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Will we ever get more new hairstyles, skin colors, face tats etc for any species?


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Warning: this is going to be a long post! :)

My wish list is for all hairstyles, colors, etc to be made available to all races and classes. Also, I'd like to see better facial hair for the men. The beards are ridiculous - could we have something more trim and less lumberjack? And, the mustaches look like 70's **** stars - blech. The women's hair overall is lame. Can we get some cute hairstyles without having hair hanging in the face, ridiculous pig tails or Vulcan bangs?!!!? Also, instead of full color, can we have streaks of color - I might actually go for more brightly colored hair then. Purple eyes would be amazing!!!

I'd also like to be able to personalize my toons further. I play Sims and I love that I can change the size and shape of body parts to make each Sim unique. I can also change the pitch of the voice. I'd also like the male body type 3 to not look so ridiculous - giant chest and narrow hips looks really weird.

I'd also like to see a PERMANENT ban on the Series (fill in the #) robotic gear. It was stupid looking the first time and however many renditions later, it is still stupid.

Speaking of bans, class mission, space mission, pvp, exploration boosts need to GO! I feel cheated every time I open a cartel pack and I look at crap that I have to throw away because nobody wants them.

Cartel items: if I buy the damn thing with my coins, I don't want to have to pay MORE coins out to unlock it for all toons. Also, when I'm finished wearing gear and want to dispose of it, I'd like to be able to sell it at a vendor. Otherwise, I have to throw it away or let it take up space in my cargo.

Mounts: flying mounts - WoW did it, so can these guys.

Story lines: I want to see potential faction changes. As in, a Jedi switches to Sith and there's a whole story behind it. How about a light side Jedi who gets tempted by a Sith and can either follow that path or stay as a Jedi? How about a Trooper who has these cases of unbelievable good luck and finds he is Force sensitive? He could opt to train as a Jedi or stay a trooper...or perhaps be swayed to the dark side?

What about additional classes and how would those work out? Maybe an actual Hunter class that can tame animals to fight by his/her side? Maybe an ambassador class that is a neutral faction and tries to facilitate peace between Imps and Pubs? Maybe a merchant class, also neutral that can not only make goods, but sell them (without GTN getting a commission - really, Bioware?!!?).

I'd like to see Rakata developed into a full story line for each class. It's a beautiful planet and I am really sick of city planets and planets that look like Voss/Belsavis/Makeb. Kashyyyk would be a great idea as well. Maybe Naboo? How about some sort of FP in the Kessel Mines?

Rather long-winded I know but I've had 3 years to think of these things. I'd like to see some serious changes so that the game feels fresh.

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I only need 2 things mostly


if not a real face character creator, to choose the eyes, mouth, etc...then


1) more Caucasian faces for humans

2) more hairstyles and facials... More hairstyles doesn't mean long hair... As for the facials, I like the unshaved style, there is only 1 but its so smooth....

3) a body type between 1 and 2.

Edited by Oyranos
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I came back to TOR after (I think) a year away. I was actually surprised not to see more of such things in the CM and was a bit disheartened by it.


yeah, that's been the big surprise for me too, new really cool faces would be something i'd delve into the CM to get access too or new skins and body features.



  • male toons with body hair options - from simple arm/legs all the way to a full on hairy mat on the chest
  • or male body necks with adam's apples, cos atm only size 1 twi'leks have this available, and really it should be on all males of Size 1 and 2, and possibly optional on size 3, or just make it optional - should be there for all humans, cyborgs, sith, twi'leks, Cath'ar , well all males really.
  • Facial hair options - even the ability to just reduce the thickness of the beards from a a light stubble to a proper messy beared to even arab style/tyrant butcher style


New faces would be nice too, but I reckon they may actually take a lot more work than the above 3 options.

Body hair and adam's apple is just a matter of painting on, body hair can be like a tattoo, adam's apple may mean having a different body or neck, I don't know how they did it for the Voss and the twi'lek, but it's something that is easy to have, surpirsed they took it away from size 1 human males.


Facial hair is probably the most tedious to do, but still relatively quite simple, you just have 5 versions of each beard option how many degrees of hair thickness you want facial hair to have. 5 would be idea.

  1. Light Stubble - just a tad more than complexion options allow
  2. heavier stubble
  3. Light beard thickness - no more a sutbble but looks like a low cut/trimmed beard
  4. normal beard thickness - this is the one currently available in game
  5. Thick untidy - this is where it gets ugly, the beards are overgrown here, exaggerrated etc.

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I only need 2 things mostly


if not a real face character creator, to choose the eyes, mouth, etc...then


1) more Caucasian faces for humans

2) more hairstyles and facials... More hairstyles doesn't mean long hair... As for the facials, I like the unshaved style, there is only 1 but its so smooth....

3) a body type between 1 and 2.


Actually a body type between 2 and 3 woudl be better, or a tall slim guy build, this is far more common. basically Voss height with adam's apples and all. Reminds you of Count Dooku or Anakin Skywalker - both tall, size 3 height, but slim, the Voss remind me most of them, and with an adam's apple - or at least adam's apples should be optional and not only restricted to Twi'leks size 1 males.

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I have issues with Twi'leks in this game. Instead of giving us some basic colors like red, blue, green, purple, flesh, white. We get a small selection of ugly hues of not quite red, not quite purple and so on. Just some disgusting pastels for both factions. They really need to open the color selection way up for this race.


Also the lekku marks being tied to makeup is a horrible idea. It feel like someone was given an afternoon to complete the Twi'lek customizations and they never bothered to finish. I also would love to see some lekku nets and straps.

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Suspect it was one designer or dev's pet project and that they've since moved on. Reminds me of when in SWG they were going to revamp species art two at a time to make them more 'realistic' and then after doing the first two never came back to it again. Always hated the way humans lips looked after that patch.
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I really want new hairstyles, colors, skin colors, and tattoos. It has been since 2.0 that we got any, and not many at that, that's a long time ago. I want a long straight hair style!!!! I also want the ability to have highlights/strands of other colors in hair, not just one color. Other MMO's let you.


I also want some of the hair styles from other classes available to all classes. For example, there is a spikey short-hairstyle for Republic Zebrac that you can't get on Imperial Zebrac, or any other class. Please open up these styles and colors and tattoos for ALL classes. Would be great to let humans and other species use the tattoos from Twi'lek and Zebrac for example. The current system is just far too limiting, always has been.

Edited by DarthVengeant
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Recently re-subbed and noticed this too, I love to see some new hair styles and tattoos for all races for sure, and I hope they add in more companion customizations because some of the current ones range from bland to horrible looking imo or just let us choose to adjust their look via the Change Appearance kiosk lol. Also we need more colors for dyes instead the current gothic or pastel colors...and yes I am one of those who like to look good while kicking àss. :D Edited by Devako
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The MO in general of devs is to simply stop talking about certain features that didn't do so well early on. My guess is that character customization wasn't as big a revenue boon as they had hoped so they just quit releasing new content on that front. To talk about or acknowledge it would be potentially embarrassing so they just let it fall through the cracks.


Considering how many humans I see with the new hair styles, it had to have sold well! Just imagine if those styles were also available for the other species that have hair.

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I'd also love to see more cosmetic hairstyles and colours, even more eye colours and new make-up options. Some species appear essentially human with a few minor skin colour/tattoo tweaks, it would be nice to see all new hairstyles apply across races with hair like the Cathar, and Miralan.


I'm also hoping for more unusual alien species to be introduced. I heard the Togruta is next, a bit of a Twilek sequel since they have strong appearance similarities. I'd be keen on playing Jawas or Gungans over Togrutas. I know there'd be more work in a really unique race for armours and gear to work, but would probably bring in more money and enjoyment than introducing races similar to what we already have. I hope they eventually decide to do something like that. New classes would also be fab, but I'm guessing there's little chance of all the class storyline work those would entail. :p

Edited by Sharzade
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  • 4 weeks later...

Bioware has a list of long hairstyles for females, in fact they have more in general.


Whereas males seem to largely just have short variances, with occasional clone wars Anakin medium length and qui-gon's massively long brushed back in a pony tail hair, and Obi-wan/Revan's longish medium. 2-medium hair, 1 super long hair. Otherwise never passed the neck, or even close.


Just once i'd like to see something more in-between. Something long but not terribly so, actually 'passed the neck' maybe, perhaps even waved. Like Anakin's hair in episode 3 (longer than clone wars and more waved), where it actually went all the way down his neck. Most the styles never go past the neck and there is none wavy or curly for guys, all straight. Even Ezra's hairstyle in Rebels. Quinlan Vos! He had long hair, that fell across his forehead in a few strands, not behind the eyes completely, when he was shown dark. http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090717033328/nations/images/1/13/Quindark.jpg


Example Hairstyles like these would be a breath of fresh air to a terribly limited selection for longer haired males who can't find anything similar.


As for woman, they already have a lot of variances. But if one was to be added, Leia's bun hair maybe!


As for eye color... I just want to see the classic Sith corruption eyes with the fiery red and gold together. Idk why they would leave it out when some npc's still have it.

Edited by Krimlord
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  • 2 weeks later...
I'd really like to see some more braided hairstyles: some long braids as well as some um... anime styled ones with twin braids and some long hair in the back. Also some twin buns would be nice, the ones like in this three-bun sort of hairstyle that already exists, but without the bun on the top of the head. <--- I hope I make any sense in there... As for the other stuff I'd like hair to be visible when the hood is on, or at least the bangs and SOME of the hair visible. A toggle-off option for the hood would be pretty useful, since some of them look really bad. In addition to this, some additional jewelery and tattoos for all races would be good, and not just the face ones. Same comes with scars. Lastly, please make some more make up options which aren't connected to tattoos and lekku make up for Twi'leks because, as cool as some of them look, some characters look really bad with the tattoos and make up on at once.
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We should also have a slider that lets us determine how muscular we want our characters to be. I wouldn't mind having a character that looks like Arnold Schwarzenegger (body type 3 is close except the ultra thin waist) and have another that looks like Pee wee Herman (body type one is also close except it has muscles and a 6-pack).
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An easy thing to do would be to remove the class/species restrictions on hair, tats, skin color, hair color, complexion, and eyes.


Except for the small part of making sure certain things fit right (like the hair) on certain species. But that seems almost like a minor thing.

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