed the HOT on the missile (From what I gather anyway, they mightve only removed the increased healing buff placed by the HOT) they effectively also nerfed it.


The Sorc will still remain AOE master healer race

The Merc will REGAIN its spot as single target master healer race (since operatives had it before, due to their lack of needing alacrity and just going full power / surge)

The Operative will remain a moving healer master race class (and at the same time stops being the cure all master race healer that only lacks in AOE heals)



Yo dude when you finally able to follow your own advice.

And really look at what makes that healing castable on the move, then you can go telling people there are wrong.


till then where is my apology! Come you can do it! Or you going to skulk now!

Both healers have that nifty new healing spell castable on the move with a heroic passive utility.

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Yo dude when you finally able to follow your own advice.

And really look at what makes that healing castable on the move, then you can go telling people there are wrong.


till then where is my apology! Come you can do it! Or you going to skulk now!

Both healers have that nifty new healing spell castable on the move with a heroic passive utility.


well my point wasnt about being able to cast SOMETHING on the move, it was about all your other invald points.

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well my point wasnt about being able to cast SOMETHING on the move, it was about all your other invald points.


I am still waiting not backpedal now!


See man up admit you are just loving technicalities. Look simply put Merc has become a beter healer then a sorc in PVE!

Stronger single target, koltoshell and 2 AOE healing that matches the sorc ones.

And heals more and cheaper cost too.


PvP sorc is still beter cause of escape options and immunity bubble.

Operative healer don't talk about the operative, they are godlike and definetly in pvp.

Cause of the utility combinations, they definetly have faster regain of cooldowns and one more cooldown called stimpack to pop that was currently out of reach.

Look was playing all three of the classes, so I know the advangetages and disadvangetages of the three.

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So, what they did is they made all healers have same package of utility right? They took 5% DMR from Kolto Missile and reduced healing buff to 1 person at time. Nice change on heat dump from Kolto Shot and getting all those passives should help with survivability. I'd like to see the operative changes actually. The only reason I didn't like it much - it was rough healing without any sort of buffs or extras which was kinda boring. If they make it have some, as they mentioned, I might finally consider change my main to Op :rolleyes:
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Not the disciplines part, the utility side, unless I completely missed that. Did check the Bodyguard part / Arsenal part and Ordnance part. Not talking about the PT utilities.


He quickly passed over them 'cause most of them are talents we already have seen for the past years.. They're talent coming from all three trees. Check again.

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These changes feels more like we are being pushed into cookie cutter forms and I honestly wasn't all about breaking the mold or trying out variants/hybrids. Yes, yes death to hybrids but even the ones you made are being taken out back and sliced up? My dps that could toss out an aoe heal, I was never, never comparable to a spec'd healer when setup as dps, no one thought I was, I never tried to be.


You don't want to bog us down with essentially useless abilities yet you're copying one instead of just replacing or upgrading the one we had? Why not just keep the 'old' one viable in an alternative rotation, oh because the point is to dumb down characters, ie hybrids the removal of longtime abilities we had aoe taunt, aoe heal, some classes/trees being better for aoe utility etc.


I liked tossing that out to help out when things didn't need me to burn dps, I liked topping off my comp when we were bum rushing through something now I'll get instant heals(big whoop) but not the aoe I came up with. Those lulls in fights were an opportunity for me to help out my team and healers, you know cooperation. The aoe heal that saved me and my companion so many times is gone, why so you can make my dps more like other dps classes, because in pvp it was hated?

Now what I have to target myself, teammates one at a time, companion in order to get a heal then back to whatever needs killing? That's supposed to be faster for me as a dps instead of firing off the aoe and then hitting my hotkey attack that is still on the target I was attacking, are you kidding? The point there is to stop me from doing any healing period and you know it, except maybe on myself.


It is fun for players when there are classes that have abilities that others don't it is how you get people to play different classes that have a different feel or playstyle. Seems like your goal is moving us towards the only differences between classes being the weapons we use and their armor. They thing you should be doing for balance is to not have some classes so OP that no one plays the other classes and that isn't a problem except when you get into PVP or PVE elitists but nothing you do short of making this into a fps with a standard char clone will change those people's views.


TLDR: Taking merc's aoe heal is a boring restrictive change and looks like disciplines is really going the way of dumbing down the game also get off my lawn. :w_frown:

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Just watched changes at Dulfy


Still no have any idea why they are creating new skills.

Also, if BW didn't know that, Rail Shot and Unload are used to be in both trees: 2nd and 3rd. How it will be now?


Commando Pyro new skill: this is not assault skill, this is magic powder from kid's movie! :mad:



Turn back Hidden Strike!

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Not the disciplines part, the utility side, unless I completely missed that. Did check the Bodyguard part / Arsenal part and Ordnance part. Not talking about the PT utilities.


Did you?



Also, if BW didn't know that, Rail Shot and Unload are used to be in both trees: 2nd and 3rd. How it will be now?



Unload: use until you get and replace it with Blazing Bolts

Rail Shot: use it


Innovative Ordnance

Unload: use it

Rail Shot: use until you get and replace it with Mag Shot


Simple. Actually I've never played Merc Pyrotech ever so I don't know exactly how rotation will be in Innovative Ordnance.

Edited by Halinalle
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O M G, looking trough duffy utility tree.


I am losing a lot of dps, my tracer missile don't gain critical strike bonus?

Wait our signature move doesn't get 30% critical strike damage bonus ?


Hello railshot without Pyro reduction of armour to push it till 80% armour reduction , isn't compensated by 30% critical strike damage.


Why are we using sweeping blaster want people to run out of resources! Or become the next smash spam spec!

With vent heat? And the 25% more damage utility ?


Why are we forced to use the new animation skills if they do exactly the same, but we are not able to choose which animation we want, I don't like wierd curling blaster bolts zooming in on the target!

But we are forced to use it cause it got 30% more critical strike damage. (artistic choice)


Well why is more powersurge charges in heroic utility when without rapid scan it just becomes a useless tracer missile spam (that don't critical as hard anymore) so poweroverrides isn't a heroic ability anymore. Cause lack of rapidscan.


Wait did somebody asked for making a merc a unkillable tank in pvp?

Suit Foa Rebounder and Pyro shield, woot come on closer guys, be burned by my energy shield !

And help me get it up faster. Ok was wrong about we are tin can one trick pony, we are just doing a lot less damage.

But if they focus us in melee muwhahaha. So we don't get focused anymore.


Ok I guess somebody love the merc, but doesn't understand the merc.

We don't use sweeping blaster, making us use it will make us another smash problem.

We now use railshot cause of the "exploitive" reduce all the armour on target, take that away our railshot hits like a turkey, since Penetration has gone down across the board, our dps went down with it!

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Fine what would satisfy me.


Kolto missile back as base, but reduce to 3-4 people can even reduce the healing on it. (not that it was healing much as single target unless it critical)

Give the bodyguard a passive that heals up to 8 people and give buffs and more healing.

Tracer missile getting the 30% strike damage bonus back. (logical choice anyway)


People able to choose if they want to use blazing bolts or unload!

some will love the new animation, some will love the old one, what is the problem? Both do exactly the same.

Just one is now forced upon us, another relegated to old abilities.


Lets be fair, it isn't you guys can't remove old abilities! You are not allowed to remove ablities ;)

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Kolto missile back as base, but reduce to 3-4 people can even reduce the healing on it. (not that it was healing much as single target unless it critical)


It heals currently max 4 allies.


Tracer missile getting the 30% strike damage bonus back. (logical choice anyway)


Are you talking about the original Arsenal when it was basically only Tracer Missile?

Edited by Halinalle
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I play a Pyrotech Merc pretty heavily, I am sure not a fan of that Mag Shot animation. I liked the fact that a Bounty Hunter uses his armor (mainly the wrist to fire a rail shot) as a weapon and not just his blasters. :mad:


If you want to use logic, the amount of pushback suffered from shooting a blaster at the wrist no matter how good your dampeners are....goodbye moving wrists.....


Hopefully they change it.

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It heals currently max 4 allies



Are you talking about the original Arsenal when it was basically only Tracer Missile?


Are you seriously interested in mercenaries or balance ?

Or just come to cheerlead senseless changes, beter eat more GMO junk. And some more fragging please.


Come back in 20 year, when you are still alive.

Cause this is not bringing anymore creative solutions, popcorn comments are nice.

But since half the world is full of popcorn people, atleast make some funny popcorn comments that make me laugh.

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Are you seriously interested in mercenaries or balance ?

Or just come to cheerlead senseless changes, beter eat more GMO junk. And some more fragging please.


Come back in 20 year, when you are still alive.

Cause this is not bringing anymore creative solutions, popcorn comments are nice.

But since half the world is full of popcorn people, atleast make some funny popcorn comments that make me laugh.


Currently only damage increase to Tracer Missile is:

Mandalorian Iron Warheads: Increases the damage dealt by 6%


Only 30% critical damage increase I can find is:

Target Tracking


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Currently only damage increase to Tracer Missile is:

Mandalorian Iron Warheads: Increases the damage dealt by 6%


Only 30% critical damage increase I can find is:

Target Tracking



So you don't have a merc but you can theorie craft about merc.


Righto so what is the current ARP what is the future ARP even with SC fully charged.

What is the current damage of tracermissile, don't tell me you are one of those idiots who gotten tracer missile nerfed to lower damage then powershot LMAO that made the DEV the laughing stock of the community about balance.

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