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Things Veteran Players Wish Newbs Knew


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Try to hold aggro against a Carnage Mara unloading >7k DPS in the first 8 seconds of the fight if stars align. Or a Pyro having consistent 10k Railshot every 6 seconds. Or a Lightning Sorc with TB (double proc) > CL (double proc under Reck) for over 20k back to back. Tanking with competent DPS pulling high number can become quite hrd at the start of a fight IF you're a good tank. If you're a bad one, any DPS will pull off you easily.


Well yeah, but the truth is, at SM level, the majority of DPS players out there just aren't worthy of a guard.

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i wish people could read. Read their class abilities, class skill tree and everything related to their class and role so that they can play it better. all that requires is to read, it is simple but there are players who don't even bother reading, not even advice in chat.
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With how fast people are leveling and consequently how much game experience they are skipping entirely, then you factor in the legions of derps making threads like "The Weird people you meet in Group Finder" possible, Ive been wishing there was a thread like this (and that bioware would somehow force people to read it...). So:


10/22 Update: Added a section on Gearing for fresh 55s.


About Classes




  • Powertechs and Vangaurds ARE NOT RANGED CLASSES. They may have ranged abilities and a gun, but they are melee and should be in melee range using melee abilities. If youre using Unload/Full Auto and Missile Blast/Explosive Round, you should have made a Merc or a Commando.
  • Missile Blast and Explosive Round are terrible abilities that have almost no practical use once you are level 15 or 20. Once you are level 20, there isnt much reason for them to be on your action bar. The only time they have a real use is in pvp when you need to stop multiple people from capping a node and dont have access or the ability to use anything better (which would be just about anything else).




  • Sorcs/Sages are Ranged, Assassins/Shadows are Melee. Seriously.
  • The only Assassin/Shadow spec that should ever use Crushing Darkness/Mind Crush is the Madness/Balance spec. If you are not Madness/Balance take it off your bar. If you are Madness/Balance, NEVER, EVER HARD CAST IT. EVER. INSTANT CAST WITH PROC, ONLY!!!!
  • The only Assassin/Shadow spec that should be making regular use of Force Lightning/Telekinetic Throw is the tanking spec. This is because this ability directly figures in to your damage mitigation. Other specs have no use for it outside of using Recklessness or Force Potency for the extra range when you can move.
  • Spamming Force Storm/Forcequake may look cool, but if you are using it on a single target because you are lazy, you dont look cool. You look like a tool.
  • Spamming Overload/Force Wave is also a bad idea. As far as dps goes, its a waste of a GCD. It also tends to completely upset position, interrupt Ravages, break CC's. Its a situation skill, not rotational. -MillionsKNives




  • Operatives/Scoundrels are MELEE. Yes, like Powertechs and Vanguards they have a couple ranged abilities. But they are NOT ranged.
  • If youre a sniper/gunslinger and facing stealth/jumpers in a warzone, standing around not in cover is like an early birthday present for the enemy team.




  • Just because a Marauder/Sentinel has two lightsabers does NOT mean they are god's gift to mmo players.
  • If youre Annihilation/Watchman, stop using Force Scream/Blade Storm.



About Roles





  • Stop guarding the healer. The only things that will ever even think about attacking the healer are stuff that the threat reduction from the guard does not affect. In other words, it is completely USELESS to guard them. Put it on a dps.
  • Tanking does not mean attacking one target at a time. All three tanking classes have the tools to grab the attention of most if not all of the enemies in any given pack. Plus, if your DPS are doing their jobs appropriately, any 'escapees' will be focused out first.
  • Stop starting combat with taunt. Its a total waste of taunt.
  • Learn to plan ahead the usage of your cooldowns.
  • Dont try and stare down the trash. It doesnt work. Standing around without a good reason (Ex. an important CD for a difficult trash pack) is wasteful, silly, and somewhat rude. General rule, if everyones at full health, and nothings happening, thats bad.




  • Focus on the weakest enemies in any particular group first. Yes, its less "glorious" to have your Ravage interrupted mid cast cause you already killed 'it' but it benefits the group more to reduce the size of a group as fast as possible.
  • Seriously, stop breaking CC.
  • Trust me, you DO have an interrupt.




  • Stop asking for guard. Having guard on you will not prevent the stuff that has been running at your face from doing so. A 25% reduction in functionally infinite threat is still infinite. If you still dont agree, scroll down and read the section in Mechanics entitled Aggro.
  • Cleanse the Mining Laser debuff in Hammer. Im serious. Actually, understand that you can cleanse period. There are a lot of "healers" out there that dont seem to understand this.



About Combat Mechanics





First off: when you deal damage or heal hp, you also "deal threat." Enemies have an "Aggro Table," a list of all the players they are threatened by. Say a DPS Player A does 1k damage to some NPC, some other DPS Player B does 1.2K to the same NPC, and a healer heals 500 damage from one of the two dps players in combat with that same NPC. The NPC now has a list of:


Player B - 1.2k Threat

Player A - 1k Threat

Healer - 500 Threat.


Because Player B is higher on the table, the NPC attacks Player B.


Lets say that over the next few seconds, Player A really turns on the gas, puts on their Big Boy Pants, and deals another 1k Damage. Now the table is:


Player A - 2k Threat

Player B - 1.2k Threat

Healer - 500 Threat.


Because Player A has manned up and is now higher on the table, the NPC shifts their attention to Player A.


Threat Modifiers


Tanks throw a few more elements into the equation. For starters, their tanking stance doubles the threat that their abilities generate. IE, Tank does 1k damage to an NPC but does 2k threat to said NPC. They also have abilities which naturally deal more threat than their basic damage would otherwise generate.


Healers on the other hand, assuming they have the talent (which should be absolutely impossible to miss) generate 55% less threat than the amount of HP their heals regen. Futhermore, they only generate aggro based on actual healing DONE. IE, They may hit you with a 14k which you would expect to generate a little less than 6.3k threat, but if you were only missing 10k hp at the time, then that 14k heal only generates 4.5k threat.


The caveat to this is that healers generate this aggro on ALL enemies they are in combat with.


This brings us nicely to a more detailed discussion of why putting a guard on a healer is completely retarded.




The Guard ability that tanks have reduce the threat that the affected player generates by 25%. IE, you deal 1k damage, but generate only 750 threat on the NPC. This also applies to healers. IE, they heal for 1k but generate only approximately 350 threat, instead of the expected value of 450 due to their talents.


So why not guard the healer then? As noted above, whenever they heal, they generate aggro on EVERYTHING they are in combat with. That sounds like a lot of aggro, no? So why not?


Because, A: Its stupid. B: Its STUPID, and C: Healers generate VERY little aggro. The ONLY reason that stray adds start attacking the healer is because no one hit them. Quite often, its perfectly possible for the tank to get aggro on everything and corral everything nicely. But sometimes, its not and there are a couple enemies spread out all over creation being a giant nuisance. Well, if no one else hits them, guess who they will aggro onto, even though the actual number value of that threat may be small, if you compare a small number to 0, that small number is still infinitely larger.


This is why guarding a healer is one of the biggest Noob-Flags a tank can raise. That 25% reduction will reduce the aggro that the healer generates on mobs the rest of the party hasnt touched, but since you dont have ANY threat on them at all, a 25% reduction of Infinity is still Infinity and those mobs are going to attack the healer anyway. And, to correct the problem, someone is going to have to do exactly what they should have done to begin with. Attack them. Realistically speaking, the DPS in the party should be taking care of it (whether those stray weaker mobs are a problem or not) as their kill order is *supposed* to be Weakest to Strongest.


The final bit of wisdom necessary on this subject is a discussion of how Taunts and Threat Drops work.


Aggro Management




In other games, a taunt forces the Taunt-ee to attack the Taunt-er for some determined amount of time but has no other effect. Not so in TOR. Taunts in this game actually increase your threat, in addition to forcing the target to attack you for 6 seconds. Every time a tank taunts, their threat value with the NPC they taunted is set to 10% above the highest value on the table at the time of the taunt, even if they have the highest threat on the enemy at that time.


This is why starting combat with Taunt is such a terrible idea. It actually makes it HARDER to hold aggro on an NPC. If you start combat with taunt, your threat on that NPC will be 1. This might as well be 0 for all the good it will do you. It also puts your taunt on cooldown for 15 seconds. Meaning that, the overgeared Mega-DPS in your party that pulled aggro off of you 6 seconds into the fight? Well, it means hes keeping it for a while. Yes, you could use your AOE taunt to regain threat, but that has a much longer cool down of 45 seconds, and you may need that for other situations, depending on the fight.


Threat Drops


As for threat drops, there are three different kinds. Moves that apply a percent reduction to threat, moves that drop combat and erase all threat, and some weird thing that marauders and sentinels have.


The first type are the moves like Chaff Flare or Cloud Mind. They take whatever value of threat you have, apply a percentage multiplier to that value, and set your threat to that new value. The most effective way to use these moves is to either anticipate moving ahead of the tank on the table (or see that its going to happen on Parsec or a simliar program) and preemptively use the ability, OR, if you do pull ahead of the tank, WAIT to use the threat drop until AFTER the tank taunts the Boss or whatever back off of you. Yes, you may take some damage, but overall youll help the tank out more. If you drop threat before they taunt it back, then the highest value on the table will be cut significantly, resulting in a smaller boost for the tanks on threat. If you wait, and drop threat after the tank taunts back, it allows their taunt to use your higher threat value for its base figure maximizing the possible threat that the tank could have at that point and then minimising your own immediately afterword giving them a much larger cushion to work with.


The second type are the Assassin/Shadow and Operative/Scoundrel Vanish ability. By dropping combat entirely, they reset your threat back to zero. Again, its best if you wait until after the tank has taunted to maximise their threat gain but the vanish ability has an important place in the damage dealing rotations of each class, so you shouldnt be using it to help the tank (this is more true for more serious content, if youre in some podunk flashpoint, its fine, its not going to matter anyway).


The third type takes all of the concepts behind the first two, dances around them a bit and then defenestrates them entirely. Marauder's and Sentinel's Force Camouflage only actually helps if you use it after taking damage, of any kind and from any source.



About PVP





Warzones are not about fighting, doing damage and getting kills, they are about coordinated objective play. Quite often, fighting helps your team meet those objectives. But focusing too much on fighting, doing damage, and getting kills can just as easily lose you a match as it can win it.




When guarding nodes. DONT chase the enemy off the node. They WANT YOU TO DO THAT. Guarding the node is the priority. If the other team wants to sit out of range staring at you for the entire warzone thats just fine and dandy. Force them to come to you, do not make their job easier by running after them and giving up the node to the stealther who snuck up behind you.


Conversely, if youre trying to take a node, fighting 50 meters away from it isnt helping anything. If you dont fight on the node. You literally cannot ever take the thing. Unless the enemy is totally stupid and all runs out to fight you way out of range to do anything, fighting away from the node is a total waste of time.




COMMUNICATION WINS WARZONES! Its true. It does. Communicating information is almost always the single most important thing you can do. If you see people running towards the node youre guarding all by yourself, your most important job is to tell your team about it as soon as you possibly can. If this means that you have to sit their typing while youre getting killed, THEN DO IT. If you fight, die, and then decide to let people know, all you have managed to do is give your team NO CHANCE to respond and defend the node in time to prevent a cap.


COMMUNICATION IS A TWO-WAY STREET! Part of being a good communicator is paying attention to what others are communicating to you. If you dont notice the repeated calls of "2 inc west!" or "Stealth in Mid" or "PYLON NOW! and so forth because you are too busy derping at the enemy, you are not doing your part.


SPECIFICITY IN COMMUNICATION IS PARAMOUNT! One of the more annoying things that still crops up now and then is someone using subjective directional indicators rather than the definite cardinal direction directly from the minimap. IE, they say Left. Well, there are two lefts. Theres the left to your left, and then theres the other left to your other left if you turn around. Be specific and use the minimap. Dont assume a universal orientation based on which starting gate you come out of. --Sullster-


Situational Awareness


SITUATIONAL AWARENESS SAVES WARZONES! The leading cause of the word 'DEFEAT' popping up on the warzone scorecard at the end of a match is people not being aware of their surroundings. Quite often, it boils down to them not looking at a node. If the point of the match is to control or guard some node, guess what is more important? Guarding the node or watching some random punk dancing off in the distance? Its the first one. PAY ATTENTION TO WHATS GOING ON AROUND YOU!.


SITUATIONAL AWARENESS DOES NOT SOLELY CONCERN THE ENEMY! Part of being a good pvper is the ability to use your awareness of your surroundings to make intelligent inferences in the absence of direct information. As should be obvious to all, you can rarely count on the random pug guarding the other node to let people know about the legion of bad guys that showed up in time for you to do anything about it. If there is only one enemy at the node youre at but six of your teammates and you cant see anyone else, you might want to check the other node. This is also known as COMMON SENSE.


Warzone Evaluation


The Scorecard is not objectively correct. One of the more common mistakes I see people make is taking the information off the scorecard at face value. Just because you are higher up the table on the default ordering than someone else does not mean that you did better than them or had a bigger effect. Occasionally, it can be a direct indication that you did worse. Quite often its totally meaningless and has no bearing on anything at all. There are so many things that the score card does not track that have enormous import in determining a win or a loss. There is also no way for the card to directly show the context that resulted in the numbers the score card displays.


Arenas (Ranked)


Basically, Dont suck.


Oh, and if you dont have at least a full set of the basic WZ commendation PVP gear. STAY OUT.




About PVE





You can get a free set of 156 gear from just doing the Oricon story missions, a free level 148 weapon from doing the CZ-198 story missions. There is all this obnoxiously free gear out there. You dont need to show up to an HM 55 wearing the crap you got back on Voss.


Group Finder


Regular Flashpoints


Because it is possible for your class to queue for a role does NOT mean you have the right to queue as it to get a faster pop. If you are unprepared to fulfill a role but you select it anyway to save time you are screwing over your entire group. DONT DO IT.


Dont queue for hardmode flashpoints immediately after hitting 55. They are NOT a beginner level 55 activity. Youre supposed to have an average Item level of 148 before you do HM FPs.


By extension, "Average Item Level of 148" means that the AVERAGE of your item levels is 148. If you take the item level for each item youre wearing, and divide that by 14 (the number of items you should be wearing) and you dont get at least 146 you are NOT prepared and you wont be able to contribute what you are supposed to be able to to the group.


If you are completely new to flashpoints, its better to bring it up at the start rather than waiting. You may sometimes get instantly kicked before the first trash pack, but a group like this would kick you eventually anyway. At least this way you waste less time. More often that that, though, your group will be understanding and tell you the things you need to know to be successful. They will typically also be more forgiving of the mistakes are almost guaranteed to make due to unfamiliarity.




Minor, but seriously, STOP FREAKING OUT when I have a tank icon next to my name but Im in a dps spec. Its a tactical flashpoint. Its not like youre pulling aggro off me anyway, and Im not giving up 3 or 4k dps just so I can "tank." Im making this go twice as fast as it otherwise would have and youre complaining? :mad:




Realistically, if youre reading this post and learning things, you might not be ready for ops. Yes, there are plenty of people who can go into an operation half asleep and completely drunk and do just fine and dandy but that is a result of gear, familiarity, and hours of practice.


If youre just starting operations here are some things you should know:


Operations are a tier above Flashpoints. Fights are rarely "run in, attack boss, kill boss, loot corpse." Bosses have mechanics, things you have to pay attention to, watch out for, avoid, take care of.


When the person leading the raid gives instructions PAY ATTENTION. As mentioned above, there are things you need to know. Some fights, all it takes is one person not doing their job and you can kill your entire team.


Operations are also more demanding than flashpoints. In KDY, you can get away with doing almost everything wrong while wearing no gear. Operations hold you to a higher standard. Even if you think you know how to play your class, check out a guide or do some parsing. You may be in for a rude awakening, but better that way than being kicked from an ops because you cant pull your weight.


Most of all, calm down and dont freak out. Pay attention to what youre doing and whats going on around you.



About Gearing



One of the design flaws in this game is that the group finder system does not enforce any sort of item level requirements. No content is gated. The second you have met the Character level requirement, you are automatically eligible for the instance as far as the system is concerned. Whether you actually have the gear necessary to do it is immaterial.


The other side of the problem is how de-emphasized "gearing up" is while leveling. You can go from 10 to 55 without ever getting anything more than what was handed out on your starter planet.


The end result is a ton of people ending up in content they arent ready for making things more difficult for everyone.


So, how can you avoid being *that* person?



A Lesson on Comm storage


A while back, Bioware introduced a system that allowed people to sell back certain types of items for full purchase price. IE, you purchase a weapon from the PvP vendor for 900 Warzone Commendations. You have a two hour grace period in which to sell the weapon back and get back your 900 Wz Comms.


The clincher is, this timer does NOT count down while offline it only counts ingame playtime. The second clincher is, you can sell back an item and then immediately repurchase it and you get a new, full 2 hour timer.


This makes it possible for us to store commendations far in excess of the cap listed on our currency page.


Example: You have 2732 warzone commendations. If you do another warzone, most of the commendations you get will be wasted as you can only have a max of 2750. So, instead, you can purchase 3 of the 900 comm pvp weapons from the vendor next to the mission terminal. Now, you have 32 comms (and room for 2718 more) and 3 items in your inventory that for the next two hours of play time can be resold for 900 comms each.


As the timer gets close to running out, you can sell back the weapons (being careful not to go over 2750) and then purchase them right back.


As long as you make sure to refresh the timer before the two hours are up, you can store as many comms as you have inventory space to hold items.


This "trick" works for anything you buy with commendations. IE, Storage boxes from the Planetary commendation vendors, and there is absolutely nothing against the rules about it.


Just make sure you DONT FORGET TO REFRESH THE TIMER. IF you do, youll be very pissed off.





By storing commendations, you can get a head start on the gearing process.


For example, if you store 12500 wz comms (approx 14 weapons), the second you hit level 55 you can purchase a full set of pvp gear. Armour, weapons and offhand, Earpiece, implants, and both relics. Right off the bat. If pvp isnt your thing (or even if it is), you can store planetary comms to purchase the grade 25 item mods from the makeb vendor on fleet as soon as you hit level 50.


Around level 47 dailies start opening up on Ilum and Belsavis. These give credits, some basic level 50 item mods as well as classic commendations, which can be used to purchase levle 50 gear from vendors on fleet and in some of the daily areas.



At Level 50


Once you are level 50, the old level 50 Hard Mode flashpoints become available. Bosses in these instances drop the old Black Hole (146 rating) gear as well as classic commendations that can be used to purchase Campaign from the vendors on fleet. Black Hole and Campaign are both good enough to serve as entry level gear for HM 55s


Dailies open up in the Black Hole (on Corellia) and Section X (on Belsavis). They give credits as well as classic commendations.


You can also begin to do the classic operations (Eternity Vault, Karagga's Palace, and Explosive Conflict) at level 50. These drop Hazmat (grade 150) gear as well as Dread Guard tokens (grade 150 w/ set bonus).



At Level 55


The real gear grind begins here.


But to start, you want to get yourself the rest of the way ready for Level 55 HMs.


Two new daily areas open up once youre are 55, CZ-198 and Oricon. Both have storyline quests attached that give you very decent gear for a starting 55. Technically, you can start doing Czerka Dailies at level 50, but you wont be able to do them by yourself until about level 52 or 53 (depending on the kind of gear you have). Oricon requires level 55 to start.


The easiest place to start the story line quests are on CZ-198 itself. There are two droids in on the landing platfrom, one sends you to fleet and starts the quest for Czerka. The other sends you to Oricon for the culmination of the Dread Master story line that began back on good ol' Belsavis.


Round about now would be a good point to start thinking about getting a permanent armour set. The way gearing and itemisation works in TOR, alot of the mods that come in the gear you get will be somewhat useless. And so, when you get a new peice of gear, its quite likely youll only want one or two of the mods it contains. So, its better to have one set that you augment and then upgrade piecemeal as you can.





You can continue the gear grind without doing operations purchasing vendor gear using Elite and Ultimate comms you get from weeklies and flashpoints, but that stuff is almost all suboptimal. Only the power and crit mods are halfway decent. The enhancements, and all of the tank gear is ultimately, trash. However, this "trash" is probably still better than the flash point gear youre wearing.


As far as fine-tuning your stats, consult a guide/website devoted to that sort of thing.


One thing I find missing from this consists of what you say about GF ops. Seeing as you now get bolstered in GF ops gear is really not an issue sure over geared people would prefer other over geared people or people at least geared for it but bolster essentially does that for you.


what I think the issue really is is people joining GF ops without a clue what there doing not speaking up before and dying coz they don't no mechanics or just simply do not know there class prior to joining the the ops.

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i wish people could read. Read their class abilities, class skill tree and everything related to their class and role so that they can play it better. all that requires is to read, it is simple but there are players who don't even bother reading, not even advice in chat.


So do I, but theres a slight problem with trying to give people written advice on how to read.


One thing I find missing from this consists of what you say about GF ops. Seeing as you now get bolstered in GF ops gear is really not an issue sure over geared people would prefer other over geared people or people at least geared for it but bolster essentially does that for you.


Which is why I didnt really talk about gear in the ops section, I talked about mindset. And I flat out stated that if your reading the thread and learning stuff from it, you might not be (probably arent) ready for operations.

Edited by Dras_Keto
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One thing I wish more people knew - both veterans and newbies - is that 'spacebar' can be used to skip through cut scenes. It seems like I spend half my time in some FPs "waiting for group members". :)


Most of us do know this. But some people enjoy the cut scenes. Of course MMO courtesy is to say "LFG Speed run <insert FP name>" instead of "Spaaaaaaaacebaaaaaaaaar!!!1!!11one!!" in group chat after the FP started. Or after FP has started, say, "Hey, are we skipping the cut scenes, or should I wait?"

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I wish they learned some basic reading comprehension as the vast majority of questions can be answered by simply reading, be it the mission, the ability, the map, the codex, etc.


Seeing questions like...


"What do I need to be able to use <Speeder X with requirement text>?", where the requirements are clearly listed on the item as 'Requires Level 10 and Speeder Piloting I'.




"Where do I go to find stronghold stuff?", when they are on Fleet and the map has a clearly labeled area with 'Strongholds' in the title.




"What does 'some ability' do?", when the ability has text that clearly states what it does.


...all make me wonder just how these players survive in real life.


Similarly, I wish they learned how to pose questions in a manner that would allow someone to provide an actual useful answer.


Simple things like 'I'm having trouble with the boss in <Mission>, any tips for a PT' instead of 'sum 1 halp pls'.

Edited by DawnAskham
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One thing I wish more people knew - both veterans and newbies - is that 'spacebar' can be used to skip through cut scenes. It seems like I spend half my time in some FPs "waiting for group members". :)


Maybe they haven't seen them before. It's rude to assume that just because you've seen them before that everyone else should skip them.

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Scoundrels are not melee class, really. What do scoundrels have to put down a red. Operatives are, the stabby stabby ones. Neither are if they are healers.


Scoundrels use their fists or their shotgun where operatives use knives. It's a mirror class. They're both melee.

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Scoundrels use their fists or their shotgun where operatives use knives. It's a mirror class. They're both melee.[/QUOT


So 4 skills makes you melee. I disagree. They may be close range but it depends on the tree as I said and I certainly don't want to see my healer front and center. That would be incredibly stupid.


Edited to add...dps, yes, may be melee or short range. Healer is not melee.

Edited by AlaricSevGirl
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If you have a CC, let your group know about it and remember that you actually have it. As a Sentinel, you cannot believe how much I have helped out beyond just "damage-dealing capabilities" by being able to CC a droid. Sure, it might only be a silver you can stun, but it's one less mob railing into your tank or wandering off to find your healer. And if there's multiple golds / champions, then guess what? You can stun one of those guys if they're a droid, leaving someone with a "normal CC" to hit up another enemy. More bang for your buck.



Having a Cybertech alt comes in real handy with the Class XP boost going on, as does an Artifice and an Armstech. You can mitigate some of the costs for your mods if you make them yourself, and I haven't seen many, if any, vendors who sell enhancements for credits (unless I keep overlooking them when I go looking for them.)

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Numero Uno: The tone of the post is the reason I haven't ran into a single person I would add to friends list in the GF.

You get more flys with honey then vinegar. Talking to anyone in a totally optional hobby like you talk to people is for certain going to drive people away from your message/advice. People wont learn if the message is wrapped in the garbage you call "bluntness."


#2: On a similar note with the OP attitude is the general feeling that the spacebar exists to ignore where most of the work/budget on this MMO took place.....voice overs and cut scenes...ya know, the actual story. Since the GF is filled with either people who attempt to solo while in a group or elitest a-holes I haven't gotten to see the story of the FPs on the way up. I am going to watch them the first few times that they play. My characters are people...extentions of me...just like in every other ***RPG ever made.


#3: LOL at the gear requirements listed. Buddy of mine and I DUO the hardmodes with Companions and sub 148 gear. The game was not created with the "professional gamer" in mind.


Other then the BS attitude...the actual info in the thread has been interesting. Some of the numbers we didn't know. Thanks big guy/gal/whatever!

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PvP section:


If you have never done PvP and you want to do PvP on your brand new 55. Please do your self a favor and roll an alt and level by PvP from at least 45-55 to learn the flow of the different maps/game types. Also read the forum posts about PvP gearing in your class/PvP forum. This should significantly shorten the learning curve @ 55.


Also don't auto quit out of an arena, it's going to be over quickly if it's a steam roll, and may just get carried by your team mates. You get no comms if you leave early and will probably still be in queue by the time the arena is over.

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Scoundrels use their fists or their shotgun where operatives use knives. It's a mirror class. They're both melee.[/QUOT


So 4 skills makes you melee. I disagree. They may be close range but it depends on the tree as I said and I certainly don't want to see my healer front and center. That would be incredibly stupid.


Edited to add...dps, yes, may be melee or short range. Healer is not melee.


Are you trolling??? Where in hell did you get the idea a healer DPS mattered outside of high level of play (which you appear to be far from with this pointless argument). healer can DPS however the hell they want. DPS scoundrel are melee. Lethality need to Blaster Whip every 6 sec. Scrapper has barely two ranged skill used from time to time. And honestly, healing in melee range and using Backblast on CD is good DPS if there are no mechanics to keep the healer away from the fight.

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I stopped reading the PvP section after the OP claimed DPS didn't matter.


I would really like to know how he plans on capping the node if the enemies are still alive and kicking


Sapcap?? Using you brain. Playing objective and not running after kill at 3000m of the fricking node.

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Sapcap?? Using you brain. Playing objective and not running after kill at 3000m of the fricking node.


I would love to know how you plan on sap capping multiple opponents. there is a time and a place for saps, however in the majority of cases you are far better off just killing everything. Dead bodies don't stop caps.

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I would love to know how you plan on sap capping multiple opponents. there is a time and a place for saps, however in the majority of cases you are far better off just killing everything. Dead bodies don't stop caps.


I guess you didn't even try to understand what OP was saying... PvP isn't about doing damage. Doing damage is a consequence of trying to win. Objective play should ALWAYS take place over e-peen stroking stats.

Edited by Ryuku-sama
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Crinn just flat out doesnt like me. Ignore him. Arguing with a troll is pointless. Hes good enough at pvp to know exactly what Im talking about, hes just willfully misunderstanding me to cause a stir.


Are you trolling??? Where in hell did you get the idea a healer DPS mattered outside of high level of play (which you appear to be far from with this pointless argument). healer can DPS however the hell they want. DPS scoundrel are melee. Lethality need to Blaster Whip every 6 sec. Scrapper has barely two ranged skill used from time to time. And honestly, healing in melee range and using Backblast on CD is good DPS if there are no mechanics to keep the healer away from the fight.


I dunno whats up with that person. Maybe they just got confused and thought I was implying that ... you have to be in melee in any given situation to heal properly as an operative/scoundrel?


Who knows...

Edited by Dras_Keto
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Crinn just flat out doesnt like me. Ignore him. Arguing with a troll is pointless. Hes good enough at pvp to know exactly what Im talking about, hes just willfully


I don't like you? I don't even know who you are.


And whatever you intentions where with your OP, your wording is poor. We don't need any more of the scrubs that run up to the node and repeatedly try to cap despite having three people actively hitting them, all the while wailing in ops cap about how the rest of us are bad because we aren't stopping their cap from being interrupted.


And while I agree with your premise that the scoreboard numbers are not everything I will point out if you start looking at it objectively, for instance looking at killing blows with respect to objective and protection numbers you can get a very accurate picture to who was contributing the most.

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[*]Spamming Overload/Force Wave is also a bad idea. As far as dps goes, its a waste of a GCD. It also tends to completely upset position, interrupt Ravages, break CC's. Its a situation skill, not rotational. -MillionsKNives


^ This! Yargh! Sorcs/Sages/Sins/Shadows: It's not your PVP opener. It's also not a cue ball for breaking up every red pack. It's for *useful* applications, and knocking people off bridges and cliffs so you can laugh at them.

Edited by Joesixxpack
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^ This! Yargh! Sorcs/Sages/Sins/Shadows: It's not your PVP opener. It's also not a cue ball for breaking up every red pack. It's for *useful* applications, and knocking people off bridges and cliffs so you can laugh at them.


And I swear to god if I see *another* force wave or concussive charge, etc knock enemies out of my aoe attacks...

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I don't like you? I don't even know who you are.


And whatever you intentions where with your OP, your wording is poor. We don't need any more of the scrubs that run up to the node and repeatedly try to cap despite having three people actively hitting them, all the while wailing in ops cap about how the rest of us are bad because we aren't stopping their cap from being interrupted.


And while I agree with your premise that the scoreboard numbers are not everything I will point out if you start looking at it objectively, for instance looking at killing blows with respect to objective and protection numbers you can get a very accurate picture to who was contributing the most.


Nowhere in my post is that even tangentially implied to be a good idea. Either you arent actually reading, or youre "reading" while thinking about all the things you want to say and consequently seeing everything you "read" in a context that will allow you to respond in the way you decided to before you even started.


Whichever it is, I dont really care.

Edited by Dras_Keto
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