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Thanks for the 12x XP boost but ..............Optional maybe?


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I appreciate the XP boost...


but it really needs to be an option given not something that is mandatory. I can see the value in marketing terms and for many players they would love this and i wouldnt want to take that away..but for others a meteroric rise isnt always what we are looking for.


I am others would also like the option to toggle it off...just now on alderaan...barely enough credits to buy anything..and just got off choosing my dps or tank path..and haven't even chosen my crafting yet and i'm level 16?


no i cant draw credits from other toons or legacy boosts as i am rolling a new toon on a new server.


As i said love the xp boost..but it needs to be optional and up to the player to decide if they want to take advantage of it. maybe give the toggle a 1-6 hour cool off before it can be turned off or re enabled..

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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I appreciate the XP boost...


but it really needs to be an option given not something that is mandatory.

It's not mandatory. You had the option to wait 'til 12/1 to pre-order and still get the Revan statue. You have the option to not do class quests. You have the option to unsubscribe if it will cancel in time to halt the 12x XP. You have the option to make an F2P account. You have the option to play your 55s if you have any.


You pre-ordered knowing about the 12x XP boost, you knew they had never made XP boost events optional before, yet this time you expect different?


Does not compute.

Edited by branmakmuffin
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It's not mandatory. You had the option to wait 'til 12/1 to pre-order and still get the Revan statue. You have the option to not do class quests. You have the option to unsubscribe if it will cancel in time to halt the 12x XP. You have the option to make an F2P account. You have the option to play your 55s if you have any.


You pre-ordered knowing about the 12x XP boost, you knew they had never made XP boost events optional before, yet this time you expect different?


Does not compute.


i bought the expansion when i had the money to buy it.....


an option to turn it on or off and asking for it is perfectly reasonable.

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i bought the expansion when i had the money to buy it.

And I bet you would have still had that money on 12/1.


an option to turn it on or off and asking for it is perfectly reasonable.

Yeah, it is. But they didn't put one in, did they? And it's not like it's a line in an .ini file: "Enable12xXP=0."


Have they ever put in an option to disable XP or boosted XP?

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Your obviously a troll looking for a flame war and i'm not biting..but welcome to the ignore file..



If you're currently leveling an alt, the boost to xp doesn't stop you from doing what you want to do. I'd say if you want to be a completionist you still can be, the xp boost just gives you the benefit of getting your important class abilities faster.


Also, you don't necessarily have to use the xp boost. You can always wait until the xpac and Disciplines to level an alt for a different experience. I preorderd the xpac so I could level an agent past Hoth for the crit buff. Since then I haven't touched an alt. I'd rather wait for Disciplines first.


I'll have to do that. I am a Completionist..i figured considering the multiple game play styles something as big as a x12 xp boost they would have given an option like the current XP boosts you can get given to you or buy in the Cartel market.. you can use them or choose not to.. I never have used them. i like taking my time..


i was trying to start a few new toons on the Harbinger server as i have been on Shadowlands since launch ..they said their was an Xop boost but i cant see where they laid out how it was implemeted. I assumed like i said it was like the other ones. Click on it and it activates for a period of time..dont want to use it..it stays unused in your inventory or you can destroy it. (<< this would have been a better option as not everyone plays an mmo the same)


i;ll just stick with my alts for the time being and 55's and wait to start a new toon until after the expansion comes out.

Edited by CrazyCanukk
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While I agree with you that this would be a nice thing to add (and, in fact, the main thing preventing me from buying), prepare to be disappointed by pages of people complaining that you would dare suggest that you have a different preference than them.


I'll save you some time from my experience:

  • "Don't play class missions, problem solved."
  • "Don't play with friends without the boost, problem solved."
  • "The toggle is not buying it, problem solved."
  • "I don't mind being over leveled and trivializing content, so you don't either. Problem solved."


So basically, prepare to be shot down by people that relentlessly complain about something that will not affect them at all.

Edited by Elric_VIII
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You just listed the main reasons why i dont post in these forums much or even visit them very often any more at all..


The forum community here is TBH toxic at best. there are good people obviously and i try to put the trolls on the Iggy list as soon as i find them but too many kiddies without the concept of differences...but at least they will make good little mindless puppets for someone when they grow up..lol


either way..I'm just shocked that in a game and a genre that is built around choice and customization..they didn't give the option to exercise a choice in game of how the boost was enabled. I get i didn't HAVE to buy it..but then again im not going to justify my individual situation and my reasons either for buying it when i did.

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If you didn't want to level so fast then you shouldn't have pre ordered. There has never been a toggle for bonus XP so don't expect them to put it in any time soon. I did exactly what the OP did and started a new character on a brand new server. 0 legacy, 0 money. So far I got past chapter 1 and am doing fine and have 200k so the problem is you. You have 0 training costs so you can use that money to buy greens or start off with cybertech and keep your armor mods updated as you level and sell your green gear on the GTN. Its not that difficult but does require some thought.
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Your obviously a troll looking for a flame war and i'm not biting..but welcome to the ignore file.

"I am ignoring you" = "You have confounded me with logic and reason I cannot refute, therefore I will stick my fingers in my ears and go 'Lalalalalala I am not listening to you'." Suit yourself.


either way..I'm just shocked that in a game and a genre that is built around choice and customization..they didn't give the option to exercise a choice in game of how the boost was enabled. I get i didn't HAVE to buy it..but then again im not going to justify my individual situation and my reasons either for buying it when i did.

He complains about lack of choice then admits he didn't have to buy it but did it anyway.



Edited by branmakmuffin
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I don't want the boost, so I haven't ordered the expansion.


I was all ready to, but thankfully I did a bit of reading about the nature of the boost.


This is how to do things correctly.


This man read it and made an informed decision.

He can wait and buy it when he is ready and still get the pre order reward

The only reason to pre order this far in advance is for the class exp boost

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As you choose not to read everything that came with the pre order you could just cancel your pre order until the 1st of Dec. This whole anti xp boost idea is a very unfounded idea. If you go and complete everything on a planet you will be 2-4 levels above the stated levels of the planet you are on. Then when you move on to the next planet you will be so far ahead you will still rip through content anyway. This game is very easy to level by design, so complaining about a lack of challenge in a easy to level game is a bit much. In the end people really need to get over it and stop complaining for the sake of complaining.
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Don't worry.


Bran has been trolling these threads that are asking for this toggle feature (of which there are already a couple.. I would recommend you search before making new threads on the same topic).


He seems to have an issue with anyone who wants to play differently than him... even though his desire affects the gameplay of others while our request for toggle doesn't affect his gameplay.

I believe they call that selfish and arrogant.



I would also recommend making a ticket under the feedback heading in game. The more of us who do that, the better they will have a chance of seeing it.

Edited by PiperPilot
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While I agree with you that this would be a nice thing to add (and, in fact, the main thing preventing me from buying), prepare to be disappointed by pages of people complaining that you would dare suggest that you have a different preference than them.


I'll save you some time from my experience:

  • "Don't play class missions, problem solved."
  • "Don't play with friends without the boost, problem solved."
  • "The toggle is not buying it, problem solved."
  • "I don't mind being over leveled and trivializing content, so you don't either. Problem solved."


So basically, prepare to be shot down by people that relentlessly complain about something that will not affect them at all.





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I love the XP boost but at the same time, given the number of 2xp weekends they have already given, it's a no brainer to Bioware that this is going to be asked (yet again).


Asking players who have enjoy the game differently to delay pre-ordering as a workaround is weird ( shouldn't you be encouraging players to pre-order instead? ), imho and I think they should have at least addressed when or why a xp toggle can or cannot be done by now.

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Just curious to know what is preventing you from doing the other quests? You will get the money still and the rewards. You will get them even faster because you will be higher level the normal so killing the mobs will be easier..
Because people expect the developers to cater to every little whim about how they want to play the game in their own little bubbles.

There are always choices and they are always easy.

Absolutely nothing about XP boosts prevents you from completing every single bit of the game.

Don't want to level so fast? Don't do class missions / Don't pre-order / Drop to preferred.

Want more challenge? Drop behind the gear curve.


There are always options but the anti-XP boost crowd refuses to embrace them.

Thankfully, the devs see them for what they are: A very vocal but very tiny fraction of the player base.


I hate the thought of something like this taking away from time spent on putting actual cool things in the game, but sometimes I wish the devs actually would put a "negative XP boost" item in the Cartel Market just to shut these people up once and for all..

Of course, then they'd start whining about the game becoming pay-to-not-win.

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Because people expect the developers to cater to every little whim about how they want to play the game in their own little bubbles.

There are always choices and they are always easy.

Absolutely nothing about XP boosts prevents you from completing every single bit of the game.

Don't want to level so fast? Don't do class missions / Don't pre-order / Drop to preferred.

Want more challenge? Drop behind the gear curve.


There are always options but the anti-XP boost crowd refuses to embrace them.

Thankfully, the devs see them for what they are: A very vocal but very tiny fraction of the player base.


I hate the thought of something like this taking away from time spent on putting actual cool things in the game, but sometimes I wish the devs actually would put a "negative XP boost" item in the Cartel Market just to shut these people up once and for all..

Of course, then they'd start whining about the game becoming pay-to-not-win.


See, people like you don't understand that maybe others would like to play the game and enjoy the experience. Having encounters be completely trivial unless you go out of your way to gimp yourself is not fun.


Advocates of a toggle are, additionally, providing feedback to aid in appealing to more players. I did not purchase this expansion, and will not in the near future. If I could have it apply to some characters, but not the one I'm leveling with friends, I would buy it. I am telling BW why they are not getting my business.

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Amazing the number of worms that crawl out as soon as someone makes a contructive suggestion.


I had toons I was taking my time with, and enjoying the levelling, before the 12-XP. I've had to put them on hold, and rather I've gone and started levelling the remaining class types I've not done.


A toggle would be nice

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A toggle would be nice, but in the mean time, definitely check out the suggestions in the other threads about how to manage it. Your issue seems to be the gearing, which is easily taken care of by buying cheap green armoring as necessary as you level. You will get enough creds from you class quests alone to take care of things.


I will say that also as others have pointed out, there's nothing that stops you from doing the side missions as you go. You'd do them normally, and in fact, if just needing creds is the issue, you could simply go back and do them once you finish the planet and are maxed at level for the area. The XP boost is a benefit, easily manageable without doing anything additional, but if that isn't the case for someone, the quick leveling makes additional options all the more viable.


Lastly, these threads would probably receive a little less overt criticism if there weren't multiple of them already. I would deserve just as much flaming if I started yet another thread praising the 12XP boost, or explaining how to use it to max benefit, as there are tons of those as well.

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Your obviously a troll looking for a flame war and i'm not biting..but welcome to the ignore file..

He's, by definition, not trolling. He just says what most others are thinking: If you didn't want the 12x boost, you shouldn't have preordered this far.


I'll have to do that. I am a Completionist..i figured considering the multiple game play styles something as big as a x12 xp boost they would have given an option

As said, there is an option: Buy or don't buy. Infact, as others laid out, you can drop to preferred status to toggle it off.

like the current XP boosts you can get given to you or buy in the Cartel market.. you can use them or choose not to.. I never have used them. i like taking my time..

But still you chose the option to get 12x boost:rolleyes:

i was trying to start a few new toons on the Harbinger server as i have been on Shadowlands since launch ..they said their was an Xop boost but i cant see where they laid out how it was implemeted. I assumed like i said it was like the other ones. Click on it and it activates for a period of time..dont want to use it..it stays unused in your inventory or you can destroy it. (<< this would have been a better option as not everyone plays an mmo the same)

The information aren't hard to find. In the infos about the preorder it clearly states that you get 12x xp for class missions. It doesn't state "You get the option for 12x xp"

Maybe you learned something for the future: "Get information first, then decide".

And not decide and after that start complaining about your uninformed decision.

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A toggle would be fine, but it's not like they forced people to accept the EXP boost. You knew it was automatic before preordering and you did it anyway. Besides, nothing is stopping people from completing all of the quests. If you're a completionist and you want to do every planetary quest, then you're going to be over leveled anyway. What does a few more levels matter?



On a personal note, I haven't played this game in over a year and the boost is the only thing that got me to resub. I'm loving the boost a lot. I've done most of the planetary quests multiple times and being able to finish the few class stories that I missed without having to do them again is awesome.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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Honestly, I don't understand what's wrogn with people. So your solution is basically unsubscribing or not preordering expansions?? I think EA should be made aware of people instigating others to NOT purchase their products.


It's a freakign switch, not a new NGE. I personally didn't care much about it till my wife asked me to install TOR on her PC so she can try it and play with me. It's gonna be hard not to over level her when I am getting 12x the XP for my class quests.


Honestly what a bunch of morons

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Honestly, I don't understand what's wrogn with people. So your solution is basically unsubscribing or not preordering expansions?? I think EA should be made aware of people instigating others to NOT purchase their products.


It's a freakign switch, not a new NGE. I personally didn't care much about it till my wife asked me to install TOR on her PC so she can try it and play with me. It's gonna be hard not to over level her when I am getting 12x the XP for my class quests.


Honestly what a bunch of morons



- "So, we get a 12x EXP boost for preordering?"


- *pre-orders*


- "WTH! Why am I leveling so fast?!? Bioware better stop what they're doing and fix this NOW!"



I don't know. Personally, that scenario seems way more moronic than the people in this thread telling you to deal with it.

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